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MFC - Officialness Update

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I think i prefer the sound or title of of MFCer ,

rather than Mikasounder!:naughty: just sounds better i feel :roftl:

Mikasounder sounds like some sort of underwater apparatus!!



...Or a hunting dog that bays loudly and mournfully.

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I was reading this with interest, and I joined MS last year around the same time as joining here. I then got busy workwise and I didn't get on for a few weeks. When I went back on, I couldn't get in. I wouldn't let me log in, and I couldn't get in touch with a mod or any admin, as there weren't any links I could find to do so. The message that came up when I tried to log in was to the effect that because I hadn't posted in the last couple of weeks, my account had been frozen and I had to get in touch with a mod/admin person!

So that's why I started hanging out on here more. It seemed quite unfriendly to me over there, while here was very welcoming.

Not trying to be mean to the MS guys, but it doesn't seem a good system to have, locking people out and not giving them a way to contact anyone.

I'm sure all the people who are on there are lovely, it's just their system I have the problem with.

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Not trying to be mean to the MS guys, but it doesn't seem a good system to have, locking people out and not giving them a way to contact anyone. I'm sure all the people who are on there are lovely, it's just their system I have the problem with.


When I signed up on MS, I couldn't even access the Secret Society! It never let me in. I had a working username and password, but I could never access everything, or contact any mods to help me out.


So...I haven't posted there ever, and I don't think I've been to the site in weeks. Just like you said, MFC just has a better vibe, and people are more helpful (and willing to patiently answer newbie questions). :wub2:

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When I signed up on MS, I couldn't even access the Secret Society! It never let me in. I had a working username and password, but I could never access everything, or contact any mods to help me out.


So...I haven't posted there ever, and I don't think I've been to the site in weeks. Just like you said, MFC just has a better vibe, and people are more helpful (and willing to patiently answer newbie questions). :wub2:


I had the same porblem but somehow it worked eventually.

I've been there but I'm not sure I've ever posted

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This is all so strange. I'm honestly shocked they talk about us "behind our backs" and stuff.. What is wrong people?! We're all just Mika-supporters.. Nobody said they couldn't join us or vice versa.. It just depends where you feel comfortable and such.. But why should they even be competing with us?


god knows. maybe they feel mika is giving us attention and not giving them anything. meh, that's not our fault. we give our attention, love and presents to Mika simply because we love him as an artist and we wanna give him huge support in what he does, not for any other reason. I'm pretty sure we didn't make a project just to "shun MSF! Let's show them we're better!"

No, it was a joint effort from the MFC because we care. I don't want people to hate us just because we're fans like they are :boxed:


i was thinking of saying something - in a kind and gentle manner - to try and resolve this, but am wondering if it will cause more unneccessary conflict?

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god knows. maybe they feel mika is giving us attention and not giving them anything. meh, that's not our fault. we give our attention, love and presents to Mika simply because we love him as an artist and we wanna give him huge support in what he does, not for any other reason. I'm pretty sure we didn't make a project just to "shun MSF! Let's show them we're better!"

No, it was a joint effort from the MFC because we care. I don't want people to hate us just because we're fans like they are :boxed:


i was thinking of saying something - in a kind and gentle manner - to try and resolve this, but am wondering if it will cause more unneccessary conflict?


:thumb_yello: There's nothing wrong with that. If anything they should be happy Mika has such a supportive fan base..

I think it might be a good idea to act upo this. We don't war of the forums. It's unneccessary and I'm sure that if they're spoken to with respect they can only react in the same manner.

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:thumb_yello: There's nothing wrong with that. If anything they should be happy Mika has such a supportive fan base..

I think it might be a good idea to act upo this. We don't war of the forums. It's unneccessary and I'm sure that if they're spoken to with respect they can only react in the same manner.



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Wow that's great.. You put it very well. I hope it's not taken personally and I wouldn't expect for it to be the source of any more conflict. Thanks for doing this for us!


I will be interested in the response.

I can imagine the response if it was posted here.

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If there's any sort of negative response, I vote we just leave it. No point in getting into any sort of pissing contest. Caz clearly extended an olive branch - if they take it negatively, we should just leave them be. :thumb_yello:

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If there's any sort of negative response, I vote we just leave it. No point in getting into any sort of pissing contest. Caz clearly extended an olive branch - if they take it negatively, we should just leave them be. :thumb_yello:


Totally agree.

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If there's any sort of negative response, I vote we just leave it. No point in getting into any sort of pissing contest. Caz clearly extended an olive branch - if they take it negatively, we should just leave them be. :thumb_yello:


Agreed. This shouldn't be some sort of dispute and isn't meant to be. If they choose to make it then we shouldn't contribute, IMO.

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So we're all in agreement, then? The people on that forum will react however they like, and we'll leave it be?


I really don't want to see this becoming a situation where MFCers swarm on their forum en masse with pitchforks out. We all know that's happened to a few unfortunate bloggers in the past. :wink2:

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