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Appleman, apples, cats, donuts, sarcasm, wizards (kind & fine), and WHATEVER part 4


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Whoa. That's pretty badass Suzy... it would have gotten you top marks in badass if you'd gone somewhere less wholesome than Disneyworld though.


:roftl: I bet she went to Ft. Lauderdale, not Disney World.

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I skipped class once.


I went to the library. :blush-anim-cl:


Anyway, kids do still drink and lie and all that, but I also think they take school more seriously. So a lot of the stuff you were doing, Christine, they only start doing in college, when they have a bit more free time.


I have some friends who also spent most of their time among themselves and not adults, felt that school got in the way, and did various illegal drugs when they were in high school, but it was almost not rebellious. I mean, ok, so they'd sneak out and meet up and get high, but then they just sit and make music and play boardgames while doing it. They had far more enmity towards their "mindless mainstream peers" than their parents though.



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Orlando Florida was the real destination. DisneyWorld was one day out of the week (and we had to lie about our age, because we wouldn't have been able to rent a car otherwise).


I was't all bad. I did a lot of volunteer work at the hospital, church, and at many schools. I sponsored children from third world countries and got my boyfriend who was the school president at the time to get the school to do it too.


Nono - I didn't open a Facebook account because I didn't want to come across some of the people that were a negative influence on me at that time in my life. I was turned off to it even before I opened an account because pictures of me were already circulating from my highschool days. My hubby came across one of me. One of the pics was of me in the girls washroom of my highschool....

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i just tend not to hang out with many kids


1. kids in my school all mostly sluts and have already done like 13 boys

2. most kids dont wanna be seen with me


of course i have my friends the geeks, goody-goodies, exchange students, and rejects!

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Nono - I didn't open a Facebook account because I didn't want to come across some of the people that were a negative influence on me at that time in my life. I was turned off to it even before I opened an account because pictures of me were already circulating from my highschool days. My hubby came across one of me. One of the pics was of me in the girls washroom of my highschool....


Oh, I see. How long has Facebook been around?

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Oh, btw, I did spend my afternoons after school with the disenchanted moody crowd, and we'd sit in the hallways and make up plans to bomb the school or whatnot.


That counts as "not goody-two shoes" now I think. But our anger was at the administration and "the system" and "society" rather than other students per se, so you know, there was no serious harm intended to anybody, just some daydreaming. :bleh:



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Suzy, why did you want to go to Florida so much anyways? :lol3:


So I could party during Spring Break and be able to be with my boyfriend without grown ups around. Florida was convenient because we found a private bus/tour company who'd drive us there cheap. *Wonders if this tour bus would come in handy for future Mika North American Tour...*

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i just tend not to hang out with many kids


1. kids in my school all mostly sluts and have already done like 13 boys

2. most kids dont wanna be seen with me


of course i have my friends the geeks, goody-goodies, exchange students, and rejects!


Hey, what's wrong with sluts who may have done 13 boys?


Orlando Florida was the real destination. DisneyWorld was one day out of the week (and we had to lie about our age, because we wouldn't have been able to rent a car otherwise).


Nono - I didn't open a Facebook account because I didn't want to come across some of the people that were a negative influence on me at that time in my life. I was turned off to it even before I opened an account because pictures of me were already circulating from my highschool days. My hubby came across one of me. One of the pics was of me in the girls washroom of my highschool....


I want to see those. Like a lot. :mf_rosetinted:



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So I could party during Spring Break and be able to be with my boyfriend without grown ups around. Florida was convenient because we found a private bus/tour company who'd drive us there cheap. *Wonders if this tour bus would come in handy for future Mika North American Tour...*


Ohhhh Suzy :lol3:

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Since most of my exploits involved illicit activities it's probably best not to discuss it here.


Haha, that's what I was thinking, too. But I got all my badass-ness out when I was far too young. By 21, I was a college graduate with a 9-5 and a mortgage.


Oh, but when I was 16...:das:


Then again, C, the kind of kids who'd be sneaking out a lot and drinking and doing E and getting involved with bad-news misunderstood-artsy guys wouldn't be spending their time posting on MFC.


Nope, that's what they'll be doing about seven years later - see my previous comment. :naughty:


I created a pretend permission form that our class was going to DisneyWorld. Florida.

I went during Spring Break and my parents believed it was a legitimate field trip.


LMAO! :roftl: Did they ever find out?


TI stole a Christian Dior eyeliner pencil from the drugstore to see if I could get away with it.



A friend of mine did the stealing-to-get-away-with-it thing, too; only, she stole a block of cheese from a grocery store. Talk about random. :blink:

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A lot of things are wrong with them actually.


1. they think they are cool because of it

2. they are a bad influence on me and could possibly become an obstacle for my future in design.


1. Well anyone who thinks they are cool because of a personal choice is annoying, I agree. But that goes for geeks who think they're better than partykids 'cause they are geeky, and indie kids who think they're better than mainstream kids 'cause they're indie, and cheerleaders who think they're better than the pom squad 'cause they're cheerleaders, and everything else too. :biggrin2:


2. Unless you mean they are actively trying to force you into sex, I doubt you have anything to worry about, since it's up to you who influences you or not. :thumb_yello: And I'm not sure how they're an obstacle to design unless they're like... physically hanging off your neck and not allowing you to draw. :roftl: If anything, they should be helpful! If there's one field that has a lot of sluts, it's clothing design.



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A friend of mine did the stealing-to-get-away-with-it thing, too; only, she stole a block of cheese from a grocery store. Talk about random. :blink:


That's so bizarre. My friends stole stuff like CDs and DVDs and other stuff they actually wanted... I was too uptight-moral. :bleh:



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I am talkign about if they get me into doin bad things, (which is my decision, but anyways,) then my life could possibly be ruined.:thumb_yello: and most of the sluts in my school i have tried to hang out but they only try to change who i am, and that isnt me. i prefer my geeky friends.

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Haha, that's what I was thinking, too. But I got all my badass-ness out when I was far too young. By 21, I was a college graduate with a 9-5 and a mortgage.


See I had the pleasure of staying at University for 7 years, doing two degrees, so I was there whooping it up till I was 24. Making up for lost time on all the goody-goody stuff of my teenage years...maybe.....


But actually, I like the order I did it. Then I travelled the world, and then got the 8-6 job, and then three years later moved to Japan for 6 months.


Longest 6 months ever.:naughty:

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Haha, that's what I was thinking, too. But I got all my badass-ness out when I was far too young. By 21, I was a college graduate with a 9-5 and a mortgage.


I was still immature and irresponsible, but yeah I had to move on from badass and go to university by 21.


I skipped class once.


I went to the library. :blush-anim-cl:



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In high school, I went to class as infrequently as I possibly could without getting expelled. And it drove my homeroom teacher insane that I'd still manage to pull relatively decent grades, considering I barely I showed up. (Well, except for in Chemistry. But we won't talk about that one). It was just far more appealing to skip class and go get stupid drunk in our one friend's jacuzzi. :roftl:


I was dating this guy who was the total slacker type - he'd tell me things like "if you don't skip fourth period with me, it means you don't love me." We were 'engaged' for, oh, about two months when I was 17. :bleh:


(I feel like I should add a warning or a disclaimer of some sort to any impressionable eyes that may be reading!) :blush-anim-cl:


Blue Sky - I don't think I ever asked, what brought you to Japan, and what made you stay?

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Hah. I just wanted to skip the one class where I had a project due that I wasn't done with.


But I'm in my more teenagey-stage now actually.


Also, I think it's funny how everyone's being so coy about pot here. I know it's illegal, but personally I think alcohol is far far worse. I keep being surprised when people label it a "drug."



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