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The "Kill Mika" Groups

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Hello mfcers!


A few days ago, i was on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com) searching for Mika groups and then, in the results some horrible names came up:


"Plotting to kill the band Mika"

"Wil somebody please kill MIKA before I do?"


"Plan to kill Amy Winehouse and Mika. Help Needed!"


And the one with most members (and growing by day)

"The kill Mika support group"


It's ok if they don't like Mika, we all know he has a certain way: u love him, or u hate him; but creating a group that supports the idea of killing Mika it's just awful. So, facebookers, u can report this groups, the "Terms of Use" of Facebook has prohibided the creation of groups that attacks individuals or associations, u can find the link "Report Group" at the end of the page, but we need a lot of reports to KILL those groups.


Come on facebookers! Let's shot down that horribles groups!


PD: I'm sorry if there's already threads about this or if i shouldn't be posting it, but i'm just mad at that people, IS NOT FAIR!

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Hello mfcers!


A few days ago, i was on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com) searching for Mika groups and then, in the results some horrible names came up:


"Plotting to kill the band Mika"

"Wil somebody please kill MIKA before I do?"


"Plan to kill Amy Winehouse and Mika. Help Needed!"


And the one with most members (and growing by day)

"The kill Mika support group"


It's ok if they don't like Mika, we all know he has a certain way: u love him, or u hate him; but creating a group that supports the idea of killing Mika it's just awful. So, facebookers, u can report this groups, the "Terms of Use" of Facebook has prohibided the creation of groups that attacks individuals or associations, u can find the link "Report Group" at the end of the page, but we need a lot of reports to KILL those groups.


Come on facebookers! Let's shot down that horribles groups!


OMG!!! That's disgusting! I don't threaten to kill 50cent or Rihanna.... Bullsh*t... sorry... I'm going to report it now! All of them!:furious::blowup:

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Ignore it. There will always be people like this.


There are also already a couple of threads on this subject, but I can't remember what they are titled, so they are probably hard to find.

I guess those people who had something to say in those threads will come and discuss this with you. :wink2:

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Ignore it. There will always be people like this.


There are also already a couple of threads on this subject, but I can't remember what they are titled, so they are probably hard to find.

I guess those people who had something to say in those threads will come and discuss this with you. :wink2:


Yes, but babs... Mika has already received het mail and death threats from people... surely groups like this are promoting that sort of unnecessary aggression!


Even if they never act on their claims, it's frightening... imagine if you saw there were over 20 groups on an international network saying they wanted to kill you... Mika has a Facebook account too....

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Yes, but babs... Mika has already received het mail and death threats from people... surely groups like this are promoting that sort of unnecessary aggression!


Even if they never act on their claims, it's frightening... imagine if you saw there were over 20 groups on an international network saying they wanted to kill you... Mika has a Facebook account too....


I agree with u, besides, they are breaking the facebook groups terms, so, there's nothing bad about reporting them.

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Well, Mika haters or not, they're obviously a tad stupid (understatment! :roftl: ). "HANDS UP IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KILL MIKA TO DEATH!!!!"?? If you kill someone, they die. You can't kill someone not to death. Twats.

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Yes, but babs... Mika has already received het mail and death threats from people... surely groups like this are promoting that sort of unnecessary aggression!


Even if they never act on their claims, it's frightening... imagine if you saw there were over 20 groups on an international network saying they wanted to kill you... Mika has a Facebook account too....


Mika hasn't got a Facebook account. And although I agree with you on how bad it is, it's not in our power to do anything. We can keep reporting, reporting, reporting, but it doesn't work sadly!

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Yes, but babs... Mika has already received het mail and death threats from people... surely groups like this are promoting that sort of unnecessary aggression!


Even if they never act on their claims, it's frightening... imagine if you saw there were over 20 groups on an international network saying they wanted to kill you... Mika has a Facebook account too....


i agree with you!!

that's just horrible!!


i don't hve a facebook account though...

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Well, Mika haters or not, they're obviously a tad stupid (understatment! :roftl: ). "HANDS UP IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KILL MIKA TO DEATH!!!!"?? If you kill someone, they die. You can't kill someone not to death. Twats.


thats the first thing i thought when i saw that one. i started lughing.

if they cant even speak right, how could they do much of anythig else?lol


not that i think its okay. but i dont have a facebook, so sorry :thumb_yello:

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It's very sad.. very pathetic in my opinion.. why would you go out of your way to insult people.. fine you don't like his music don't listen to it.. i've been to some of those groups before and it's just a bunch of bored people who have nothing much to say really..

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I really pity those people, they're clearly seeking attention desperately, how lonely their lives must be... However, it's true they are violating facebook rules, so I guess we should report them. But I agree there will be others always.


Yes true!


Of course there will be others, but if we all band together now maybe we can minimise it... if you know what I mean. :)



I've started a group called "Death Threats" is going to far... if any of you have a facebook account, please join it.... If we build it up then we can encourage other people to stand up too!

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Yes true!


Of course there will be others, but if we all band together now maybe we can minimise it... if you know what I mean. :)



I've started a group called "Death Threats" is going to far... if any of you have a facebook account, please join it.... If we build it up then we can encourage other people to stand up too!


Absolutely! I'm joining the group:thumb_yello:

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Yes true!


Of course there will be others, but if we all band together now maybe we can minimise it... if you know what I mean. :)



I've started a group called "Death Threats" is going to far... if any of you have a facebook account, please join it.... If we build it up then we can encourage other people to stand up too!


Can't find it!

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