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The Oldlings Thread, PART 14 (Version 2.0)


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Yeah, I have very fair skin. I've been staying out of the sun since I was 18 years old. It really ages you. But, before I was 18, I was a complete sunbather. I loved to tan. However, 2 years ago, I came down with skin cancer right under my eye and had to have it removed. Thank God for a good plastic surgeon because you really can't tell. BTW-the skin cancer was caused by the sunbathing when I was a kid.


So, nothing is guilt free. Be careful. :wink2:


That is really scary Charlotte!!! I am careful when my children go

out in the sun - but not so bothered about myself. My skin very

rarely burns - and its pretty tough!!! :naughty:

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That is really scary Charlotte!!! I am careful when my children go

out in the sun - but not so bothered about myself. My skin very

rarely burns - and its pretty tough!!! :naughty:


What is this word "suntan"?. Come to that, what is this word "sun"?

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and ive been tanning for the last week....




Hi Tootch. I think I'd enjoy some sun right now. We have been promised strong northerly winds and wintery showers for the whole of the Easter weekend.:thumbdown:

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We just got a weather alert saying 2-5 inches of snow tonight into tomorrow....might be kind of hard for an Easter Egg hunt. Heading home now, so I won't be on till Monday. HAVE A HAPPY EASTER.

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We just got a weather alert saying 2-5 inches of snow tonight into tomorrow....might be kind of hard for an Easter Egg hunt. Heading home now, so I won't be on till Monday. HAVE A HAPPY EASTER.


Bye Ricki, happy Easter to you too

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Hi again all.

Just caught up, wish I was in LA where the weather is nice and warm. Theres talk of snow here, but we've avoided it so far, so we may get away with it.

Gonna check out the convention thread, see what's going on with that.

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Bon Soir, Oldlings!

Happy First Day of Spring!

we are getting 4 to 6" of snow by tomorrow.

It's the swirly stinging snow that is coming from every direction at once.

I want to go back into hibernation.

what's new with everyone else?

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Hi Oldlings! There's snowtalk in Holland too! Coldest Eastern in 40 years they expect.....brrrrrrr.....


Don't have much time at the moment. Promised daughter to watch the movie Crusade in Jeans with her. She says is takes 125 minutes, so I hope to be back later this evening. Rather don't wanna start my weekend without MFC!

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Hi everyone! I'm back on. It was so weird. What did I miss? I was reading #14 when it disappeared on me and it was back to #13. But then RL got a bit busy.

Far too complicated to explain, but welcome back anyway

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Hi Silver, hi Leona.


No spring here yet but I think we will miss that storm. It's going just south of us. Some of the snow has melted but it got cold again.


I see that a whole bunch of my posts got lost. Oh well.

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Hi Silver, hi Leona.


No spring here yet but I think we will miss that storm. It's going just south of us. Some of the snow has melted but it got cold again.


I see that a whole bunch of my posts got lost. Oh well.


They've disappeared into the Mika triangle (Jemmalee - no comments please):cool:


You should check out the Capital radio awards thread (on front page); also Kath has set up a Convention thread.

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They've disappeared into the Mika triangle (Jemmalee - no comments please):cool:


You should check out the Capital radio awards thread (on front page); also Kath has set up a Convention thread.


Thanks! I'll go check it out. What is the convention thread?

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Re Kath's convention idea (which I think is great), some of the younglings think they would have problems attending, sort of thinking of offering my services as a reponsible adult/chaperone if that would reassure the parents. BUT would that be getting into difficult territory? Would I have to get a CRB check, do you think? Or am I getting ahead of myself?


Yes, I am sure that there will be a few of us (myself included) that have current CRBs. I think it would be difficult to do it 'officially' as we would probably be getting into legalities but I would certainly be happy to talk to parents as reassurance...we are probably older than some of the parents!:naughty:


Catch you later Patty :wub2:


Am around - but may not answer - suddenly exhausted, so must

lie down xx


I see you are back now Wendi...did you have a good rest? Feel any better?:thumb_yello:

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