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Appleman, apples, cats, donuts, sarcasm, wizards (kind & fine), and WHATEVER part 4


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Just one more thing, the new poster told us something about playing some kind of guitar!:cool:

And found that picture of Cherisse ft. (featuring) half of Luke's body on Luke's/Martin's/Mikey's Myspace page back when there were lots of behind the scenes photos available. :thumb_yello:


What on earth? :blink:



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Must be a great feeling, school finished and it's summer!:wink2:

Now wait a second, is it summer in your country now?

It's the dead of Winter, the shortest days of the year. :thumbdown:


Plenty of time to snuggle up with a laptop and internet dramas. :ap_rosetinted:

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I forgot to post those here. For those that don't know I made up acronyms to remember the effects, side effects and uses of some drugs I was having trouble remembering. I had a whole bizarre story line involving Christine, Bec (Soangel), Maccas (McDonald's) and Bec's attachment to her job. :naughty:


Christine really hates going to Maccas. (6 side effects of NSAIDS a.k.a. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Cardiovasucular, Renal, Hypersensitivity, Gastrointestinal, Tinnitus a.k.a. ear ringing, Myelosupression).


Bec gave Christine a very tasty really underpriced Maccas burger, which she surprisingly enjoyed. (10 effects of Morphine: Behavioural, Gastrointestinal, Cardiovascular, Analgesia, Vomiting and nausea, Temperature decrease, Respiratory, Urination difficulties, Miosis a.k.a. pin-point pupils, Bile duct spasms).


Bec really hates to go home. (6 side effects of Aspirin: Bleeding time increase, Reye's Syndrome, Hypersensitivity, Tinnitus, Gastrointestinal, Headache).


"Free to go home" said Bec's boss. (4 side effects of Ibuprofen: Fluid retention, Tinnitus, Gastrointestinal, Hypersensitivity).


"V-very d-dangerous side walk" stuttered Bec as she looked out the window. (6 side effects of Triptans, used for migraines: Vomiting and nausea, Vertigo, Dizziness, Dry mouth, Sedation, Warmth).


"Couldn't leave Maccas" said Bec the next day when her boss came in. (3 preventative treatments for Cluster Headaches: Corticosteroids, Lithium, Methysergide).



If you're wondering, yes I am insane. :ap_rosetinted:


:tears: M could've been Melzy


I see, and where does the "pornstar whore" part fit? :blink:

It's part of the discussion in that thread.

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I forgot to post those here. For those that don't know I made up acronyms to remember the effects, side effects and uses of some drugs I was having trouble remembering. I had a whole bizarre story line involving Christine, Bec (Soangel), Maccas (McDonald's) and Bec's attachment to her job. :naughty:


Christine really hates going to Maccas. (6 side effects of NSAIDS a.k.a. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Cardiovasucular, Renal, Hypersensitivity, Gastrointestinal, Tinnitus a.k.a. ear ringing, Myelosupression).


Bec gave Christine a very tasty really underpriced Maccas burger, which she surprisingly enjoyed. (10 effects of Morphine: Behavioural, Gastrointestinal, Cardiovascular, Analgesia, Vomiting and nausea, Temperature decrease, Respiratory, Urination difficulties, Miosis a.k.a. pin-point pupils, Bile duct spasms).


Bec really hates to go home. (6 side effects of Aspirin: Bleeding time increase, Reye's Syndrome, Hypersensitivity, Tinnitus, Gastrointestinal, Headache).


"Free to go home" said Bec's boss. (4 side effects of Ibuprofen: Fluid retention, Tinnitus, Gastrointestinal, Hypersensitivity).


"V-very d-dangerous side walk" stuttered Bec as she looked out the window. (6 side effects of Triptans, used for migraines: Vomiting and nausea, Vertigo, Dizziness, Dry mouth, Sedation, Warmth).


"Couldn't leave Maccas" said Bec the next day when her boss came in. (3 preventative treatments for Cluster Headaches: Corticosteroids, Lithium, Methysergide).



If you're wondering, yes I am insane. :ap_rosetinted:


Wow... I feel special to have a whole story of acronyms about me....


Except going home is the best part of work :naughty:


I start work again in 3 and a half hours :thumbdown:

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Wow... I feel special to have a whole story of acronyms about me....


Except going home is the best part of work :naughty:


I start work again in 3 and a half hours :thumbdown:



And I heard they've finally made a "cook while you wait" rule now

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Wow... I feel special to have a whole story of acronyms about me....


Except going home is the best part of work :naughty:


I start work again in 3 and a half hours :thumbdown:

"Special" indeed. :insane:


But Christine features too, don't steal her limelight. :mf_rosetinted: I wonder if she likes Maccas? :fisch:


Half whore, half pornstar. I think I like this man already. :ap_rosetinted:

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I'm free! :yay: (For three weeks until I get my exam results and reality hits me with a resounding thud. )


Y'know I was contemplating leaving the MFC since simply keeping up with it consumes a lot of time, then posts like these remind me that humour is what keeps me sane.


:yay:Happy you're around to waste more time with us! Glad you enjoyed my immaturity



:tears: M could've been Melzy


And I could have stood for sedation. I guess I missed the auditions... :thumbdown:

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I forgot to post those here. For those that don't know I made up acronyms to remember the effects, side effects and uses of some drugs I was having trouble remembering. I had a whole bizarre story line involving Christine, Bec (Soangel), Maccas (McDonald's) and Bec's attachment to her job. :naughty:


If you're wondering, yes I am insane. :ap_rosetinted:


They made you come up with your own acronyms? Gosh, was i spoon fed studying nursing!


Oh and that whole Francis thing... I started reading the thread today and got confused. Are you telling me that that was legit? *makes note to self to go back and read it properly*

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They made you come up with your own acronyms? Gosh, was i spoon fed studying nursing!

Yeah, I think the only acronym I've come across is ADME - absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. So I need to be creative on my own. :newyear:


And I could have stood for sedation. I guess I missed the auditions... :thumbdown:

My subconscious doesn't takes requests but you may feature in future products of my demented mind. :newyear:



P.S. does anyone still use the newyar smilie? I'm rather fond of it - it's so sweet it pairs up really well with nasty statements.

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Yup. International Board Certified.


The best job of my life, I totally love it:wub2:


I used to be a lawyer once upon a time. Solving people's problems when money not babies depended on it. I prefer the babies.:naughty:

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You'd better not leave! That would NOT be ok with me! I am mean and will make you stay.



I'm not going to leave, I enjoy talking to you all too much. :wink2: But I am going to reduce how often I visit next semester because my studies are getting progressively harder and my current time management habits aren't keeping up. :thumbdown:


I am an LC. More accurately an IBCLC.


See if Twatty can solve that acronym.:naughty:

I figured out the LC part but the IBC part stumped me. :rolls_eyes: Internal breast clamp was my guess, but that sounds rather painful. :mf_rosetinted:


The best job of my life, I totally love it


I used to be a lawyer once upon a time. Solving people's problems when money not babies depended on it. I prefer the babies.:naughty:

If I may ask, how did you move from law into lactation consulting? They don't exactly go hand in hand. :naughty:

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If all adults remembered how to conduct themselves at all times and in all circumstances, the court system would have nothing to do.


The thing is that being angry at Mika and taunting trolls are not crimes and do not require public floggings as punishment IMO.


The reason we see the same cycle over and over is not because this board is replete with bullies and their victims. Personally I don't know of any member of MFC whose intention it is to push around and hurt other members. If someone feels that they have been pushed around and hurt the only way to address it IMO is to deal with that person, either directly or through a moderator. That way the people involved can be made aware of how their actions are impacting others and it's an opportunity for any misunderstandings to be cleared up.


If you open up a general behaviour lecture thread everyone just retreats to their own corners again, not knowing if they are the ones at fault, what exactly they did wrong or who they may have offended. It just results in a reverse-bullying effect where no one feels as if they can speak their minds any more for fear of being publicly flogged or even banned.


People can agree or disagree with my proposed solution but one thing's for certain is this endless cycle of hurt feelings > lecturing > more hurt feelings isn't resolving any problems. All it does is cast a pall over the board for much longer than the original incident warrants.



Luke thread. Mika bad person. Sudden posts by long time member. Troll behaviour. Not Male. Not Mikey. Mother of 2. Breast feeding. Bullying accusations. How do you know it's a troll? 3 teams: Offended. Neutral. Apples. Contradictions. Peace-making threads. Rose-tinted glasses. Is MFC similar to reality? Non-conformists. More circles. Feeling safe in Apple thread. Is that a form of bullying? Pornstar Whore Francis Rodino kidnaps Luke Juby and makes own thread. Is that Spam? Scarlet Johanson. Flat chest. Breast Feeding. Back on track.


:bow: That was awesome. I am going to stop wasting so many of my waking hours on MFC and just check in with you once a week.


Bec gave Christine a very tasty really underpriced Maccas burger, which she surprisingly enjoyed. (10 effects of Morphine: Behavioural, Gastrointestinal, Cardiovascular, Analgesia, Vomiting and nausea, Temperature decrease, Respiratory, Urination difficulties, Miosis a.k.a. pin-point pupils, Bile duct spasms).


Thanks for the burger Bec. :roftl:


Glad to have you back ST. Hope the exam results are better than you expect.


Oh and that whole Francis thing... I started reading the thread today and got confused. Are you telling me that that was legit? *makes note to self to go back and read it properly*


Not the kidnapping and the pornstar part :naughty:, but yeah most of it is legit.









Ah so beautiful! Enjoy your holidays.

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I'm not going to leave, I enjoy talking to you all too much. :wink2: But I am going to reduce how often I visit next semester because my studies are getting progressively harder and my current time management habits aren't keeping up. :thumbdown:



I figured out the LC part but the IBC part stumped me. :rolls_eyes:



If I may ask, how did you move from law into lactation consulting? They don't exactly go hand in hand. :naughty:


Having a baby changed my life!!:biggrin2:


You'd be surprised how you can combine law and lactation. In the US there are lawyers who specialise in fighting custody cases for breastfeeding mothers...preventing overnight access for fathers while the child still nurses.


Also there is work with WHO and UNICEF drawing up declarations and Codes and things.


But I love the grassroots stuff, the hands on mother/baby work. Knowing I am possibly helping that baby's lifelong health. (and the mother too) Preventing their future gig cancellations in 2032.:naughty:

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But I love the grassroots stuff, the hands on mother/baby work. Knowing I am possibly helping that baby's lifelong health. (and the mother too) Preventing their future gig cancellations in 2032.:naughty:


Future pop star fans will thank you! :thumb_yello:

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Thanks for the burger Bec. :roftl:

So, do you actually dislike McDonalds? Would a cheap burger from Bec convert you? :naughty:


Knowing I am possibly helping that baby's lifelong health. (and the mother too) Preventing their future gig cancellations in 2032.:naughty:


Future pop star fans will thank you! :thumb_yello:

Excuse me while I go finish choking on the banana I was eating when I read that. :roftl:

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