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Introducing the MFC script writer: ME!


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okay well i know others suggested it miss.let's-ruin-everything :sneaky2: but at least im actually pursuing it! xDDDD


Yeah, yeah, I'm not ruining anything :fisch: .. just reminding you, that's all.. nothing much :biggrin2:

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Chapter 14



Jerry: Oh my God I am SO ill...


Jerry is walking outside about to go home after leaving from a party early. It was the "grand opening" of a new rock'n'roll artist and there was a lot of disturbing images. Jerry was just about to leave when a guy who resembled Pete Doherty came up to him. Jerry was oblivious as the look-a-like placed a cake in his coat pocket. He then ran off giggling as Jerry continued to trudge down the sodden, cold road.


The very next day after Jerry had collapsed on the sofa upside down, he heard a lot of clashing in the kitchen. The clashing bounced against his headache and he got up slowly. He picked up the coat that was on the floor and a cake fell out. Curious, he held it, but his stomach growled loudly that it was hungry, so without thinking he took a few bites.


The clashing started to get much louder so Jerry went to investigate.


He peeked his head round the corner and saw Mika with a wicker basket on the kitchen side and a knife. He was chopping something.


Jerry: Mika what are you doing?

Mika: *freezes, and turns around slowly hiding the knife behind him and grinning nervously* Ohhh hey...Jerry! How was last night?

Jerry: Don't even get me started...what are you doing?

Mika: Ohhhh....not a lot...


Jerry's vision starts to become surreal and a burst of happiness exploded inside him.


Jerry: Come on Mika, you can tell me! We're pals!

Mika: Uhh...okay....I was erm......I was out in the wood looking for fairies...

Jerry: Cool! Did you see any?

Mika: *surprised by Jerry's support* Um..no! But I found some mushrooms that they live near! Look! Red and white spotted ones!

Jerry: *runs up to them* Amazing! I bet these mushrooms are magical!

Mika: You said it!

Jerry: I bet that if we eat them, we'll become fairies ourselves.

Mika: Right! After three....one...two...three!


Mika and Jerry gobbled some mushrooms. They swayed to and fro a bit, making "ooooh" noises, their pupils enlarged and silly grins were slapped on their faces.


Mika: Wooowww....it's like living Life in Cartoon Motion!

Jerry: Look at all the pretty colourful spots floating around....quick! Let's play "join the dots" before they disappear!!!


Jerry and Mika start tracing invisble dots with their fingers around the kitchen. John walks in and sees the sight. He is completely horrified and runs out before they see him, thinking it was best not to interfere.


Mika: I feel super! I bet, that if we put on some hero outfits, our magical powers will be revealed!

Jerry: Good thinking Batman!

Mika: *makes Batman mask with his hands and runs out the room* nananananananananananana BATMAN!

Jerry: *opens arms in an aeroplane position* whooooosh!!


A few minutes later the front door opens and there's Mika and Jerry - Mika as Batman and Jerry as Robin.


Jerry: Who shall we save first Batman?

Mika: ....*looks around the road and sees Rose in her penguin suit*...there! It's the penguin! Let's foil his plan!


Mika and Jerry run up to Rose.


Mika: Hey! You! Put down your briefcase! We know what you're up to...

Rose: *nervous* M-Mika...hi! What's going on? I...I...I don't know what you mean!

Jerry: We know you're trying to take over the world! Step down or we'll step on you!

Rose: Oh but Mika, I've not long come back from a fancydress party...it was wild and I stayed over night, and now I'm just trying to go home!

Mika: Exactly! We're stopping you!

Rose: I can bloody well see that!

Jerry: We have been watching you for a verrrryyy long time -

Rose: - How long?

Mika: Er, long enough! Now hand over the briefcase...

Rose: I don't have a bloody briefcase!!

Mika: You're going down!!!


Mika and Jerry try to fight Rose even though they're completely drugged. Their techniques are sloppy but still somewhat hurtful, as Rose is left bruised.




Mika: Nice one Robin!

Jerry: Nice one Batman!

Mika: Where shall we go to next?

Jerry: Let's go -

Mika: Oh look it's Catwoman! Yoohoo! *waves and whistles at a black cat crossing the road*

Jerry: Now is not the time! The penguin and the other villians are working together! I bet you that the joker is downtown!

Mika: You're right Robin! Let's go! Nanananananananananana BATMAN!

Jerry: Whoooooosh!!!!


Mika and Jerry approach downtown, and there's a clown handing out animal shaped balloons to children.


Jerry: Aha! It's you!

Clown: :blink:

Mika: We know what you're up to!

Clown: ...Yeah...I'm doing my job...

Jerry: Working with the others! Does PENGUIN ring a bell?

Clown: ...It's an animal in the zoo?

Jerry: Your witty-ness will not foil us!

Mika: YEAH! You're....................strawberry cheesecake!

Jerry: TOAST, Batman, the joker is TOAST!

Mika: No look! Strawberry cheesecake! *points to a bakery*

Jerry: Yummy!!!


Mika and Jerry flee the scene and buy lots of cakes from the bakery.


An hour later, Mika has led Jerry to the woods where he found the mushrooms.


Mika: The fairies have got to be here somewhere...

Jerry: Maybe they only come out if you do the right call!

Mika: Yeah! Let's do a little dance for them! Quick - let's get dressed as fairies!

Jerry: We can use twigs and leaves and foliage!

Mika: Roger!

Jerry: No no, my name's Robin...


Mika and Jerry strip the woods, and soon they have collection of leaves and twigs pierced and clinging onto their underpants, a handmade wreath sitting on their heads.


Mika: Let's get in the mushroom circle!


They get in there and they dance and hop in the circle, also trying to do some ballet moves. Their heads are still giddy from the drugs they took and didn't notice John approaching them.




Stops and continues to watch the dance. The two of them are oblivious.


John: What is this, a gay ritual?

Mika and Jerry: Jooohhhhn....cooome joooiiiiin uuuuusss.....*are now trying to attempt the Hula*

John: What on Earth have you guys taken?

Jerry: We've taken the road to happiness and colours and cartoons!

John: Oh my God you've taken drugs. Right, get back here this instant!!!


Mika and Jerry are now bird-calling.


John: *stomps over to them* I'M TAKING YOU TO THE HOSPITAL, YOU HEAR?? *steps inside mushroom circle*

Mika: NO!!! JOHN!!!!!

Jerry: The Squirrel King has come for you!!!

John: What the F**K are you talking about?!

Mika: The squirrel king has been keeping the fairies captive!! He's come for you because he knows you'll fine them!! You're "The One" John! Only you can save the fairies!

John: Only I can save your sorry arses more like!

Jerry: He's coming!! Duuuuck!! You make a run for the fairies John, we'll hold off the Squirrel King!

Mika: Yeah! You don't scare us Squirrel King!!


Mika and Jerry start to fight an invisible squirrel. They start jabbing and kicking the air and fall over dramatically when they "get hit".


John looks at the mushroom circle and notices that some have been picked. His mind then wanders to the half eaten cake he saw in the lounge....weed cake from the party + magic mushrooms is not a good mix. He continues to watch the ongoing struggling battle in front of him, knowing that there's no way he can stop them.


John picks up a mushroom and looks over it in his fingers. He looks at the two, looks back at the mushroom....back and forth, back and forth...


John: I can't...I shouldn't...I won't...


Mika and Jerry run towards John - apparently running away from the squirrel - and as they accidentally knock into him, the mushroom pops into his mouth.


The world starts to spin, the colours are bright, his pupils grow huge and he begins to grin.... and then...



Mika: Go John, go!!! Go on without us!! Only you can save the fairies!!!!


A battered Rose is walking past the wood in her battered penguin outfit, and sees the spectacle between the trees.


Rose: :shocked:


That's so weird :roftl::lmao: In a good and funny way of course :cool:

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Omg!!! You are a genius!!! I totally love your story!!:punk: It made me laugh so hard! But I've just read the last 2 chapters so I'm kinda lost, for example I dunno who is Rose... but I'll try to read the whole story someday!


She's called RAK1 on the forum :thumb_yello:

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Ohhh, so she is a MFCer... thanks for the explanation


Yup :wink2: Dressed up as a penguin for the mika gigs she's been to, so that would explain the penguin outfit if you got confused about that :wink2::naughty: And, you're welcome :D

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Chapter 14



Jerry: Oh my God I am SO ill...


Jerry is walking outside about to go home after leaving from a party early. It was the "grand opening" of a new rock'n'roll artist and there was a lot of disturbing images. Jerry was just about to leave when a guy who resembled Pete Doherty came up to him. Jerry was oblivious as the look-a-like placed a cake in his coat pocket. He then ran off giggling as Jerry continued to trudge down the sodden, cold road.


The very next day after Jerry had collapsed on the sofa upside down, he heard a lot of clashing in the kitchen. The clashing bounced against his headache and he got up slowly. He picked up the coat that was on the floor and a cake fell out. Curious, he held it, but his stomach growled loudly that it was hungry, so without thinking he took a few bites.


The clashing started to get much louder so Jerry went to investigate.


He peeked his head round the corner and saw Mika with a wicker basket on the kitchen side and a knife. He was chopping something.


Jerry: Mika what are you doing?

Mika: *freezes, and turns around slowly hiding the knife behind him and grinning nervously* Ohhh hey...Jerry! How was last night?

Jerry: Don't even get me started...what are you doing?

Mika: Ohhhh....not a lot...


Jerry's vision starts to become surreal and a burst of happiness exploded inside him.


Jerry: Come on Mika, you can tell me! We're pals!

Mika: Uhh...okay....I was erm......I was out in the wood looking for fairies...

Jerry: Cool! Did you see any?

Mika: *surprised by Jerry's support* Um..no! But I found some mushrooms that they live near! Look! Red and white spotted ones!

Jerry: *runs up to them* Amazing! I bet these mushrooms are magical!

Mika: You said it!

Jerry: I bet that if we eat them, we'll become fairies ourselves.

Mika: Right! After three....one...two...three!


Mika and Jerry gobbled some mushrooms. They swayed to and fro a bit, making "ooooh" noises, their pupils enlarged and silly grins were slapped on their faces.


Mika: Wooowww....it's like living Life in Cartoon Motion!

Jerry: Look at all the pretty colourful spots floating around....quick! Let's play "join the dots" before they disappear!!!


Jerry and Mika start tracing invisble dots with their fingers around the kitchen. John walks in and sees the sight. He is completely horrified and runs out before they see him, thinking it was best not to interfere.


Mika: I feel super! I bet, that if we put on some hero outfits, our magical powers will be revealed!

Jerry: Good thinking Batman!

Mika: *makes Batman mask with his hands and runs out the room* nananananananananananana BATMAN!

Jerry: *opens arms in an aeroplane position* whooooosh!!


A few minutes later the front door opens and there's Mika and Jerry - Mika as Batman and Jerry as Robin.


Jerry: Who shall we save first Batman?

Mika: ....*looks around the road and sees Rose in her penguin suit*...there! It's the penguin! Let's foil his plan!


Mika and Jerry run up to Rose.


Mika: Hey! You! Put down your briefcase! We know what you're up to...

Rose: *nervous* M-Mika...hi! What's going on? I...I...I don't know what you mean!

Jerry: We know you're trying to take over the world! Step down or we'll step on you!

Rose: Oh but Mika, I've not long come back from a fancydress party...it was wild and I stayed over night, and now I'm just trying to go home!

Mika: Exactly! We're stopping you!

Rose: I can bloody well see that!

Jerry: We have been watching you for a verrrryyy long time -

Rose: - How long?

Mika: Er, long enough! Now hand over the briefcase...

Rose: I don't have a bloody briefcase!!

Mika: You're going down!!!


Mika and Jerry try to fight Rose even though they're completely drugged. Their techniques are sloppy but still somewhat hurtful, as Rose is left bruised.




Mika: Nice one Robin!

Jerry: Nice one Batman!

Mika: Where shall we go to next?

Jerry: Let's go -

Mika: Oh look it's Catwoman! Yoohoo! *waves and whistles at a black cat crossing the road*

Jerry: Now is not the time! The penguin and the other villians are working together! I bet you that the joker is downtown!

Mika: You're right Robin! Let's go! Nanananananananananana BATMAN!

Jerry: Whoooooosh!!!!


Mika and Jerry approach downtown, and there's a clown handing out animal shaped balloons to children.


Jerry: Aha! It's you!

Clown: :blink:

Mika: We know what you're up to!

Clown: ...Yeah...I'm doing my job...

Jerry: Working with the others! Does PENGUIN ring a bell?

Clown: ...It's an animal in the zoo?

Jerry: Your witty-ness will not foil us!

Mika: YEAH! You're....................strawberry cheesecake!

Jerry: TOAST, Batman, the joker is TOAST!

Mika: No look! Strawberry cheesecake! *points to a bakery*

Jerry: Yummy!!!


Mika and Jerry flee the scene and buy lots of cakes from the bakery.


An hour later, Mika has led Jerry to the woods where he found the mushrooms.


Mika: The fairies have got to be here somewhere...

Jerry: Maybe they only come out if you do the right call!

Mika: Yeah! Let's do a little dance for them! Quick - let's get dressed as fairies!

Jerry: We can use twigs and leaves and foliage!

Mika: Roger!

Jerry: No no, my name's Robin...


Mika and Jerry strip the woods, and soon they have collection of leaves and twigs pierced and clinging onto their underpants, a handmade wreath sitting on their heads.


Mika: Let's get in the mushroom circle!


They get in there and they dance and hop in the circle, also trying to do some ballet moves. Their heads are still giddy from the drugs they took and didn't notice John approaching them.




Stops and continues to watch the dance. The two of them are oblivious.


John: What is this, a gay ritual?

Mika and Jerry: Jooohhhhn....cooome joooiiiiin uuuuusss.....*are now trying to attempt the Hula*

John: What on Earth have you guys taken?

Jerry: We've taken the road to happiness and colours and cartoons!

John: Oh my God you've taken drugs. Right, get back here this instant!!!


Mika and Jerry are now bird-calling.


John: *stomps over to them* I'M TAKING YOU TO THE HOSPITAL, YOU HEAR?? *steps inside mushroom circle*

Mika: NO!!! JOHN!!!!!

Jerry: The Squirrel King has come for you!!!

John: What the F**K are you talking about?!

Mika: The squirrel king has been keeping the fairies captive!! He's come for you because he knows you'll fine them!! You're "The One" John! Only you can save the fairies!

John: Only I can save your sorry arses more like!

Jerry: He's coming!! Duuuuck!! You make a run for the fairies John, we'll hold off the Squirrel King!

Mika: Yeah! You don't scare us Squirrel King!!


Mika and Jerry start to fight an invisible squirrel. They start jabbing and kicking the air and fall over dramatically when they "get hit".


John looks at the mushroom circle and notices that some have been picked. His mind then wanders to the half eaten cake he saw in the lounge....weed cake from the party + magic mushrooms is not a good mix. He continues to watch the ongoing struggling battle in front of him, knowing that there's no way he can stop them.


John picks up a mushroom and looks over it in his fingers. He looks at the two, looks back at the mushroom....back and forth, back and forth...


John: I can't...I shouldn't...I won't...


Mika and Jerry run towards John - apparently running away from the squirrel - and as they accidentally knock into him, the mushroom pops into his mouth.


The world starts to spin, the colours are bright, his pupils grow huge and he begins to grin.... and then...



Mika: Go John, go!!! Go on without us!! Only you can save the fairies!!!!


A battered Rose is walking past the wood in her battered penguin outfit, and sees the spectacle between the trees.


Rose: :shocked:



Rose certainly is shocked!

How could Mika possibly hurt anyone, even under the infuence.

I'm going into the corner to cry.LOL!

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give Rose a lollipop to stop cry =)


you can't deny that is funny! ahahahhah :lmao:


Make that a slice of chocolate fudge cake and I'll be a happy girl;-)

Yeah it is funny. Heh heh.

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So you are the famous Rose! lol Nice to meet u! I will whip Mika for having hurt you!


Nice to meet you too;-)

Don't worry, he didn't know what he was doing. And it's a pretty good way of getting him to kiss it bette r don't you think, heh heh.

Wendi, I don't think it was the CFC that did that to me now, I think it was more lack of sleep. But I'll be in a nice comfy bed tonight so it's all good;-)

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Nice to meet you too;-)

Don't worry, he didn't know what he was doing. And it's a pretty good way of getting him to kiss it bette r don't you think, heh heh.


Taking advantage of the situation already are we Rose? :naughty:

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