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Mika Refuses To Pen Follow-up Album


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I don't believe a word of that, apart from the bit from the Capital Awards interview. I think we will have to wait quite a while for the new album, I don't think he is going to rush it out, but I can't believe he hasn't started on it yet.


I agree, he is fudging a bit, to deflect the constant questions he is bound to get about the timing of the next album. I don't think he would have put off (note I say 'put off' not 'cancelled'- ever the optimist!) his Aussie visit if it weren't for a very good reason.


I've got to say though, at this rate I'll be amazed to see the album out this year :blink: . The run up to Christmas is not a good time to release a really important album, and I can't see it being BEFORE then, so it's looking like early 2009 to me...:blink: Still, better that than a rushed album, I think we can all agree on that!


Some artists - perfectionist types - work for years on albums so early 2009 would not be an unrealistic timescale at all...

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Whichever way you look at it, this album is seriously make or break stuff for Mika. He just can't afford (in any sense of the phrase) to get it wrong. I'm just pleased he is smart enough and focused enough to know that, and strong enough to stand up to record company pressure. So I can wait!!

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Mika "not giving in" to second album pressure

Tuesday, March 25 2008, 12:01 GMT


By Simon Reynolds, Entertainment Reporter



Popstar Mika has admitted he isn't feeling any pressure to complete his follow-up to Life In Cartoon Motion.


Speaking to the Daily Star, the 'Grace Kelly' singer said: "People are trying to put pressure on me but I'm not giving in. It will be ready when it's ready - expect the unexpected."


The 24-year-old also claimed that he had no intention of cashing in quickly on the success of his debut album.


He added: "I think some people see me as someone with a big pound sign on my head, but I'm taking no notice. I've been going out a lot to check out weird visual theatre. I'm feeling very inspired."


Mika admitted earlier this month that he was "obsessed" with making sure his second album doesn't disappoint fans.


From Digital Spy, exactly the same but for the last bit.

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Whichever way you look at it, this album is seriously make or break stuff for Mika. He just can't afford (in any sense of the phrase) to get it wrong. I'm just pleased he is smart enough and focused enough to know that, and strong enough to stand up to record company pressure. So I can wait!!


Exactly, He would be mad to rush the new album out just for his fans, although I don't think he will do that, LICM is going to be such a hard act to follow and he NEEDS to get it right, not just for us on MFC but everyone in the entire world (ok, that was a bit over the top, but you know what I mean!) There are so many Mika haters in the UK, he really does need to make the next one better, if that's possible.

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Yeah, Suzy -- I saw this on another site this morning, and I think they

have (yet again) taken Mika's words out of context and shaped them into

an article they wanted to run. Gives journalists a bad name :thumbdown:




That's kind of what I was thinking. Slow news day, so they just want to make him seem whiny and indulgent.:bleh:

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He's the king of whining! :king::yay:


:roftl: Okay, well I can't argue with that.


What I meant is that when a journo's most damning statements are paraphrased rather than direct quotes, it starts to sound like a bit of good, old fashioned word-twisting.


"Pop star MIKA is refusing to start work on his second album - telling record company bosses they will have to wait until he is ready to begin the creative process...no matter how large the financial incentive."


They chose words to cast him in the worst possible light. It's totally one of the things I was taught when getting my journalism degree. *rolls eyes at that paper*


Notice how they made it seem like he was stomping around the label's office going "Nuh-uh, I don't wanna make a record and you can't make me! So na-na on you!"


Then notice how the next paper paraphrased it differently:


"The 24-year-old also claimed that he had no intention of cashing in quickly on the success of his debut album."


That choice of wording makes it sound like he's a controlled, down-to-earth artist who isn't about the money.


Sigh. Journalists and their word-bending. :fish:



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I don't think he would have put off (note I say 'put off' not 'cancelled'- ever the optimist!) his Aussie visit if it weren't for a very good reason.


I've got to say though, at this rate I'll be amazed to see the album out this year


Just out of curiosity, what Aussie visit are we talking about? Does he have plans to go there soon?


And I really can't see the album out this year at all. I'm guessing he'll release the second album in early 2009, and then tour for a better part of that year. (I can't believe that's about a year from now! *sigh*) But I do remember hearing Mika say the fans would hear something this year. Maybe an EP? (Which is a mini-album, like three or four songs. Sort of like a CD-single.)


Whichever way you look at it, this album is seriously make or break stuff for Mika. He just can't afford (in any sense of the phrase) to get it wrong. I'm just pleased he is smart enough and focused enough to know that, and strong enough to stand up to record company pressure. So I can wait!!


Yeah, the second album is always the most important. It proves the artist/band has staying power.


God, I hope this doesn't turn into a Mika Drought. The Hanson Drought of 1999/2000 was a real bummer. :thumbdown: And you know, if an artist waits too long, he or she risks losing fans who get tired of waiting and move on to other artists. (That'll never happen with us, but it could happen to the Mika fans who aren't as, er..."focused".)

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Just out of curiosity, what Aussie visit are we talking about? Does he have plans to go there soon?


He was supposed to do some festivals there this month but pulled out; the reason given was that he needed the time to concentrate on his album. So you can see why the Aussie fans are a little sceptical about all these reports of him maybe not recording as yet..


But I do remember hearing Mika say the fans would hear something this year. Maybe an EP? (Which is a mini-album, like three or four songs. Sort of like a CD-single.)


I was just about to bring this subject up again..MIKA, WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN WHAT YOU SAID!:sneaky2: He really should keep his mouth shut sometimes. I don't think this EP thing is going to come to anything...I'd like to be proved wrong though!




God, I hope this doesn't turn into a Mika Drought. The Hanson Drought of 1999/2000 was a real bummer. :thumbdown: And you know, if an artist waits too long, he or she risks losing fans who get tired of waiting and move on to other artists. (That'll never happen with us, but it could happen to the Mika fans who aren't as, er..."focused".)


It's a bit of a fine balance isn't it...I too worry that if he leaves it too long he will have lost the momentum. We just have to have faith in him to be aware of this and to get the timing right..and generally speaking I do have faith in him.

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:blink: He cancelled V Festival to work on this album... and now he's not..

I don't think I've ever known of someone to be so inconsistent..:boxed:


Honestly, you can never believe EVERYTHING he says!!!! Perhaps he is abit scared to start. Idk.!

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I definatley get it...

I didn't expect anything less to be honest... I know he's not doing it to spite the fans... He knows we're crazy out of our minds with anticipation.

He just wants to be properly inspired... That's something that I definatley understand.

I totally agree with you!!! MIKA wants to put out an AMAZING album!

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Mika must take his time-he is a perfectionist...when he releases his new album it will be mind blowing:thumb_yello: I have absolute faith that he will show his brilliance again..and again...and again:wub2:

he is so wise ,so smart....I will wait patiently(hee hee!) well try to anyway for his next stroke of genius...luv Mika FOREVER:wub2:

ok so i'm getting carried away..so what ! he's worth it!!!:mf_lustslow:

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TBH, I think he is right to take his time with this album.

The second album is very important. As much as people wanting him to keep his momentum going, it's also important for the quality of the songs to be kept up. You wouldn't want him rush writing any old thing and bringing out a load of rubbish as the next album would you?

So he should take his time and bring out material of equal, if not better(not dissing it in anyway) quality than LICM. And if he does an EP in the mean time along with the summer shows, that show be enough to keep us going until he brings out the new album.

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Let's face it people, this is just another non-story. Journalists trying to make something out of nothing.


We know Mika is working on his second album, that it will take time (because he is a perfectionist), but that it will be worth the wait. What else is there to say?

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Bollocks! He cancelled his Australian festivals because of "recording commitments" and now he's not even going to record it? :sneaky2:


I hope this report isn't true or just exaggerates what was said at the Capital Awards. :mf_rosetinted:


:blink: He cancelled V Festival to work on this album... and now he's not..


I don't think I've ever known of someone to be so inconsistent..:boxed:




he IS working at it. it just says he's not issueing a new album when his record company says it's to be issued, i.e. asap. it'll be out for sale when mika says he's done with it and he feels it's ready. :wink2:

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Yeah, you gotta learn to read these "articles." Mika didn't actually say anything in the first paragraph. All the writer had was that quote, and the first paragraph is his spin on it.


We all know that what Mika meant was NOT that he was "refusing to write" his album--in fact, we know he's been writing songs for it for ages now, and he recently even said he's been doing demos--but just that he was refusing to rush or compromise on it. Not that he wasn't working on it in the first place.


The quote is the only thing that has anything to do with Mika, the rest is the reporter trying to sensationalize things.



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