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Appleman, apples, cats, donuts, sarcasm, wizards (kind & fine), and WHATEVER part 4


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Haha, well now that Andy has gone evil and turned Luke into a raisin....:fisch:


but luke gets Part 7 cuz dcdeb approved it. :lmao: so its more innocent then part 8.


that's pretty,what's part 7 about?

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that's pretty,what's part 7 about?


Hah, that is when the plane crash happens and Luke thinks I am dead and blames himself. Then I go in disguise and go on a date with luke, but he doesnt know it is me, etc. i cant remember the rest. unfortunately part 7 is when I left the PPRC for a couple months. The plane crash was supposed to kill me off in the story, but I decided that I wanted to write again.

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Which interview/article?


Ooop, sorry, the French one about him being a Pop Dynamo or something--third down in the News section?


Luke's a sweetie, maybe we should make him an apple fanfic as well. :naughty:


Still haven't had the time to see Mika being cute on video. I may have to go AWOL again to take care of some real-life stuff for the next month anyway.



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I posted this in the Mikasounds blog thread, but thought I'd repost it here all the same.


Re: New Mikasounds email--I'm glad they're reading the MFC but they need to stop telling us how to feel about these blogs! Ugh! It is so patronizing and presumptuous and disrespectful and annoying.


We don't need to be "assured" that Mika's blogs are not a "flash-in-the-pan" and that he "remains dedicated to communication with fans" or whatever unless there's suddenly a blog drought and they're just trying to let us know it's only temporary. If he's continuing to post on a regular basis, we will see for out selves that this is true!


I suppose one could imagine they were just trying to reach the fans who may have stopped checking the website after the Paris gig or the main European festivals, but then there is no need for the defensive tone! Just say, "hey, there are new blogs, they're exciting, check 'em out."


And the bit about how rare it is to find an artist of Mika's stature who would--out of the goodness of his heart--deign to favor us fans with blogs because he so cares--so, the implication goes, shouldn't we all be oh-so-grateful? Argh, lay off already. Let us decide by ourselves how to receive the blogs, whether we should be grateful or not, and just how rare or not rare we think this is. After all, we're the ones who are possibly following other artists too, of various levels of fame, and we see how different artists communicate, and we don't need to be lectured.


Plus it's not like this point of view is unrepresented here on MFC--we're quite aware of it. We don't need it from Mikasounds. They're Mika's professional PR team; they need to learn how to act professional.



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I so agree. It's like they think they are talking to a group of eleven year olds who need guidance.

Sure I know there are eleven year olds here, but they don't all need this patronising tone either.

I read the email and deleted it in disgust.

It made me not want to read the blogs or give Mika a medal, I couldn't decide which.

Maybe I am just an awkward bitch though.

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I so agree. It's like they think they are talking to a group of eleven year olds who need guidance.

Sure I know there are eleven year olds here, but they don't all need this patronising tone either.


The ones who would possibly need the patronizing tone are all so over-the-moon over Mika that they think he's perfection embodied and each time he scratches his nose they want to faint and so they don't need a defensive email anyway.


Phunks, I wish I could paste it in for you, but I get it as an image, not text, so I can't copy-and-paste.


It made me not want to read the blogs or give Mika a medal, I couldn't decide which.

Maybe I am just an awkward bitch though.


Eh, I bet Mika doesn't read these. He's a much better advertiser than that, I'd think if he read them, he would have corrected it.


Jemma, thanks for teaching us a new word! It's so dirty-sounding too. :naughty:



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Phunks, I wish I could paste it in for you, but I get it as an image, not text, so I can't copy-and-paste.




Eh, I bet Mika doesn't read these. He's a much better advertiser than that, I'd think if he read them, he would have corrected it.


Jemma, thanks for teaching us a new word! It's so dirty-sounding too. :naughty:




Haha, exactly. Mika isn't perfect, far form it like the rest of it. Hell, Mika should be thanking US!! We are the ones who support him. He in some way owes the blog to us. He is a great performer with a blog and we are great fans that give him our supprt. I think we are even with no thankfulness involved.

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Thank you, dilek!!


He never says Thank You to us:thumbdown:


Well now, that's not true. :wink2: He often thanks fans for coming to see him at shows, and awards, and via various video messages and interviews. And the fact that he still comes out to see fans after shows, even though his shows are getting so huge now, is remarkably nice.


And honestly, I don't think we need any "thanks" for being fans--we're like all fans: supportive and flattering at (hopefully most) times, annoying and maybe a little scary at others. :naughty: After all, he's also never said anything harsh to us at times when I'm sure we gave him headaches.


Anyway, our return for our support are good performances and his music, and his return for his performances and his music is our support.


The other stuff are all bonuses from all sides, but they seem to match well enough. :thumb_yello: He shows his appreciation by coming out to see us and being pretty much unfailingly courteous, and through the bonuses of online communication (although since most other artists do that too it's also beneficial for him as marketing and keeping relevant). And we show our appreciation through flying over to see him in 30 countries and the projects and buying 10 copies of his albums and all the singles, etc etc etc.


So the point is, we function well enough left to ourselves, and Mikasounds does not need to butt in and tell us how we should feel about Mika's blogs, anymore than they need to tell Mika how he should feel about MFC.



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