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The Oldlings Part 15


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I just can't find the words for you anymore.....you can be a real pest:sneaky2:




what do you mean? is it because you are too soft for tonights battle, have I worn you down yet, perhaps general wendi will not be happy. :roftl::roftl:

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what do you mean? is it because you are too soft for tonights battle, have I worn you down yet, perhaps general wendi will not be happy. :roftl: :roftl:

Oh no no no..you're just winding me up. :boxing:

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best have a glass of wine, sit in the relaxing chair and unwind, you will have to be on top form tonight. :thumb_yello:

Going to take a relaxing shower in a minute...that will help

By the way...did we scare everybody away?:shocked:

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Whew, Finally found y'all. I was gone for one day and came back to no updates for the Oldlings. Then, it just hit me that we were probably on Part 15 so, I went searching and yep, here y'all are. I have some catching up to do here. LOL!!


YAY, it's Friday. It's always such an exciting day for me. LOL!!


Hope everyone is doing well. Miss y'all. BTW- Delta airlines is offering non-stop flights to London now. Hmm, anything going on there? LOL

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Whew, Finally found y'all. I was gone for one day and came back to no updates for the Oldlings. Then, it just hit me that we were probably on Part 15 so, I went searching and yep, here y'all are. I have some catching up to do here. LOL!!


YAY, it's Friday. It's always such an exciting day for me. LOL!!


Hope everyone is doing well. Miss y'all. BTW- Delta airlines is offering non-stop flights to London now. Hmm, anything going on there? LOL

Hi Charlie, feeling better? I'm off for now, but see you later in the evening (afternoon for you)

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Hi Miek! I'm feeling much better..thank you. Guess I just need those steriods. LOL!! But, now I have a puffy face. LMAO!! I can't win.


I'll see you when you get back. Have a great day. :thumb_yello:


Hi Charlie, feeling better? I'm off for now, but see you later in the evening (afternoon for you)
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You people and your games! Guess you've earned it after your cleaning episode! :thumb_yello:


Thanks! I am a Tetris-addict once in a while!


try this game, so much fun and addictive. :thumb_yello:





Thanks, I will defo try it sometime!



Sorry I left so suddenly. Youngest daughter wanted to go practise her skills at a skateboard on the street, so I had to come with her.

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here is a link to motivate you carri


Well, Miek, must say that is a highly motivational video, but that boy doesn't look like he needs any cpr! :mf_lustslow: However, those watching him, (?Oldlings or otherwise) may require some!!!:naughty:

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Well, Miek, must say that is a highly motivational video, but that boy doesn't look like he needs any cpr! :mf_lustslow: However, those watching him, (?Oldlings or otherwise) may require some!!!:naughty:


I cannot see it myself :thumb_yello:

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Bye Oldlings: I am going to cook dinner:Bobotie (South Africa from a box:wink2: ) and collyflower with cheese and potatoes for Merel.


Perhaps I can be with you here tonight fo a few hours, hubby has to work on his own computer, so this one will be free.


Talk to you later:punk:

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Bye Oldlings: I am going to cook dinner:Bobotie (South Africa from a box:wink2: ) and collyflower with cheese and potatoes for Merel.


Perhaps I can be with you here tonight fo a few hours, hubby has to work on his own computer, so this one will be free.


Talk to you later:punk:


Later, AMP. Supper sounds interesting! :thumb_yello:

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Hello everybody!

all this reading about Bali is making me jealous- did you know it is only 8 degrees from the equator, so it stays around 80 degrees F year-round!

(it is 33 degrees and slushy here today!)

I would go, but can't stand humidity.

It looks gorgeous, so green...

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geez, gone to thread number 15 while I was sleeping!


Morning/evening/afternoon oldlings :)


Boy I learned alot about how to use this forum this morning, from how to click the checkmark to go back to the last post read (I'd been scrolling by hand) to how to check online guests and stalk them! Amazing! LOL


Anyway, morning!

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Hi Leona and Sheena! Lucky Sheena going to a concert tonight,eh?


yeah & its peeing down :thumbdown: i hope theres no fanclub for sfg as i wont be getting there until after 6.30 !

hey leonita !

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geez, gone to thread number 15 while I was sleeping!


Morning/evening/afternoon oldlings :)


Boy I learned alot about how to use this forum this morning, from how to click the checkmark to go back to the last post read (I'd been scrolling by hand) to how to check online guests and stalk them! Amazing! LOL


Anyway, morning!


Hi Crystal!

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