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Introducing the MFC script writer: ME!


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Nice to meet you too;-)

Don't worry, he didn't know what he was doing. And it's a pretty good way of getting him to kiss it bette r don't you think, heh heh.

Wendi, I don't think it was the CFC that did that to me now, I think it was more lack of sleep. But I'll be in a nice comfy bed tonight so it's all good;-)


I am not taking any chances!!!! :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

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Taking advantage of the situation already are we Rose? :naughty:


Hey, if the opportunity presents itself, it would be a waste not to;-)

So Wendi, just Lemon cake in Amsterdam then? heh heh.

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Caz seems to have mysteriously disappeared since I got here!

Is she hiding from me?

Come out, come out, wherever you are. LOL!

Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Ha ha.

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:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

Hahahahah!!!!! It's Mr. Bigballs McSquirrel!!


:lmfao: I noticed that too, but i was waiting for a brave one to said it! :lmfao:


Caz seems to have mysteriously disappeared since I got here!

Is she hiding from me?

Come out, come out, wherever you are. LOL!

Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Ha ha.


LOL, She's afraid of the hurted Penguin... you might bite her! :naughty:

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:lmfao: I noticed that too, but i was waiting for a brave one to said it! :lmfao:




LOL, She's afraid of the hurted Penguin... you might bite her! :naughty:


AWW, No!

I'm a cuddly penguin, just looka my avvie, even Mika thinks so.LOL!

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Omg!!! You are a genius!!! I totally love your story!!:punk: It made me laugh so hard! But I've just read the last 2 chapters so I'm kinda lost, for example I dunno who is Rose... but I'll try to read the whole story someday!


GENIUS lmao!!!!! xDDDD



Rose certainly is shocked!

How could Mika possibly hurt anyone, even under the infuence.

I'm going into the corner to cry.LOL!


awwww I'm sorry!!! :tears:


Thanks CazGirl!:wink2:


You're the best writer!


And drawer!:thumb_yello: :thumb_yello:


awwww that's cute, thanks!


Caz seems to have mysteriously disappeared since I got here!

Is she hiding from me?

Come out, come out, wherever you are. LOL!

Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Ha ha.


I'm over here!!! *is waving in the far distance*




sorry, i was upstairs in my room creating Jemma's birthday pressie since I can't be at her party...I felt really bad, so I've been working hard on something to try and make up for it lol.

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Make that a slice of chocolate fudge cake and I'll be a happy girl;-)

Yeah it is funny. Heh heh.


Gives Rose a slice of chocolate fudge cake


STOP!!!!!!!!!! Don't give Rose chocolate fudge cake - it turns penguins funny!!!! :shocked::roftl:


oohh noooo!!!! *Try to get the slice of cake again! ahhaah*

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Nah I just didn't know someone else would take my role :sneaky2::mf_rosetinted::naughty: *runs off with the whip to catch Mika first*






lmfao xDDD


i can just imagine Mika *for some reason, in Y-Fronts :blink:* running away, his skinny legs whipping round and round, his arms straight in the air, head back screaming like a banshee, and a crowd of girls behind him creating a cloud of dust and smoke underneath their feet carrying whips and naughty toys :roftl:

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Caz, I just read Chapter 14.... OMG! I can't get the picture of Mika and Jerry in their undergauchies with twigs and leaves and stuff jammed into the elastic waistbands; with woodsy wreaths on top of their noggins!!!:roftl:

Funny funny gal! :wub2:

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Caz, I just read Chapter 14.... OMG! I can't get the picture of Mika and Jerry in their undergauchies with twigs and leaves and stuff jammed into the elastic waistbands; with woodsy wreaths on top of their noggins!!!:roftl:

Funny funny gal! :wub2:


lmao!! you know im one for imagery :roftl:

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lmfao xDDD


i can just imagine Mika *for some reason, in Y-Fronts :blink:* running away, his skinny legs whipping round and round, his arms straight in the air, head back screaming like a banshee, and a crowd of girls behind him creating a cloud of dust and smoke underneath their feet carrying whips and naughty toys :roftl:


Lmao :roftl: Poor Mika :naughty: Although, now when you say Y-fronts, all I can think about is the pic you drew of him :roftl: *thinks of manga version of mika running away*

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Lmao :roftl: Poor Mika :naughty: Although, now when you say Y-fronts, all I can think about is the pic you drew of him :roftl: *thinks of manga version of mika running away*


hahahaha xDDD didn't one of us in the queue have y-fronts? i know someone had girly underwear to throw at Mika, but i swear there was y-fronts too? xDDD


and where's Sariflor? She hasn't been in here fore a while and I've made a couple of scripts since she last entered this thread. maybe she doesn't love them anymore :tears:

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hahahaha xDDD didn't one of us in the queue have y-fronts? i know someone had girly underwear to throw at Mika, but i swear there was y-fronts too? xDDD


and where's Sariflor? She hasn't been in here fore a while and I've made a couple of scripts since she last entered this thread. maybe she doesn't love them anymore :tears:


When you say had Y-fronts.. you don't mean they were just wearing them do ya? :roftl: Then again I prob would have noticed if someone came in their underwear lol. Yeah someone did. And Laura and Natalie bought 2 pairs of knickers or something, and some union jack briefs.


Maybe she's just bored of them, get over it :mf_rosetinted: Jks, I'm sure she'll come back.. when the time is right.. :fisch:

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