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We want Pinkunicorn123 back!


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Wait, I'm confused, when did this happen and why?:shocked: and what was that whole 660 thing about??:blink:


lol thats a story on its own


(Grr....and now i have forgotten what chapter 3 was going to be....ill come back to it im sure....)


glad to see you're still Pink :wink2:

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Wow Pink that was a lot of info all at once!

First off: Welcome back! :D I'm sure that like myself most MFCers are very happy to have you back. I'd also like to let you know that you're a valued and important member of the MFC and it really would have sucked if you were to leave completely :o.


I actually never knew most of the stuff that you shared about yourself in the previous posts, although I did have a general idea of your situation. However I never really had a porblem with you acting the way you were. I think that this is what this fanclub is about, that's why we're all here, and that's what Mika's been trying to say to the world through his music. We just need to learn to accept eachother because it's inevitable that at some point in your life you're gona have to say something that isn't completely appropriate or that maybe somewhate offensive to others. You can't please everyone - or at least as long as you're being your complete self. It doesn't mean that you intend to hurt people. We all just need to learn to tolerate (if not accept) the actions of others and live with them.


However, I honestly found the whole 660 Wendi think higly unamusing. But that's just me. And I think that as long as you owned up and apologised to Wendi it shouldn't at all be a problem anymore. Obviously it's great that people were worried for Wendi and such but essentially it really wan't anybody else's business.


Anywho I think I'm gona start rambling now..

Let's just start a new page shall we.


So yes everyone - relax, take it easy.

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Wow Pink that was a lot of info all at once!

First off: Welcome back! :D I'm sure that like myself most MFCers are very happy to have you back. I'd also like to let you know that you're a valued and important member of the MFC and it really would have sucked if you were to leave completely :o.


I actually never knew most of the stuff that you shared about yourself in the previous posts, although I did have a general idea of your situation. However I never really had a porblem with you acting the way you were. I think that this is what this fanclub is about, that's why we're all here, and that's what Mika's been trying to say to the world through his music. We just need to learn to accept eachother because it's inevitable that at some point in your life you're gona have to say something that isn't completely appropriate or that maybe somewhate offensive to others. You can't please everyone - or at least as long as you're being your complete self. It doesn't mean that you intend to hurt people. We all just need to learn to tolerate (if not accept) the actions of others and live with them.


However, I honestly found the whole 660 Wendi think higly unamusing. But that's just me. And I think that as long as you owned up and apologised to Wendi it shouldn't at all be a problem anymore. Obviously it's great that people were worried for Wendi and such but essentially it really wan't anybody else's business.


Anywho I think I'm gona start rambling now..

Let's just start a new page shall we.


So yes everyone - relax, take it easy.


Well see i think that that is both of our points entirely - everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Some people found it absolutely hilarious, others sent me some unbelieveably nasty emails.

Either way, i admit that it was wrong and that i should have stopped it.

Now all i have to do is work out what to do with the 660 plastic chickens sat in a warehouse in devon....


mmmmmmmm *thinks about it*




noooooo never! like you just the way you are!


Well arent you a rare darling


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIIpowId1XY I- I- I believe in YOUUUU!:wub2:


Oh dear...

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And hi :blush-anim-cl:


I did NOT think my dumb thread was going to work. Not that it was dumb, but I just thought people might ignore me :naughty:


Right after Wendi said that she wasn't going to reveal the person you said that you were really wanting to know :lmao: So I thought 'Damn! I was wrong :annoyed_h4h:' but I wasn't :biggrin2:

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I did NOT think my dumb thread was going to work. Not that it was dumb, but I just thought people might ignore me :naughty:


Right after Wendi said that she wasn't going to reveal the person you said that you were really wanting to know :lmao: So I thought 'Damn! I was wrong :annoyed_h4h:' but I wasn't :biggrin2:


Well i made it obvious enough...but your right, saying that was a little cruel, but i was just messing round with wendy :P


Welcome back!

I sported a unicorn in your memory a couple days ago. Some might say he was ugly, but I liked him.. gave him a name and everything.

Pinkunicorn, meet Frank the Pink Unicorn





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