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Mika: "I'm alive. Bye"




I'd love it if Mika gave us a small secret MFC only exclusive gig so we could hear some of his new songs and we could feedback on them lol, but that's beyond wishful thinking :blush-anim-cl:

i wouldn't mind THAT between the album silence lol!

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Mika: "I'm alive. Bye"




I hope it doesn't change too much, like visually. Not the colours anyway, it'd be weird cos we've gotten so used to the orange and all. Plus it doesn't matter bout what it looks like, it's about the people we talk to and who we're talking to :fisch::wub2:

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I'd love it if Mika gave us a small secret MFC only exclusive gig so we could hear some of his new songs and we could feedback on them lol, but that's beyond wishful thinking :blush-anim-cl:

i wouldn't mind THAT between the album silence lol!


That'd be awesome :wub2: I just want him to do something that would make our hearts melt :D.. or maybe that's asking for to much

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I'd love it if Mika gave us a small secret MFC only exclusive gig so we could hear some of his new songs and we could feedback on them lol, but that's beyond wishful thinking :blush-anim-cl:

i wouldn't mind THAT between the album silence lol!


Let us all close our eyes and wish really hard!:wub2: :wub2: :wub2:

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Hanson did a gig for just hanson.net members.....*mika please!*

It took hours to carefully unpick the logo - but it is exactly the same

colours as here. Ask him for the fleece if he got one!! :wink2:


I will! he's on business trip right now, but when he gets back i will!

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I'd love it if Mika gave us a small secret MFC only exclusive gig so we could hear some of his new songs and we could feedback on them lol, but that's beyond wishful thinking :blush-anim-cl:

i wouldn't mind THAT between the album silence lol!

Hells bells (eee I've not said that in donkey years) Caroline that IS wishful thinking lol I mean who would he do that, what country? I know he can just to come to all our houses for tea individually that should sort it :naughty: (now who's got the wild imagination lol.

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Hells bells (eee I've not said that in donkey years) Caroline that IS wishful thinking lol I mean who would he do that, what country? I know he can just to come to all our houses for tea individually that should sort it :naughty: (now who's got the wild imagination lol.


lol, it was one of those vivid daydreams where you see it right in front of your eyes and your body goes on autopilot. I had it ALL figured out;


it would happen in this tiny "venue" on Canvey (poor man lol) it's got a stage/hall and a buffet all in one room so it would be a casual meeting, kind of thing. there's the odd couple of hotels and so people could stay in them, and my uncle has a coach driver's licsense so he could take everyone to their hotels and take them to the "venue" :roftl:

oh it's not about having too much time on my hands, it's a case of daydreaming whenever you get the opportune moment :roftl:

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lol, it was one of those vivid daydreams where you see it right in front of your eyes and your body goes on autopilot. I had it ALL figured out;


it would happen in this tiny "venue" on Canvey (poor man lol) it's got a stage/hall and a buffet all in one room so it would be a casual meeting, kind of thing. there's the odd couple of hotels and so people could stay in them, and my uncle has a coach driver's licsense so he could take everyone to their hotels and take them to the "venue" :roftl:

oh it's not about having too much time on my hands, it's a case of daydreaming whenever you get the opportune moment :roftl:


Oh, please keep on daydreaming!

This is a beautiful, fantastic dream!:mf_lustslow::wub2:

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Oh, please keep on daydreaming!

This is a beautiful, fantastic dream!:mf_lustslow::wub2:


Oh and did I mention that I was the one organising the event, because I live on Canvey? I posted the idea as a joke on the MFC but Jerry thought it was a super duper idea and appointed me as organiser :mf_rosetinted:


*is waiting for Jerry to post......:roftl: :roftl:*

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Mika posting is great, but I really, really, really, really hope that they get rid of this horrible orange


:shocked: But....they can't change the colours!


(And I wouldn't call it orange. I'd say it's more 'tan' or 'peach'. :newyear:)


Mika WILL post! :furious:



i wonder, if something big and major was posted in the private section, and it made the front page, would the post on the front page just say "Private - must log in to read" or would it be readable to the open eye? Cos say for example Mika posted something amazing or MAYBE let's fantasise that we WILL get perks, and that for example we get exclusive tickets and it was posted in the members only section, but needed to be front page news? :blink:


as for the orange...i dont MIND it...ive gotten used to it and like violetsky said, it wouldnt be the MFC without it, i just dont like the diagonal lines lol


Maybe they'd be able to see the first post, but not read more of the thread?




I'd love it if Mika gave us a small secret MFC only exclusive gig so we could hear some of his new songs and we could feedback on them lol, but that's beyond wishful thinking :blush-anim-cl:

i wouldn't mind THAT between the album silence lol!


Keep dreaming...I'll join you...

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yay for unofficially officialness!!!:naughty::thumb_yello::roftl: It is a bit exciting still, for me anyways.


AWWWW super cute cats guys!!!


i don't have a cat, i have a puppy. but the other day a 5 year old told her dad she wanted a kitty like my dog:blink: :lmfao: i guess i can see why she got mixed up....he's such a diva sadly lmao. i lurve him




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Aww...you put bandanas on your dog too! My dogs have Cubs bandanas on right now, since it's baseball season. :naughty:


haha, i do when he gets groomed (diva man, or metro as i like to call it, i know lol) he doesn't seem to mind, and it looks hansom ;)

he has a coat for winter which he actually likes i think because it gets really cold here for such a tiny dog.

i love it when dogs wear bandanas though dunno why :biggrin2:

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