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Meet the smallest Billy Brown


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Or at least I think he is :naughty:


Billy Brown is the name of my new pet (my mom wanted to call him MIKA lol )

He's a Chinese (dwarf)hamster :wub2:


He was rescued from a crazy woman called Tinkerbell story can be found at the end of this post (if you want to know)


Well Billy Brown is 16 weeks old and sooooooo cute

He's very tame but still a little scared of people but also very curious.

This kind of hamster isn't kept as a pet a lot. But they are very cute.


here are a view pictures of him:










Get that flashing thing out of my face :P













Dozens of hamsters freed from plastic balls


Last Thursday the Society for the Protection of Animals raided an Amsterdam art gallery in co-operation with the local police to free dozens of hamsters. The animals were part of an exhibition by artist Tinkebell (pseudonym of Katinka Simonse) called Empathy. In the exhibition hamsters were locked up in plastic, see-through play-balls, set in a recreated living room. With the exhibition Tinkebell wants to expose the “ambiguous morality of animal rights and environmental activists” by using the “often naïve ideas that people—activists—have about the concept of freedom in the animal world.” The balls she uses (so called “run-about balls”) are popular with pet owners, who use them to let their pets roam relatively free through the house “without the worry of escape or injury,” as one merchant calls it.


The artist is in the dark about the why of the raid. “Nobody told me anything,” she told Amsterdam TV channel AT5. According to AT5, Tinkebell and the galery owner will be questioned by the police next week.


Tinkebell caused an earlier uproar when she killed her three year old cat to turn it into a handbag. In the TV program De Wereld Draait Door she suggested that it was a mercy killing, claiming the cat was depressed.

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He's so cute Starrats, really worth the waiting !! I'm sure he'll get the best life that's possible now he's with you!!! By the way, I didn't know it's one of the poor Tinkerbell-hamsters. He's so lucky now, I wish you soooo much fun with him!!:mf_rosetinted::biggrin2:

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Thanks everybody :biggrin2::wub2:


He's so cute Starrats, really worth the waiting !! I'm sure he'll get the best life that's possible now he's with you!!! By the way, I didn't know it's one of the poor Tinkerbell-hamsters. He's so lucky now, I wish you soooo much fun with him!!:mf_rosetinted::biggrin2:


I didn't know either until this weekend. :blush-anim-cl:


I also hope that he will stay with me a very long time :wink2: They are suposed to life till the age of 2 - 4 years, so I really hope he will reach at least the 3,5 years :naughty:

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aww he is soo cute, we used to have one years ago called Holly (we have pics of her looking very square in the face as she was storing full cracker biscuits in her cheeks lol).


haha :roftl:


one of my old hamster from a view years ago did that to :roftl:

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Wow you don't have trouble with him then ?:biggrin2:


nope :wub2:


he ate out of my hand yesterday, it was so cute :wub2:

even if it was 2:00 AM :naughty:


First goal is to make him even more tame and than we can work on changing his daily schedule :roftl:

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