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American Thread Part IV


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Hello everyone.

Crazy storm here last night. I had a delayed opening today because half the town's power was out. (Not mine, for once). :biggrin2:


hey! how are u?

and what is u w/ the weather, everything was perfect, but it feels like storms are headed their way over :( o well



so wats new?

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hey! how are u?

and what is u w/ the weather, everything was perfect, but it feels like storms are headed their way over :( o well



so wats new?

There was a big storm here last night that lasted about 30 minutes or so. Thunder, lightning, and strong winds. Lots of trees were blown over that knocked down power lines. I was at Youth Group, and the wind was so strong, it blew my church's tiles off.

I'm okay....finally relaxing after an ordeal to get my license renewed. BOO! LOL


How are ya? :)


Ew, that doesn't sound so fun, hah.

I'm pretty good. Exams start tomorrow.:boxed: I'll be cramming later on.:naughty:

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There was a big storm here last night that lasted about 30 minutes or so. Thunder, lightning, and strong winds. Lots of trees were blown over that knocked down power lines. I was at Youth Group, and the wind was so strong, it blew my church's tiles off.



Ew, that doesn't sound so fun, hah.

I'm pretty good. Exams start tomorrow.:boxed: I'll be cramming later on.:naughty:


omg! that would b scary, haveing the tiles blown off?!

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omg! that would b scary, haveing the tiles blown off?!


Yea, we were all scared. It sounded like a car was going to drive through the window.:blink:

When I went outside, it was like a scene from a horror movie. Tree branches all over the streets, the tiles everywhere, sirens going off left and right, and a lightening storm a few miles away. The lightening looked really neat.

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Yea, we were all scared. It sounded like a car was going to drive through the window.:blink:

When I went outside, it was like a scene from a horror movie. Tree branches all over the streets, the tiles everywhere, sirens going off left and right, and a lightening storm a few miles away. The lightening looked really neat.


i woudda peed my pants right then and there! lol

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Megan, hope all is well and not too over flooding. We did get a lot of rain last weekend. Tornado warnings, flash flooding. Everything here in our part of Illinois is okay now. We got a little freaked out about the tornado warning though. We had to go in our aunts and uncles basement because we were house and dog sitting.


Laura, hope all goes with the drivers education class. The written exam was kind of hard for us. That was probably back in 2002. We passed the driving part well enough. I, Megan have got a speeding ticket.:naughty: Me and my sister were late for a college class and I passed someone and sped up to around 80 because I hate being in the other lane for a long time so I tend to gun it while passing. A cop caught me. Had to get it off my record and everything. And the bummer was that I had this presentation in about 5 minutes.:naughty: That is the only ticket I got.


Woohoo that finals and classes are over for you. We love that feeling. We start more college in the fall.


Well, better get back to work, I'm on a little break.:naughty: So how is everyone doing? We hope fine and dandy.


The Meyer Twins

Megan and Haley


Sorry bout this but wot is the drivers education class? unsure it we have it in the uk

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Sorry bout this but wot is the drivers education class? unsure it we have it in the uk

It's a class that teaches the basics of driving. The rules on the road, what different signs and hand signals mean, the lines on the road, basics about the car, things like that. :)

I'm not sure if every state here is the same, but I took mine last year in school.

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Sorry bout this but wot is the drivers education class? unsure it we have it in the uk


It's a class that teaches the basics of driving. The rules on the road, what different signs and hand signals mean, the lines on the road, basics about the car, things like that. :)

I'm not sure if every state here is the same, but I took mine last year in school.


yes, in the U.S. you have to to pass a course before you can drive a car. usually you can take it when you're 14 and 8 months (i think ?) But i'm really late taking it.

It sucks.:naughty::thumbdown:

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It's a class that teaches the basics of driving. The rules on the road, what different signs and hand signals mean, the lines on the road, basics about the car, things like that. :)

I'm not sure if every state here is the same, but I took mine last year in school.


In school??

In the uk you can go for driving lessions when you turn 17. You have to do a theory test then you go for a pratical test. when can you start to learn to drive in usa?

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I didn't get to take that class...instead, my dad taught me. Scary stuff.... LOL

:lol3: I wish my mother would teach me already! She only has to take me to the place with my information, I take an eye test, and presto! I get my permit.

But she wont take me..:blink: I'll get her to do it this summer.

yes, in the U.S. you have to to pass a course before you can drive a car. usually you can take it when you're 14 and 8 months (i think ?) But i'm really late taking it.

It sucks.:naughty::thumbdown:


Are you taking the written test or the road test?

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It's a class that teaches the basics of driving. The rules on the road, what different signs and hand signals mean, the lines on the road, basics about the car, things like that. :)

I'm not sure if every state here is the same, but I took mine last year in school.


In school??

In the uk you can go for driving lessions when you turn 17. You have to do a theory test then you go for a pratical test.

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:lol3: I wish my mother would teach me already! She only has to take me to the place with my information, I take an eye test, and presto! I get my permit.

But she wont take me..:blink: I'll get her to do it this summer.



Are you taking the written test or the road test?


You guys have to do an eye test? we dont have to do that in uk

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In school??

In the uk you can go for driving lessions when you turn 17. You have to do a theory test then you go for a pratical test. when can you start to learn to drive in usa?


Yea, they don't teach you how to drive in your high school, though. Just the basics. Here you have to go to a driving school to actually learn to drive. After 6 months of driving lessons, you can get your permit, or you can just wait until you're seventeen (which I did because I don't have money to pay for those lessons!).

After you get your permit you can take the road test, and if you pass, you get your license.


The age varies from state to state. In New Jersey you can start at sixteen, but an adult must be in the car, and you can only have one other passenger.

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Yea, they don't teach you how to drive in your high school, though. Just the basics. Here you have to go to a driving school to actually learn to drive. After 6 months of driving lessons, you can get your permit, or you can just wait until you're seventeen (which I did because I don't have money to pay for those lessons!).

After you get your permit you can take the road test, and if you pass, you get your license.


The age varies from state to state. In New Jersey you can start at sixteen, but an adult must be in the car, and you can only have one other passenger.


In england they dont teach you bout cars in senior school. you get your provisional drivers licence then you go for lesions. they dont take you unless they can see you have your licence. the teacher puts you in for a theory test that you do in frount of a computer then you have 2 years to pass your pratical driving testr. if you dont pass before 2 years then you have to do your theory again. my mate kirst has to do that. i past 6 months after my theory test.

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In england they dont teach you bout cars in senior school. you get your provisional drivers licence then you go for lesions. they dont take you unless they can see you have your licence. the teacher puts you in for a theory test that you do in frount of a computer then you have 2 years to pass your pratical driving testr. if you dont pass before 2 years then you have to do your theory again. my mate kirst has to do that. i past 6 months after my theory test.


you can drive when you're 16 here if you've passed segment one and two. You have to take a class and at the end of the class you take a test and if you pass that you get a temporary permit (have to drive with adult) and then segment two, if you pass the road test then you can drive at 16

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hey americans, it's late (for me at lest) i dunno if anybody is up, but i thought i'd share my rather amusing (to me) new drink of choice:naughty:




*points to name*


Thats a picture of me on the horse, my hair is luscious, I know- it's the new shampoo.


You're smiling on the inside.

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hey americans, it's late (for me at lest) i dunno if anybody is up, but i thought i'd share my rather amusing (to me) new drink of choice:naughty:




*points to name*


Thats a picture of me on the horse, my hair is luscious, I know- it's the new shampoo.


You're smiling on the inside.

Hahaha! Neat.


....And you're right. I am smiling on the inside:bleh:.


I really wish I had hair like that.


What time is it where you live? It's only 9:15 here. But it's the MFC has been kind of slow since I've been on. First day back! I graduated yesterday.So now it's officially summer break. And that means MFCing like crazy:naughty:.



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