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Appleman, apples, cats, donuts, sarcasm, wizards (kind & fine), and WHATEVER part 4


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Funnily enough I brought it up with one of the guys who'd been in the class a few years later at a mutual friend's 21st birthday party and he had absolutely no recollection of what I was talking about. And I'd been stewing on it for 4 years!

It's funny how one event which is easily forgotten by one can have such an impact on another's life. It makes me wonder what careless actions I may have done in the past that may have affected others. I hope that I've never affected anyone in such a way, and I hope that it's just an inflated sense of self-importance that lead me to wonder if I could have even done so in the first place rather than that I have the real ability to hurt someone like that.

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That looks like the kind of picture from one of those contests where they challenge people to come up with a clever caption, and the best one wins a prize. :roftl:

So, let's have our own competition: who can come up with the best caption for that picture? :naughty:

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I noticed the one on our left has a hot tattoo.. F.F.F.F.F.Feisty!!!!!!!!! :das:

The one on our right has a backyard tatt, looks more like birthmark. :naughty:

The one in the middle, Well, she's just happy to be there. :lol3:

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My knee is sore, but recovering, thanks. The rest of me is, as predicted, quite stiff today, but nothing too serious.


The yoga girl on the video is actually a fabulous yoga teacher, she must have been overcome with nerves or something. I couldn't believe it. But maybe people can't believe that I find talking about knitted boobs funny. I don't know how you could actually talk about a knitted boob with a straight face. So I don't ever try. My sister (who also teaches breastfeeding classes in Australia) says in her class "Right, I'll just get my breast out" and half her class gasp. (She too has a knitted boob...much to the relief of the participants.)


Seen these ones before??








This picture killed me!! AHAHHAHAHA:roftl:



P.S. I am enjoying catching up with the thread via the emails, as I haven't had the chance to write long, but I thought I'd say that I'm loving reading about everyone's adventures :thumb_yello:.




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So i was reading through the thread and had so many quotes I wanted to respond to and I was finally on the last page and all of the things I wanted to say completely vanished from my mind as soon as I saw this picture!

My knee is sore, but recovering, thanks. The rest of me is, as predicted, quite stiff today, but nothing too serious.


The yoga girl on the video is actually a fabulous yoga teacher, she must have been overcome with nerves or something. I couldn't believe it. But maybe people can't believe that I find talking about knitted boobs funny. I don't know how you could actually talk about a knitted boob with a straight face. So I don't ever try. My sister (who also teaches breastfeeding classes in Australia) says in her class "Right, I'll just get my breast out" and half her class gasp. (She too has a knitted boob...much to the relief of the participants.)


Seen these ones before??




I would've never seen have the things I have online if it wasn't for this thread


Genius lol :thumb_yello:

Someone needs to think of a good caption for this




Thanks for the wishes for my dad Jack!!! He came home today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Now I'm just trying to get him to stay home and rest, it's like trying to calm down a 5 year old who's had too much sugar. He won't stay in one place, he's supposed to be on bed rest but he hates getting help from people. He has too much pride to ask for help! But to be honest I can't blame him I'd get so bored sitting in one place the whole time!




I want to add a story about something I did last night because it's finally something exciting. Well kinda exciting...

One of my first "rebelious" thing I did!


Last night me and my friends went to go see Get Smart...which is pretty funny by the way... but afterwards we went to my friends house afterwards and they all started drinking. I was driving and had work the next day so I didn't. I work at a Cerebral Palsy summer camp for kids so it would've been pretty bad if I went in hung over or something. But anyway they were all bombed and decided it'd be a good idea to do fireworks that night. So I drove them to this park. It was completely in the middle of no where and we had to break in because the gate was closed. Kinda reminded me of those murder movies where the teens get into mischief and places where they aren't supposed to be and then all die. Lol needless to say I was a little scared. But we set off a bunch of fireworks which are illegal in Pennsylvania. When we were done a cop came and was looking for us in the field. He had his flash light out and everything but he never found us cause it was too dark and we cleaned up all the debris from the fireworks. There was only smoke. It was pretty funny because as soon as we saw the car pool up we sprinted into a cornfield and all ducked down so he couldn't see us. Thank god we had just finished cleaning up otherwise we prob. would've been in more trouble. But we just waiting there for like 10 min. until he left and then sprinted for our cars. I have to say even though I was really scared it gave me such a rush to be hiding in the field away from the cop. I honestly felt like I was in a movie lol.

So that's my one exciting story, I have a feeling with my friends there may be more coming in the future.


Oh yeah and Blue that interview thing was really cool! Now you can say you've been on t.v before!

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Nice story, Kjoshi!


Ok, advice time from apply people... Sup's bumping of the Big Girl to Lollipop Girl thread reminded me that I am actually currently trying to lose weight also, although "only" 5 lbs. Which should be easy, right? But for some reason I cannot get any of it to come off!


I don't know how much I can restrict my diet more. I mean, ok, so I eat kind of a lot, but geez, I feel like it's not fair I should worry about portion size when I am vegan! (whine whine) Also, I am really not good at that sort of self-control--plus I just forget. So I'll try to eat less, but I also need a different approach. I cut out drinking soda a while ago, although I sometimes still drink juice... otherwise it's tea and water. I do drink a lot of coffee though, and with sugar, so maybe I should do less of that?


I've also started trying to exercise 10 mins each day, or 20 every other day, because I can't get my schedule together enough to have time to actually go to a gym. Anyway, well, I'm getting in better shape (I no longer get winded as easily and my stomach is not as weak as it used to be, but I'm still not losing any weight. :thumbdown:


I am hoping to get a Wii Fit for my birthday to help me exercise more, but do you have any advice on this?



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You've probably heard all this before, but the fact that you said you think your abs are getting stronger could just mean the fat you were trying to lose is turning into muscle...muscle weighs more than fat and all that...?


I thought of that, but there's no visible difference in my waist size really...



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Nice story, Kjoshi!


Ok, advice time from apply people... Sup's bumping of the Big Girl to Lollipop Girl thread reminded me that I am actually currently trying to lose weight also, although "only" 5 lbs. Which should be easy, right? But for some reason I cannot get any of it to come off!


I don't know how much I can restrict my diet more. I mean, ok, so I eat kind of a lot, but geez, I feel like it's not fair I should worry about portion size when I am vegan! (whine whine) Also, I am really not good at that sort of self-control--plus I just forget. So I'll try to eat less, but I also need a different approach. I cut out drinking soda a while ago, although I sometimes still drink juice... otherwise it's tea and water. I do drink a lot of coffee though, and with sugar, so maybe I should do less of that?


I've also started trying to exercise 10 mins each day, or 20 every other day, because I can't get my schedule together enough to have time to actually go to a gym. Anyway, well, I'm getting in better shape (I no longer get winded as easily and my stomach is not as weak as it used to be, but I'm still not losing any weight. :thumbdown:


I am hoping to get a Wii Fit for my birthday to help me exercise more, but do you have any advice on this?



ER raised a good point about muscle. Could that be the case?


Since you drink a lot of coffee, how do you feel about artificial sweeteners?


Also, since I don't know much about vegan diets: what kinds of food do you eat most? The ratios of carbohydrate and protein and fibre in them would affect your weight loss goals.


I'm not a fitness expert but I've read/heard that for weight loss it's recommended that you exercise for at least half an hour per session because in the earlier stages of the session you might just be burning off your last meal or cup of coffee. So perhaps 3 x 30 minutes a week is better than 7 x 10 minutes? But you can't knock exercise in general, any of it is good for you. Also, since you mentioned that you feel your stomach strengthening: increasing muscle mass increases the amount of energy your body uses in a day so that might slightly tip the balance towards weight loss for you.


In the end it's very individual. For example I find it very easy to lose 5lb or even 10lb - all I have to do is cut my consumption of sugar, simple carbohydrates and fat for a while. What I find hard is maintaining motivation over long periods of time to continue losing further weight or even just keeping what I lost off - I'm a serial yo-yo dieter, losing weight then putting it back on then repeating the cycle. It's my bad habits that I slip back into that I need to deal with, and also the matter of self-control. I'll get back to you if I ever find a cure for that. :ap_rosetinted:

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Jack my question would be:

Do you want to weigh less or measure less?


Because exercise can tone things up and you fit in your clothes better, regardless of the number it shows on the scale.


I often tell the new mums I work with that exercise doesn't have to be about going to the gym, a brisk 20 minute walk every day can do a lot to reduce your weight. (Pushing a stroller too in their case)


I started walking my youngest to and from kinder every day (a few years back...he is Grade 3 now) and it was 20 minutes there and back, twice a day. In a couple of months, without altering my food intake, I had lost 10 kgs. And you don't need heavy weights to tone flab, you can use soup cans or whatever is in the cupboard, do 30 x 3 soup can reps, and if you don't drop them on your foot, you are on the way to slimming!! (You can also use plastic water bottles filled with water.)


Reminds me, I should get off here and go for a walk!!


I have often said to people on the weight loss threads, if we spent HALF as long being active as we do sitting in front of our screens, we would probably be the picture of good health. MFC is way too sedentary an addiction, it only exacerbates the entire situation.


That being said, I have entirely no self control. Forget the walk.:mf_rosetinted:

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Well I kind of want to weigh 115 lbs, since that's what I feel is my "optimal" weight (it's not the lightest I've been--I've been down to 107lbs, but I don't want to go anywhere near that low, that was not healthy). But of course, yes, the point is to measure less so I can fit into my clothes better.


Unfortunately, I do not seem to be measuring any less. :thumbdown:


I know I should walk more! Sigh. Sadly even when I'm not on MFC, I have a sedentary profession... either writing papers on the computer or reading at the library. There's really not much call to me to walk places. Though oooh, I should get my bike fixed so I could ride it...



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The Wii fit should help Jack, since from what I've seen, it looks like a fun thing to use while providing excercise as well. I want one myself, but I need a wii first.



I have similar problem as ST... I can lose a few pounds easily, if I cut out half the crap I eat, but then I lose the motivation to keep going, and I have trouble maintaining and losing more.


I have a gym membership, that I might use fairly often one month, and barely the next, because laziness, assignments, and work all interfere. And I normally walk the dogs, but with it being winter, so being colder, maybe marginally wetter, and darker earlier thats difficult.


But I'm hoping to change that over the holidays. I've given up on eating maccas after work (except for overnighters when its free, and even then its something small) and am buying myself more 'healthy' snacks as opposed to chocolate (though I still do buy chocolate, just try to limit myself). And I'm trying to get the fitness I had before end of semester period, when I used to go to the gym more often, back

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eating less is the only way to lose weight more or less quickly :wink2: not saying "stop eating" but eat the same in smaller portions and go on with the exercise... no need to stop every sugar or juice... the only food for the brain is sugar, the only thing you would get is being less efficient and less motivated which leads to inactivity and eating more because you feel sad (in the extremes, i'm not saying it's in the second you stop sugar). if you feel like you're eating sweets all day long, then yes, this sugar is not necessary. unless you drink 10 coffees with 2 full spoons of sugar in each, it shouldn't be the problem. eat what you want, what you like, in smaller portions. and if you feel like eating a fantastic anything full of sugar once, just do it. frustration leads to putting on weight. true true true.

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The Wii fit should help Jack, since from what I've seen, it looks like a fun thing to use while providing excercise as well. I want one myself, but I need a wii first.


Have it, LOVE it! :thumb_yello::wub2:

Not that it would replace any sort of hardcore fitness programme but it's quite motivating :wink2:

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Have it, LOVE it! :thumb_yello::wub2:

Not that it would replace any sort of hardcore fitness programme but it's quite motivating :wink2:


Awww, it wouldn't? I was under the impression that it could give you a decent workout...


Ahhh, to go back to the days when I was a child and spent the whole time running/playing/biking outdoors!



Honestly, it's no wonder we're all (people in civilized countries) getting fatter now. If anything, I'm surprised how people remain thin. We used to be out in the fields moving and lifting things all day, or even in the Industrial age, we'd still be outside and walking about. Nowadays our life is entirely sedentary and we have to make time to go outside, and if we ARE outside doing healthy things, then we probably feel guilty 'cause we're not working. (At least for me, I'd love to randomly go out and take a walk or a hike right now but I have to do work instead.) And I mean, I live on a highway, so I don't even have much anywhere to walk, and I always have to drive places. Of course now that the natural modern shape is larger, the ideal of beauty is a starving waif.


It really astonishes me sometimes how damn unhealthy the modern working lifestyle is. If the gov't really cared about America's "obesity epidemic" rather than using weird scare tactics and treating heavier people as though they're somehow diseased, they should really just cut down on regulation office hours, build more public transport, and revitalize ghetto neighborhoods with parks and greenery.



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I totally agree; we're phsyical beings, yet we live a sedentary life, plus food is always there very conveniently ready, so no mistery that people are getting fat!


I am personally not a great example to be giving people advice right now I guess, as I am carrying an extra 15 kg on my "old, normal" weight at the moment :blush-anim-cl:, but I would say a few things.


Even though I don't do it, I know I should....


Basically, the only way to lose weight is to have a calorie deficit: to intake less calories than your body uses.

The best ( and healthiest) way to achieve this is a combination of:


-exercise (combined cardio and resistance/strength training)

-restricting calories, mainly in the form of fats and sugars, but still having enough of them.


A good way is to increase the protein you eat, as it fills you up and is essential for building musscle mass, and the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate is even when you are resting, and it makes you burn more calories in general doing anyhting.


The best way is to have around 5-6 small meals a day, and each needs to be a good balance of protein, carbs and fat.

Obviously, "good" fats like olive oil, vegetable fat,etc, not animal fats:naughty: which are saturated and unhealthy as.


What else?

Carbs: the best carbs are the "slow release" ones, like wholegrain pasta, or rice, and pulses (lentils, chickpeas,etc).

Avoid white carbs,as they are very processed, and turn to sugar in no time once you eat them,like white bread, white rice, and lastly white pasta.


Also, sugar as in the refined sugar that you buy in the shop: no need for that at all, in fact it's the worse sugar you can have.

Fruit has natural sugar which is ok, and so is honey (they both have fructose) but it needs to be eaten in moderation.

Obviously we need sugar, but any carb turns to sugar when we eat it so in the end these processed sugars are redundant and not so healthy anyway.


As for exercise, it would need to be longer than 10 minutes as if you want to lose weight you should keep your heart rate elevated for a certain amount of time, which most experts I think suggest is around 20 minutes...The latest I heard for ultimate fat burning in short times is 12 second bouts of going all out doing something( like sprinting) and then 12 seconds rest, then 12 seconds all out,etc...


Otherwise, high intensity cardio is also very good: going up in cycles of intensity for a short period.

Combining cardio with strength training is the best way to achieve quick and healthy results.


In fact there is a lot of good advice in this site:




Also about meal plans, etc...


Anyway, I hope I didn't bore anyone:naughty:


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