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Jerry and Mika hear some typing behind them. Their heads slowly turn, and in the dark corner was CazGirl in black clothes typing on a small laptop.


Caz: Just pretend I'm not here!! *continues to type*


Mika and Jerry's head turn to face the window, which has Laura, Danika, Jennie, Jemma and Babs' face pressed up against it, arms and hands splattered everywhere, their cheeks squashed and noses that have turned into pig noses. Pause....all that happens are a few blinks between the Mika and Jerry and the fans outside.


Jemma: *voice muffled* you didn't come to my 24 and quater birthday party!!

Mika: :boxed:


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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Chapter 15

Chat About MIKA.


New Thread.


Title: Inspiration for MIKA

Body: beware of spelling mistaks - i'm dyslexik.

well anyway, i'm new. My name is....Michael....and I'm a big fan of Mika. He's well buff. anyway, i heard that he's riting his second album???? i wonder what he's riting about??? what do you think will inspire him????


M x


"Michael x"

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Caz I love it!! i'm stil laughing :lmao:

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hotdlp: Chocolate sauce....mmmm...:wub2:

Vanessa: No no no ... strawberry sauce !

Sarah_Lollipop: Spray on the sprinkles.

hotdlp: :roftl: Good one!



Aw I'm mentioned twice :wub2:


Chapter 15


Mika and Jerry's head turn to face the window, which has Laura, Danika, Jennie, Jemma and Babs' face pressed up against it, arms and hands splattered everywhere, their cheeks squashed and noses that have turned into pig noses. Pause....all that happens are a few blinks between the Mika and Jerry and the fans outside.


Oh no, and a third time *covers head in shame*



This was so funny though :roftl: Ha ha ha.. Couldn't be bothered to quote all the funny bits, too many :bleh:

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Haha, LOL OMFG!!!

I've read earlier today in this thread that you planned to give us something new until end of the week (or was it top of the week?) and was like ':sneaky2: what a friggin' teaser, that CazGirl! Mean!... but okay, let's not pressurise her' (:naughty:)


So I jumped a little on my chair when I found the new chapter just now yahoo.gif


Chapter 15

...the fairies to him were completely normal.


At that point I was in tears already, but as usual, it just got more and more hilarious with every sentence. Hysterically funny! :thumb_yello: Thanks! :huglove:


The EP :naughty::thumb_yello:

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yep, i often show my cards a bit early...impatient me:D


Greta: Mika, is that you? :mf_rosetinted:


Mika gulps.


Mika: how did she know??

Jerry: Not a clue.

Mika: Oh wait, don't those pink shades mean sarcasm?

Jerry: I don't know anymore.

Mika: Let's keep reading...


Christine: haha Greta. But yes I think it is. Hello Mika. You're better off in the Girl's Thread or the Oldlings, I'm sure plenty of girls and women would be more than happy to suck your lollipop.




awesome!..but...u know who's not happy coz u forget it..




ok, better leave the squirrell apart:naughty:



Strangely enough I'm not surprised of the "angry" bit..hope the mikster would express his{supposed}frustration and he's going to break free of old fears and{self}limits by working on his next masterpiece:thumb_yello:

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Oh Caz, priceless!!!:winner_first_h4h::arf2:

BTW, what's the story behind the email address? I wrote a note and almost hit send... :naughty:

Kudos to MFC's Writer in Residence - YOU!!!:thumb_yello:


:roftl: you're so cute :roftl:


the story behind the e-mail address? isn't that easy to figure out? :fisch:

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Is it a real address? I am not too swift with this.....:naughty: or is it another figment of your bizarre and wonderful imagination? :naughty:


it's fake, i made it up myself LMAO!


Tauruslady, I'm glad you like it!!!



Yaaaay another fan!!!

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:roftl::roftl:AB FAB!!!!!! as usual Caz, each one just gets better! can u imagine if someone did sign up with the username suckmylollipop, we'll crash the server trying to pm the poor soul. Can't wait for next installment:punk:
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:roftl::roftl:AB FAB!!!!!! as usual Caz, each one just gets better! can u imagine if someone did sign up with the username suckmylollipop, we'll crash the server trying to pm the poor soul. Can't wait for next installment:punk:


hahaha i was wondering whether to use "LookOverMyShoulder" or "LOMS" or something like that, but realised suckmylollipop sounded funnier and dirtier lol :naughty:

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Chapter 15



Uninspired - once again - Mika was walking around the house without a reason. Looking for something to do, itching to use the energy that was useless to him, or simply trying to find that silver lining that had all the answers, he eventually flopped down on the chair in the computer room. He slouched in it, swivelling around in it slightly, but paused because of the nauseating feeling rising up in his stomach. He'd barely been out of hospital a week due to the magic mushrooms he had consumed and was still finding it hard to get back to normal eating habits, therefore feeling queasy quite easily.


The hospital had wavered him slightly. He had discovered why John had a fear of the voluptuous nurse (despite the fact that she was Big and Beautiful, she was very erm...upfront, shall we say) and despite the fact that Mika had imaginary fairies and pixies dancing and flying around his head, he had a hard time understanding that he was on drugs...the fairies to him were completely normal. His character had withdrawn a little and was beginning to understand why John was gay.....or so he thought in his bizarre little theory.


Jerry was pretty much in the same position as Mika, maybe slightly worse due to the fact that he had taken two types of drugs; magic mushrooms plus weed cake. John was in and out the hospital like a shot - Mika put it down to having memories of being there previously and decided that he didn't need being seen to - in one form or another.


The house was filled with awkwardness with only Jerry's mother acting like her normal self. She was baking a lot, trying to bring the "family feel" again or so she says, but John hadn't eaten one pie and no-one quite knows the reason as to why that is.


Lost in his thoughts, Mika didn't realise that Jerry had walked into the office.


Jerry: Whatcha doin?

Mika: *jumps* Jeez you scared me.

Jerry: Sorry.

Mika: Umm...I'm not really doing anything.

Jerry: Me neither. This place is boring. All the board games are crap, too, and John's banned me from parties for six friggin months.

Mika: John's BANNED you?

Jerry: Ya-huh.

Mika: How old are you?

Jerry: I know, I know...old enough to make my own decisions...but I guess I kinda agree. Drugs. Are. Bad.

Mika: I suppose he's gonna try and stop me from flower picking.

Jerry: You weren't picking flowers -

Mika: - a mushroom's a bloody plant isn't it?!?!?

Jerry: - yeah -

Mika: - WELL THEN!!!!!


Mika folded his arms in absolute defiance while Jerry stood there shell-shocked.


Jerry: Gee, you've been angry a lot lately.

Mika: I've not been angry.

Jerry: well...short-tempered, then.

Mika: pffft.


Awkward silence. Jerry started to twiddle his thumbs...


Jerry: I er....I heard you playing the piano earlier..

Mika: *evil look*

Jerry: Is it a um...*voice goes high pitched* a new song?

Mika: Yeah right.

Jerry: .......Does it have a title?

Mika: ...Angry...

Jerry: Ah...


Awkward silence again...the air in the room is tense.


Jerry: So will you erm.....develop it?

Mika: No, it's bloody awful.

Jerry: Okay!


Mika sighed heavily and laid his head on the computer desk in front of him, moving the mouse as he did so. Jerry made an accidental squeal and Mika looked up, to find that the MFC was on his screen. Curious, he stared at it for a few seconds, squinting hard.


Jerry: Yeah, that picture of you at Somerset House is STILL on the banner

Mika: I'm not looking at that.


Jerry peered closer. Mika grabbed the mouse and clicked "sign up".


Jerry: Oh no you don't. John will go mental!

Mika: Oh God why don't you just marry him, you make him sound like a domineering house wife.

Jerry: *is silenced*


Mika filled out all the details in the field (E-mail: MikaIzSoHot_SweetDreamsOfMeBabiie@hotmail.com) and sent off the application. Within a few moments, his account had been activated.


User name: SuckMyLollipop


Jerry: Dude that's sick.

Mika: Shut up, they won't know it's me.

Jerry: I wouldn't put it past them if I'm honest, Mika.

Mika: Do I have to get my gigantic lollipop from Australia and whack it over your hollow air-head?

Jerry: I'm surprised you remember Australia.

Mika: F**k off!


Chat About MIKA.


New Thread.


Title: Inspiration for MIKA

Body: beware of spelling mistaks - i'm dyslexik.

well anyway, i'm new. My name is....Michael....and I'm a big fan of Mika. He's well buff. anyway, i heard that he's riting his second album???? i wonder what he's riting about??? what do you think will inspire him????


M x


Jerry: No you idiot! Mika signs his letters like that!

Mika: I AM Mika, you fool.

Jerry: Yeah but they're not meant to know are they?!

Mika: Oh yeah.


"Michael x"


Mika: Better?

Jerry: ......better.

Mika: Right, while we're waiting for my adoring fans to reply, I shall pick an avatar.


Mika looks at all the options.


Mika: I can't choose any of those!

Jerry: Why?

Mika: COS THEY'RE ME!!!!

Jerry: LOADS of fans on the fanclub have pictures of you as their avatar!! THEY don't think they're you.

Mika: Mmm...fine....*chooses the avatar of his lips* How's that?

Jerry: ............If you're happy with it.

Mika: Cool. Right, let's look through some of these threads.....*opens up the Mikagasmic thread*


Mika+Jerry: :shocked:


Mika: Wow, I never knew I was so hot.

Jerry: *rolls eyes*

Mika: *is scrolling through the pages* Oh...that's why Babs doesn't like my apple pose...HOLY F***ING MOTHER OF THE BABY JESUS!!!!!!

Jerry: Omg I think I've just sinned looking at that picture.

Mika: IT'S MEEEEEE!!!! IT'S THE UNDERWEAR PHOTO SHOOOOOOOT!!!!! .....I didn't think I was that small? *looks down below*

Jerry: Yeah I thought your toes were bigger than that too.

Mika: :sneaky2:

Jerry: *is oblivious*

Mika: Okay...let's look at another one....The Girl's Thread, let's see what goes on in here.


hotdlp: Chocolate sauce....mmmm...:wub2:

Vanessa: No no no ... strawberry sauce !

Sarah_Lollipop: Spray on the sprinkles.

hotdlp: :roftl: Good one!


Mika: Maybe not.

Jerry: They're talking about icecream, nitwit.

Mika: Oh. *slightly disappointed*


Mika and Jerry miss the sentence - whose name shall remain unknown - "I'd rub it all over Mika's body mixed with whipped cream".


Mika: Right, let's see who's replied.....oh, only a few.


Sariflor: Becoming official should inspire him :newyear:

Mika: *speaking* Why I oughta...!

Violet_sky: Well we know Holy Johnny and HMDYLM is going to be on there, but who knows what else he's writing? I don't want him to rush and therefore don't really want to pressurise him by posting "ideas" (because we know Mika reads here sometimes...he could be reading now!) but I am wondering if this EP is going to happen, if I am honest.

Mika: *speaking* Oh crap I forgot about that.

Greta: Mika, is that you? :mf_rosetinted:


Mika gulps.


Mika: how did she know??

Jerry: Not a clue.

Mika: Oh wait, don't those pink shades mean sarcasm?

Jerry: I don't know anymore.

Mika: Let's keep reading...


Christine: haha Greta. But yes I think it is. Hello Mika. You're better off in the Girl's Thread or the Oldlings, I'm sure plenty of girls and women would be more than happy to suck your lollipop.

Scut Monkey: Yeah, I hear your Australian Lollipop needs finishing off. =]

Mika: How do they know? HOW DO THEY KNOW?!?!?


Jerry and Mika hear some typing behind them. Their heads slowly turn, and in the dark corner was CazGirl in black clothes typing on a small laptop.


Caz: Just pretend I'm not here!! *continues to type*


Mika and Jerry's head turn to face the window, which has Laura, Danika, Jennie, Jemma and Babs' face pressed up against it, arms and hands splattered everywhere, their cheeks squashed and noses that have turned into pig noses. Pause....all that happens are a few blinks between the Mika and Jerry and the fans outside.


Jemma: *voice muffled* you didn't come to my 24 and quater birthday party!!

Mika: :boxed:


Ah Caz. And the brilliance just keeps unfolding. I didn't realise I was laughing so hard until I started clapping my hands and suprised myself out of the zone I was in. keep it up!!!!

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Ah Caz. And the brilliance just keeps unfolding. I didn't realise I was laughing so hard until I started clapping my hands and suprised myself out of the zone I was in. keep it up!!!!


you were CLAPPING??? :roftl:

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