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MFC - Officialness Update

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oh no no! There's a bi one:das:

:lmfao: Oh dear, it's the blonde isnt it?

oh, so you want a threesome you dirty girl. who's lucky number three? I'll take anyone. Cos that's how I roll. :mf_boff:


:lmfao: You got me...



*points to greta and wiggles eyebrows like jack black in school of rock*

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Robi, i respect your feelings, i have told you that already.

I think like Caz says maybe MFC is just having a phase ........... i hope so, i still come here to speak to friends most days and love to see the latest Mika news, this is the best ever place for up to the minute information !!

I think it is likely things go through phases and esp with Mika being a bit quieter just now.

I do hope he can speak to the club as i'm very sure he cares about his fans. Caz gave many examples and i agree he is a genuine and lovely man who does appreciate his fans.

I think maybe he has been tired and away from UK and so not as able to feed back as he should , i hope he does get your message and then i'm sure he will be in touch with MFC!

Don't be too anxious , we are still the best place for Mika news and chat and i'm sure always will be :wink2:

I did get a bit worried last week too tho when i saw lower numbers and then people suggesting other places to chat with server problems etc .... I can't really do that, apart from msn i only want to see Mika news and chat here. I am sure Mika does too.

I think this will pass and i'm very sure we'll hear from Mika or Jerry soon, hang in Robi :thumb_yello:


that was a really sweet post. and we know mika reads this place, so that is also a sign that he cares, and agreeing for us to become official.


oh no no! There's a bi one:das:


are you our lucky third? :das:

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"...but it's just me! :naughty:"


i've not long got in and haven't read all the thread so i just assumed it was to be taken lightly because of the :naughty: emoticon. If I got the wrong end of the stick then I apologise but if you're confused Robi will be more than happy to clear things up (again, i assume lol but i think she will be) and I guess it's a language barrier as well.


yeah just like hey your such a bitch but look here comes a smiley/emoticon to pretend its all ok...we ve been talking about that before and its even in the guidelines :roftl: "dont say anything uncool and then hide behind a smiley etc."


i feel like i have to apologise because im not willing to meet him or anything, i love him in a different way.


anyway lets talk about sthg else k, its not interesting at all...




plushy or furry??

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:lmfao: Oh dear, it's the blonde isnt it?



:lmfao: You got me...



*points to greta and wiggles eyebrows like jack black in school of rock*


ah, so greta's being our third. she has no choice.


uhm...kinda sounds wrong, but who cares! come to mama and papa greta...

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yeah just like hey your such a bitch but look here comes a smiley/emoticon to pretend its all ok...we ve been talking about that before and its even in the guidelines :roftl: "dont say anything uncool and then hide behind a smiley etc."


i feel like i have to apologise because im not willing to meet him or anything, i love him in a different way.


anyway lets talk about sthg else k, its not interesting at all...




plushy or furry??


i think it just depends on people's sense of humour, I think there's a few sarcastic people on here and I myself can have my moments, but personally I don't do it to be harsh (not saying others do). I guess people read it into different ways, and sometimes sarcasm/irony is used to point out the ideas that might not work but said in a way to create humour. again, it goes back to what tickles your fancy really, and i apologise if anyone's offended you...


plushy or furry? uhm...you first!


I had nothing to do in school today and was reading through your scripts in your thread Caz, you had me laughing so hard ! :lol3: Thanks for that!


no problem! glad i could put a smile on someone's face!


there's the poor fourth bunny left out waiting for you:naughty:



that's Mika, wanting to join in :mf_rosetinted:

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Sorry to bumpin like that, is there some news?

Are we still waiting for Mika to come back from China?

and Freddie's still supposed to post the date when everything will be posted?


in three words: we know nothing.










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WOW, do you really think so? despite the fact that he also wrote a bulletin on myspace PERSONALLY to the mfc to say thanks for the bday gifts and how amazing they were? and at the cancelled hammersmith where he personally APOLOGISED to the crowd via phone? and said that he'd do a fan section at his next art exhibition where he'd show off all the gifts he's got? mentioning the gifts in interviews? wearing a bracelet that a fan made him a lot including award shows? showing GENUINE concern at Brixton about some MFCers not getting passes to the "after-show party"?


sorry, i don't mean to be sarcastic or rude if I've come across that way, I just don't agree with your post...:tears:


I kinda agree with you Caz, maybe I don't expect much (who knows), I mean don't' get me wrong if he was to offer us goodies I would try to be at the front of the Queue (though that proves very difficult now lol), and maybe since I don't feel about any other artist like I do for Mika, then I don't have anyone to compare him with or to.

It would be nice to hear some news about the official-ness of MFC etc from MIka and co and I will be disappointed a bit if we don't hear anything at all, but I'm not letting the wait or even lack of news (even if it's forever) bother me otherwise it would spoil my enjoyment of MFC and I still love it here most of the time.

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@caz, robertina is not famous to be sarcastic, she dislikes me and the whole world knows it. sarcasm is my second nature, i dont have any problems withthat at all.




it makes me think of caz, that how i imagine her


how do you know robi doesn't like you? (that's not an accusation, but an actual question..) maybe you should take it up with her in a PM and try to clear the air?


and i'm not quite sure what you mean about the pic LOL xDD

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Torturing a fluffy pet also helps:naughty:



:lol3: I love that pic, Greta! Poor kitty!


I think this will pass and i'm very sure we'll hear from Mika or Jerry soon, hang in Robi :thumb_yello:


I hope you're right, Vicky. :) I too have felt that some of the fun has

been sucked out of this place lately, not just because of Mika's absence,

but because of the "is it today? is it tomorrow?" kind of atmosphere

as we wait for an announcement that hasn't come... and then the

ensuing sarcasm and mockery... and then on top of that the server

and other technical issues, with extended downtimes... it's all been

rather out of character for this place, which for the past year has been

full of fun and camaraderie and shared experiences with newfound

friends from around the globe. *shrugs* Like you say, it's probably just

a phase that we'll pass through soon... but at the moment, it's

feeling a little dark around the edges.


there's the poor fourth bunny left out waiting for you:naughty:




Bunny porn! Who would have imagined...?



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I hope you're right, Vicky. :) I too have felt that some of the fun has

been sucked out of this place lately, not just because of Mika's absence,

but because of the "is it today? is it tomorrow?" kind of atmosphere

as we wait for an announcement that hasn't come... and then the

ensuing sarcasm and mockery... and then on top of that the server

and other technical issues, with extended downtimes... it's all been

rather out of character for this place, which for the past year has been

full of fun and camaraderie and shared experiences with newfound

friends from around the globe. *shrugs* Like you say, it's probably just

a phase that we'll pass through soon... but at the moment, it's

feeling a little dark around the edges.


I don't like this dark place. It doesn't feel right or normal for this forum...




Bunny porn! Who would have imagined...?





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WOW, do you really think so? despite the fact that he also wrote a bulletin on myspace PERSONALLY to the mfc to say thanks for the bday gifts and how amazing they were? and at the cancelled hammersmith where he personally APOLOGISED to the crowd via phone? and said that he'd do a fan section at his next art exhibition where he'd show off all the gifts he's got? mentioning the gifts in interviews? wearing a bracelet that a fan made him a lot including award shows? showing GENUINE concern at Brixton about some MFCers not getting passes to the "after-show party"?




lol, if ladygodiva would offer me her bracelets whether i care for her or not believe me i would wear them!! i m personally wearing a bracelet i got from someone i strongly dislike but hey the bracelet is really nice,lol


he wrote ONE bulletin when he was sick to death and incapable to do anything else plus if you remember well, he first wrote another bulletin that day absolutelty neutral, well worded and not familar at all, i never get those kind of bulletin from anyone else on myspace...and yeah thats what i truly think despite everything you said but thats ok with me and im just stating facts, nothing much you know.

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I am posting this on behalf of weealx:thumb_yello:

( Thank goodness for women !!:naughty: )



perhaps the new management do not understand the unrest that is creeping into the mfc, we may not buy all the tickets for the gigs, but for those who have folled Mika from the early days are the ones who have helped spread the word, bought tickets and music in whatever form, spending hard earned cash, some may have struggled to support Mika, but that is each persons choice.


All I would say to the management is that these people who have supported Mika, and those who have dedicated their time freely in helping maintain the MFC deserve respect for their efforts, and more recently helping field the questions from members, which a simple message from Mika or his management team could help cull the unrest, remember whose money has helped to give you the success, as with any organisation the fans can make or break an organisation, those who leave disgruntled may not return, new artistes are there every week, how loyalty can change, here today gone tomorrow, I am here because I liked LiCM, and the gig in Brixton, hopefully Amsterdam as well and the new album when that comes along.


I spend the time with others on the forum simply because I enjoy their company and banter.


So come on management, you aquired a vibrant fan club, do not let it fade with no happy ending, give them what they deserve, recognition and RESPECT.

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