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The Oldlings Thread, PART 14 (Version 2.0)


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Hi Girls! I aren't really here! Have you seen the MFC covention thread..it is in gigs and concerts...see ya later :thumb_yello:


Wendi...what do you mean...sell the ticket?? I don't undertsnad the concept!:mf_rosetinted::roftl:

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Wendi..sorry to hear about the cold..take care and wrap up warm..it seems to be spreading through MFC like wildfire!:naughty: Snow again? None for us as usual!:thumbdown:


Yes Patty, I saw that about the texting too! I wouldn't mind but I had finished the text and sent it!:naughty:

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Hi Girls! I aren't really here! Have you seen the MFC covention thread..it is in gigs and concerts...see ya later :thumb_yello:


Wendi...what do you mean...sell the ticket?? I don't undertsnad the concept!:mf_rosetinted::roftl:


MFC convention??? *tears off to read thread*

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Keep cosy and warm, hun ... Mika may need to cosy up :blush-anim-cl: if he does actually fall into Kath's icy cold stream..brrrrrr! :naughty:


Kath can wash him - I will heat him up!!!! :wink2::naughty:


MFC convention??? *tears off to read thread*


*tears off after Patty*

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Hello Oldlings and Others!

Hi dcdeb and the BlackQueen and Racha if you're still here...


It's a lovely sunny day here - usually Good Friday is rainy and dismal.....

Happy Easter and spring to you all too!! :wub2:


You might have sunshine, but here it's gone ominously dark - thundering - and there are waves of sleet sweeping across the ground!


I must be on holiday then.:naughty:


Hello Oldings

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You might have sunshine, but here it's gone ominously dark - thundering - and there are waves of sleet sweeping across the ground!


I must be on holiday then.:naughty:


Hello Oldings


Hiya Silver - its very windy here, and snowing on and off - and

its bitterly cold - so I KNEW you were on holiday!!!! :roftl: :roftl:

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Hiya Silver - its very windy here, and snowing on and off - and

its bitterly cold - so I KNEW you were on holiday!!!! :roftl: :roftl:


yay - it's snowing here now too:yay:


(well a bit, anyway)

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You might have sunshine, but here it's gone ominously dark - thundering - and there are waves of sleet sweeping across the ground!


I must be on holiday then.:naughty:


Hello Oldings


Oh, you poor Silver. *tries to wave away the dark cloud and whisk some Cdn. sunshine over her way*

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Hey Everyone! HAPPY EASTER! It's supposed to be a gorgeous Easter day here...in the 80's to 90's! YAY!!! Can't wait!


Hi Charlotte - Happy Easter to you too - we have wind chill minus 4

here just now!!! :naughty:

Glad your head is a bit better!!! :wub2:

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Re Kath's convention idea (which I think is great), some of the younglings think they would have problems attending, sort of thinking of offering my services as a reponsible adult/chaperone if that would reassure the parents. BUT would that be getting into difficult territory? Would I have to get a CRB check, do you think? Or am I getting ahead of myself?

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Re Kath's convention idea (which I think is great), some of the younglings think they would have problems attending, sort of thinking of offering my services as a reponsible adult/chaperone if that would reassure the parents. BUT would that be getting into difficult territory? Would I have to get a CRB check, do you think? Or am I getting ahead of myself?


Thats an interesting idea - I am not sure how that would work. Maybe

the parents would have to contact folks who are prepared to do that -

so they can chat - and maybe meet up first!! :thumb_yello:

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Hi MamaC! I don't do sun! LOL!! But, if I wasn't going to my parent's this weekend, I would definitely be taking my bike to the beach. I live only 5 blocks from it. :blush-anim-cl:


Too bad about the sun (does it bring on headaches or is it because you are fair skinned?)

I have always loved sunbathing - realize it's not supposed to be good for you, but I don't smoke regularly or have many bad habits :boxed: -well that i will admit to :naughty: , so i enjoy the sun almost guilt-free!

5 blocks to the beach - Heaven! And is Mika not frequenting a recording studio somewhere in LA?:naughty:

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Yeah, I have very fair skin. I've been staying out of the sun since I was 18 years old. It really ages you. But, before I was 18, I was a complete sunbather. I loved to tan. However, 2 years ago, I came down with skin cancer right under my eye and had to have it removed. Thank God for a good plastic surgeon because you really can't tell. BTW-the skin cancer was caused by the sunbathing when I was a kid.


So, nothing is guilt free. Be careful. :wink2:




Too bad about the sun (does it bring on headaches or is it because you are fair skinned?)

I have always loved sunbathing - realize it's not supposed to be good for you, but I don't smoke regularly or have many bad habits :boxed: -well that i will admit to :naughty: , so i enjoy the sun almost guilt-free!

5 blocks to the beach - Heaven! And is Mika not frequenting a recording studio somewhere in LA?:naughty:

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