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How did you have the nerve to take pictures of the monster?? Hope you have a good zoom function, LOL I would have screamed, run and get either somebody else or a vacuum cleaner (if it was my flat) and just run and screamed if it was ... what was it? A phone booth?


yup, good zoom function. but you get used to large spiders when you're in sydney for a week - the first 2 days i tried to stay as far away from any spider as i could, but as they're hanging in every bush and tree (though those were not as big and hairy as the one on the pic), i gave up and just trusted them to stay where they are when i walked past. luckily they did.

and yes, it was a phone booth. i was talking with my boyfriend on the phone and made the mistake to move the phone book a little bit... suddenly a huge hairy leg appeared behind it! first the spider stayed behind the phonebook, so i kept talking with my bf, a little bit distracted though, standing as far away from the spider as i could and always watching it, ready to hang up and run. :naughty: after a few minutes though, it suddenly came running out from behind the phonebook and to the place where i took the pic. guess it just wanted to get out of the sun, but i started shrieking and jumped back, and only when i realized it didn't move further, i took the phone again and said bye to my bf - guess he understood, and also guess he had a slight hearing damage after my shrieking. :naughty:


And I quite like spiders, but English spiders, not too big and not poisonous!

Don't think I would be quite so keen if we had ones like this!


no idea if this one was poisonous... :shocked: anyone from australia here who knows?

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Ditto! At this rate, by july we'll be discussing our toenail cutting habits:roftl: .


lol or we'll start a "trade recipes from around the world" thread :roftl: :roftl:



It does!! But she looks very cute.

Ok, some more random pics of my two from puppyhood and recently:

The girl, Nyla:







oh i just love the german shephard!!!!! i miss mine :sad:

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after a few minutes though, it suddenly came running out from behind the phonebook and to the place where i took the pic. guess it just wanted to get out of the sun, but i started shrieking and jumped back, and only when i realized it didn't move further, i took the phone again and said bye to my bf - guess he understood, and also guess he had a slight hearing damage after my shrieking. :naughty:


Eeek, that's terrifying! I hates spiders. :sneaky2:


Can I jump pn the pet-posting bandwagon?


Here's my baby girl with her brothers and sisters at around four weeks old:





And then recently:



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no idea if this one was poisonous... :shocked: anyone from australia here who knows?


Its a huntsman, their not poisonous. You might get a little sick if one bit but thats it. And your unlikely to be bitten unless you provoke it, though if a fly goes past you you might have one land on you (dads had it happen, he just brushed it off and put it back on its wall)



Their good spiders :thumb_yello:

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Eeek, that's terrifying! I hates spiders. :sneaky2:


Can I jump pn the pet-posting bandwagon?


Here's my baby girl with her brothers and sisters at around four weeks old:





And then recently:




AWWW!!! OMG, how cute!!!


I posted a picture of my dog, Darwin, in a thread somewhere. I don't remember if it was this one sooo...



:wub2: :wub2: :wub2:

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Aww...all your pets are so cute :wub2:

This is my sister's dog....almost mine, because I'll take care of her when my sister is at work.

She got her yesterday and is just 20 days old.:wub2:


Her name is 'Abril' (April).


We should make a thread for our pets.:naughty:

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Aww...all your pets are so cute :wub2:

This is my sister's dog....almost mine, because I'll take care of her when my sister is at work.

She got her yesterday and is just 20 days old.:wub2:


Her name is 'Abril' (April).


We should make a thread for our pets.:naughty:


There is one already but I made this into a thread for pets :roftl:

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Its a huntsman, their not poisonous. You might get a little sick if one bit but thats it. And your unlikely to be bitten unless you provoke it, though if a fly goes past you you might have one land on you (dads had it happen, he just brushed it off and put it back on its wall)



Their good spiders :thumb_yello:


there is such a thing as "good spiders" ??? i just can't stand them!

i think it has something to do with all those legs lol

if mika had 8 legs... i don't think i'd find him so cute either :blink:

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Aww...all your pets are so cute :wub2:

This is my sister's dog....almost mine, because I'll take care of her when my sister is at work.

She got her yesterday and is just 20 days old.:wub2:


Her name is 'Abril' (April).


We should make a thread for our pets.:naughty:


soooooooo cute! 20 days is very young to be away from its mom no?

very cute puppy!:wub2:

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there is such a thing as "good spiders" ??? i just can't stand them!

i think it has something to do with all those legs lol

if mika had 8 legs... i don't think i'd find him so cute either :blink:

IN a way there is (I don't like them in my space still)...


Huntsmans keep the more poisonous spiders away... or the more aggresive ones..

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IN a way there is (I don't like them in my space still)...


Huntsmans keep the more poisonous spiders away... or the more aggresive ones..


i went to my brother in law's summer cabin last summer & he had spiders in his boat that were huge & hairy!!! i think he said they were some kind of water spiders, quite harmless... but still ugly!!!!! i'm not scared of them, i just find them gross lol i have a friend who lives in australia & he used to talk to me about spiders and other species found over there. i don't think we have anything that measures up to yours lol (oh... and he made me taste vegemite! :mf_rosetinted: )

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i went to my brother in law's summer cabin last summer & he had spiders in his boat that were huge & hairy!!! i think he said they were some kind of water spiders, quite harmless... but still ugly!!!!! i'm not scared of them, i just find them gross lol i have a friend who lives in australia & he used to talk to me about spiders and other species found over there. i don't think we have anything that measures up to yours lol (oh... and he made me taste vegemite! :mf_rosetinted: )

Ah good ol vegemite



And we have some deadly spiders... though no ones died from a spider bite in ages apparently

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Ah good ol vegemite



And we have some deadly spiders... though no ones died from a spider bite in ages apparently


yeah "good ol vegemite"... quite an acquired taste :roftl:

he had sent me a box full of "things found in australia" & i sent him things from canada, including maple syrup...

he got a bigger thrill out of the box i had packed everything in...

it was a box for winter boots & on it it said good to -40 celcius lol

he thought that was really strange lol :naughty:

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soooooooo cute! 20 days is very young to be away from its mom no?

very cute puppy!:wub2:

They found her in the street:tears:....

She's actually very weak and we have to watch her all the time.

Beacause of that I'm going every day to my sister's house to take care of the puppy while she's at work.:wub2:

But she's going to be ok.:thumb_yello:


i went to my brother in law's summer cabin last summer & he had spiders in his boat that were huge & hairy!!! i think he said they were some kind of water spiders, quite harmless... but still ugly!!!!! i'm not scared of them, i just find them gross lol i have a friend who lives in australia & he used to talk to me about spiders and other species found over there. i don't think we have anything that measures up to yours lol (oh... and he made me taste vegemite! :mf_rosetinted: )


Thank god we don't have those spiders around here !!:boxed:

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yeah "good ol vegemite"... quite an acquired taste :roftl:

he had sent me a box full of "things found in australia" & i sent him things from canada, including maple syrup...

he got a bigger thrill out of the box i had packed everything in...

it was a box for winter boots & on it it said good to -40 celcius lol

he thought that was really strange lol :naughty:

It is an acquired taste...


And wow -40c... we don't get that low around here

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It is an acquired taste...


And wow -40c... we don't get that low around here


oh indeed it is an acquired taste... i think you have to grow up with it.


-40c is extremely cold.. even for canada

believe me... if it got that cold... i wouldn't have to wear boots! i'd stay inside!

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oh indeed it is an acquired taste... i think you have to grow up with it.


-40c is extremely cold.. even for canada

believe me... if it got that cold... i wouldn't have to wear boots! i'd stay inside!

Yeah... I was brought up on vegemite and love it....


And glad it doesn't get that cold over there...


Though some of our sleeping bags are for up to -40c I think...

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