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because Danika and me had no idea what "WEDS" means (at the beginning of Mikas vlog) we decided it's the new "LICM"


so we came up with some sentences w.. e... d... s...

but I think none of them were G-rated :naughty::naughty::roftl:



edit: Oh wait there were some xD goes like :


When eagles drop sh.it (by Danika) :roftl:

Whatever Danika says

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because Danika and me had no idea what "WEDS" means (at the beginning of Mikas vlog) we decided it's the new "LICM"


so we came up with some sentences w.. e... d... s...

but I think none of them were G-rated :naughty::naughty::roftl:



edit: Oh wait there were some xD goes like :


When eagles drop sh.it (by Danika) :roftl:

Whatever Danika says



nice theory :naughty:

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This is way too easy! :lmfao:





This Boy's Life

Life's A Whole Circus

You Complete Me


Trip Into A Teapot

The Saddest Clown

Six Songs Of Sorrow And Four Of Gayness

Things You Say But You Don't Mean

It Wasn't Always Like This

My Life's A Wreck And It's Going To Sink

You Thought It Meant Something

I'll Never Tell You

Somewhere In The Faraway Land

It Was Meant To Happen

Imagine And It Will Come True

What If I Take My Chances?

A Long Long Fall Down Into The Rabbit Hole

Inside Of A Fish Bowl

What I Could Be

I Crossed The Atlantic

Lost In A Rainbow


The Truth Is In You

As Long As It Lasted

The Biggest Glitter Balls In Europe

Wanna See A Magic Trick?


Comic Strip Superhero

It Lives In My Hair

The Cinderella Story

Santa Does Exist - I Have Proof!


Broken Fingertips

Give Me A Reason

Do Not Touch

Alice's Choice

Don't Burst My Bubble

Mirror, Mirror...

Over The Mountain

Ringmaster's Tale

There Is A Whole New World There

The Day My World Crashed

Sticks And Bits

Behind The Looking Glass

Weird? Me?

Run On

From Beirut With Love

Boys Just Wanna Have Rhythm

Am I Real?

All That Powerpop!

A Name For The Baby

Dreams, Teacups And Feathers

That Wasn't Your Jacket, Mom

My Inspiration

It Landed From A Tree

Blue Rosette

Cracking Cranny

Tease Me, Abuse Me, But Never Leave Me


Clippety-Clap, Don't Remove The Wooden Tap

The Greatest Plan

I'll Put A Curse On You


definitely 'Trip Into A Teapot'

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I believe "WEDS" are the initials for the next album...


So...it could stand for...


Watch Every Damn Seagull




Want Every Dinosaur Sober




Why Envious Dinosaurs Sing (Wonka's suggestion)



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I believe "WEDS" are the initials for the next album...


So...it could stand for...


Watch Every Damn Seagull




Want Every Dinosaur Sober




Why Envious Dinosaurs Sing (Wonka's suggestion)




hahahahah Mary u did it!


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I believe "WEDS" are the initials for the next album...


So...it could stand for...


Watch Every Damn Seagull




Want Every Dinosaur Sober




Why Envious Dinosaurs Sing (Wonka's suggestion)





Better yet M...


Why Expectant Seaguls s**t...

When Eager Dinosaurs sing...:mf_rosetinted:

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  • 2 weeks later...
i still think it should be something cool. life in cartoon motion was superly cool. if he names it after one of his songs i will go mental. :hair:


Don't worry :huglove: I'm 100% sure he will never do that.:wink2:

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