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We want Pinkunicorn123 back!


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transparency= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transparency_%28humanities%29 {quite long explanation of this derived from politics term} bried dictionary version: I understand that communications have to be bilateral, and you? I've nothing to protect if we agree to be fair eachother


Yes, I agree. Bilateral communication and trust is the key here.

We cannot work properly if you don't come to us and we get biased info via people who heard that people heard that... etc etc.

We also can misread, misunderstand, and make mistakes. When that happens, I would encourage you to start a thread like they did for Pink. I think it helps everybody.

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I think the main issue here was not the joke, it was the fact that even after she knew that Wendi and a lot of people were concerned with it, she not only took her time to admit it was her, but also teased people about the whole issue. I think she took it a bit too far. That said, I'm happy she's allowed back. She seems like a great girl.:thumb_yello:


Can I add my two cents on the whole forum rules thing?This is the first forum I've ever participated in, so I'm not sure how other fanclubs work.Since I joined in august, I think the number of member has at least doubled. That's a lot, and I've seen it grown from a big family to a bigger, sometimes disfunctional family. I don't post much, but sometimes I'm not sure of what i can or can't say, specially when I'm trying to be funny (what some people may consider funny others may think it's rude)But I always have in mind that the people who run this place are trying to do their best, and their workload has grown at the same speed as Mika's career has. So I think we just have to wait a while to be fully organized. I'm just saying this because I see that people (myself included) are quick to blame the mods in some situations, when the truth is they are always walking a fine line.

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I think the main issue here was not the joke, it was the fact that even after she knew that Wendi and a lot of people were concerned with it, she not only took her time to admit it was her, but also teased people about the whole issue. I think she took it a bit too far. That said, I'm happy she's allowed back. She seems like a great girl.:thumb_yello:


Can I add my two cents on the whole forum rules thing?This is the first forum I've ever participated in, so I'm not sure how other fanclubs work.Since I joined in august, I think the number of member has at least doubled. That's a lot, and I've seen it grown from a big family to a bigger, sometimes disfunctional family. I don't post much, but sometimes I'm not sure of what i can or can't say, specially when I'm trying to be funny (what some people may consider funny others may think it's rude)But I always have in mind that the people who run this place are trying to do their best, and their workload has grown at the same speed as Mika's career has. So I think we just have to wait a while to be fully organized. I'm just saying this because I see that people (myself included) are quick to blame the mods in some situations, when the truth is they are always walking a fine line.


Nice post .. end of the day the Mods are Mika fans trying to make the MFC a safe and happy place , ideally they should never have to step in ....


We have gone from a "family" where everyone kinda knew each other to something much bigger


The hardest part is the judgement sometimes you get it right sometimes wrong ....,when trust and security is broken we cannot sit back and laugh it off

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Nice post .. end of the day the Mods are Mika fans trying to make the MFC a safe and happy place , ideally they should never have to step in ....


We have gone from a "family" where everyone kinda knew each other to something much bigger


The hardest part is the judgement sometimes you get it right sometimes wrong ....,when trust and security is broken we cannot sit back and laugh it off




OK, Niki already made a statement about the situation. We´re really working hard in the guidelines but we want them to be as perfect as possible. You can imagine how difficult is to make this but we all agree this is important for the correct running of MFC. I won´t ask you for being patient but i want to tell you we try to be fair in all our decisions, but we´re all humans. That´s why i ask you for giving us the benefit of the doubt before asking for fire us.

Our main aim is making this place safe, pleasant and habitable to all. Sorry if you´re thinking something different.

In this particular case, it was Freddie´s decision and he explained all of you why he acted and did what he did. Things are more clean now and pink will be back as soon she tries to get online :thumb_yello:

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Hence the overall MFC security thing


That was ALL based on trust , many threads involve taking peoples addresses , now we all may look on that as totaly innocent or we can look at that in a more sinister way ....


I think it was a joke , but if she had said straight away in that thread instead of teasing us all I would have had more respect


That's the bit I am struggling with too. It was obvious that Wendi wanted it to stop.

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Before I run off to catch up on what seems like a hell of a lot, I would like to raise a few toasts and make a speech or two.


First of all, a HUGE thank you goes to everyone who has campaigned for my return in a variety of ways.

It would be impossible to single everyone out so please do not take offence, but special thank yous to:

Wendy and Niki27 (who I know lost a lot of sleep in the process), Diana and the other mods who have been dealing with the large amount of posts related to my ban and took the bulk of the agression that resulted from it, Oakie Doke, Tomomi, Norwalk174, Petra, Phunky, Greta, lilmot and anyone else who has been sporting Pinkunicorn123 related custom titles, avatars and signatures, and of course FreddiesDouble.

I realise a lot of you have taken on some hostility towards him as a result of how the ban was carried out, but it is not hostility that I share with you.

Although proceedures may not have been followed in the way that we come to expect from our moderators and administration, there have been numerous times where actions on my part have had a blind eye turned towards, and in that sense, this also does not follow proceedure.

Considering this would be my third ban, given my comments and actions, cumulatively, the ban was diserved, and I realise that most of you have been viewing it on a smaller scale based on the events of the past few days. I have been banned before for decidedly appropriate reasons, I realise that this time, it was the manner in which the ban took place, but given my past history on the mfc, the circumstances and what we can only guess as to Freddie’s mood that day - on my part, I think the ban was understandable and I hope that the mfc welcomes this idea also. Its seems a lot of the mfc have lost sight of that fact, his actions may have been wrong but they are none the less understandable and I think that we should credit the fact that he has accepted this (as well as dealing with abuse as a result of it) and openly given his reasoning (if not belatedly) AND allowed my conditional return.

I hope that (and this is where I get patriotic in a sense) that as a community we can move on and focus on more topic things as, after all, this is a mika fan forum!

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*starts singing stalkerish song to pink*

You're a part time lover and a full time friend

The monkey on you're back is the latest trend

I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else

But pink


I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train

I kiss you all starry eyed, my body's swinging from side to side

I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else

But pink


Here is the church and here is the steeple

We sure are cute for two ugly people

I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else

But pink


The pebbles forgive me, the trees forgive me

So why can't, you forgive me?

I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else

but pink


I will find my nitch in your car

With my mp3 DVD rumple-packed guitar

I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else

But pink


Du du du du du du dudu

Du du du du du du dudu

Du du du du du du dudu du

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That's the bit I am struggling with too. It was obvious that Wendi wanted it to stop.



Same here. I really hope an apology was given to Wendi. I really think an official apology should be made to those that were "teased," "tricked," and generally mislead as a result of this hilarious "joke."

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Same here. I really hope an apology was given to Wendi. I really think an official apology should be made to those that were "teased," "tricked," and generally mislead as a result of this hilarious "joke."


Pink apologised to me, and to my daughter :thumb_yello:

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Now that i have finally caught up with this thread (after a lengthy interval) i would like to respond to a few points, appologies if i forget some of the things i want to say, but i read part of this yesterday and my memory is appauling.


Thank you for everyone who contributed to campaigning for my return.


You are right in saying that i did not realise why i was banned, and i still somewhat dont but i have a general idea.

I also connected a few events on Sunday when were were discussing it over msn, and those have not been mentioned on the mfc as of yet, so i do understand some of the reasoning.


First of all to Babs' post about myself (simply because it is the first one i remember, and it does not discount the importance of anyone else's points).

(Change of plan, my first response was longer than expected, looks like i am going to have to take my time in responding to this thread and do them in parts)


Much as i disagree with her comment on intellect, it has become apparent after several discussions with members that there are some rather personal points about me that need clearing up. It was not until these things were mentioned to people over the course of the weekend that members had some insight into the way that i am, which is why, considering this is my last chance, i think it is important to share it with you.

I am autistic, it is not something that i am proud of, or like to discuss openly unless i feel it is necessary and i do generally take every precaution to hide that for a number of reasons. One of which being that those who know what autism is, generally tend to have a stereotypical view of it.

I person i met once who knew of this did not understand why i was 'normal' and did not spend my days running in circles and repeatedly banging my head against walls.

Autism affects different people in different ways dependant on the severity of their ASD and on their age and personality.

One of the 'features' of autism is that where as a standard person can in their minds, clearly mark the lines between: 'This is okay', 'This might not be okay' and 'This is wrong' - people with autism cannot do that so clearly, if at all.

Which is why (if you speak with me regularly) you will notice moments where i will do something completely inappropriate and see no issue with it.

An example that i used yesterday was that i once got my ipod out at a wake, and could not see why that would be disrespectful.

On these occasions, i cannot tell if and when i have crossed a line and it is often unbelievabley infuriating to those around me.

I am not being intentionally rude or obtuse, we just share different perceptions of a situation.

In addition to this, people with autism cannot grasp a person's emotional reaction to something, we rely on wording only because, similar to the complications in seeing boundaries, we also cannot define one facial expression or one emotion from the next. I am constantly thinking people are angry when they arent because my capacity to define any emotions between 'happy' and 'sad' is minimal. Equally i often think people are happy with me when they arent. Which is one of the reasons why i will react so badly to a post on the mfc because i over analyse wording.


I am also severley dyslexic (and the irony is i keep on spelling sevreley wrong). Because of this, when i cannot spell a word or when i cannot physically find the word that i mean and know, i replace it with a substitute and therefore my meaning often changes because i cannot grasp the correct way to say something when working around this.

I once stood spectator to a dyslexia training course where the lecturer set a task. The idea was to describe your hobbies to the person next to you without using the letter 's' to give an example of one of the effects of dyslexia. And although i use several spell checking programs, some errors slip through that filtering system.


I am not attempting to make excuses, i am simply (under advice) allowing you to see the way that i am on a different scale, in the hope that maybe you will understand some of the things that i do in a way that will make my 'last chance' on the mfc more effective/valueable.

I cannot reply on a certain handful of mfcers to rebuild my bridges for me and point out when i have accidentally burnt them down (if that makes sense, because i dont really 'get' metaphors)

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*starts singing stalkerish song to pink*

You're a part time lover and a full time friend

The monkey on you're back is the latest trend

I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else

But pink


I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train

I kiss you all starry eyed, my body's swinging from side to side

I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else

But pink


Here is the church and here is the steeple

We sure are cute for two ugly people

I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else

But pink


The pebbles forgive me, the trees forgive me

So why can't, you forgive me?

I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else

but pink


I will find my nitch in your car

With my mp3 DVD rumple-packed guitar

I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else

But pink


Du du du du du du dudu

Du du du du du du dudu

Du du du du du du dudu du


Firstly i would like to add that i canned myself for this!

Secondly, welcome back Pink- good to have my rhyming partner and sarcastic chatter back:wink2:

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Right...Now (after returning with a cup of tea and a strangely large mass of easter eggs) i can get started on the second instalment of my replies to this thread.


In this chapter we are focusing on my conduct in the 660 thread.


You have asked for a public appology to that, and therefore; I am sorry.

For those of you who have read the length post made a few moments ago you will have a little more detail as to why i acted in the way that i did).


Up until the point of the creation of the 660 thread, i had not realised that it would worry anyone.

When that came to light i did not immediately own up, no, and maybe that was wrong. But considering some of the reactions to that which i have seen that have not (for the right reasons) made their way to an mfc post yet - can you really blame me?

I had spoken to wendy on several occasions during the run up to the opening of that thread and she seemed fine with it, there had been no mention of worry on her part or the part of her children aside from obvious intrigue.

I had also frequently made clues on both the mfc and on msn pointing in my direction, some of which would seem insignificant to some as they stem from previous conversations in the PU123 thread and on msn.


I had not (until this weekend) been aware of any previous history of items/letters arriving in the mail to mfcer of a threatening nature - if i had, i would have signed the items off.


The lollipops were intended to be a one off mfc related present, but considering it gathered so much attention i decided to humour it and obviously in hindsight that was the wrong choice.

But everything is different in Hindsight.


Once the thread was made i sent one last item to Wendy with was unmistakeabley an in-joke and from me, im sure FD or a select few of the mods (who saw screen caps of this conversation) can (if they want to) prove that i did this because i was talking to him at the time and then promptly injured myself on my return by running back upstairs with a glass of juice, tripping and cutting myself in several places with shards of glass - which is why my replies were few and far between from then on because it was painful to type. I did not tell wendy up front, no, and i admit that was wrong also.




Ive just been interupted by something and have now forgotten where i was going with this (i told you my memory was bad)

So, until i remember my other points:


I have spoken to wendy several times since i confirmed her suspicions that it was me and she has said that it is absolutely fine.

Althought i had not considered that the mfc would also need an explanation or an appology - which you now have a somewhat botched tangent filled version of in a sense.

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