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Introducing the MFC script writer: ME!


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uuuuuu magic mushrooms!! :punk::roftl:


Mika goes out into a field frolicking with a wicker basket like a little girl searching for fairies when he comes across the red and white mushrooms, picks them, has them for dinner and then whoooaaaaahhhhh!! :roftl: :roftl:

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Mika goes out into a field frolicking with a wicker basket like a little girl searching for fairies when he comes across the red and white mushrooms, picks them, has them for dinner and then whoooaaaaahhhhh!! :roftl: :roftl:


or just order a pizza (take a slice at the party?-> that how my friends dad ended up hoovering a balcony covered in snow LMFAO ) xD lol

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Chapter 13



It was quite a warm evening and Mika was bored on this lonely Saturday night. He spent the last hour doodling nothingness on a piece of paper and "I AM BORED" was blatantly tattooed across the whole of his face. His mouth was frowing, his eyes were dropping, his back was slouched...

He sighed a heavy sigh and put his pencil down. He'd spent the morning on MFC and so already had his fix. He had no inspiration to create any music, and all his friends were out in different places being with other friends Mika knew nothing about.

So there he sat...in a dim room...with nothing but silence as his company.


He managed to find the will get up from his seat and trudge to the other side of the room to read the newspaper. He opened it up in fake interest but his eyes stumbled across a clipping of a new nightclub. He raised his eyebrows as his brain battled with thoughts that zoomed backwards and forwards. In the end, his body ended up doing the talking as he changed into a new outfit (jeans, white t-shirt and a black blazer) and went to walk out the door.


John: Where you off to?

Mika: Out.

John: Oh no...no no no you're not.

Mika: ....I think I am.

John: NO. Get BACK in your room, and MAKE SOME MUSIC.

Mika: :boxed:

John: NOW.

Mika: :tears:

John: Don't give me those puppy dog eyes.

Mika: You're no fun John.

John: *slightly offended* I can be...

Mika: No, you're boring. And dull. And you get soooooooo stressed -

John: - I wonder why -

Mika: that's why you have so many wrinkles. HA. Round one to me.

John: You're such a child.

Mika: :bleh:

John: Oh go off then! Go out and party with your little mates! Don't worry about the second album, I'm sure your fans will understand why it won't come out for another ten years! Go on!

Mika: I'm not hearing this, old man. *walks out*

John: Walk out the door!

Mika: *pause* ..... *comes back in* don't ever use my lyrics again. *walks out*

John: *rubbing his temples* Ai yai yai yai yai...




Several hours later, in the early morning, Mika stumbled out of Bungalow 8 Nightclub clearly quite drunk. He still had a can of beer in his hand and was evidently laughing to himself. The bouncers gave him a look of disgrace and his laughter was mixed between a child's giggle and the howling of a dog. Mika struggled to put one foot in front of the other and started to fall, but a very butch man grabbed him. Note that Mika is laughing in every sentence.


Butch man: Jesus, are you okay?

Mika: Jesus? I ain't Jesus! This is beer not wine you fool.

Butch man: *helps Mika up* well, relax and take it easy, okay?

Mika: *face is very excited* yeah! Relax and take it easy! For...for...*burp*...for there is nuffin that we can do...

Butch man: Er...right...

Mika: *is all serious and gets up close to the man, finger pointing at his chest* You know mate...there's an answer to the darkest times....it's clear we don't understand it -

Butch man: I don't think YOU f---ing understand it, mate.

Mika: But the last thing on my mind...is to leave you...

Butch man: oh God.

Mika: I believe that we're in this together...

Butch man: Nah mate you got whacked on your own.


Mika tries to link arms with the man who pulls away sharpish, his mouth widens but Mika butts in.


Mika: Don't scream! *comes back up to the man, grabs his shirt and pulls him near, and stares him wildly in the eyes* There are so many roads left...


Mika: *slurring on words* n-n-noo...don't...don't listen to 'im!!! 'E's....*puts arm around the man and leans in against his chest* E's ma mate....

Butch man: Get lost, queer.

Mika: Now, now...let's not be having that language cheeky...*Mika wiggles the man's nose and Mika starts to giggle*

Butch man: Get the f--k away from me! You weirdo!


Butch man pushes Mika to the floor who lands in a puddle, and the Butch man runs off. Mika is left there laughing like a hyena, holding his belly because it hurts so much. Mika tried to get up but in doing so, he knocked his can of beer over and it flowed into the gutter next to the road.


Mika: Noooo!!! Come back! Come back to me!!

Bouncer#1: Right, that's it you, we're getting you a cab. *grabs both of Mika's arms and pulls him up. Mika starts to scream about the loss of his beer*


Bouncer#2: Come on calm it now mate, it's only beer -


Bouncer#1: GET HIM!!!!


The bouncers bundle on top of Mika who screeches like a girl. The two bouncers have him tightly and they throw him in a cab, next to a girl with a black hat, blonde hair and facial piercings.


Mika: Look at yooooou! Don't you look preeeeettyyyy? *leans in on the girl's shoulder and purrs softly*

Girl: :blink:

Mika: *wraps his arms around her* You'll take me home won't you? Back to Kansas? Do you have red shoes?

Girl: ............no............

Mika: The paparazzi's outside, who's gonna flash? You or me?

Girl: Um...I'd rather keep my private bits to myself thanks.

Mika: You're no fun either. Right you nosy lot! Have a butchers! *opens legs wide but er...keeps his trousers on* Lookie lookie lookie! (http://www.isoimagesuk.com/viewphoto.php?imagepos=9&albumId=&searchField=ALL&searchstring=Mika&sortorder=&orient=&sort=&numperpage=20&source=search)

Girl: I'm not with him.

Mika: Do you mind if I fart?

Girl: Yes.

Mika: Ohhh... But I need to pop...

Girl: No. No farting please.

Mika: Have you got any booze?

Girl: No.

Mika: Do you even partay?

Girl: ...No, I definitely don't partay...

Mika: *leans over to drivers seat and yonks the horn*

Girl: What the HELL are you doing?

Mika: Would you like to honk MY horn?

Girl: Dude! Please!

Mika: You would?

Girl: No!

Mika: Aww...who wants to have me, just to love me?

Girl: Have you taken drugs or something?

Mika: Not that I can recall...

Girl: Can you even remember your own name?


Mika stops and looks at her with a blank expression. His mouth hangs open a bit as his eyes search upwards, as if the answer would be on the ceiling. He looks back at her again.


Mika: No..

Girl: *rolls eyes* I take it you don't remember where you live?

Mika: I live in Kansas.

Girl: I bet you don't.

Mika: I do. I've lost my blue checkered dress and my dog Toto is at home. I have no idea where my friends the lion, the tinman and the scarecrow have gone, and it's my mission to find them before the wicked witch does.

Girl: Dude you are completely screwed.

Mika: I'm not, no-one wants to screw me.

Girl: No, I mean you're f---ed.

Mika: Doesn't that mean the same thing?

Girl: FINE! You're p---ed!

Mika: I've p---ed? *looks down below*

Girl: *is close to scratching the skin off her face* Oh my God! Jesus!

Mika: Where? *looks*

Girl: GET OUT OF THIS CAB!!!! *pushes Mika out*

Mika: The wicked witch will get you!!! *shakes fist*


The cab zooms off and Mika gets up from the pavement. He dusts himself down but is then blinded by bright lights. A shabby, old, unfashionable car approaches him and an un-oiled door squeaks open.


John: Come on you fool, get in.

Mika: I ain't getting in that.

John: No, IN.

Mika: *stamps feet and folds arms after* NO.

John: *sighs* Mika, you're making a spectacle of yourself. Get in before I batter you till you're KO'd, and then bring you in the car.

Mika: .......................


Mika gets in the car in the passenger's seat next to John.


John: How are you feeling?

Mika: I'm fine.

John: Good. I'm going to go at a steady pace, okay?

Mika: Yeah, whatever.


John moves the gearstick which crunches loudly, flicks the indicator and gets back onto the main road.


Mika: OMG! OMG! WE'RE GONNA CRASH!!!!!!!!! *covers his face*

John: Mika those cars are miles away. I know the earth is spinning for you but Jesus!

Mika: Where IS he?!

John: Who?

Mika: JESUS!!!

John: Don't treat me like I'm thick, how am I supposed to know who you're talking about if you don't tell me?

Mika: No I mean where's Jesus? Everyone keeps mentioning his name around me...

John: *nods his head, understanding why* Right.

Mika: .......................John...dear, dear John...my good pal John...*leaves over to talk to him quietly, the energy is being sapped from him*

John: *looks worried*

Mika: *barfs over John*

John: :shocked:

Mika: I feel a bit sick...


:lmfao::lmfao: I can't breathe.

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are u for real??? :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


haha seriously!! that was hell of a view!! :roftl: his dad in socks at the balcony LOL my second friend was talking to her cat (cuz she couldn't stand her mother having purple mohawk hairs LOL) and he was singing to her (cat) "Love me tender"! xD after that she realize sth is not right and went to sleep xD

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or just order a pizza (take a slice at the party?-> that how my friends dad ended up hoovering a balcony covered in snow LMFAO ) xD lol


oh no! me and my rommies found out lately that we can't have pizza delivered to our place because apparently we live in the worst part of Warsaw and delivery boys got attacked here frequently. too bad

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haha seriously!! that was hell of a view!! :roftl: his dad in socks at the balcony LOL my second friend was talking to her cat (cuz she couldn't stand her mother having purple mohawk hairs LOL) and he was singing to her (cat) "Love me tender"! xD after that she realize sth is not right and went to sleep xD


something is telling me that you might have had something to do with the mushrooms in that pizza. were you the only one not affected? :mf_rosetinted:

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or just order a pizza (take a slice at the party?-> that how my friends dad ended up hoovering a balcony covered in snow LMFAO ) xD lol


omg LOL!!!


Uhuh, I bet the next time I see you your head is gonna be 20 times bigger than its natural size. :mf_rosetinted:


walks into the room...feels like a big balloon :roftl:


:lmfao::lmfao: I can't breathe.


glad ya liked it!

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*imagines Caz with a big balloon head* .. *takes out a pin* mwahahaha *rubs hands evily*


HAHAHAHAHAHA *imagines me with a deflating head whizzing around the room*


LOL I remember in year 6, one of my poems was on the wall and i had a big picture of a teacher at the top, and my teacher stuck a pin into the head. i called charlie and was like "pinhead!!" :roftl:


i thought it was really clever :mf_rosetinted:

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HAHAHAHAHAHA *imagines me with a deflating head whizzing around the room*


LOL I remember in year 6, one of my poems was on the wall and i had a big picture of a teacher at the top, and my teacher stuck a pin into the head. i called charlie and was like "pinhead!!" :roftl:


i thought it was really clever :mf_rosetinted:


Lmao *imagines it too, Caz's legs and arms flying all over the place* Hmm I seem to be imagining you as a powerpuff girl, err why? :blink: uh oh :naughty:


Lol.. clever girl :mf_rosetinted:

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Lmao *imagines it too, Caz's legs and arms flying all over the place* Hmm I seem to be imagining you as a powerpuff girl, err why? :blink: uh oh :naughty:


Lol.. clever girl :mf_rosetinted:


LMAO a whizzing blossom :roftl: maybe i should do a chapter of mika and jerry dressed as batman and robin...only fools and horses style :mf_rosetinted:

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Good idea :punk:




i can just imagine them in a little play room zooming round, getting invloved in this whole make believe fantasy, every day obstacles round the house become life threatening, they go out and try to save people's lives and prevent danger....until John calls them in for teatime xDD

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i can just imagine them in a little play room zooming round, getting invloved in this whole make believe fantasy, every day obstacles round the house become life threatening, they go out and try to save people's lives and prevent danger....until John calls them in for teatime xDD


:naughty: :naughty:

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Chapter 13



It was quite a warm evening and Mika was bored on this lonely Saturday night. He spent the last hour doodling nothingness on a piece of paper and "I AM BORED" was blatantly tattooed across the whole of his face. His mouth was frowing, his eyes were dropping, his back was slouched...

He sighed a heavy sigh and put his pencil down. He'd spent the morning on MFC and so already had his fix. He had no inspiration to create any music, and all his friends were out in different places being with other friends Mika knew nothing about.

So there he sat...in a dim room...with nothing but silence as his company.


He managed to find the will get up from his seat and trudge to the other side of the room to read the newspaper. He opened it up in fake interest but his eyes stumbled across a clipping of a new nightclub. He raised his eyebrows as his brain battled with thoughts that zoomed backwards and forwards. In the end, his body ended up doing the talking as he changed into a new outfit (jeans, white t-shirt and a black blazer) and went to walk out the door.


John: Where you off to?

Mika: Out.

John: Oh no...no no no you're not.

Mika: ....I think I am.

John: NO. Get BACK in your room, and MAKE SOME MUSIC.

Mika: :boxed:

John: NOW.

Mika: :tears:

John: Don't give me those puppy dog eyes.

Mika: You're no fun John.

John: *slightly offended* I can be...

Mika: No, you're boring. And dull. And you get soooooooo stressed -

John: - I wonder why -

Mika: that's why you have so many wrinkles. HA. Round one to me.

John: You're such a child.

Mika: :bleh:

John: Oh go off then! Go out and party with your little mates! Don't worry about the second album, I'm sure your fans will understand why it won't come out for another ten years! Go on!

Mika: I'm not hearing this, old man. *walks out*

John: Walk out the door!

Mika: *pause* ..... *comes back in* don't ever use my lyrics again. *walks out*

John: *rubbing his temples* Ai yai yai yai yai...




Several hours later, in the early morning, Mika stumbled out of Bungalow 8 Nightclub clearly quite drunk. He still had a can of beer in his hand and was evidently laughing to himself. The bouncers gave him a look of disgrace and his laughter was mixed between a child's giggle and the howling of a dog. Mika struggled to put one foot in front of the other and started to fall, but a very butch man grabbed him. Note that Mika is laughing in every sentence.


Butch man: Jesus, are you okay?

Mika: Jesus? I ain't Jesus! This is beer not wine you fool.

Butch man: *helps Mika up* well, relax and take it easy, okay?

Mika: *face is very excited* yeah! Relax and take it easy! For...for...*burp*...for there is nuffin that we can do...

Butch man: Er...right...

Mika: *is all serious and gets up close to the man, finger pointing at his chest* You know mate...there's an answer to the darkest times....it's clear we don't understand it -

Butch man: I don't think YOU f---ing understand it, mate.

Mika: But the last thing on my mind...is to leave you...

Butch man: oh God.

Mika: I believe that we're in this together...

Butch man: Nah mate you got whacked on your own.


Mika tries to link arms with the man who pulls away sharpish, his mouth widens but Mika butts in.


Mika: Don't scream! *comes back up to the man, grabs his shirt and pulls him near, and stares him wildly in the eyes* There are so many roads left...


Mika: *slurring on words* n-n-noo...don't...don't listen to 'im!!! 'E's....*puts arm around the man and leans in against his chest* E's ma mate....

Butch man: Get lost, queer.

Mika: Now, now...let's not be having that language cheeky...*Mika wiggles the man's nose and Mika starts to giggle*

Butch man: Get the f--k away from me! You weirdo!


Butch man pushes Mika to the floor who lands in a puddle, and the Butch man runs off. Mika is left there laughing like a hyena, holding his belly because it hurts so much. Mika tried to get up but in doing so, he knocked his can of beer over and it flowed into the gutter next to the road.


Mika: Noooo!!! Come back! Come back to me!!

Bouncer#1: Right, that's it you, we're getting you a cab. *grabs both of Mika's arms and pulls him up. Mika starts to scream about the loss of his beer*


Bouncer#2: Come on calm it now mate, it's only beer -


Bouncer#1: GET HIM!!!!


The bouncers bundle on top of Mika who screeches like a girl. The two bouncers have him tightly and they throw him in a cab, next to a girl with a black hat, blonde hair and facial piercings.


Mika: Look at yooooou! Don't you look preeeeettyyyy? *leans in on the girl's shoulder and purrs softly*

Girl: :blink:

Mika: *wraps his arms around her* You'll take me home won't you? Back to Kansas? Do you have red shoes?

Girl: ............no............

Mika: The paparazzi's outside, who's gonna flash? You or me?

Girl: Um...I'd rather keep my private bits to myself thanks.

Mika: You're no fun either. Right you nosy lot! Have a butchers! *opens legs wide but er...keeps his trousers on* Lookie lookie lookie! (http://www.isoimagesuk.com/viewphoto.php?imagepos=9&albumId=&searchField=ALL&searchstring=Mika&sortorder=&orient=&sort=&numperpage=20&source=search)

Girl: I'm not with him.

Mika: Do you mind if I fart?

Girl: Yes.

Mika: Ohhh... But I need to pop...

Girl: No. No farting please.

Mika: Have you got any booze?

Girl: No.

Mika: Do you even partay?

Girl: ...No, I definitely don't partay...

Mika: *leans over to drivers seat and yonks the horn*

Girl: What the HELL are you doing?

Mika: Would you like to honk MY horn?

Girl: Dude! Please!

Mika: You would?

Girl: No!

Mika: Aww...who wants to have me, just to love me?

Girl: Have you taken drugs or something?

Mika: Not that I can recall...

Girl: Can you even remember your own name?


Mika stops and looks at her with a blank expression. His mouth hangs open a bit as his eyes search upwards, as if the answer would be on the ceiling. He looks back at her again.


Mika: No..

Girl: *rolls eyes* I take it you don't remember where you live?

Mika: I live in Kansas.

Girl: I bet you don't.

Mika: I do. I've lost my blue checkered dress and my dog Toto is at home. I have no idea where my friends the lion, the tinman and the scarecrow have gone, and it's my mission to find them before the wicked witch does.

Girl: Dude you are completely screwed.

Mika: I'm not, no-one wants to screw me.

Girl: No, I mean you're f---ed.

Mika: Doesn't that mean the same thing?

Girl: FINE! You're p---ed!

Mika: I've p---ed? *looks down below*

Girl: *is close to scratching the skin off her face* Oh my God! Jesus!

Mika: Where? *looks*

Girl: GET OUT OF THIS CAB!!!! *pushes Mika out*

Mika: The wicked witch will get you!!! *shakes fist*


The cab zooms off and Mika gets up from the pavement. He dusts himself down but is then blinded by bright lights. A shabby, old, unfashionable car approaches him and an un-oiled door squeaks open.


John: Come on you fool, get in.

Mika: I ain't getting in that.

John: No, IN.

Mika: *stamps feet and folds arms after* NO.

John: *sighs* Mika, you're making a spectacle of yourself. Get in before I batter you till you're KO'd, and then bring you in the car.

Mika: .......................


Mika gets in the car in the passenger's seat next to John.


John: How are you feeling?

Mika: I'm fine.

John: Good. I'm going to go at a steady pace, okay?

Mika: Yeah, whatever.


John moves the gearstick which crunches loudly, flicks the indicator and gets back onto the main road.


Mika: OMG! OMG! WE'RE GONNA CRASH!!!!!!!!! *covers his face*

John: Mika those cars are miles away. I know the earth is spinning for you but Jesus!

Mika: Where IS he?!

John: Who?

Mika: JESUS!!!

John: Don't treat me like I'm thick, how am I supposed to know who you're talking about if you don't tell me?

Mika: No I mean where's Jesus? Everyone keeps mentioning his name around me...

John: *nods his head, understanding why* Right.

Mika: .......................John...dear, dear John...my good pal John...*leaves over to talk to him quietly, the energy is being sapped from him*

John: *looks worried*

Mika: *barfs over John*

John: :shocked:

Mika: I feel a bit sick...


lol!!! i guess that's my strange typical boyish sense of humour xDDD




oh God could you imagine hahahaha!!!




oh i should totally do a chapter where mika accidentally takes a drug. it would be like a certain episode of Gimme Gimme Gimme:


Tom: I couldn't get to sleep so I was raiding the the medical cupboard in the middle of the night, took an E by mistake. Spent half the night telling my posters how much I loved them.



oh really?! DO IT!:roftl:

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LMAO a whizzing blossom :roftl: maybe i should do a chapter of mika and jerry dressed as batman and robin...only fools and horses style :mf_rosetinted:


omg, you SHOULD totally do that! That'd be way awesome :roftl:

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Mika: OMG! OMG! WE'RE GONNA CRASH!!!!!!!!! *covers his face*

John: Mika those cars are miles away. I know the earth is spinning for you but Jesus!



:roftl: :roftl:


I hope mika is not really like that when he's drunk :naughty:

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