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Server Issues


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5:50 p.m. EASTERN TIME



dcdeb updating again, folks. :)


I've heard from the tech people who asked me to post this:


Dear Club Members


"Please be patient with us while make some updates on this site. We

apologize for this inconvenience, we will be up and running again in no



So it sounds like we'll have a bit more pain and suffering tonight...


Thanks for hanging in there!


Remember: Relax, take it easy

For there is nothing that we can do. :original:









dcdeb again, updating you all:


As you all know by know, the MFC is having some server issues. We've

been told we're moving servers, which is why some of you are here, on

the new server, and some of your friends are NOT here (they are stuck

seeing the old server). It'll take 24-48 hours or so to sort this all out.

So while we wait...


All together everyone. Take a deeeeeep breath. :naughty:


Seriously, don't panic. Things will be back to normal soon.

I just got back on to this new server myself. And in fact last night I

was on and off a few times -- that's the way these things go.


Let's see if I can answer some of your questions here.


Q: "How come the MFC is working perfectly from my iPhone, but I can only get the "server is broken" message from my laptop?"


A: Your phone and your pc are probably drawing from different providers.


I don't want to use a lot of technical terms and buzzwords (mostly because

I'm not a techy person and don't want to get anything wrong )

but in simple terms, the new server has gotten through to your phone's

provider, and it hasn't yet reached your computer's provider. It gets

through at different rates for different people. It'll get there, don't worry,

it just may take a while.


Q: "I noticed that some posts were deleted and seems that an entire thread is missing!"


A: Yes, in the move from one server to another some posts/data may have

been lost. Some may be lost permanently (we hope not), some

temporarily. People are working to restore all our files. Just have some



Q: "Some MFC'ers which couldn't access before the total stop watched at the users list and sent sms saying that.. it was different from what those logged in were reading! So we had like 2 forums?!"


A: Yes, that's exactly what it was like. Two forums. There were some

people who had already gotten through to the new server (this one here).

And some who were still on the old server. Andrew shut the old server

down. Now the people who can't see this new server, are seeing his

"we are closed" message.


So... bottom line? Don't panic. It'll all be fine soon. Hopefully in 24-48



I'll try to keep you updated, I promise.


Any questions, PM me or contact me through myspace: myspace.com/dc1deb


Thanks so much for your patience, and for your help in spreading the

word that things will get better soon!


As Mika would sing: I believe that we're in this together... Don't scream...







StandardToaster here, didn't want to bump this thread off the front page,


I've talked to the new tech staff, and they now have some extra infomation about the mass addiction to this forum :D.


I hear that they're adding a new server, and all should be well tomorrow. Please let others know that we're trying to make this go as smoothly as possible from here on.


You'll know that your on the new server, as the old one will have that friendly "server is broken" message, which I will try to update with more information.


Thanks for your patience!


Hello MFC'ers!


Well, by now you or one of your friends has probably been experiencing

some problems with the forums here. :blink:


We are having some technical issues that we expect will sort themselves

out in the next 24 to 48 hours.


Please don't panic! We'll be back to normal soon!


PM me or send me a message via myspace at myspace.com/dc1deb

if you have questions!



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Hello MFC'ers!


Well, by now you or one of your friends has probably been experiencing

some problems with the forums here. :blink:


We are having some technical issues that we expect will sort themselves

out in the next 24 to 48 hours.


Please don't panic! We'll be back to normal soon! :):thumb_yello:


PM me or send me a message via myspace at myspace.com/dc1deb

if you have questions!


Thanks for your patience! :original:






Thanks for the info!!!!!!!!

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I had PM s sent to me, but now they are gone!:tears:

I was able to read them earlier tonight but I suppose they disappeared in to the Mika triangle too?


I really hope they will come back!


Spooky in here isn’t it?!:shocked:

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ok this is like the 4th server thread i have seen maybe because we are making so many threads its slowing us down:blink: if there is already a thread on the server being messed up dont make a new one just post on the old one:wink2:

Well this is the official one since a mod made it :naughty:

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Thank you for letting us know what's going on!! :thumb_yello:


Also the MFC clock seems to be about 15 minutes fast...


or is it just me??


Yep, it's 15 minutes fast for me, too. It looks like the clock on the new server may be fast, which would cause that.


That's just one of many strange things you all may see in the next couple days - posts, PMs and threads may go missing temporarily, along with avatars.


You may also see posts that, due to technology glitches, ended up in the wrong thread.


But, the wrinkles should be ironed out shortly, and we'll be good as new. :thumb_yello:

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At least you haven't lost your Danny Noriega signature. Now THAT would be a travesty. :mf_rosetinted:


*taps foot*


I'm waiting.



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