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Mika goes to India!


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I hate hearing how stressed he is, it makes me quite upset actually...so does that mean he won't be watching when Fred delivers the news about the official-ness? Oh, it doesn't feel so special anymore....I mean, I know he must have a laptop or a computer or something but it just doesn't feel as if he's close anymore...simply because he's not in london lol.

Yeah, I hate it when he's not in London too. Not that I would see him, but I just like to know he's there.


Maybe he is going to work with Ravi Shankar!


Eat lots of yummy food!


He can do all of that, but what's concerning me is that Perez said in his interview that Mika had cut his hair. At the time, I thought, so what? But reading that article, I am thinking, embracing the Hindu way of life? And you know what kind of haircuts the monks have, don't you?

No! No! NO!

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he can do all of that, but what's concerning me is that Perez said in his interview that Mika had cut his hair. At the time, I thought, so what? But reading that article, I am thinking, emracing the Hindu way of life? And you know what kind of haircuts the monks have, don't you?

No! No! NO!

I was just thinking the same thing. :boxed:

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He'll probably complain about the lack of shampoo. :mf_rosetinted:



Speaking of which, don't Hindus shave their heads? :blink:


I thought they grow it really long and put it in turbans.



I think this trip will do him alot of good, though. Just wandering around India, soaking up the culture, just RELAXING. He's had such a busy year and now he's got time ON HIS OWN, and I personally think that's what he needed most. Just because he's out in India, I don't think it will necessarily mean that the next album will be influenced by that culture...I find you get more inspiration when you're just left alone with your head. But maybe he'll find a new story or two out there - who knows. Who fancies travelling to India to find out? :mf_rosetinted:


I'll come...

(And yes, I wanted to go there before I knew he was there...:naughty: )

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I thought they grow it really long and put it in turbans.


That's Sikhs, not Hindus.


And you know what kind of haircuts the monks have, don't you?

No! No! NO!


I am not actually sure that Hindus shave their heads, but hahah, can you imagine Mika with a shaved head and wearing robes? I'm assuming it will grow back in time for the tour... but the Photoshop thread may have been more prophetic than intended!



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Yeah, I hate it when he's not in London too. Not that I would see him, but I just like to know he's there.


Oh Bab that's one of the cutest things you've ever said. You sound so melancholy I just wanna give you a hug! :huglove:


He can do all of that, but what's concerning me is that Perez said in his interview that Mika had cut his hair. At the time, I thought, so what? But reading that article, I am thinking, embracing the Hindu way of life? And you know what kind of haircuts the monks have, don't you?

No! No! NO!


may the Lord help us all.

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He can do all of that, but what's concerning me is that Perez said in his interview that Mika had cut his hair. At the time, I thought, so what? But reading that article, I am thinking, embracing the Hindu way of life? And you know what kind of haircuts the monks have, don't you?

No! No! NO!


:shocked: Oh god i seriously hope he hasn't cut his hair! I can see an MFC day of mourning coming at the loss of his hair:roftl:

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Oh Bab that's one of the cutest things you've ever said. You sound so melancholy I just wanna give you a hug! :huglove:


Yeah, what's got into Bab? Missing little Meekers already?


At least you get to see him in July.



(Even if he's bald.)

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Hmmmmmm....for some reason this is exciting me!


there is something special going on here.


hope you're right...whatever it may be...


Wonder if the album art for the 2nd album will be Indian-inspired then. That could be really nice.


I'm still amused by the idea of Bollywood Disco. :naughty: And half-wondering if this isn't just a fancy excuse for a tan and a holiday. There are no recording studios in private yogi retreats after all... :fisch:


Edit: Oh, Scut beat me to it.


Oy, I hope he DOESN'T try to do any Bollywood style music videos. That would be so Gwen Stefani. I think appropriating a culture and reducing it to some kind of decorative fetish object as a marketing technique is beneath him (or anyone decent, really).




Mika doing Bollywood?! lol, I don't wanna imagine hime doing that.....but I'm sure he will get some kind of inspiration on that trip...

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From Wikipedia about Hindu monasticism: "Generally, Vaisnava monks shave their heads except for a small patch of hair on the back of the head, while Saivite monks let their hair and beard grow uncut."





I hope he's not embracing the former form. :shocked:


pray he's not done any of it!!! Oh well...at least he'd have done it for a reason. Maybe Britney secretly tried the monk thing too but no-one ever knew :mf_rosetinted:

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Yeah, what's got into Bab? Missing little Meekers already?


At least you get to see him in July.



(Even if he's bald.)




I wish I was seeing him in July, but I'm not :blink: Where'd you get that from?

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Hey peeps don't be so sad, he's probably on one of his "not so average" holidays i did read somewhere he likes to explore different activities etc like kayacking and maybe this time he fancied a little yoga...he's been on the road a long time and needs to destress..i can just imagine him with a face pack on having a massage..hehe! He is probably looking for inspiration too..but the main thing is like the teminator..he'll be back!! :D

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This is very interesting, thanks Babs. :thumb_yello:


I did read somewhere that Mika likes Indian food, his favourite being a rice dish called olor pilaf. Anyone else remember reading this??? I'm SURE I read it somewhere. Not that he needed to go to India to get it, but I suppose he'll get a good one there as opposed to some rubbishy Londonified version. Someone please tell me I didn't imagine him saying that.


He should come to the Curry Mile in Manchester, it's the best!

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From Wikipedia about Hindu monasticism: "Generally, Vaisnava monks shave their heads except for a small patch of hair on the back of the head, while Saivite monks let their hair and beard grow uncut."





I hope he's not embracing the former form. :shocked:


Not sure I'd like to see him with a ZZ Top beard either. :naughty:

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Hey peeps don't be so sad, he's probably on one of his "not so average" holidays i did read somewhere he likes to explore different activities etc like kayacking and maybe this time he fancied a little yoga...he's been on the road a long time and needs to destress..i can just imagine him with a face pack on having a massage..hehe! He is probably looking for inspiration too..but the main thing is like the teminator..he'll be back!! :D

When he cancelled his only Aussie dates his management said it was due to "recording committments" not "doing yoga in India". Sorry if I'm not as understanding as the rest of you towards his "break". :mf_rosetinted:

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