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Introducing the MFC script writer: ME!


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LMAO!!! I swear to God it wasn't me. I never even THOUGHT about doing that. I have two e-mail addresses (cazstacey@aol and hotmail)and I have two accounts created under those e-mails (CazGirl and DaniCaz...DaniCaz was used by me and Danika for the yasmine gift project). Honest....it's not me. Whoever created it MUST have been reading this thread :roftl:

besides, I've been at work experience all day without a computer!


I sent a PM saying that he will be always welcome here


I don't know if he'd write something like the text in italic (three posts above :P)


Maybe he thinks that, but he'll make us believe he loves us 'cause we're really really nice and good and sweet fans :naughty: Poor Mika, looks silly in the scripts, so he's in the right to be a bit scared of us...imagine your fans think you're a squarrel-fobic dopey :rolleyes:



Oh this is all frigging hilarious, I am cracking up:roftl::roftl:


But Romis, why do you assume that Suck... is a "he"? I'd say that it's a lot more likely to be a "she"

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Oh this is all frigging hilarious, I am cracking up:roftl::roftl:


But Romis, why do you assume that Suck... is a "he"? I'd say that it's a lot more likely to be a "she"


you feel like you wanna share your secret with us? :naughty::mf_rosetinted:

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you fell like you wanna share your secret with us? :naughty::mf_rosetinted:


Noooo....nooo...no secrets:naughty:Just a feeling, really (isn't the MFC like 90 percent female?):roftl:



SARIFLOR!!!!!! You DOOOO exist in this thread!!! :huglove: welcome home sweetie!!! :wub2:



Hiiiiiiiiiiii! Of course I do:roftl:. Btw I printed the scripts today so I can read them properly, cause i found i was running out of time to do it online!

But they're getting better and better...crazier and crazier,lol!

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Noooo....nooo...no secrets:naughty:Just a feeling, really (isn't the MFC like 90 percent female?):roftl:


Hiiiiiiiiiiii! Of course I do:roftl:. Btw I printed the scripts today so I can read them properly, cause i found i was running out of time to do it online!

But they're getting better and better...crazier and crazier,lol!


LMAO true!! But still...that small ten percent...wouldn't it be our luck if it was a guy? SuckMyLollipop ... sounds quite promiscuous don't you think? :roftl:


you printed out my scripts??? oh Sariflor i do love you LOL :naughty:

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Noooo....nooo...no secrets:naughty:Just a feeling, really (isn't the MFC like 90 percent female?):roftl:

well I thought you will say sth like: " Hello my name is sariflor and I have a split personality. My alter ego is suckmylollipop. Thank you for listening"


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well I thought you will say sth like: " Hello my name is sariflor and I have a split personality. My alter ego is suckmylollipop. Thank you for listening"





but why would anyone do that though...really...i mean, who has that much time on their hands?? :blink:

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but why would anyone do that though...really...i mean, who has that much time on their hands?? :blink:


Well.. tbh.. anyone who spends all their life on here, I'm sure has also plenty of time to create a new account.. which is silly if you already have one and you're creating one just to mess with our heads.. but let's see what happens when it get's activated. Bring on the stalking YEAH :punk:

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Well.. tbh.. anyone who spends all their life on here, I'm sure has also plenty of time to create a new account.. which is silly if you already have one and you're creating one just to mess with our heads.. but let's see what happens when it get's activated. Bring on the stalking YEAH :punk:


i hear you're quite good at that :mf_rosetinted:


(stalking my account for example...jeez....)

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Hiiiiiiiiiiii! Of course I do:roftl:. Btw I printed the scripts today so I can read them properly, cause i found i was running out of time to do it online!

But they're getting better and better...crazier and crazier,lol!


:shocked::shocked: I do the same today!!

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I ve just read chapter 15 :roftl:I cant believe they just keep getting funnier!


Im gonna print them all out now, cause im off on a long train journey tomorrow and i can read them all on the way and keep myself entertained.


Mmm i wonder how many funny looks im gonna get when im laughing my head off like a nutter!


Thanks again Caz you cheer up even the darkest of days!

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I ve just read chapter 15 :roftl:I cant believe they just keep getting funnier!


Im gonna print them all out now, cause im off on a long train journey tomorrow and i can read them all on the way and keep myself entertained.


Mmm i wonder how many funny looks im gonna get when im laughing my head off like a nutter!


Thanks again Caz you cheer up even the darkest of days!


i can't believe you guys are printing them off, that's hilarious :roftl:


in fact, i'm stunned how popular my scripts are :shocked: thanks guys for helping me keep this going!!!!


and that last sentence was uber sweet =]

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I ve just read chapter 15 :roftl:I cant believe they just keep getting funnier!


Im gonna print them all out now, cause im off on a long train journey tomorrow and i can read them all on the way and keep myself entertained.


Mmm i wonder how many funny looks im gonna get when im laughing my head off like a nutter!


Thanks again Caz you cheer up even the darkest of days!


You better hope noone calls 999 from getting scared by you, cos you will laugh A LOT, you'll prob end up crying cos you're laughing so much :naughty:

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i can't believe you guys are printing them off, that's hilarious :roftl:


in fact, i'm stunned how popular my scripts are :shocked: thanks guys for helping me keep this going!!!!


and that last sentence was uber sweet =]


Yes!! I printing them! hah cause I wanna read all since the first to the last chapter.


I'm a huge fan of your script!! :wink2:

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it would go like this:


Dear CazGirl/Caz/Caroline/Crazy Lollipop Girl wannabe,


beware of spelling mistakes, I am dyslexik.


I have heard about your script writing skills through other threads on the MFC and decided to check them out myself. While I am impressed and happy that you're keeping the other forum members occupied, entertained and amused, I can honestly say that I am appalled at the portrayl of myself, John, Jerry and his mother. You have no right to condemn us to such idiotic and simple behaviour. I don't find it funny whatsoever and I think you're sick. Please remember, like it's been told in NUMEROUS threads, that our personal lives have nothing to do with you and while you are free to speculate, you cannot say it as if it's a fact, i.e. John being a homosexual. Andy does not make porn films, I do not take drugs, Jerry CAN spell, and we do not have an obsession with squirrels. I have NOT forgotten Australia I just don't want to go there.


Please do not make any more chapters to the scripts, otherwise I shall have to take legal action...somehow.


I also don't take too kindly on the jabs towards the MFC Officiality. Yes, we are still currently working on it, and news should arrive in the near distant future.


I hope you understand.


M x


PS: Stop following me around.


:shocked:What?! He doesn't want to come here?:crybaby::crybaby::emot-sad::no:




You know, I suspected as much all along.:sneaky2:

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Caz! you`re a genius!!!!



mika would be very boring to create an acount with that name lol!


If Mika see the mikagasmic he would be like this ----> :shocked:

Mika`s thoughs: these people are crazy! they don`t have a life!! :P


Yeah we do...:fisch:

And it can't be a coincidence. This is probably Mika's revenge for Caz's portrayal of him...messing with our heads...or maybe he's just a sh!t-stirrer... :roftl:

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I find this quite fascinating, that you wrote in the last script about Mika joining up and suddenly someone with the name he chose mysteriously joins! Spooky:roftl:.

I notice in the last script, that he wasn't inspired to write me an apology, for beating me up whilst under the influence:roftl:.

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I find this quite fascinating, that you wrote in the last script about Mika joining up and suddenly someone with the name he chose mysteriously joins! Spooky:roftl:.


I notice in the last script, that he wasn't inspired to write me an apology, for beating me up whilst under the influence:roftl:.


Awwww, Rose, he should apologize to you, def!!!:thumb_yello:

Did someone with that name actually join up???:shocked::roftl:

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