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Introducing the MFC script writer: ME!


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i sent them a PM anyway LMAO

Re: Hello, your name took part in my script!




lol, you're either thinking "what the hell is this girl on about?" or "damn she knows!"


Basically, I've been writing a script on the MFC about Mika and some adventures along the way (which has proved to be quite popular, may I add :naughty:) and something funny happened recently.


I was writing up my newest script (seen here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/sh...=14337&page=57) last night (28/4/08) and I visualised Mika signing up on here under the name "SuckMyLollipop" - which is your username. And then, what happens? You sign up this morning (29/4/08)!! It may be an odd coincidence and you could be oblivious to it all and I apologise for pestering you, you may be someone who's read my script, you may even be Mika *haha joking* but I just thought it was very...well...odd, to say the least!


With all that aside, if you're really a newbie, then welcome to the forum and have lots of fun!!







yeah, I've probably made a fool of myself, but oh well!!! :biggrin2:



Let's just wait for a reply then :cool: *sits down on chair, takes newspaper out, looks at watch then looks at newspaper* tick tock...

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Let's just wait for a reply then :cool: *sits down on chair, takes newspaper out, looks at watch then looks at newspaper* tick tock...


well i believe their account is still waiting to be activated lol so they haven't checked their e-mail yet xDDD *dont you get an email from the mfc saying "click this link and and your account will be activated"??*

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well i believe their account is still waiting to be activated lol so they haven't checked their e-mail yet xDDD *dont you get an email from the mfc saying "click this link and and your account will be activated"??*


I don't remember, I joined a very long time ago :old:

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it would go like this:


Dear CazGirl/Caz/Caroline/Crazy Lollipop Girl wannabe,


beware of spelling mistakes, I am dyslexik.


I have heard about your script writing skills through other threads on the MFC and decided to check them out myself. While I am impressed and happy that you're keeping the other forum members occupied, entertained and amused, I can honestly say that I am appalled at the portrayl of myself, John, Jerry and his mother. You have no right to condemn us to such idiotic and simple behaviour. I don't find it funny whatsoever and I think you're sick. Please remember, like it's been told in NUMEROUS threads, that our personal lives have nothing to do with you and while you are free to speculate, you cannot say it as if it's a fact, i.e. John being a homosexual. Andy does not make porn films, I do not take drugs, Jerry CAN spell, and we do not have an obsession with squirrels. I have NOT forgotten Australia I just don't want to go there.


Please do not make any more chapters to the scripts, otherwise I shall have to take legal action...somehow.


I also don't take too kindly on the jabs towards the MFC Officiality. Yes, we are still currently working on it, and news should arrive in the near distant future.


I hope you understand.


M x


PS: Stop following me around.








seriously I'm having to wipe my laptop off now.... I hope it's gonna be ok.... I can so picture him writing that... the bit about Australia... oh I'm sorry Aussies .... was funny .... Remember don't mess with the Lebanese - they're everywhere... well MIKA is.... :thumb_yello:

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seriously I'm having to wipe my laptop off now.... I hope it's gonna be ok.... I can so picture him writing that... the bit about Australia... oh I'm sorry Aussies .... was funny .... Remember don't mess with the Lebanese - they're everywhere... well MIKA is.... :thumb_yello:


LOL :roftl:


it's scary how some of you can imagine Mika writing that. You guys are scaring me....:tears:

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So Caz are you gonna write a script inspired with this whole escort girl and Jerry Blair thing? :fisch:


It's an idea hahahaha! Can't do it tonight though, gotta go dancing later. won't get your fix tonight ladies - sorry! RL calls.

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LOL :roftl:


it's scary how some of you can imagine Mika writing that. You guys are scaring me....:tears:


Well we can't literally imagine him writing that.. maybe writing it to scare you or something :fisch: ... Just hope he's in a good mood when he reads it :wink2:

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It's an idea hahahaha! Can't do it tonight though, gotta go dancing later. won't get your fix tonight ladies - sorry! RL calls.


Y-y-you mean w-w-we have to w-w-wait til after tonight t-t-to read your b-b-beautiful scripts :tears::tears:? :crybaby:




RL>> :chair:

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Oohhh!!! Interesting!! They don't receive e-mails!!

Oh, that's so, so mysterious:cool:

well i believe their account is still waiting to be activated lol so they haven't checked their e-mail yet xDDD *dont you get an email from the mfc saying "click this link and and your account will be activated"??*


Yup, that's true.


I'm btw very curious what's happening next. I think someone is joking.:thumb_yello:

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that was the one LOL but i dont know if that e-mail really exists or not :roftl:


I've checked...the email address doesn't exist :mf_rosetinted:


besides, it's really long to be a common person address, hehe

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