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Appleman, apples, cats, donuts, sarcasm, wizards (kind & fine), and WHATEVER part 4


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Are we grossed out about breastfeeding?:blink:

Having a comfortable, nutritious meal, with live music is pretty awesome to me. :punk:

it just evolves to dining out with a nice violinist circling your table (bugging the hell out of you really but hey.... HE thinks he rocks :punk:).

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I saw you've invited the breast feeding sock puppet to join the apples. Guess I will officially leave already now then :doh:


Kata, no, please don't!


I need people like you in this place, seriously!!!!

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erm, I lurrrve Mika cos he has a HUUUGE.........

TALENT !!! :mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow:


Sparkly, that's just the sort of thing we don't DO here on the apple thread! That's like one step above topless pics.


Kata, don't leave! Come on, Jennie can contribute plenty if she chooses to drop by. :ap_rosetinted: Imagine if we got her into our anti-Mika ways.



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Ah see, I knew you were still bitter about my post Jack:wink2:


I did live to tell the tale Bab, but maybe cannot outlive the tale.


Sparkly, these apples....their bark is usually worse than their bite.


And breastfeeding is such a recurrent topic on MFC, much to my amusement. Suzy you find/make the best breastfeeding pics, I should put you on staff!!

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If you don't like what someone has written on your screen, then go to another thread or just turn your computer off.


I totally agree, Christine. And may I add, with all due respect, that

anyone and everyone should take this advice? If you're not the sort

of person who enjoys the fangirl Mika-love threads on this forum,

why on earth would you continue to read them? And if you don't

come here to talk about other artists, why would you read the

Other Artists section? Of course, we could argue that since this

is a forum for discussion, there would be little discussion if all we

read were the threads that sounded like they would interest us. There

would just be a lot of "me too!" posts, if we all thought alike.

And of course there are always the times, like now, when someone posts

something that you weren't expecting in a thread that you normally

read... So you're surprised and you feel compelled to respond, to share

your point of view.


But yes, I agree, if you find yourself too upset or annoyed

or agitated over something that's been posted, it's easy enough to

close that thread and read another -- there are so many to

choose from -- or to just walk away from the computer for a bit.


What a simple life this would be if all problems could be solved so easily.


Ahhh... we're such dreamers, aren't we? :naughty:



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Ah see, I knew you were still bitter about my post Jack:wink2:


I did live to tell the tale Bab, but maybe cannot outlive the tale.


Sparkly, these apples....their bark is usually worse than their bite.


And breastfeeding is such a recurrent topic on MFC, much to my amusement. Suzy you find/make the best breastfeeding pics, I should put you on staff!!


I was just referencing Christine's earlier post, Blue Sky! But yes, no gushing about Mika allowed. Arrrr.


"Staff"? Do you run some sort of... breast-feeding troupe, Blue Sky? Or do you put out a magazine?



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Isn't it just another form of multi-tasking? I could never just sit and breastfeed without doing something else. My mind would glaze over with the sheer boredom of it (you can only gaze lovingly at your breastfeeding child for so long!). That makes it sound like I'm not an advocate. I am. Mostly cos I was too lazy to be bothered with all that sterilising rubbish when there was perfectly good milk there going to waste! Having said that....



Ewww!! Time for a change of topic!!!!

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I totally agree, Christine. And may I add, with all due respect, that

anyone and everyone should take this advice? If you're not the sort

of person who enjoys the fangirl Mika-love threads on this forum,

why on earth would you continue to read them? And if you don't

come here to talk about other artists, why would you read the

Other Artists section?


Yes it definitely applies in all instances. Although I'm not so much talking about people who disagree and want to voice their own point of view. But people who internalize the things they read on MFC and decide that someone is trying to offend, hurt or bully them. That is rarely anyone's intention, especially coming from long time posters who have many relationships with other MFCers.


If you find anything written on MFC that upsetting it's probably best to step back and do a little self-reflection. I think it's unfair and slightly irrational to hold someone else responsible for how you react to words on a message board, especially ones that, more often than not, aren't even aimed at you.


If these were problems between younglings I could understand the need to address this every once in awhile. But I think it's ridiculous that grown adults feel the need to lecture other adults on how to conduct themselves on a regular basis.


Ewww!! Time for a change of topic!!!!


I think the topic of breastfeeding has been one of interest to a few apples since...oh...around December 3.

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Yes it definitely applies in all instances. Although I'm not so much talking about people who disagree and want to voice their own point of view. But people who internalize the things they read on MFC and decide that someone is trying to offend, hurt or bully them. That is rarely anyone's intention, especially coming from long time posters who have many relationships with other MFCers.


If you find anything written on MFC that upsetting it's probably best to step back and do a little self-reflection. I think it's unfair and slightly irrational to hold someone else responsible for how you react to words on a message board, especially ones that, more often than not, aren't even aimed at you.


If these were problems between younglings I could understand the need to address this every once in awhile. But I think it's ridiculous that grown adults feel the need to lecture other adults on how to conduct themselves on a regular basis.




I think the topic of breastfeeding has been one of interest to a few apples since...oh...around December 3.


I'm not so sure about that actually Christine. If all adults remembered how to conduct themselves at all times and in all circumstances, the court system would have nothing to do. Maybe it does go a bit over the top around here sometimes, as do a lot of things around here. This place will bounce back and then there will be a new controversy and it will bounce back again etc etc. It seems to be some weird cycle on this place.


About the breastfeeding... I was going to ask why and then :doh: I remembered!

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I'm free! :yay: (For three weeks until I get my exam results and reality hits me with a resounding thud. :mf_rosetinted:)



Sorry...it's not actually a bass guitar (small technicality) :naughty:



Y'know I was contemplating leaving the MFC since simply keeping up with it consumes a lot of time, then posts like these remind me that humour is what keeps me sane. :roftl:




So, I take it that I missed another major drama. What happened this time? :blink:

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You don't want us to slap you anymore then? :tears::ap_rosetinted:

Nope. This time I managed to stay away from the MFC until the exam was over. A few more displays of self-control like that and I might start to seem like a healthy human being. :ap_rosetinted:

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No we're not! I completely disagree!! How dare you say I'm set in my ways?:shocked:




Are you questioning my expert opinion? :naughty:


I'm free! (For three weeks until I get my exam results and reality hits me with a resounding thud. )

:punk: yay! How many acronyms did you come up with?

So, I take it that I missed another major drama. What happened this time?


Luke thread. Mika bad person. Sudden posts by long time member. Troll behaviour. Not Male. Not Mikey. Mother of 2. Breast feeding. Bullying accusations. How do you know it's a troll? 3 teams: Offended. Neutral. Apples. Contradictions. Peace-making threads. Rose-tinted glasses. Is MFC similar to reality? Non-conformists. More circles. Feeling safe in Apple thread. Is that a form of bullying? Pornstar Whore Francis Rodino kidnaps Luke Juby and makes own thread. Is that Spam? Scarlet Johanson. Flat chest. Breast Feeding. Back on track.

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Are you questioning my expert opinion? :naughty:



:punk: yay! How many acronyms did you come up with?



Luke thread. Mika bad person. Sudden posts by long time member. Troll behaviour. Not Male. Not Mikey. Mother of 2. Breast feeding. Bullying accusations. How do you know it's a troll? 3 teams: Offended. Neutral. Apples. Contradictions. Peace-making threads. Rose-tinted glasses. Is MFC similar to reality? Non-conformists. More circles. Feeling safe in Apple thread. Is that a form of bullying? Pornstar Whore Francis Rodino kidnaps Luke Juby and makes own thread. Is that Spam? Scarlet Johanson. Flat chest. Breast Feeding. Back on track.


Phew! So exciting! And I was there!

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Luke thread. Mika bad person. Sudden posts by long time member. Troll behaviour. Not Male. Not Mikey. Mother of 2. Breast feeding. Bullying accusations. How do you know it's a troll? 3 teams: Offended. Neutral. Apples. Contradictions. Peace-making threads. Rose-tinted glasses. Is MFC similar to reality? Non-conformists. More circles. Feeling safe in Apple thread. Is that a form of bullying? Pornstar Whore Francis Rodino kidnaps Luke Juby and makes own thread. Is that Spam? Scarlet Johanson. Flat chest. Breast Feeding. Back on track.


So accurate! And so comprehensive! A bit cryptic, but awesome. I want you to do all our recaps.



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Phew! So exciting! And I was there!

It's like man landing on the moon.


So accurate! And so comprehensive! A bit cryptic, but awesome. I want you to do all our recaps.



Thanks. I didn't think it necessary to go in depth.. Again.. :naughty:

Unless?? :blink:

Hang on.. that last line.. that must mean you expect there to be more MFC dramas. :thumb_yello:

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Luke thread. Mika bad person. Sudden posts by long time member. Troll behaviour. Not Male. Not Mikey. Mother of 2. Breast feeding. Bullying accusations. How do you know it's a troll? 3 teams: Offended. Neutral. Apples. Contradictions. Peace-making threads. Rose-tinted glasses. Is MFC similar to reality? Non-conformists. More circles. Feeling safe in Apple thread. Is that a form of bullying? Pornstar Whore Francis Rodino kidnaps Luke Juby and makes own thread. Is that Spam? Scarlet Johanson. Flat chest. Breast Feeding. Back on track.


Just one more thing, the new poster told us something about playing some kind of guitar!:cool:

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I'm free! :yay: (For three weeks until I get my exam results and reality hits me with a resounding thud. :mf_rosetinted:)






Must be a great feeling, school finished and it's summer!:wink2:

Now wait a second, is it summer in your country now?

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:punk: yay! How many acronyms did you come up with?

I forgot to post those here. For those that don't know I made up acronyms to remember the effects, side effects and uses of some drugs I was having trouble remembering. I had a whole bizarre story line involving Christine, Bec (Soangel), Maccas (McDonald's) and Bec's attachment to her job. :naughty:


Christine really hates going to Maccas. (6 side effects of NSAIDS a.k.a. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Cardiovasucular, Renal, Hypersensitivity, Gastrointestinal, Tinnitus a.k.a. ear ringing, Myelosupression).


Bec gave Christine a very tasty really underpriced Maccas burger, which she surprisingly enjoyed. (10 effects of Morphine: Behavioural, Gastrointestinal, Cardiovascular, Analgesia, Vomiting and nausea, Temperature decrease, Respiratory, Urination difficulties, Miosis a.k.a. pin-point pupils, Bile duct spasms).


Bec really hates to go home. (6 side effects of Aspirin: Bleeding time increase, Reye's Syndrome, Hypersensitivity, Tinnitus, Gastrointestinal, Headache).


"Free to go home" said Bec's boss. (4 side effects of Ibuprofen: Fluid retention, Tinnitus, Gastrointestinal, Hypersensitivity).


"V-very d-dangerous side walk" stuttered Bec as she looked out the window. (6 side effects of Triptans, used for migraines: Vomiting and nausea, Vertigo, Dizziness, Dry mouth, Sedation, Warmth).


"Couldn't leave Maccas" said Bec the next day when her boss came in. (3 preventative treatments for Cluster Headaches: Corticosteroids, Lithium, Methysergide).



If you're wondering, yes I am insane. :ap_rosetinted:

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