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MFC - Officialness Update

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Does he have your phone number?? Therefore you have his??? I am officially jealous! lol


By the way, I really cant be bothered to wade through 60 odd pages, so has anything been decided/discussed about perks and who gets them?? Sorry x

Hopefully all official matters will be sussed out in a few weeks/months/years! lol


Yeah, be jealous!:roftl:


Christine is a special friend of Mika's, just so you know!:wink2:


Only the ones who carefully read through all 60 pages is going to get perks! Sorry!:naughty:

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Okay, I might be a bit late and maybe the discussion has died already, still there's my two cents to two of your viewpoints from last night...


i know i may cause some trouble writing this post, and i apologize to the owners and to the moderators/admins.


i write this post in the hope that Mika or Jerry reads it...yes i admit that sometimes i write in the hope that my words can reach mika and/or his management! i do it mainly because i'd like them to pick up our suggestions....am i the only one? :blush-anim-cl:


i know many of us are bitterly disappointed by the way this new property is skipping the official announcement....of course we do not expect special benefits to be granted to the fanclub immediately or in the future, i mean, it's not only this.


what we need and require is that you give us our fun back.


MFC is not fun anymore...we feel neglected, embarassed, depressed.

We are expecting an official recognition that we are the fanclub Mika decided to acquire and that Jerry is going to manage.

We expect more organization and more communication from the new managers of this site.


The people here have found a new fantastic lively intelligent witty respectful place to gather in the name of Mika, the fine and kind wizard.

The people here have made MFC like this and now those people feel that this place is dying.

Day by day fewer and fewer people log in and i myself don't feel like posting anymore.

I feel deprived of this powerful way of reaching people all over the world in the name of the love for Mika.


We do not even know what Mika thinks of all this.

People here have been complaining for a long time and we do not know if mika realizes it.

Mika seemed to care and love this fanclub, now we are not sure of it anymore.


Mika please....here we love you so much, we have always tried to respect your wishes and expectations...now it's your turn to make something for us.

Say something, post something through your management.


we need a new hope, because 3 whole months without your appearences are going to be devastating for your fanclub.


now i ask something to my friends MFCers: please do not reply to this post of mine in a bitter or sarcastic way. i did not write it to have replies, please.

i write this only in the hope mika or jerry reads it. Please, i do not write this in order to stir waters more than they are already stirred.


my only wish is to reach mika's heart.


If it weren't for the expectations, frustration probably wouldn't have had a chance to take over this place. And honestly, we shouldn't let that happen.

Personally, in case of doubt, not expecting anything has always served me well. I didn't know that offilciality meant so much to such a lot of people here that its postponement now makes them feel bitterly disappointed, neglected, embarrassed and depressed. :blink:

I mean, you can only be disappointed if your expectations are not met, right?

So, excuse my ignorance but was there anything stated in the petition people signed about what to expect from the new status? If not, it might really come down to the mere word 'official'.

Don't let this situation get you down, it might not be worth.


I can't see why the MFC should not be fun anymore just because the new owners hesitate to announce the changes (IF any). :blink:

It doesn't make sense to me, because as you said yourself:

The people here have found a new fantastic lively intelligent witty respectful place to gather in the name of Mika, the fine and kind wizard.

This has happened entirely without any interaction by Mika on the forum, no? And still, we had an awful lot of fun. Why shouldn't it be fun anymore now because of a non-change? I'm really the last person on earth not wanting Mika to finally officially post on the forum, you know that. But if he'll decide not to do so, we'll survive. And we will still have fun. We can make it fun like we always did.

I have no worries that this place might die off. It won't happen. I don't really see a trend in the small number of people singed in these days. This might change like the weather. It's true that the site is dedicated to Mika related topics in first place, and justifiably so, as it was him who brought us all together. Voluntarily or not ... :naughty: but it's not like we didn't have anything to talk about apart from him. In fact, when I look at the forum I'd say more than half of what is said on here has far less to do with Mika than people might assume at first glance.

So, my idea would be not to expect so much. If nothing happens, nobody will feel down. Anything more will be a pleasant surprise.



:roftl: :roftl:


sorry but mika is the only artist i know who never interacts with his fans and unless he is forced to do it by some dark powers from above, i dont think he will...the only time i remember he did was when he was sick and bored and wrote a bulletin on his myspace saying that he d rather be gigging than being sick.


im not waiting anything from him on the internet, nothing.


even his team, mikasound, is not doing a great job on his myspace, they just dont care about changing the music and stuff and their bulletins are always about advertising, its cold and distant and always end like: "and dont forget to buy the new dvd"


I can see why people are indignant over that statement concerning interaction. Until now, if you were going the die-hard way, queueing from morning, waiting after the shows, watching for the van to arrive at the venues etc... you could be sure to get his attention. It was just a matter of determination. And in some cases this has encouraged strange and scary ideas already.


I agree about the internet approach of mikasounds. It is true that bulletins are only seen when there is something to vote or buy. And while Mika is always emphasizing that no message goes unnoticed, in fact the myspace messages are never read. Given this, I can sort of partly see why some might have felt like reverting to his supposed private myspace account, when it still existed, hoping to be heard that way.

The whole internet strategy is something that definitely needs to be worked on. Even more so as Mika often said how it was in fact the internet that made him big in the beginning. They're really resting on their laurels as far as myspace and the other internet sites are concerned.

About this forum, considering the fact that until now Mika has not posted I'm very, very chary about my expectations in this regard.

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You have so many good points Violet_sky, of course it is best not to expect anything at all to avoid being disappointed. Sensible thoughts as ever.:thumb_yello:


About the internet thing, I just happened to read Lily Allens Myspace and as I said in the LA thread, sadly enough our boy might have to learn thing or two from how she manage her site!:wink2:





Oh you meanie!!! Now you've said that I really am going to have to, even though its not true!! grr :sneaky2: lol


And my plan worked!:naughty:

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It's true that the site is dedicated to Mika related topics in first place, and justifiably so, as it was him who brought us all together. Voluntarily or not ... :naughty: but it's not like we didn't have anything to talk about apart from him. In fact, when I look at the forum I'd say more than half of what is said on here has far less to do with Mika than people might assume at first glance.

So, my idea would be not to expect so much. If nothing happens, nobody will feel down. Anything more will be a pleasant surprise.





i agree 100% with you, i like mikas music to death but im here for several reasons, not just for mika, he is the one who brought me here through his music, i dont feel like i need something personal from him more than his music

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I have noticed that Mika is working the stage a lot more now. I had front/almost centre for the last gig and was disappointed that he spent as much time all over the stage as he did in front of me, but obviously it's better for the greater audience. He needs to cover as much ground as possible and look out rather than just into the faces of the people who are directly in front of him.


I noticed that too and was really disappointed but I agree it must be better for everyone

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yeah just like hey your such a bitch but look here comes a smiley/emoticon to pretend its all ok...we ve been talking about that before and its even in the guidelines :roftl: "dont say anything uncool and then hide behind a smiley etc."




you have jesus loves you with your avatar, I suppose he went round calling evryone a bitch, seems to me you are slightly confused, and need to take a step back, and instead of feeling sorry for yourself, come into the real world where people have a right to express an opinion without being replied to with the sort of hatred coming through your post, the world is a nice place, and everyone loves each other, NOT, so we just go along with those we like and try to be nicer to the people we do not agree with.

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HMMM. I wasn't around last night to be involved in the converstaion whilst it was taking place but have just read through it with interest.


I think that the different views that have been expressed reflect what we are.....(like most groups of people)....a 'collection' of people with very different viewpoints and opinions. I think that our own experiences are bound to reflect our feelings, however, that does not mean that we should not be able to apreciate other peoples viewpoints. I do agree that that those of us who were able to attend lots of gigs last year and had lots of personal contact with Mika very probably view things a lot different to those that did not/could not.


If I lived in a far off land and perhaps did not have a passport or any realistic chance of seeing Mika live I would probably be looking for different things from this fan club than I am in my own position.


Equally, I agree that the last few weeks have been very frustrating and do not give off a very professional image. However, I have other things in my life (yes, honestly, I do!:naughty: ) So MFC is not the be all and end all. I look forward to the offical announcement when it comes.....but I don't lose sleep over it. That is not to say that I do not feel for those that have put a lot of time and effort into making MFC such a success and are feeling very frustrated and perhaps let down at this time.


Yes same here:thumb_yello: I do realise it's extremely frustrating but I also think that we need to be a bit more patient. Good things happen when you least expect them to.

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I think regarding Mika's attention the group of people I feel sorry for are this group. They are the people who are without a doubt die hard fans but simply cannot do die hard fan things. E.g you said queuing in the morning, waiting after venues etc I feel sorry for the younger generation of die hard fans who have annoying burdens like parents. I also feel for those who live in places that Mika never goes to (Australia being one of them) or for those who simply cannot afford to travel to Mika concerts. They are the ones I feel sorry for.

The ones who can do this get Mika's attention, and the ones who don't want to do this, well then they cannot complain. Sorry, I know I am not part of this conversation, but I wished to speak up for those people. I hope I make sense xxx


Well, about Mika's personal attention I have a feeling that things have changed already and/or are quite different in different places or maybe adapt to special situations.

At my fist gig in Germany in autumn I started queueing at 4 PM, didn't see Mika before the gig, ended up quite in front and left right afterwards. It was said that there were only 20(!) people waiting.

Three days later in another German city I decided to wait, we were not many more than 30, so no big pressure on Mika to join us, even less as he was visibly ill. He did and it was the most normal thing of the world.

Then after the first Brixton gig I didn't really have the intention to wait, as it was crazy inside, some idiots totally ruined it for me and somehow it had not been my day, apparently. But I wanted to look for some of the others to at least say goodbye. So I went to the back of the building, didn't find the ones I was looking for and went. I think even if I had planned to stay and wait for Mika to come out of the building I would have skipped my plans at that point because there were so many people. Not that I hadn't expected that, I just thought it would be less crazy. The whole situation sort of put me off. Not the people themselves but the number of them. The barriers, the fact that they were needed and the whole madness of the situation made me leave without regrets.

And this is how I see the future. It will be either madness, elbows and shouting over people's heads or nothing at all. And this is not for me although I think I am one of the die-hard sort. Kinda. I'd do an awful lot of things to get Mika's attention and I admit it. But the crowd actions are not for me. I'd drown, whatever I'd do. So IMO there's more restrictions than parents or distance.

So I think many people would benefit a lot from a better internet presence. It wouldn't require terribly much effort and they already have put a lot of love and passion (as well as money, I guess) into the design of the mikasounds page. I don't quite understand why there's that lack of maintenance activities.

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I think regarding Mika's attention the group of people I feel sorry for are this group. They are the people who are without a doubt die hard fans but simply cannot do die hard fan things. E.g you said queuing in the morning, waiting after venues etc I feel sorry for the younger generation of die hard fans who have annoying burdens like parents. I also feel for those who live in places that Mika never goes to (Australia being one of them) or for those who simply cannot afford to travel to Mika concerts. They are the ones I feel sorry for.

The ones who can do this get Mika's attention, and the ones who don't want to do this, well then they cannot complain. Sorry, I know I am not part of this conversation, but I wished to speak up for those people. I hope I make sense xxx






hevalumps dad here, may I say that for one so young you have a mature outlook, well said.

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As with all celebrities the more of themselves they give the more people want, and fans have varying degrees fasination for there 'Hero', and that is where the safety aspect has to come in, so the fans can expect less of the after show appearances, and contact given since the start, how many other established celebs spend as much time with there fans as mika has done.

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Thanks :blush-anim-cl:

On a less serious note : wow your hevalumps dad!!! I speak to Heather on msn......


and don't I know it, she obviously enjoys chatting with you, I think it is good you both share experiences being the same age and from different parts of the county. I will let her know I've spoken to you this afternoon.

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Reading this thread, I think we need to concentrate what was

actually suggested to Mika/his management - and not about what

we think we deserve or expect from the petition/officialness.

I have posted the original letter here - and it does not ask for lots

of special privileges etc - it was born out of frustration at lack of

information about cancellations, (not those that ill health caused -

obviously they can't be predicted)



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I think regarding Mika's attention the group of people I feel sorry for are this group. They are the people who are without a doubt die hard fans but simply cannot do die hard fan things. E.g you said queuing in the morning, waiting after venues etc I feel sorry for the younger generation of die hard fans who have annoying burdens like parents. I also feel for those who live in places that Mika never goes to (Australia being one of them) or for those who simply cannot afford to travel to Mika concerts. They are the ones I feel sorry for.

The ones who can do this get Mika's attention, and the ones who don't want to do this, well then they cannot complain. Sorry, I know I am not part of this conversation, but I wished to speak up for those people. I hope I make sense xxx


well that's me all over lol :tears:

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Reading this thread, I think we need to concentrate what was

actually suggested to Mika/his management - and not about what

we think we deserve or expect from the petition/officialness.

I have posted the original letter here - and it does not ask for lots

of special privileges etc - it was born out of frustration at lack of

information about cancellations, (not those that ill health caused -

obviously they can't be predicted)




First time I've ever read that...


The bit you said about the Concert Thread is what got me hooked in the first place. The USA/Canada tour - and sitting up to stupid hours wating for reports back... Really made you feel like you were there, It actually makes me look forward to July coming - and all the upcoming Festival reports as I won't be going to a single one of them :thumbdown:

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Reading this thread, I think we need to concentrate what was

actually suggested to Mika/his management - and not about what

we think we deserve or expect from the petition/officialness.

I have posted the original letter here - and it does not ask for lots

of special privileges etc - it was born out of frustration at lack of

information about cancellations, (not those that ill health caused -

obviously they can't be predicted)




That is a brilliant letter, it sums up the officialness idea perfectly. :thumb_yello:

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Reading this thread, I think we need to concentrate what was

actually suggested to Mika/his management - and not about what

we think we deserve or expect from the petition/officialness.

I have posted the original letter here - and it does not ask for lots

of special privileges etc - it was born out of frustration at lack of

information about cancellations, (not those that ill health caused -

obviously they can't be predicted)




Thanks for posting this, I had never read it before, it's a very well put, warm letter. Impossible to reject the request it transports, after having read it IMO.

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The problem with this whole "officialness" issue is not knowing what is going on.


If we were hoping that being official would lead to improved communication with Mika's management, the lack of any information at the moment does not bode well for the future.


What is the reason for the delay? For example, if there are technical issues about site resilience, or contractual issue relating to the Mikasounds site, or somebody doesn't like orange, we'll understand - just let us know!


I don't think the fan club is going to fall apart, however, simply because there are too many dedicated fans around to let that happen.


Realistically, there won't be much going on until the festival dates in July. A lot of people have struggled with the Mika – RL balance over the past year (myself included), and this quiet spell may give people the opportunity to get things back into perspective.


Maybe with less people on the forums some of those non-posting members might pluck up the courage to say hello. (At Mikasounds one of the reasons given for not logging into the MFC is that people feel ignored, and it is true that sometimes the rate of posting can be pretty overwhelming on the busier threads).


Maybe this hiatus will sort out the real fans from those who just jumped on the bandwagon.


I shall continue to log in most days, simply because this is my way of keeping in touch with the friends I feel I've made here. For me the benefits of this site – official or not – far outweigh not belonging to it.

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Yeah, be jealous!:roftl:


Christine is a special friend of Mika's, just so you know!:wink2:


Only the ones who carefully read through all 60 pages is going to get perks! Sorry!:naughty:


so mika has a phone number wow, personnally if he had mine and i had bought a ticket and spent money travelling, a phone call saying sorry I wont be there would not be any good having spent time and money, and lets put Mika into perspective, he is one artiste who has not made it yet, yes he is known, won a couple of awards, is he being played regular on radio, or the clubs, wait until he is in big demand and then brag that you have his phone number, just because my daughter has phone numbers of some of this countries tv and film artistes does not give her priveledges and neither does she court favour, one mika fan is as good as the next, if not why have a fan club, why not just have your mates round for a night of backslapping, or is the money too important.

And it is the young fans like rabdash and*carrie* who live on opposite ends of the pond that give any artiste either musical, tv, film,or theatre the stardom they crave.and you would not get my daughter bragging about her workmates, they are just people doing a job.

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so mika has a phone number wow, personnally if he had mine and i had bought a ticket and spent money travelling, a phone call saying sorry I wont be there would not be any good having spent time and money, and lets put Mika into perspective, he is one artiste who has not made it yet, yes he is known, won a couple of awards, is he being played regular on radio, or the clubs, wait until he is in big demand and then brag that you have his phone number, just because my daughter has phone numbers of some of this countries tv and film artistes does not give her priveledges and neither does she court favour, one mika fan is as good as the next, if not why have a fan club, why not just have your mates round for a night of backslapping, or is the money too important.

And it is the young fans like rabdash and*carrie* who live on opposite ends of the pond that give any artiste either musical, tv, film,or theatre the stardom they crave.and you would not get my daughter bragging about her workmates, they are just people doing a job.




......Mika used his sister's phone to phone John, who had Mika on loudspeaker, so Mika could apologise to the crowd for cancelling Hammersmith and Brixton :boxed:

and the comment you quoted was just a joke :boxed:

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Reading this thread, I think we need to concentrate what was

actually suggested to Mika/his management - and not about what

we think we deserve or expect from the petition/officialness.

I have posted the original letter here - and it does not ask for lots

of special privileges etc - it was born out of frustration at lack of

information about cancellations, (not those that ill health caused -

obviously they can't be predicted)




Thanks for posting this letter, Wendi. I hadn't seen it before, but I must say that it is wonderful. You did a great job with everything.:original:

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......Mika used his sister's phone to phone John, who had Mika on loudspeaker, so Mika could apologise to the crowd for cancelling Hammersmith and Brixton :boxed:

and the comment you quoted was just a joke :boxed:


hi caz, what is a joke ? I do not come here as a rule, but matron is not here so last night and today I sneaked out whilst nurse was busy, and thought where could i cause more trouble, if you see matron dont tell here I've been here, she only plays Des o'Conner in the home.

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so mika has a phone number wow, personnally if he had mine and i had bought a ticket and spent money travelling, a phone call saying sorry I wont be there would not be any good having spent time and money, and lets put Mika into perspective, he is one artiste who has not made it yet, yes he is known, won a couple of awards, is he being played regular on radio, or the clubs, wait until he is in big demand and then brag that you have his phone number, just because my daughter has phone numbers of some of this countries tv and film artistes does not give her priveledges and neither does she court favour, one mika fan is as good as the next, if not why have a fan club, why not just have your mates round for a night of backslapping, or is the money too important.

And it is the young fans like rabdash and*carrie* who live on opposite ends of the pond that give any artiste either musical, tv, film,or theatre the stardom they crave.and you would not get my daughter bragging about her workmates, they are just people doing a job.



I’m sorry I can’t understand the entire thing you said, but I assure you it was meant to be a joke!

English isn’t my native language.

I was at the cancelled concerts in London too, spending time and money, yes.

Of course it was very sad that Mika got sick and had to cancel but we tried to do the best we could to have a good time anyway.

He doesn’t have Christine’s phone number (as far as I know:naughty: ) I just made it up, but she was there right in time to be able to listen to Mika’s phone call, and that is where the joke came from!

I definitely agree with you that one fan is as good as the other!:thumb_yello:


I have no intention to make anyone upset or sad with my comments, and I hope this clear things up, feel free to PM me if you want me to explain something more!:thumb_yello:




......Mika used his sister's phone to phone John, who had Mika on loudspeaker, so Mika could apologise to the crowd for cancelling Hammersmith and Brixton :boxed:

and the comment you quoted was just a joke :boxed:


Thanks CazGirl for pointing that out!:thumb_yello:

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Reading this thread, I think we need to concentrate what was

actually suggested to Mika/his management - and not about what

we think we deserve or expect from the petition/officialness.

I have posted the original letter here - and it does not ask for lots

of special privileges etc - it was born out of frustration at lack of

information about cancellations, (not those that ill health caused -

obviously they can't be predicted)




Oh Wendi, that is such a nice letter!:thumb_yello:

Thank you for posting it, it is a reminder of how we thought about this "beeing offcial" would be like!

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