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Appleman, apples, cats, donuts, sarcasm, wizards (kind & fine), and WHATEVER part 4


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Anyway, our return for our support are good performances and his music, and his return for his performances and his music is our support.


I would like to replace the word SUPPORT with the words HARD EARNED CASH:mf_rosetinted:

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I would like to replace the word SUPPORT with the words HARD EARNED CASH:mf_rosetinted:


Haha.I agree. I just think we owe Mika our $$ and support as much as he owes us respect and blogs. Just because he is famous, doesnt mean a blog from him is 'Omg! A treat' I dont care. The blog is nice, but if the blog is filling up his schedule too much...


Thanks dilek for the page. I think it is really tacky actually.

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Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!










Good byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye !!!!!

i still love you guys... well... most of you :naughty::wink2:


Hello! I was missing you earlier this week! Still on hols or working in Martinique?

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Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!










Good byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye !!!!!

i still love you guys... well... most of you :naughty::wink2:


Hello funny girl!:naughty:


Love you too!:huglove:

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I would like to replace the word SUPPORT with the words HARD EARNED CASH:mf_rosetinted:


Well yeah, same difference. :naughty:


He wants our money, he is nice to us and sings pretty. He is nice to us and sings pretty, we give him money. If he just sang pretty, we'd probably give him less money (wouldn't travel to far-flung countries) than he gets from both the singing and the being nice. It's an exchange. :mf_rosetinted:


But I can't really pretend to be harsh on him this week, the blogs have done their work on me. :wub2: Not enough to be calling him "Mika darling" :wink2: like some, but definitely enough to remind me why I spend so much time on here in the first place.


Yop, hellooooooo!



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Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!










Good byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye !!!!!

i still love you guys... well... most of you :wink2:


Hey! :sneaky2: That's not fair. You can't jump in, leave a dodgy post and then cop out! Coward! :thumbdown:



Well yeah, same difference.


He wants our money, he is nice to us and sings pretty. He is nice to us and sings pretty, we give him money. If he just sang pretty, we'd probably give him less money (wouldn't travel to far-flung countries) than he gets from both the singing and the being nice. It's an exchange. :mf_rosetinted:


But I can't really pretend to be harsh on him this week, the blogs have done their work on me. Not enough to be calling him "Mika darling" like some, but definitely enough to remind me why I spend so much time on here in the first place.


Yop, hellooooooo!




Mika darling! :lmfao: This is so.... 'would you like another cup of tea?' :roftl:

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Hey! :sneaky2: That's not fair. You can't jump in, leave a dodgy post and then cop out! Coward! :thumbdown:





Mika darling! :lmfao: This is so.... 'would you like another cup of tea?' :roftl:


Well, she was being partly sarcastic... but only partly, I wager. :wink2:


Going back through the v-blogs: Mika's playing up the sailor style now? That's cute. It's the general thing for this summer too, isn't it? Ha, Mika, you are supposed to be ahead of the curve! He should go with mime style. I am serious when I say I love how Martin looks in mime costume.



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Well, she was being partly sarcastic... but only partly, I wager. :wink2:


Yes only part sarcasm. :wink2:


The blogs have not really worked much magic on me in general. Not that I didn't think he was doing a fantastic job. Other people love them and I think it's a very effective use of his time - better than standing around signing his name 200 times a night. But for me I think it's a been a bit of a case of too little too late.


He definitely got me yesterday however. Normally I find it incredibly frustrating when things like this happen - Mikasounds sending out an email for people to comment when we've all been struggling to comment for a couple of weeks and don't know how. But it was quite endearing when he asked for help the way he did. :wub2:


I'm disappointed that the commenting on the blogs has turned somewhat to MySpace type garbage, but there's only so much that can be done about that. It's a shame because it was a great opportunity for two-way communication with us, but sifting through all that crap is going to be more difficult than just creating the blogs. But the sheer volume of comments shows how many people are enjoying the blogs so that must be encouraging for him.

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Well, she was being partly sarcastic... but only partly, I wager.




...removed everything so Jack can sleep again and everybody thinks I'm a bit delusional as they have no idea what I am talking about below... haha






Yop was being what? :no: I'm disappointed and very, very sad now. :emot-sad:

The whole sailor style blog thing is hilarious. I appreciate very much that he's so into the whole blogging business, reporting about the most banal things. But the comments on that one are even funnier. Made me :roftl: to read all the 'Ohhh that shirt looks sososo sooooo fantastic on you. It's so..... striped and woah, blue and :shocked: white, amazing, really suits you soooo well... '

I can well imagine that it can be a bit trying after a while to be told how simply everything about you is just fantabulous. If I were him I'd be quite tempted to try and see how far I can go with it. I mean he kinda did it already with the shirt blog... and the mud of course. :roftl:


You should post the 'I mostly imitate musicians that are dead and I'm going to wear my sailor outfit now' comment in the 'Mika is probably going to die of AIDS' thread. :bleh:

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Well yeah, same difference. :naughty:


He wants our money, he is nice to us and sings pretty. He is nice to us and sings pretty, we give him money. If he just sang pretty, we'd probably give him less money (wouldn't travel to far-flung countries) than he gets from both the singing and the being nice. It's an exchange. :mf_rosetinted:


But I can't really pretend to be harsh on him this week, the blogs have done their work on me. :wub2: Not enough to be calling him "Mika darling" :wink2: like some, but definitely enough to remind me why I spend so much time on here in the first place.


Yop, hellooooooo!



Could you stretch to Our Darling Boy?

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I can well imagine that it can be a bit trying after a while to be told how simply everything about you is just fantabulous.


I don't think people understand how boring all that sucking up must be to him. Sure he doesn't want incessant harsh criticism after going to so much trouble with these blogs. But there's a difference between comments with a positive tone and endless fawning.

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I don't think people understand how boring all that sucking up must be to him. Sure he doesn't want incessant harsh criticism after going to so much trouble with these blogs. But there's a difference between comments with a positive tone and endless fawning.


The problem is, for me, the endless fawning makes me want to go the other way and harshly criticise. Which isn't fair, I know. It's not Mika writing the total crap.

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I don't think people understand how boring all that sucking up must be to him. Sure he doesn't want incessant harsh criticism after going to so much trouble with these blogs. But there's a difference between comments with a positive tone and endless fawning.


*goes to check if her one and only comment (on the sailor top) comes across as a comment with a positive tone or endless fawning*


Edit: Sorry, forgot these:mf_rosetinted:

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The problem is, for me, the endless fawning makes me want to go the other way and harshly criticise. Which isn't fair, I know. It's not Mika writing the total crap.


I know. Some days I find myself almost loathing Mika and then I realize it's the fans who are irritating me and it has absolutely nothing to do with what Mika is or isn't doing.


*goes to check if her one and only comment (on the sailor top) comes across as a comment with a positive tone or endless fawning*


Edit: Sorry, forgot these:mf_rosetinted:


It's only endless when it's 20 comments, not the one and only comment. :naughty:

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I know. Some days I find myself almost loathing Mika and then I realize it's the fans who are irritating me and it has absolutely nothing to do with what Mika is or isn't doing.


Actually, I was talking about something similar with someone this afternoon, and the fact that often there are only certain people I really feel like talking to on here and I wished I could make a "secret" thread that I could retreat to, to engage in meaningful conversation, where all the "irritating" people couldn't find me...



Then I remembered that I have MSN:naughty:

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You know, to be honest, the ONLY thing I want to hear from MIKA right now is a Thank you to Christine.


Without her, nobody really would have been able to start the comments flooding in...FFS ...Mika has no clue how this blogging caper works. His page is turning into Perez-style...and I guarantee, people will start competing to write "First!" soon. As well as a whole heap of revolting claptrap like check my site, check my hot bod, please reply to the letter my friend Patricia gave you last week- type of BS. That's apart from the 13yo MFCers who write post after post after post....GYAAAAAH.


But Christine, I digress, did Mika (or anyone Mika related) send you a nice little Thank you note....? To your registered email?




Un-cool to ask for help...maybe...but uber-uncool not to acknowledge the help once it has been provided in my opinion.


See I thought he was brought up better than that.:mf_rosetinted:


If so many people can post a Thankyou Christine, then I think mikablog should too.


And I know you most likely don't need or want that Christine, I just think it's the priniciple.:bleh:

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Mika has no clue how this blogging caper works.


No he doesn't. :naughty:


But it only took someone a couple of hours to figure out how to turn the registration off so people would have been able to comment eventually even without the snooping around.


I'm glad I got an account registered though so I can reserve my name. I think he should turn it back on, especially since my instructions are on there now and it's confusing people.


I noticed some person last night saying that the instructions are useless since the registration has been disabled and he should contact her because she knows about Word Press. WTFever. :blink:


His page is turning into Perez-style...and I guarantee, people will start compete to write "First!" soon.


I thought of that before the first rush of comments came through and there may be a solution if Mika is interested. Not holding my breath, but we'll see.


But Christine, I digress, did Mika (or anyone Mika related) send you a nice little Thank you note....? To your registered email?


You're kidding right? :roftl:


If so many people can post a Thankyou Christine, then I think mikablog should to.


And I know you most likely don't need or want that Christine, I just think it's the priniciple.:bleh:


I think Mika stopped reading all that crap about 800 comments ago. I do hope he read enough at least to notice that it was someone on his own mod team that figured it out and maybe he should be coming to MFC directly for assistance instead of struggling at every turn.

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I wished I could make a "secret" thread that I could retreat to, to engage in meaningful conversation, where all the "irritating" people couldn't find me...


That's why we are so uninviting in here. :naughty:

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