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Appleman, apples, cats, donuts, sarcasm, wizards (kind & fine), and WHATEVER part 4


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Hurray, Yop got my little package today, her souvenir from the Katy Perry show!


I don't know why I'm posting about it, but I'm just so glad it didn't get lost in the mail or anything. Also I kind of hope she takes a pic of it and posts it, because I forgot to...


I keep going and getting her fun autographs and then the performers are like, "well, would you like me to sign anything for you?" and then I'm like, "uh, maybe, um, the ticket stub please!" I need to start getting cool autographs for myself. :bleh: The most embarrassing thing is that since Katy knows Mika, not like they'd talk about me, but if they did, I bet I'd come off as that weird girl who keeps going around collecting autographs for "my friend Olivia, you know from Paris," hahah. And then they'd assume I have some kind of creepy obsession with Yop. Which is kinda true, I suppose!


I almost gave Katy an apple btw, but thought that would really be pushing it.




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So I'm a little late in sharing the earlier festivities of:


1. New smileys!:meow::ap_rosetinted::fro::pbjt::kaf:



2. Haeschen going to Brighton!:yay:Congratulations Haeschen!


And thank you Andrew!


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Now, I can officially :bow: for adding this one :bow:

My favourite smiley which I use all the time on MSN and AMF.. :naughty:


Too bad the code isn't the same as on MSN...(or is that the purple one?)


Now all we need is zhhz and we're set.

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Too bad the code isn't the same as on MSN...(or is that the purple one?)


Now all we need is zhhz and we're set.

*zhhz* would be good

You could change the code on MSN yourself :sneaky2::bleh:

It's the same code on AMF but for the blue/purple bum sniffer instead..

I'm going to add the ninja to AMF now.. :ninja:

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*zhhz* would be good

You could change the code on MSN yourself :sneaky2::bleh:

It's the same code on AMF but for the blue/purple bum sniffer instead..

I'm going to add the ninja to AMF now.. :ninja:


No, I mean I like 'worsh!t' better than 'bow' (cause there's no pleasing me).

It has a certain ring to it...:biggrin2:



I like the way almost all the new smileys are dedicated to this thread...

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These were some I was going to save for a rainy day...

Actually - it is raining! So here:




Love them all!


But this last one is just....oh:wub2:


I think this emoticon would complete it:






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Hurray, Yop got my little package today, her souvenir from the Katy Perry show!


I don't know why I'm posting about it, but I'm just so glad it didn't get lost in the mail or anything. Also I kind of hope she takes a pic of it and posts it, because I forgot to...


I keep going and getting her fun autographs and then the performers are like, "well, would you like me to sign anything for you?" and then I'm like, "uh, maybe, um, the ticket stub please!" I need to start getting cool autographs for myself. :bleh: The most embarrassing thing is that since Katy knows Mika, not like they'd talk about me, but if they did, I bet I'd come off as that weird girl who keeps going around collecting autographs for "my friend Olivia, you know from Paris," hahah. And then they'd assume I have some kind of creepy obsession with Yop. Which is kinda true, I suppose!


I almost gave Katy an apple btw, but thought that would really be pushing it.





this is a fair request (to take a pic and post it)... i will, but i'm recovering from my party last night, which was better than i thought (i thought it would be a disaster :naughty: as i usually don't like those parties)...


i doubt they talk about who got an autograph and for who when they meet, jack, you should be safe :biggrin2: and katy's kinda into fruits too, i noticed... i'll tell you more later if you want to know and are not tired of reading me talking about katy...


i'm thinking about getting YOU something special, but my art skills are more than limited, and i haven't found the thing that makes "tilt" yet :meow: (i just had to use the stupid cat smiley...)


I think this emoticon would complete it:





THAT'S what i was waiting for :ap_rosetinted:

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Soooooooooooooooooooo ! Basically, Fantastic Jack got me an autograph inside a drawing that she made with her delacte hands :wub2:


Drawing :





Message :





Bonus (because i'm worth it :naughty:) :




And if you're bored and wanna see a perfect exemple of sh*t stirrer (as some used to call ME), go to the Katy Perry thread... Perfect exemple : coming from nowhere, and stirring sh*t. Just like that.

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Oooh, well done Jack! That's such a cute drawing and a perfect likeness of her.


And Katy loves Yop's questions! Awesome.


I must say Yop you showed remarkable restraint in the Katy Perry thread. :naughty:

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Oooh, well done Jack! That's such a cute drawing and a perfect likeness of her.


And Katy loves Yop's questions! Awesome.


I must say Yop you showed remarkable restraint in the Katy Perry thread. :naughty:


yeah... restraint... mumblemumblemumblemumblemumblemumblemumblemumblemumble


no seriously, i didn't find the interest in starting a fight (this time :naughty:) cause it's almost obvious that it's a troll, like kata likes to say :wink2:



and i'm a "pastime" who asks "questions"... class :ap_rosetinted:

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I think this emoticon would complete it:





Oooh! I like!!


and katy's kinda into fruits too, i noticed... i'll tell you more later if you want to know and are not tired of reading me talking about katy...


I think I know what you mean, like the bracelet that she often wears with an apple hanging off it?


Btw- I love what Jack did with Katy's autograph. It's sooo cool and a really good idea.

Plus really well drawn as well. I'm impressed. I can't draw sheiBe:naughty:.




Hey ST, I love your avie! It's very shiny and mesmerising!!



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