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MFC - Officialness Update

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Reading this thread, I think we need to concentrate what was

actually suggested to Mika/his management - and not about what

we think we deserve or expect from the petition/officialness.

I have posted the original letter here - and it does not ask for lots

of special privileges etc - it was born out of frustration at lack of

information about cancellations, (not those that ill health caused -

obviously they can't be predicted)




hellooo!! :D

I really like reading this thread

because people who leave their message here

write a lot and it´s very interesting!!


wendii congratulations for you letter!! :)

it´s excellent!! :thumb_yello:

I love the last paragraph

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Does he have your phone number?? Therefore you have his??? I am officially jealous! lol


I saw his sister's number on the phone but it was too long to memorize. :naughty:


Christine is a special friend of Mika's, just so you know!


Only the ones who carefully read through all 60 pages is going to get perks! Sorry!


You're turning into a real naughty apple. :thumb_yello:


About this forum, considering the fact that until now Mika has not posted I'm very, very chary about my expectations in this regard.


No one should have any expectations that Mika will post on MFC and not just out of cynicism. I'm not saying it could never happen, but as far as I'm aware that has never been planned or even suggested in relation to the official announcement.


you have jesus loves you with your avatar, I suppose he went round calling evryone a bitch, seems to me you are slightly confused, and need to take a step back


Pam hasn't called anyone a bitch and I don't see any hatred in her posts, just as I don't see any malice in what Robertina said. They both said their piece and moved on.


You seem to have gotten the wrong end of the stick a couple of times in this thread, so perhaps you should heed your own advice and take a step back as well.


So I think many people would benefit a lot from a better internet presence. It wouldn't require terribly much effort and they already have put a lot of love and passion (as well as money, I guess) into the design of the mikasounds page. I don't quite understand why there's that lack of maintenance activities.


I totally agree with that. I wish Mika would oversee it himself. Hire someone that has the time and interest to devote to it and direct access to Mika when things need his attention. His management has other priorities, which is understandable.


so mika has a phone number wow, personnally if he had mine and i had bought a ticket and spent money travelling, a phone call saying sorry I wont be there would not be any good having spent time and money.


As you now know, no one is bragging that they have Mika's phone number. The reason I brought up the phone call is because it's been said that Mika does not communicate with his fans in a way that say, Lily Allen does. Obviously a MySpace message from Lily Allen or a phone call from Mika does not make up for a cancelled gig. The point is that they both made efforts to communicate their apologies directly to their fans so Mika is not entirely oblivious or neglectful in that area.

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As you now know, no one is bragging that they have Mika's phone number. The reason I brought up the phone call is because it's been said that Mika does not communicate with his fans in a way that say, Lily Allen does. Obviously a MySpace message from Lily Allen or a phone call from Mika does not make up for a cancelled gig. The point is that they both made efforts to communicate their apologies directly to their fans so Mika is not entirely oblivious or neglectful in that area.


ta-duh! *jazz hands*


well said :thumb_yello:

and lily allen's apology made the newspapers so she got a full round coverage.

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Pam hasn't called anyone a bitch and I don't see any hatred in her posts, just as I don't see any malice in what Robertina said. They both said their piece and moved on.


You seem to have gotten the wrong end of the stick a couple of times in this thread, so perhaps you should heed your own advice and take a step back as well.




read the the highlighted line then think, was I wrong,



yeah just like hey your such a bitch but look here comes a smiley/emoticon to pretend its all ok...we ve been talking about that before and its even in the guidelines :roftl: "dont say anything uncool and then hide behind a smiley etc."

i feel like i have to apologise because im not willing to meet him or anything, i love him in a different way.

anyway lets talk about sthg else k, its not interesting at all...


plushy or furry??

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everyone's posted their own opinions, I post here mines too.


as much as I look forward to officialness for mfc, mfc that mika himself names first on the list (see brixton: I can witness it in person. so he obviously DOES CARE about us), I'm not feeling at all frustrated, abandoned, not cared about, fooled, nor I am interested making fun of this wait. I am just not interested (I'd say i don't care, if it'd not been that abused in past.. :mf_rosetinted: and yes, I'm old fashioned, I still prefer the good ol' :mf_rosetinted: to the xmas one).


anyway, I am very quitely and sincerely waiting for the officialness news. whenever it'll come, it'll be grand and I'll be there to celebrate, but I'm just living my life normally in the meantime. :wink2:


I'm sorry for wendi, who put so much efforts in this and I totally understand her pov, but I frankly don't get many others' pov's, but it's a free world and like someone posted, we are all different.


I personally think once again, mika's not even aware of this (schedule and announcements etc., though o.c. he knows of the site "purchase") and I don't believe he'll post himself directly the news, maybe some bullettin (like on my space) posted by his spokesman or jerry, which will be good enough. :wink2:

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ciao avoca, i agree with you.

i was only giving voice to some (many) anxious opinions i got in touch with.


i hope MFC lives long and in good health.

i'm sorry i caused so many troubles. i apologize publicly.


have a nice WE, MFCers...possibly in the open air (giving for granted that mika will keep off the scene for a while! :wink2: ).


i'll keep loving this place...:wub2:

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don't worry, it's ok.


I am glad mika's resting and we shall lead our life too, like you wisely advice. looking just as forward to july, goes without saying. it'll be good to see the man & co. and some mfc'ers again. :thumb_yello:

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i hope MFC lives long and in good health...i'll keep loving this place...:wub2:


Robertina, I think your love for MFC is a great thing, and I love how you express it.


It's nice to have a reminder that this website is more than just data on a computer. It's an international community full of like-minded fans, many of whom have become friends. :wub2:


Being reminded of that makes the stress seem so much more worth it.

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I totally agree with that. I wish Mika would oversee it himself. Hire someone that has the time and interest to devote to it and direct access to Mika when things need his attention. His management has other priorities, which is understandable.


I totally agree with this, in fact I've been thinking about it quite a bit lately...In my opinion, he's reached a point in his career where this sort of "presence" when it comes to the internet is going to be expected or required to a certain degree.

Not necessarily in any artist's case, but certainly in his case, where he launched himself via the internet, and so much of his fanbase is using the internet as a medium to promote him, share his stuff, and generally speaking, keep him "up there" and let other new potential fans hear him.

IMO it would be silly of him not to use this, and use it to its full potential.

Plus, in the case of the MFC specifically, if it is now owned by Mika/Mikasounds, I do think that they need to make sure that they have someone there at all times to "manage" things and make sure it's all running.

What FD said about the lack of communication when the MFC was down, is NOT ok in my opinion, as the owners of the site need to make sure it's properly run...once they take it over, it needs to be taken over 100 percent.

They can employ me if they like:naughty:, I'll do a good job.




quoting a few posts in one go now:


read the the highlighted line then think, was I wrong,


so mika has a phone number wow, personnally if he had mine and i had bought a ticket and spent money travelling, a phone call saying sorry I wont be there would not be any good having spent time and money, and lets put Mika into perspective, he is one artiste who has not made it yet, yes he is known, won a couple of awards, is he being played regular on radio, or the clubs, wait until he is in big demand and then brag that you have his phone number, just because my daughter has phone numbers of some of this countries tv and film artistes does not give her priveledges and neither does she court favour, one mika fan is as good as the next, if not why have a fan club, why not just have your mates round for a night of backslapping, or is the money too important.

And it is the young fans like rabdash and*carrie* who live on opposite ends of the pond that give any artiste either musical, tv, film,or theatre the stardom they crave.and you would not get my daughter bragging about her workmates, they are just people doing a job.




......Mika used his sister's phone to phone John, who had Mika on loudspeaker, so Mika could apologise to the crowd for cancelling Hammersmith and Brixton :boxed:

and the comment you quoted was just a joke :boxed:


Thanks Caz, saved me from posting the same...

Weealx, I know that it's already been clarified now, but I just wanted to say that in general, this place is quite friendly, and people don't go around insulting others, so perhaps you could try giving people the benefit of the doubt first and not assume that they are being nasty, even if you don't initially see the joke as it's meant to be?

It will probably save you hassles and also make others not get defensive when you accuse them,lol!

About the Hammersmith cancellation, the guy was sick, and the cancellation was handled much better than most cancellations in the same situation would have been:wink2:.

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I totally agree with that. I wish Mika would oversee it himself. Hire someone that has the time and interest to devote to it and direct access to Mika when things need his attention. His management has other priorities, which is understandable.


Although it's potentially a good idea i think we might be asking too much

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I really do not wish to cause offence but:


Pam and Robi obviously said what they wanted to say quite a few pages ago, and we should all kinda stay out of it because otherwise we're just creating arguments that don't need to be created.....

Gosh all this absentness of Mika is causing tension! :naughty:


Wise words.

And this always happens when Mika is not up to much that we can discuss.

Nothing to get excited about! :wink2:

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anyway, I am very quitely and sincerely waiting for the officialness news. whenever it'll come, it'll be grand and I'll be there to celebrate, but I'm just living my life normally in the meantime. :wink2: :

I agree, I think some people's expectations will be waaay to high and that leads to disappointment. We were a thriving, buzzing forum who got news on Mika's comings and goings much earlier that other sites before we were official, and I don't see that will change at all. Let's continue enjoying it the way we always have!





I personally think once again, mika's not even aware of this (schedule and announcements etc., though o.c. he knows of the site "purchase") and I don't believe he'll post himself directly the news, maybe some bullettin (like on my space) posted by his spokesman or jerry, which will be good enough. :wink2:


Totally agree. Start managing your expectations.

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They can employ me if they like:naughty:, I'll do a good job.]


Yeah, you and the rest of us.:naughty:




About the Hammersmith cancellation, the guy was sick, and the cancellation was handled much better than most cancellations in the same situation would have been:wink2:.


Or had been earlier in the year, can we say? :wink2:

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I think people with high expectations will be disappointed. We won't be invited backstage at evey gig. But less is more, so we should be glad with what we get, IF we get it...


I agree. I'd be fairly happy just to have advance notification (and presale!) of gigs and tickets, and tv shows, you know, a bit of information.

Having said that, regarding the information, we aren't half bad about finding that out for ourselves. :wink2:

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read the the highlighted line then think, was I wrong,


As I understand it Pam was just giving an example of sarcasm that is discouraged by the guidelines of the forum. Believe me no one here is going to stand by while someone calls Robi (or anyone else) a bitch.


But as Rabdash mentioned Pam and Robi have both had their say and moved on so I'm not here to argue about it, just to clarify.


i'm sorry i caused so many troubles. i apologize publicly.


have a nice WE, MFCers...possibly in the open air (giving for granted that mika will keep off the scene for a while! :wink2: ).


i'll keep loving this place...:wub2:


I think a lot of people understand and share your frustrations and appreciate your point of view. Like Bab says a little bit of "trouble" is nothing to get excited about.


Although it's potentially a good idea i think we might be asking too much


I'm not asking Mika for any favours. That is my advice to him, because as Sariflor says, the time has come for him to start leveraging the internet to keep fans informed, happy and paying customers.


If he and his management aren't prepared to get up to speed then they shouldn't have acquired MFC just to have one more neglected site under their umbrella. It does him more harm than good if it's not handled properly.


As far as I can tell Paolo Nutini has never turned on a computer before because I've never seen him post anything anywhere. But as an artist he still has a strong internet presence and you can buy concert tickets and music from his website. That is the very least that Mikasounds should be achieving and it doesn't.


If Mika can hire a cameraman to document his every professional move, surely he can have someone generating and maintaining an internet presence for him. Since Andy was already filming, how fabulous and how easy would it have been to have someone upload brief video clips of Mika, the concerts and the fans from the tour on a regular basis?

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I think people with high expectations will be disappointed. We won't be invited backstage at evey gig. But less is more, so we should be glad with what we get, IF we get it...

I agree, if people start to expect things they are going to be very disappointed, hell yeah it would be great if got lots of goodies, but it's not up to us what we get if anything, so we need to count ourselves very lucky if we get anything extra (IMO).

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I agree, if people start to expect things they are going to be very disappointed, hell yeah it would be great if got lots of goodies, but it's not up to us what we get if anything, so we need to count ourselves very lucky if we get anything extra (IMO).


Yarp! So basically we should be grateful for anything that we're given. Anything passed onto us is simply a privilege and to ask/expect more would be greedy and ungrateful. even though turning official is amazing, i don't think it's greedy or ungrateful to ask his management to do their job running this site efficiently, so i have no guilt there lol xD

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Where did you hear that? As far as I know Casablanca is with Universal and I'd be surprised if Mika can up sticks and move to another label at this stage.


why would he need to change anyway? he can do whatever he wants musically with the company he's with and that's what he's always wanted, right?

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Since Andy was already filming, how fabulous and how easy would it have been to have someone upload brief video clips of Mika, the concerts and the fans from the tour on a regular basis?


that' would be so much fun! it would keep us entertained, especially if they were released when mika isn't touring! :thumb_yello:

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Yarp! So basically we should be grateful for anything that we're given. Anything passed onto us is simply a privilege and to ask/expect more would be greedy and ungrateful. even though turning official is amazing, i don't think it's greedy or ungrateful to ask his management to do their job running this site efficiently, so i have no guilt there lol xD


The running of the site and official fan club business are two different things. The admins are actively trying to get Mika's management to address the issues that have been plaguing the website so we can carry on as normal.


But we can only push so far in terms of official fan club business. Ultimately that's up to Mika and his reps to decide.


I don't think there's anything wrong with asking for certain perks, but having unrealistic expectations is not doing anyone any good. People should get it out of their heads, for example, that MFC downtime means that Mika is about to put in an appearance. There's no reason to think that's going to happen and it's just leading to a lot of unnecessary malaise on MFC when it doesn't happen.


I also hope that if/when perks are announced that members don't harp on about them until they are fulfilled. If we are to get some of the things many of us envision in a fan club it's going to take some time to implement and plans are inevitably going to be delayed or altered as Mika's career and the dynamic of the fan club moves forward. I don't want to see every suggestion taken as an ironclad guarantee with people still banging on about something in 2010 that's probably not going to happen because the plans have changed.

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Or had been earlier in the year, can we say? :wink2:


That is certainly so, but in all fairness, I think that this cancellation was done properly anyway..I mean, they told us in person (John) as well as the Mika call, so I don't see how that could be topped...It could of course have been done with more notice, but I think that it was good that he/they waited long enough to see if the gig could go ahead or not.


I think people with high expectations will be disappointed. We won't be invited backstage at evey gig. But less is more, so we should be glad with what we get, IF we get it...


I don't think that we'll be given passes to any gigs, after the Brixton fiasco:roftl:


I agree. I'd be fairly happy just to have advance notification (and presale!) of gigs and tickets, and tv shows, you know, a bit of information.

Having said that, regarding the information, we aren't half bad about finding that out for ourselves. :wink2:


Ditto- all I want/expect from this is to know, and the presale of tix.Oh, and for him to do venues with fixed seats so we can be sure to buy front tickets...

The MfC FBI can keep doing the rest:thumb_yello:We're great at it!!

I'm not asking Mika for any favours. That is my advice to him, because as Sariflor says, the time has come for him to start leveraging the internet to keep fans informed, happy and paying customers.


If he and his management aren't prepared to get up to speed then they shouldn't have acquired MFC just to have one more neglected site under their umbrella. It does him more harm than good if it's not handled properly.


As far as I can tell Paolo Nutini has never turned on a computer before because I've never seen him post anything anywhere. But as an artist he still has a strong internet presence and you can buy concert tickets and music from his website. That is the very least that Mikasounds should be achieving and it doesn't.


If Mika can hire a cameraman to document his every professional move, surely he can have someone generating and maintaining an internet presence for him. Since Andy was already filming, how fabulous and how easy would it have been to have someone upload brief video clips of Mika, the concerts and the fans from the tour on a regular basis?



Totally agree, the bolded bits are fantastic!! What a great idea that they could have used the videos online!!

I'm still dying to see those vids, as I should be in many, and am very curious about how they turned out. The sad thing is, we may never actually see them.

Andy said that he had soo much footage to put together and edit, and I say that a lot of it will just go to waste:blink:.

Our precious little faces in the bin, how sad is that:sneaky2:.




I got that impression from this thread. I am probably wrong, but I think the guy who signed Mika has moved to EMI, so presumably, so has Mika.


Christine, you have worked with record companys right? If someone moves companies, do their artists move too?


I really don't think that the CEO moving means that anything else moves; The artists signed up with the previous company will stay there, it's just an individual moving.

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