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American Thread Part IV


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Yeah, he had a really thick accent....he was lovely!


..other than the fact that he taught microeconomics, that is. LOL

I bet listening to that accent made learning microeconomics so much better. :lol3:


And yea, it really is sick when teachers go along with that kind of stuff. They should act their ages. They don't get paid to flirt with minors.

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I personally believe that any type of sexual contact with minors, whether it be one or a numerous number, is completely and utterly wrong. I'm actually quite sickened at how teachers are taking advantage of young students more and more these days. When you can't trust your teachers....well, that's just dispicable.


And I say this regardless of my future profession.


I agree, Amanda.


My drama teacher never did anything sexual with any of the students (at least not to my knowledge) but he was really really inappropriate with them. He had the girls's cell phone numbers, and would favor those who would flirt with him, and was rude if you didn't flirt. :blink: My freshmen year of high school, a lot of us felt like we had to be one of those silly, giggly girls so we wouldn't fail his class...he really would tamper with your grades if you did something he didn't like.


but, he got a job at a different school, so he's not going to be here next year! huzzah!

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I had a crush on a teacher old enough to be my grandfather when I was in eighth grade.:roftl:

Um.... gross. LMFAO


Jeez, megan. obsessed much :lmfao:

Obsessed with what? :naughty:

Yeah, he had a really thick accent....he was lovely!


..other than the fact that he taught microeconomics, that is. LOL

Microeconomics :das: Nice choice, lol.

VERY. in my mind..he is very funny and..I dunno. I had a crush on him for a while. to be honest..I wouldn't have minded being that student...as disturbing as that is.

I probably would have liked him too :das:

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:lmao: I know! It's terrible, I really have a thing for older men. I bet my husband is going to be at least seven years older than me.:naughty:


I like older men too, but those canes really just don't do it for me :naughty: In a few years I'll like my age group :naughty:

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Wow, Hilary...that's horrible. It makes me really sad to hear about things like that. Teachers should be a source that you can go to for help, not a source that leads children down the wrong road.




But, he's gone now, so he can't corrupt the incoming freshmen. :D



:lmao: I know! It's terrible, I really have a thing for older men. I bet my husband is going to be at least seven years older than me.:naughty:

ahahaha, me too! :bleh:

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hello, how is everybody=]

There are so many cottonwood seedy fluff things in the air that it looks like it's snowing at 76degrees. It's actually quite pretty.

tomorrow is my LAST FULL DAY OF SCHOOL. i'm a little but happy....just a little bit:biggrin2:

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Did they crown you, too?!


No way, yellow knight all the way!:wub2:

Everyone gets a crown, jessica, don't feel speshul :mf_rosetinted::roftl:


No, I bought a silver princess crown. Actually, I complained because everyone else had one and I didn't then begged for one and my parents said it was so hackin' expensive, my uncle and aunt bought it for me.:punk:

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