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Appleman, apples, cats, donuts, sarcasm, wizards (kind & fine), and WHATEVER part 4


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Random post here. I came on to say I have just been filmed on my doorstep for a funny Japanese TV show. They asked me about mangoes....:blink:


And then I opened my email and found something else to share!


You recall yesterday we were talking about my work, well, today I was sent a link to my interview for spinshell TV... if anyone is in the least bit interested....


I appear for just a few minutes about a third of the way through.... none of you (except soangel) have ever met me, so you don't even know what I sound/look like...so here you go.:naughty:



I want a knitted boob :bleh: That was so cool to watch!! :punk:

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Usually I switch off *zhhz*

As in you switch off your gasbagginess? I've never been able to do that. In my first school report at age 5 my teacher called me a "chatterbox" (the next year me and my best friend were put in separate classes because of it :naughty:) and that's stayed with me all of my life. In highschool I had debating to productively vent it into but now I just bore the pants off people around me. But they've started to learn to tell me to stop. :bleh:

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As in you switch off your gasbagginess? I've never been able to do that. In my first school report at age 5 my teacher called me a "chatterbox" (the next year me and my best friend were put in separate classes because of it :naughty:) and that's stayed with me all of my life. In highschool I had debating to productively vent it into but now I just bore the pants off people around me. But they've started to learn to tell me to stop. :bleh:



Your teacher was right.. I meant switch off as in "I ignore!!" :naughty:

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Awww, yay for stories. Kjoshi, I am also sending you best wishes on your dad's recovery.


Kelzy, I don't think getting a first kiss at 8 is at all odd? That's when a lot of kids are playing about with kisses on dares and so on. (When I was in third grade, a substitute teacher decided a good way to keep us busy was to make us play Spin the Bottle... that was way weird. I think I didn't play though.) Anyway, as I shared in the other thread, my "first" kiss was at about that age, but I didn't have any feelings for the boy and really don't consider it to be any sort of benchmark--just kids playing. My first "real" kiss (and not a little closed-mouth childhood peck) was at 18, so really kjoshi, you've got me beat by a year. :wink2:


Chicky, I tend to call myself a "prude" too, btw, but I use it in a descriptive sense rather than a judgmental one (like how I used the word "slut" earlier). I mean, in some respects I am one (less now but I definitely used to be), so why not say so? My peers didn't really give me much trouble about it--I mean, some would make silly remarks, but really, it's not like anyone looked down on me for it or made fun of me.


Although in college, when one of my male friends found out that I'd never had sex, he was really funny because he said something like "Really? I mean, you're not at all bad looking! I would do you if you wanted, you know." And I was like, "Uhm, it's not like I haven't had sex yet because I was ugly and no one wanted to, you know. I'm fine the way I am, thanks."


I do think it's odd that several of you have cited feeling like you weren't pretty as the reason why you went out with guys you did not much like. I never thought I was great-looking, but I still felt that there was no point to go out with anyone I didn't like a lot... and I never felt I had to compromise on who I liked either. I'm still quite content to flirt with people who I consider out of my league looks-wise, because hey, sometimes they flirt back, and even if I think they're way too pretty for me, why should I mind if they seem not to see that? :naughty:


And honestly I've been surprised by how often someone I think is too attractive to pay attention to me returns my interest anyway.


Which is why I told Christine that I want the next boy I date to be super-hot, of the kind where I just stare at him and think "god you're so beautiful!" It's not like I'm in that league, but I've gotten the attention of guys like that before, so you know, aim high, right? :naughty:




P.S. Oh Blue Sky, hurrah for the interview! Ad you still owe us a story of how you came to Japan and why you stayed.

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I love this thread and all the people in it. :wub2: Getting little glimpses of everyone's lives...I'm sitting here with my coffee and I want to quote and multiquote, but in the interest of time, I can only spare a few minutes to post, since I'm spending more of my time reading.


Thank you for sharing everyone. Don't skimp the details. The only thing better than getting to know more of you this way, is that I wish I could invite all of you to come over and have a pyjama party at my place - where we could share until our voices were gone.


Now I'll go and resume my reading of the posts and watch BLue Sky's interview -but I'm just needing to tell you all that I love you all taking the moment to share your lives.

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Oh, and last night, I was thinking about how I portrayed myself here....

just want to set the record straight - you can count the number of "the-meaning-of-life" situations I had on one hand.

I only had a few years of that. I found who was to be my future husband, in my last year of highschool, so that ended my escapades. :naughty:

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I do think it's odd that several of you have cited feeling like you weren't pretty as the reason why you went out with guys you did not much like. I never thought I was great-looking, but I still felt that there was no point to go out with anyone I didn't like a lot... and I never felt I had to compromise on who I liked either. I'm still quite content to flirt with people who I consider out of my league looks-wise, because hey, sometimes they flirt back, and even if I think they're way too pretty for me, why should I mind if they seem not to see that? :naughty:


And honestly I've been surprised by how often someone I think is too attractive to pay attention to me returns my interest anyway.


Which is why I told Christine that I want the next boy I date to be super-hot, of the kind where I just stare at him and think "god you're so beautiful!" It's not like I'm in that league, but I've gotten the attention of guys like that before, so you know, aim high, right? :naughty:

Well I for one used to be conformist and pliant and took other people's opinions of me seriously, it wasn't until I was a bit older (or more specifically when I met the girl I described in my previous post) that I developed enough self-confidence to form a sense of self-worth independent of that.


My ex-boyfriend was of the type that you've described. I was very surprised when he returned my interest in him. After a while I realised he wasn't just a pretty face but that as people we were actually surprisingly similar. It took me longer, though, to realise that he had other well-hidden traits toxic to the relationship.

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I want to see those. Like a lot. :mf_rosetinted:





I have 5 minutes before I need to shower and get to work. I'll try to find them in Facebook and PM you. No promises.

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Yay Suzy. I also like how my request for stories got everyone all sharing and confiding. :biggrin2:


We are building a community!



Awww, I'd love to see a teenage Suzy. She's already cheek-pinch-worthy. :naughty:


See what you've done, Jack? You've turned the Apple thread into one big pyjama party featuring Truth or Dare. :bleh:



(Btw I first read that as 'we are bullying a community'. :ap_rosetinted::roftl:)

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Random post here. I came on to say I have just been filmed on my doorstep for a funny Japanese TV show. They asked me about mangoes....:blink:


And then I opened my email and found something else to share!


You recall yesterday we were talking about my work, well, today I was sent a link to my interview for spinshell TV... if anyone is in the least bit interested....


I appear for just a few minutes about a third of the way through.... none of you (except soangel) have ever met me, so you don't even know what I sound/look like...so here you go.:naughty:





That's awesome! You were fantastic...you must have the most rewarding job.

Wish I knew you when I was a pair of double Ds, preventing cancellations.



*'kay now really gotta go to work and read more of this thread when I get there.* :naughty:

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Thanks to all of you for sharing your stories!:thumb_yello:

Fantastic reading!


I though I should show my face, I really owe it to you, and not only be lurking.:blush-anim-cl:




Actually maybe that's not entirely true: my first kiss with a girl was memorable (albeit due to its awkwardness). I was 13 or 14 and we were on an excursion for art class to the Royal Botanical Gardens. While we were on the bus a group of us were playing a game where you had to pass on a piece of paper to the next person using your mouth (where you kind of breathe in/use suction to hold it) and if you dropped it you were out of the game. Anyway, stupidity of the concept aside, after we arrived me and a girl continued to play the game on the lawn. After a while she dared me to do it without the paper, so I did. It was a very sweet moment until she ruined it with an arched "with your lips closed" after which I blushed and was awkward. We never talked about it afterwards, it was like it never happened. I used to do that a lot back then, if I thought or felt something I "shouldn't" have I swept it under the metaphorical rug like it never existed. I never even thought about it again until my late teens when I started to question my sexuality.



EDIT: I don't think I've ever told anyone this story. See what the MFC can draw out of you?





This made me think about how teenage years can be the most painful time in your life, things can only be better after that period and this was a memorable story, well worth considering.

Thanks for sharing ST!:wub2:

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I love this thread and all the randomness in it.

*Puts on PJ's*

*spins a bottle*





No one else to play with you? :das:

*applies favourite Aveeno chapstick* :wink2:

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This made me think about how teenage years can be the most painful time in your life, things can only be better after that period and this was a memorable story, well worth considering.

Thanks for sharing ST!:wub2:

Well I'm out of my teens now but things are no less painful - I still metaphorically 'put my foot in my mouth' regularly. :blush-anim-cl:

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Well I'm out of my teens now but things are no less painful - I still metaphorically 'put my foot in my mouth' regularly. :blush-anim-cl:


Not even urban dictionary was able to help me this time but I get the "spritual meaning" of what you are saying!!!:naughty:




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Mwhahahaha, we've captured two young 'uns!


We used to have a double pottery lesson on Friday afternoons directly after lunch, so we used to spend the lunch hour drinking cider through straws (because we were told it was more potent that way) and go back to school and 'create' things in pottery. Age - 15 to 16. I got a fair grade in my exam too!


I've never tapped into that side of my "creativity" before (with anything recreational) ...always feel like I need to try things at least once or I'm missing out. Hmmm...

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The bottle got tossed out the window..

Strip poker now. :das:

*Shuffles cards*


Well its a good thing I've got about 7 layers on in this over-air conditioned corporate environment. Don't have any doors to close though...so I might draw a little attention if I lose more than 3 rounds. :naughty:

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