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Violet_sky! No need to apologize (to me anyway). You're feelings are totally legitimate. Regardless of whether I sought his autographs, meet ups and pics in the past, (gosh, just look at my siggy) and that we look at this differently, I could never think that your view is less valid.


It never even occurred to me that what you expressed could be taken so negatively...I don't understand how anyone would think that. :blink:


And even now, I no longer want to seek out the same attention from Mika that was easier to achieve a year ago (when he initiated and welcomed the fan meet ups)...but it's not realistic and its almost a turn-off now when reading about people who feel entitled to it (considering the recent "brain breaking" experiences of late) to expect anything more than just enjoying his show.


Perhaps you were misinterpreted and one of your posts were taken out of context or in isolation, because I can't fathom why it should matter to anyone that you gave your honest opinion.

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Oh gosh, sweetheart, don't be sorry. Everyone's got their own opinion. Blimey, could you imagine the amount of "sorry" threads we'd have if people disagreed? I mean sure I can understand if a large amount of people were ganging up on you because of some abusive comment, but sweetheart I've read a lot of the things you have said and I never spotted anything wrong, personally :blink:


It's over now hun. Time to move forward :thumb_yello:

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Oooh Violet!!


Don´t be silly.


You´re one of the nicest, sweetest people on this forum, and your posts are always fair and well worded.

If someone is really able of finding them patronising...then, quite frankly, I personally think that they´ve probably got issues:naughty:


Just continue being you:wub2: :wub2:

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Hey VS, I remember meeting you for the first time in Munich, and you were very sweet, and from what I read you have nothing to apologise for.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I agree with what you say about not wanting to see Mika if you have nothing to talk about. I had got his autograph a few times, so I got to thinking, especially after him saying that he would rather talk to fans, but they seemed to just want him to sign his name, and go off without giving him the chance to chat with them, maybe I should just talk to the guy and give him something back. Hence the start of the random questions.

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