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Do you believe in SOUL MATES?

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I believe in soul mates / twin souls. I don't think that they necessarily have to turn into a husband or wife though, that's just an extra surprise if it happens. It's more like someone who can finish your sentences for you. Someone who knows when somethings wrong even when you're smiling. Someone who you have a thousand things in common with but still loves you despite differences. There's an unconditional feeling to the friendship/relationship but there's so much respect between the two people that to do something hurtful to one another is unthought of. And I don't think you know from the first moment you lay eyes on them that they are a soul mate, but there is some kind of magnetic attraction that makes them more interesting than any other person in the room...


That's enough from me for now. :naughty: *runs off*

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I see more people arguing then holding hands so I don't think soul mates really exist.


Your soulmate is the one you can argue with while holding hands. :blush-anim-cl:


I don't know about soul mates. To me, that term sort of seems to imply some magical love where everything is always unicorns and daisies, which of course is unrealistic. I do think that people are very much capable of finding "the one" - and I think people can have more than one soulmate.


I dated a guy once who had this utterly freaky ability to know what I was thinking or feeling. For example, my dog died one afternoon, and soon after I found out about it he called me in a panic and said he had this feeling something was wrong. In the year we were together, things like that happened almost weekly. I saw him recently, and there was that same old feeling - like around him I was completely exposed. He can still, five years later, read me like a book.


But, the relationship ended for a reason - we were so, so bad for each other. It was intense, and the whole strange connection thing had me believing I'd found my soul mate - but we just weren't right for each other. We are far too different for it to work.


With Andrew, it's like...it's hard to explain. He's certainly not the guy I thought I'd end up with when I was young and daydreaming about the kind of man I'd marry. (Melanie - I, too, wanted a poet, and I got a computer programmer! :roftl:) But he's wonderful. When I see him at the end of a long work day, just the sight of him makes me smile. It's as though we connect on all the right levels. He doesn't have the aforementioned almost-psychic ability of my ex...but that's perfectly fine. It's just as it should be. It really is one of those things that can't be explained. When it's right, you really just know. Cliche, yes, but true.


There you go again, Melanie, bringing out the sap in me...:naughty:


I used to be a believer in soulmates, but now I'm not too sure......


Oh? *is all ears*

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You and Andrew are so cute together!


I think I may be biased. After all, I'm marrying a guy who was willing to come with me as I chased Mika 2,000 miles up North America's west coast. :roftl:


(He emailed me at work a few days ago, and said quote - "I wish we were in LA again. That first moment when he came out and sang that first part of Relax - there was nothing like that, was there?")


So really, I can't complain. :das:

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I think I may be biased. After all, I'm marrying a guy who was willing to come with me as I chased Mika 2,000 miles up North America's west coast. :roftl:


(He emailed me at work a few days ago, and said quote - "I wish we were in LA again. That first moment when he came out and sang that first part of Relax - there was nothing like that, was there?")


So really, I can't complain. :das:


That's so awesome/sweet:wub2:



You two are such a great couple

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My soulmates are music and technology :wub2:


I don't have a human soulmate. If I do, he's dead and will not be reincarnated. Perhaps some people have 'soulmates', if they even exist, but there are also plenty of people out there who are destined to be alone. I'm one of the latter.


... Well, I won't be entirely alone, I'll have my laptop to keep me company :biggrin2:


But yeah. I don't know whether I believe in soulmates... it sounds like just a Disney fantasy to me, but you never know. Life is full of the unknown, the illogical... there are some things that you can't completely discount, I think.

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I thought I found my soulmate, but he was an a******e.


Do we not have censors here anymore?

Yes, but you can say that word..

But you still can't say Hilary S****.. She's a NO NO :sneaky2:


And I thought I'd found my soul mate too..

We were quite suited in every way. Apart from him being an a*****e as well.:naughty:

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I do believe in soulmates, I think I've met mine, but it was when I was 5, in France. He always knew exactly what I was thinking, It was so strange. I don't know where he lives or anything, but I hope we'll meet again once..:wink2:

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Now I'm not completely religious, but here's something for you:

Tomorrow at 3 PM you can ask God for whatever you want and he won't deny you.


What internet forward did you get that from?


It has nothing to do with religion... it's like the 11:11 thing.

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"Now I'm not completely religious, but here's something for you:

Tomorrow at 3 PM you can ask God for whatever you want and he won't deny you."


What time zone? :shocked::biggrin2:


haha, nono asked the same thing... What I read said 3pm in whatever timezone you're in:naughty:


Did yours pass?


You have to catch a flight than lol

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If you post that again in my sight I might have to smack you :lmao:


I don't believe in that whole faith rubbish.. envision it and you will have it. It all just has to do with timing and if you really want something.


I sorta agree with you. We learned about something like this in psychology. There are two main types of people in this sense (obviously there are people who fall in the middle and don't fit either category). People who rely on outside things to control their lives and people who rely strictly on themselves to control their lives. The outside forces include fate, destiny, etc. while the inside forces are more like "I really can only rely on myself to get things done". Overall, the people who rely on inside forces are much more happier and less stressed because if they want something, they get it, whereas the outside forces are more stressed because they don't know if it's coming, if it even does.


Anyway, that's my psychology lesson. Obviously, I'm more an inside force believer. If I want something, I've got to be the one to do it. I'm not saying I don't believe in fate and destiny, 'cause I do to an extent. However, I'm not going to wait around for my soul mate (because I don't think I believe in one). Actually, I don't even think about one. I just live my life and it I stumble upon someone, then great. If I don't, oh well.


I will say I agree with Hannah about people not necessarily having soul mates but people who go together. I don't imagine anything ever tearing my parents apart especially since what has happen lately. They are still together and will always be. Also my aunts and uncles are still together. Both my grandmothers' husbands died quite some time ago and since then my one grandma had a failed marriage and one just got married a few years ago (at 73!) to the man she dumped for her first husband. I suppose that is the little hint of fate that I believe in.

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I sorta agree with you. We learned about something like this in psychology. There are two main types of people in this sense (obviously there are people who fall in the middle and don't fit either category). People who rely on outside things to control their lives and people who rely strictly on themselves to control their lives. The outside forces include fate, destiny, etc. while the inside forces are more like "I really can only rely on myself to get things done". Overall, the people who rely on inside forces are much more happier and less stressed because if they want something, they get it, whereas the outside forces are more stressed because they don't know if it's coming, if it even does.


Anyway, that's my psychology lesson. Obviously, I'm more an inside force believer. If I want something, I've got to be the one to do it. I'm not saying I don't believe in fate and destiny, 'cause I do to an extent. However, I'm not going to wait around for my soul mate (because I don't think I believe in one). Actually, I don't even think about one. I just live my life and it I stumble upon someone, then great. If I don't, oh well.


I will say I agree with Hannah about people not necessarily having soul mates but people who go together. I don't imagine anything ever tearing my parents apart especially since what has happen lately. They are still together and will always be. Also my aunts and uncles are still together. Both my grandmothers' husbands died quite some time ago and since then my one grandma had a failed marriage and one just got married a few years ago (at 73!) to the man she dumped for her first husband. I suppose that is the little hint of fate that I believe in.


Damn you are smart! :blink: I really understood all o that and I must say I'm pretty much the same as you, except for that fact that I'm sure there's no one out there for me. There are certain people that go together. My dad and his girlfriend are the same :naughty: It's so weird how alike they are and how well they get along! I can't say the same for my mother and her boyfriend though :boxed:

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I've never been in love, but I've gotten my heart broken. Just once, though. It was about two years ago, and it was a big mess. So I put up this wall which allows me to not get hurt. But at least I can admit it.




ROFLLLLLLLL it's a guy.




:roftl: well so-rry! *does head bobble chicken thing*

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I think I may be biased. After all, I'm marrying a guy who was willing to come with me as I chased Mika 2,000 miles up North America's west coast. :roftl:


(He emailed me at work a few days ago, and said quote - "I wish we were in LA again. That first moment when he came out and sang that first part of Relax - there was nothing like that, was there?")


So really, I can't complain. :das:



Don't we all...*sighs*

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Who me??????????????????????????????????????????????:naughty:


Well, if so than I just said that I learned about the hour of mercy thing in my Theo. class at school... But than, I was like " you know, she doesn't need me to explain it realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly."


But, it's good friday sooooooo:thumb_yello:

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