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MFC - Officialness Update

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Hiya Chickadee - I don't know what happened. When I wrote the letter

for the petition I said in it that we wanted all the forum things to stay

the same. Deano and Mikablog owned it then. Some where along the

line Mika and his management must have done a deal with Deano, and

then taken over the site. I know nothing else - maybe Fred would be the

person to ask!! :thumb_yello:

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Hiya Chickadee - I don't know what happened. When I wrote the letter

for the petition I said in it that we wanted all the forum things to stay

the same. Deano and Mikablog owned it then. Some where along the

line Mika and his management must have done a deal with Deano, and

then taken over the site. I know nothing else - maybe Fred would be the

person to ask!! :thumb_yello:


I was hoping I might hear from you as the author of the petition letter and instigator of the petition. Thanks. (BTW, long time no see, considering I'm never in the oldlings thread anymore. Howdy!) Maybe we will get an answer from FD... Fred? Are you around? Do you know anything about this?

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I have a question and I really don't know who would have the answer to it...

What did our becoming official have to do with Mika and management taking over the site? This may sound naive, but it never occurred to me when the petition was being put together that officialdom would mean being owned by Mika. Was that always the plan or something that came up when officialness was being considered by Mika? Would it have been possible to have an official site that he didn't directly own? (Maybe own is the wrong word here since it implies an exchange of money for goods and I have no idea whether anything like that happened)


Having contracts with details to be discussed for months makes it look very likely to me that such a thing like money exchange has taken place. But of course I'm just assuming as in fact I know nothing about nothing.

I reckon in the end it all comes down to not much more than a legal matter, not necessarily having to do anything at all with Mika participating in any way, shape or form differently from what he obviously was doing (read the forum) before officialness set in. Which is perfectly okay for me as for the longest time I was hanging around here, inofficiality did for me as well. Maybe if we all relax a bit and step back from expectations it would all be much easier. If anything positive comes out of it - nice, otherwise no big deal, I can't find anything terribly wrong with the status quo.

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Maybe if we all relax a bit and step back from expectations it would all be much easier. If anything positive comes out of it - nice, otherwise no big deal, I can't find anything terribly wrong with the status quo.


Totally agree - well said!!! :thumb_yello:

I love this place, and Mika, official, not officially official

or not official at all!!! :groovy:

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I have a question and I really don't know who would have the answer to it...

What did our becoming official have to do with Mika and management taking over the site? This may sound naive, but it never occurred to me when the petition was being put together that officialdom would mean being owned by Mika. Was that always the plan or something that came up when officialness was being considered by Mika? Would it have been possible to have an official site that he didn't directly own? (Maybe own is the wrong word here since it implies an exchange of money for goods and I have no idea whether anything like that happened)

These are valid questions. While we're all happy whether we're official or not I'm sure that many people are interested in knowing who owns what now and what occured in the transition to "officialdom" and also what are the consequences (if any) of now being "official". It's high time that we got some form of explanation.

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Part of the reason why I ask these things is because of how much Mika likes to have direct control over things, which surely must slow everything down, when the man is as busy as he is. Things already used to take a while (still waiting for my "I donated" button for instance) but since Deano owned the site, it's not like he had to ask anybody else for permission to do stuff to it, did he? I just wonder how much red tape as well as Mika's purported perfectionism and need to have input and control is going to bog things down. What things i'm not sure yet, since I don't have a crystal ball. But I hope you get what I mean by this.

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Having contracts with details to be discussed for months makes it look very likely to me that such a thing like money exchange has taken place. But of course I'm just assuming as in fact I know nothing about nothing.

I reckon in the end it all comes down to not much more than a legal matter, not necessarily having to do anything at all with Mika participating in any way, shape or form differently from what he obviously was doing (read the forum) before officialness set in. Which is perfectly okay for me as for the longest time I was hanging around here, inofficiality did for me as well. Maybe if we all relax a bit and step back from expectations it would all be much easier. If anything positive comes out of it - nice, otherwise no big deal, I can't find anything terribly wrong with the status quo.


These are valid questions. While we're all happy whether we're official or not I'm sure that many people are interested in knowing who owns what now and what occured in the transition to "officialdom" and also what are the consequences (if any) of now being "official". It's high time that we got some form of explanation.


Very well said both. I second that.


And on the money/legal matter, I also have a stong feeling that money has traded hands; At the end of the day domains cost money, and if someone bought it in the first place, they would probably expect to sell it later on...And everything gathers some sort of value with time...:mf_rosetinted:


Of course these are my assumptions, based on general ideas/information, but no facts about this particular situation or transaction.Not that it really matters I suppose. Or perhaps it does to all those who d


In any case, and in my particular situation, I had no expectations about the "officiality" thing at the start whatsoever. I wasn't even necessarily keen or particularly interested in it, as I hadn't signed the petition. It was just something that happened and that was it...The problem is that now things have changed.


We were told that Team Mika now own this place, and that we will get some sort of announcement (at the top of "something") about it, and about what this means for "us" and that is what caused my expectations to start.


Once expectations are born, that's when answers are expected!:thumb_yello::naughty:





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Part of the reason why I ask these things is because of how much Mika likes to have direct control over things, which surely must slow everything down, when the man is as busy as he is. Things already used to take a while (still waiting for my "I donated" button for instance) but since Deano owned the site, it's not like he had to ask anybody else for permission to do stuff to it, did he? I just wonder how much red tape as well as Mika's purported perfectionism and need to have input and control is going to bog things down. What things i'm not sure yet, since I don't have a crystal ball. But I hope you get what I mean by this.

I get what you mean. In the end, though, it comes back down to that we need information and explanation from those who do know the answers to these questions whomever they may be.


In any case, and in my particular situation, I had no expectations about the "officiality" thing at the start whatsoever. I wasn't even necessarily keen or particularly interested in it, as I hadn't signed the petition. It was just something that happened and that was it...The problem is that now things have changed.


We were told that Team Mika now own this place, and that we will get some sort of announcement (at the top of "something") about it, and about what this means for "us" and that is what caused my expectations to start.


Once expectations are born, that's when answers are expected!:thumb_yello::naughty:

That sums me up too: initially I had no expectations with regards to becoming official but after promises were made I expected them to be fulfilled and when they weren't I was left wondering why. That's all I want: information. I wonder why the "top of whatever" has taken so long to come.

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And again, this is part of what Mika has done in his blog. Dangled all sorts of interesting ideas in front of us and creating expectation and then when expectations are not met, you've created discontent.... Not that he hasn't met those yet, but his track record could be better.

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his track record could be better

That must be the understatement of the year. :naughty: Even his fans have come to expect that any promises made by him and/or his team have a considerable chance of not being fulfilled, whether they be things as major as tours or as minor as posting news. :ap_rosetinted:

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That must be the understatement of the year. :naughty: Even his fans have come to expect that any promises made by him and/or his team have a considerable chance of not being fulfilled, whether they be things as major as tours or as minor as posting news. :ap_rosetinted:


Is that "even his fans who love him and his every move in an uncritical and adoring way"? I seriously do think he's bloody awesome, but I've had to stop myself from offering up unconditional love and actually look at what he's been doing. The only people getting unconditional love from me these days are my children.

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Ah Twatty, the most eloquent whinger I have ever known. Good to see you here.


I just take whatever Mika dishes up...or doesn't.

I sigh and think, oh well, common sense should have told me not to buy 3 V festival tix from Japan....I blame me, more than him.


So with the official thingy, I think, oh well, Mika owns us now. Deano made his money, which was surely the goal. Life goes on. I still love MFC, and will still play here as much as I can.


But I like Twatty whingeing on everyone's behalf. It is always good to read!


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Is that "even his fans who love him and his every move in an uncritical and adoring way"? I seriously do think he's bloody awesome, but I've had to stop myself from offering up unconditional love and actually look at what he's been doing. The only people getting unconditional love from me these days are my children.


I think, and I hope, that the "He can do no wrong" mentality fades, at least a fraction, after a few months on the MFC..

Pedestaling someone is dangerous.

It must be hard for some people to accept the fact that Mika farts.

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I think, and I hope, that the "He can do no wrong" mentality fades, at least a fraction, after a few months on the MFC..

Pedestaling someone is dangerous.

It must be hard for some people to accept the fact that Mika farts.


Well it's been going on since early on and shows no sign of abating.

We've had quite a few upsets along the way for instance the whole cancellation debacle last year, where some people defended him even when one gig was cancelled on the same day another was performed.

A few of us got bad reputations after that, from which we have never fully recovered.:naughty:

Kata even tackled the man himself about it and he was not amused.

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I think, and I hope, that the "He can do no wrong" mentality fades, at least a fraction, after a few months on the MFC..

Pedestaling someone is dangerous.

It must be hard for some people to accept the fact that Mika farts.


DOES HE FART?:shocked:

That's it, I'm leaving:sneaky2:


No, I agree with you on that point. I mean, he's not God, he's a human too!


Oh, and what's happening with the officialness? On top of what are we becoming official?

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Well it's been going on since early on and shows no sign of abating.

We've had quite a few upsets along the way for instance the whole cancellation debacle last year, where some people defended him even when one gig was cancelled on the same day another was performed.

A few of us got bad reputations after that, from which we have never fully recovered.:naughty:

Kata even tackled the man himself about it and he was not amused.


Now that's a story I'd like to hear! I don't suppose it's written up in a thread somewhere at all??

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Well it's been going on since early on and shows no sign of abating.

It does continue on. Somewhat recycled.

We've had quite a few upsets along the way for instance the whole cancellation debacle last year, where some people defended him even when one gig was cancelled on the same day another was performed.

Was this one of the first canceled gigs? I haven't delved into his track record. I just heard he was known to be.. "whimsical", perhaps,, from various reliable sources.

A few of us got bad reputations after that, from which we have never fully recovered.:naughty:

Kata even tackled the man himself about it and he was not amused.

:bow: to Kata

I'd rather be the black sheep without the wool (in this case Mika's curls) over my eyes though..

wouldn't you?:wink2:

DOES HE FART?:shocked:

At the beginning of Love Today, the part that goes "Boom-de-ba-boom-de-ba-boom-de-ba-boom" etc.. is actually farting.


That's it, I'm leaving:sneaky2:

goodbye thread?? :naughty:


No, I agree with you on that point. I mean, he's not God, he's a human too!


Oh, and what's happening with the officialness? On top of what are we becoming official?

We have become official.

Mika/Jerry just haven't agreed on an MFC username to announce it..

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Now that's a story I'd like to hear! I don't suppose it's written up in a thread somewhere at all??


Probably somewhere in the vaults. :naughty:


Basically, we saw him at a gig in London on the Sunday he seemed fine, was due at Nibe festival, I think on the Thursday, we got wind of a 'secret' gig on the Wednesday, some day in between he cancelled Nibe but did do the secret gig.

I think that's how it was, but I seem to remember the girls were actually at the festival when they found out he wasn't coming so the timings may have been a bit out.

Kata asked him about the secret gig thing and Nibe after Somerset House last year, about how come he cancelled Nibe, but could do a gig in Reading if he was so ill. I mean things like pneumonia and "career threatening illnesses" were being bandied around all summer.

At first, I don't believe he knew what she was talking about, then he twigged and was a little snappy, saying 'that was different'

That was the day that Kata got him to sing her Nibe wristband....:naughty:

She was convinced that he hated her after that, but I was impressed with her balls for asking him.


So the question on our minds was, how ill was he. Of course that continued all summer long, doing some gigs and cancelling others. He cancelled a few festivals, one which was the same day as the GMA performance, which was also double booked with a gig in Canada.....then dropped out of the Big Chill (which I was at with Mikamad, Tia, Bexxy and Avoca) we heard about 3 hours before he was due to perform...and that was on the Friday, only to be spotted in Ibiza on the Sunday, preparing for Ibiza Rocks on the Monday or Tuesday, I think. Obviously his career threatening illness had just got a whole lot better in the sunshine of Spain.:ap_rosetinted:


Boy did we moan, and moan, and whinge.

That's where I get my customised title from, someone told me that I wasn't a real fan if I had no sympathy for him when he was sick!

Bollocks! I just don't swallow every line I am fed.

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Probably somewhere in the vaults. :naughty:


Basically, we saw him at a gig in London on the Sunday he seemed fine, was due at Nibe festival, I think on the Thursday, we got wind of a 'secret' gig on the Wednesday, some day in between he cancelled Nibe but did do the secret gig.

I think that's how it was, but I seem to remember the girls were actually at the festival when they found out he wasn't coming so the timings may have been a bit out.

Kata asked him about the secret gig thing and Nibe after Somerset House last year, about how come he cancelled Nibe, but could do a gig in Reading if he was so ill. I mean things like pneumonia and "career threatening illnesses" were being bandied around all summer.

At first, I don't believe he knew what she was talking about, then he twigged and was a little snappy, saying 'that was different'

That was the day that Kata got him to sing her Nibe wristband....:naughty:

She was convinced that he hated her after that, but I was impressed with her balls for asking him.


So the question on our minds was, how ill was he. Of course that continued all summer long, doing some gigs and cancelling others. He cancelled a few festivals, one which was the same day as the GMA performance, which was also double booked with a gig in Canada.....then dropped out of the Big Chill (which I was at with Mikamad, Tia, Bexxy and Avoca) we heard about 3 hours before he was due to perform...and that was on the Friday, only to be spotted in Ibiza on the Sunday, preparing for Ibiza Rocks on the Monday or Tuesday, I think.


Boy did we moan, and moan, and whinge.

That's where I get my customised title from, someone told me that I wasn't a real fan if I had no sympathy for him when he was sick!

Bollocks! I just don't swallow every line I am fed.


Ah! Thanks. I'd heard snippets of that before and I know that some of that stuff was what prompted the petition... "Better communication!" But it almost sounds like there was deliberate evasiveness or something...


oh, and i had wondered about your custom title. I'd thought you were too cool to admit to being fangurly or something, but never bothered to find out more!

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asked him about the secret gig thing and Nibe after Somerset House last year, about how come he cancelled Nibe, but could do a gig in Reading if he was so ill. I mean things like pneumonia and "career threatening illnesses" were being bandied around all summer.

At first, I don't believe he knew what she was talking about, then he twigged and was a little snappy, saying 'that was different'




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That was the day that Kata got him to sing her Nibe wristband....:naughty:

She was convinced that he hated her after that, but I was impressed with her balls for asking him.

:bow: :bow:

Boy did we moan, and moan, and whinge.

That's where I get my customised title from, someone told me that I wasn't a real fan if I had no sympathy for him when he was sick!

Bollocks! I just don't swallow every line I am fed.


The sick excuse needs to end..

It's insulting towards people who really do get sick..

I'd much prefer to hear "generally exhausted due to... " or "contract commitments..." or "All 3 of my favourite t-shirts were dirty"

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What did our becoming official have to do with Mika and management taking over the site? This may sound naive, but it never occurred to me when the petition was being put together that officialdom would mean being owned by Mika. Was that always the plan or something that came up when officialness was being considered by Mika?


I believe it came down to a number of things, including control issues. At this point, we don't know exactly what Jerry/Mika have in store for MFC - but whatever they have in mind, it will be far easier for them to accomplish if they hold the reins.


I think a fan club was likely something Mika always wanted to have in place, but then his career took off too quickly for it to be properly organized. Meanwhile, MFC had become a vibrant, thriving community and it had done so "organically", as Mika is fond of saying; by the end of 2007, it was far easier for them to attain control of MFC than to try building something from scratch.


At first it sounded like it would be made clear to us in one sweeping announcment what being "official" would mean. As things progressed, it has to started to appear that things will be phased in gradually. For now, as frustrating as it is, we need to realize that status quo isn't so bad; at least we have our ugly, orange home on the Internet to come lounge around in. Most days. :wink2:


The 2007 cancellation spree and the fact that Mika's web presence is rather broken are two symptoms of the same problem; for us, it seems like he's been around forever already in some ways. Yet his career is still rather new. It's like he and everyone he works with were given this giant toy with a lot of buttons, and they're still trying to figure out what each one does.


They do seem to be learning. Compare that whole Nibe/secret gig fiasco to the December cancellations in London, where Mika issued an apology via MySpace and had John hold him up on speakerphone to personally apologize to the group of people who were there. And then those dates were re-scheduled with lightning speed.


Yeah, last summer was a bit of a sh*t show, but I'm rather encouraged by what seems to be forward progress in that respect. :thumb_yello:

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I believe it came down to a number of things, including control issues. At this point, we don't know exactly what Jerry/Mika have in store for MFC - but whatever they have in mind, it will be far easier for them to accomplish if they hold the reins.


I think a fan club was likely something Mika always wanted to have in place, but then his career took off too quickly for it to be properly organized. Meanwhile, MFC had become a vibrant, thriving community and it had done so "organically", as Mika is fond of saying; by the end of 2007, it was far easier for them to attain control of MFC than to try building something from scratch.


At first it sounded like it would be made clear to us in one sweeping announcment what being "official" would mean. As things progressed, it has to started to appear that things will be phased in gradually. For now, as frustrating as it is, we need to realize that status quo isn't so bad; at least we have our ugly, orange home on the Internet to come lounge around in. Most days. :wink2:


The 2007 cancellation spree and the fact that Mika's web presence is rather broken are two symptoms of the same problem; for us, it seems like he's been around forever already in some ways. Yet his career is still rather new. It's like he and everyone he works with were given this giant toy with a lot of buttons, and they're still trying to figure out what each one does.


They do seem to be learning. Compare that whole Nibe/secret gig fiasco to the December cancellations in London, where Mika issued an apology via MySpace and had John hold him up on speakerphone to personally apologize to the group of people who were there. And then those dates were re-scheduled with lightning speed.


Yeah, last summer was a bit of a sh*t show, but I'm rather encouraged by what seems to be forward progress in that respect. :thumb_yello:


I don't have an issue with the status quo, I'm excited about the idea of officialdom, but loved the MFC before, so I'm not complaining about that. But i was thinking about Mika and his control issues earlier today and it led my mind down the path to my question. I just ask these things cos I''m a nosy bugger I guess.

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They do seem to be learning. Compare that whole Nibe/secret gig fiasco to the December cancellations in London, where Mika issued an apology via MySpace and had John hold him up on speakerphone to personally apologize to the group of people who were there. And then those dates were re-scheduled with lightning speed.


Yeah, last summer was a bit of a sh*t show, but I'm rather encouraged by what seems to be forward progress in that respect. :thumb_yello:


I agree totally, credit where credit is due, these cancellations were handled very differently indeed.

I still reserve the right to say what I think on future issues though. Perhaps without all the whinging and moaning in the summer, the December cancellations may have been handled badly too?

We just don't know do we, but one thing is for sure, we should tell it how we see it, things won't improve otherwise, and things that make a loyal fanbase critical, could alienate potential fans altogther.

So - listen to us Mika - you know it's for your own good!

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