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Introducing the MFC script writer: ME!


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you know caz... you and mika have one thing in common.... you are both under extreme pressure to produce material to entertain huh....... oddly enough the same bunch of crazy people... us ... :mf_rosetinted:


sooooooooo good luck with that!! :roftl:

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you know caz... you and mika have one thing in common.... you are both under extreme pressure to produce material to entertain huh....... oddly enough the same bunch of crazy people... us ... :mf_rosetinted:


sooooooooo good luck with that!! :roftl:

Yeah:lmao: You can feel Mika's pain Caroline!

that poor whatever they are is gonna have SO many pms!!!:shocked::naughty:

I didn't send one, because it seems too unlikely to be him.


I only send one to welcome him/her/it/whatever. It was before I read he/she/it/whatever joined:blink:

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Chapter 16



John sat down happily at the kitchen table with some slices of toast, a cup of coffee and the newspaper. He wrapped his dressing gown around him more to block out the bitter coldness and continued to munch on the obviously-contains-heart-disease-times-ten-buttered toast. Mika playing the piano in his room was music to his ears (without the pun intended) and was starting to feel that things were finally going right. Jerry was also out of his hair and Jerry's mother had gone grocery shopping. He breathed in to smell the aroma of peacefulness, tranquilty, morning weather and the breakfast and his mind became blank of nasty thoughts.


He soon finished his toast and got up to put the plate in the dishwasher. He topped up his coffee, put on Jerry's mothers bunny slippers (his slippers were eradicated when Jerry and Mika had taken drugs), whisked up the newspaper and flopped on the couch in the living room. His right leg balanced on his left leg in a manly style and let utter happiness soak into his skin like a relaxing massage.


"Jerry Blair"


John: Hmm?




"Ashley Dupre"


John: What's this?


Unfortunately, John's well desevered and longingly pined for happiness was sucked out him like Big Girl sucking up Diet Coke in a straw. He spilt a bit of coffee on the newspaper, but the article was readable.


John: Jerry's managing some...some...porn star?! What is it with porn lately?!


John: Give me strength.


John: Grrrr. I wonder if Mika knows anything about this.


Armed with his half-a-cup of coffee, the newspaper, his thumping bunny slippers and a mean stare, John pushed open the door to Mika's Domain...which was welcomed with a shriek of horror.


Mika: Aaahh!!!



John sees Mika in a chicken suit at his piano.


John: Why on EARTH are you wearing THAT?!

Mika: ....It helps me concentrate.

John: Shut up.

Mika: No, it does. It makes my emotions at one with my memories of the gigs that I've done, and I can see my fans in my head, I can remember their comments and ... and ...

John: It makes you think of chicken.

Mika: .................yes.

John: MFC style.

Mika: .................yes.

John: Which is why you're singing about a prostitute.

Mika: .................yes.

John: Which is also maybe why you've stopped making new songs like the stuff I heard earlier?

Mika: .................yes.

John: Are animal suits a fetish of yours?

Mika: .................I'm not telling.

John: *rolls eyes* You seen Jerry today?

Mika: No I've um...hidden away in here all day today...in my chicken suit.

John: *eyes the room and notices Mika's clothes on the floor* You took your clothes off to get in the chicken suit?

Mika: *sucks on his lips*

John: *gets a big stick - not noticing Mika's eyes widening in horror - and picks up Mika's underwear* and you took off your underpants too?

Mika: :shocked:

John: *sees tassles at the end of the stick and drops it* aaahhhhh!!!! MIKA! Why do you have a whip?!!

Mika: ...I stole it from Jo Whiley's house.

John: Oh Mika.

Mika: what she doesn't know can't hurt her.


**Jo Whiley's house**


Jo's husband/boyfriend is downstairs, and he is calling up to her. Jo is dressed in a red g-string and a rest corset, holding red fluffy handcuffs and a black blindfold.


Jo's H/B: Come on Jo! I can't stay in this position all day!!

Jo: JUST A MINUTE!!!!!!!! ...Now where the hell is that whip....


**Back at the house**


John: You scare me sometimes.

Mika: It's what I do best.

John: Indeed. *pause* well...if you see Jerry at all...tell him to come find me, won't you?

Mika: Sure thing big man.

John: *nods stiffly and is tense in the room.* Right...well...I'll be off then...

Mika: Cool *stares at John and continues to*

John: stop staring.

Mika: i will when you go.

John: .....................................


John grabs the doorknob but hears a hiccup. John turns around.


Mika: ...er! ah..um..*hiccup!* *eyes roll around the room and smiles unconvincingly*


Another hiccup occurs which Mika didn't catch in time. John twigs.


He looks underneath the bed and sure enough, there's Jerry and Ashley Dupre.


John: For goodness sake man! Call yourself a manager!

Jerry: Oh shut up fool! Just cos you ain't getting any!

John: And you knew Mi - oh, oh I see what's gone on here.


Jerry and Ashley Dupre clamber out from underneath the bed covering themselves behind the duvet. John sees a cluster of clothes piled and crumbled behind Mika's piano.


John: Been having a bit of fun have we?

Mika+Jerry+Ashley: :fisch:

John: don't pull that face at me, you lot. I don't care what you do in the bedroom, whether it be hetero or homo, traditional or kinky, animal fetish or not, but I DO care that you, JERRY, are manager of this porn star!!!

Jerry: She's not a porn star.

John: She is!

Jerry: No, she's a model.

John: F**k off Jerry she's a GLAMOUR Model who likes to get her tits out and experiment with the birds and the bees.

Mika: :shocked: *looks at Ashley* You have an animal fetish too???

John: Mika! This is not the place nor the time!

Mika: But you said -

John: NO! Shut up and let me talk! This behaviour and choice is completely unacceptable! Sleeping with a client...what were you thinking???

Jerry: Singers marry their backing dancers or people in their industry. Like J-Lo and that bizarre looking hubby of hers.

Mika: Christina Aguilera and music producer husband.

Jerry: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

John: Britney Spears and Kevin Federline.

Jerry: Yeah! .... oh...

John: Exactly. This is NOT good. Now, sorry Ashley, but you'll have to leave.

Jerry: How many times do I have to tell you, she's not a porn star. Her agency rang me yesterday -

John: And who is her agency?

Jerry: a MODELLING agency.

John: And their name?

Jerry: ........................Bouncing Biggun's LTD.

John: And that didn't give anything away?

Jerry: :tears:

John: You can tell she's a porn star anyway because she can't even speak or defend herself. Just standing there like an Ann Summers/Victoria's Secret blow up sex doll.

Jerry: *to Ashley* is that why you were quiet?

John: Maybe you were just crap.

Jerry: *drones* Nooooo! She was probably just afraid of getting caught!

John: Porn stars don't care about that. You obviously haven't watched a lot of porn films.

Mika: And you have?

John: .........That's none of your concern.


They all stare at John.


John: Look! This is nothing to do with me! Mika, what part did you play in this ridiculous display?

Mika: I was the chicken.

John: Don't be absurd.

Mika: I was! Look! I'm even wearing the outfit!

John: Mika, just tell me why you're wearing the chicken outfit.

Mika: Fine. Those two were getting it on, and they found it more of a turn on if I paraded around the bed, doing chicken movements and singing "I feel like chicken tonight."

John: I don't believe that for a second.

Mika: Oh come ON John I don't have to answer to you. Like you said, it's NONE of your business.

John: MIKA.

Mika: ALRIGHT! ....We were all in it together, but I wouldn't be able to get my clothes on quick enough so I pulled out the chicken suit. Ashley and Jerry weren't meant to be here so they hid under my bed.

John: *scrunches nose*

Mika: Don't give me that look, loads of people have threesomes.

John: I'm sure Ashley is an expert.

Ashley: *in a deep voice* actually I am.


John, Jerry and Mika look at her in shock horror.


Jerry: Wow, that's erm....that's a pretty masculine voice you have there.

Ashley: Hi, I'm Ashley Dupre, and I'm a transexual.

Jerry: You mean....those tits are fake?????

Ashley: Everything. I was born a man.


Mika and Jerry go very green.


John: haha, OWNED!

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you know caz... you and mika have one thing in common.... you are both under extreme pressure to produce material to entertain huh....... oddly enough the same bunch of crazy people... us ... :mf_rosetinted:


sooooooooo good luck with that!! :roftl:


indeed, but at least I tell you accurate things :mf_rosetinted:

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Chapter 16



John sat down happily at the kitchen table with some slices of toast, a cup of coffee and the newspaper. He wrapped his dressing gown around him more to block out the bitter coldness and continued to munch on the obviously-contains-heart-disease-times-ten-buttered toast. Mika playing the piano in his room was music to his ears (without the pun intended) and was starting to feel that things were finally going right. Jerry was also out of his hair and Jerry's mother had gone grocery shopping. He breathed in to smell the aroma of peacefulness, tranquilty, morning weather and the breakfast and his mind became blank of nasty thoughts.


He soon finished his toast and got up to put the plate in the dishwasher. He topped up his coffee, put on Jerry's mothers bunny slippers (his slippers were eradicated when Jerry and Mika had taken drugs), whisked up the newspaper and flopped on the couch in the living room. His right leg balanced on his left leg in a manly style and let utter happiness soak into his skin like a relaxing massage.


"Jerry Blair"


John: Hmm?




"Ashley Dupre"


John: What's this?


Unfortunately, John's well desevered and longingly pined for happiness was sucked out him like Big Girl sucking up Diet Coke in a straw. He spilt a bit of coffee on the newspaper, but the article was readable.


John: Jerry's managing some...some...porn star?! What is it with porn lately?!


John: Give me strength.


John: Grrrr. I wonder if Mika knows anything about this.


Armed with his half-a-cup of coffee, the newspaper, his thumping bunny slippers and a mean stare, John pushed open the door to Mika's Domain...which was welcomed with a shriek of horror.


Mika: Aaahh!!!



John sees Mika in a chicken suit at his piano.


John: Why on EARTH are you wearing THAT?!

Mika: ....It helps me concentrate.

John: Shut up.

Mika: No, it does. It makes my emotions at one with my memories of the gigs that I've done, and I can see my fans in my head, I can remember their comments and ... and ...

John: It makes you think of chicken.

Mika: .................yes.

John: MFC style.

Mika: .................yes.

John: Which is why you're singing about a prostitute.

Mika: .................yes.

John: Which is also maybe why you've stopped making new songs like the stuff I heard earlier?

Mika: .................yes.

John: Are animal suits a fetish of yours?

Mika: .................I'm not telling.

John: *rolls eyes* You seen Jerry today?

Mika: No I've um...hidden away in here all day today...in my chicken suit.

John: *eyes the room and notices Mika's clothes on the floor* You took your clothes off to get in the chicken suit?

Mika: *sucks on his lips*

John: *gets a big stick - not noticing Mika's eyes widening in horror - and picks up Mika's underwear* and you took off your underpants too?

Mika: :shocked:

John: *sees tassles at the end of the stick and drops it* aaahhhhh!!!! MIKA! Why do you have a whip?!!

Mika: ...I stole it from Jo Whiley's house.

John: Oh Mika.

Mika: what she doesn't know can't hurt her.


**Jo Whiley's house**


Jo's husband/boyfriend is downstairs, and he is calling up to her. Jo is dressed in a red g-string and a rest corset, holding red fluffy handcuffs and a black blindfold.


Jo's H/B: Come on Jo! I can't stay in this position all day!!

Jo: JUST A MINUTE!!!!!!!! ...Now where the hell is that whip....


**Back at the house**


John: You scare me sometimes.

Mika: It's what I do best.

John: Indeed. *pause* well...if you see Jerry at all...tell him to come find me, won't you?

Mika: Sure thing big man.

John: *nods stiffly and is tense in the room.* Right...well...I'll be off then...

Mika: Cool *stares at John and continues to*

John: stop staring.

Mika: i will when you go.

John: .....................................


John grabs the doorknob but hears a hiccup. John turns around.


Mika: ...er! ah..um..*hiccup!* *eyes roll around the room and smiles unconvincingly*


Another hiccup occurs which Mika didn't catch in time. John twigs.


He looks underneath the bed and sure enough, there's Jerry and Ashley Dupre.


John: For goodness sake man! Call yourself a manager!

Jerry: Oh shut up fool! Just cos you ain't getting any!

John: And you knew Mi - oh, oh I see what's gone on here.


Jerry and Ashley Dupre clamber out from underneath the bed covering themselves behind the duvet. John sees a cluster of clothes piled and crumbled behind Mika's piano.


John: Been having a bit of fun have we?

Mika+Jerry+Ashley: :fisch:

John: don't pull that face at me, you lot. I don't care what you do in the bedroom, whether it be hetero or homo, traditional or kinky, animal fetish or not, but I DO care that you, JERRY, are manager of this porn star!!!

Jerry: She's not a porn star.

John: She is!

Jerry: No, she's a model.

John: F**k off Jerry she's a GLAMOUR Model who likes to get her tits out and experiment with the birds and the bees.

Mika: :shocked: *looks at Ashley* You have an animal fetish too???

John: Mika! This is not the place nor the time!

Mika: But you said -

John: NO! Shut up and let me talk! This behaviour and choice is completely unacceptable! Sleeping with a client...what were you thinking???

Jerry: Singers marry their backing dancers or people in their industry. Like J-Lo and that bizarre looking hubby of hers.

Mika: Christina Aguilera and music producer husband.

Jerry: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

John: Britney Spears and Kevin Federline.

Jerry: Yeah! .... oh...

John: Exactly. This is NOT good. Now, sorry Ashley, but you'll have to leave.

Jerry: How many times do I have to tell you, she's not a porn star. Her agency rang me yesterday -

John: And who is her agency?

Jerry: a MODELLING agency.

John: And their name?

Jerry: ........................Bouncing Biggun's LTD.

John: And that didn't give anything away?

Jerry: :tears:

John: You can tell she's a porn star anyway because she can't even speak or defend herself. Just standing there like an Ann Summers/Victoria's Secret blow up sex doll.

Jerry: *to Ashley* is that why you were quiet?

John: Maybe you were just crap.

Jerry: *drones* Nooooo! She was probably just afraid of getting caught!

John: Porn stars don't care about that. You obviously haven't watched a lot of porn films.

Mika: And you have?

John: .........That's none of your concern.


They all stare at John.


John: Look! This is nothing to do with me! Mika, what part did you play in this ridiculous display?

Mika: I was the chicken.

John: Don't be absurd.

Mika: I was! Look! I'm even wearing the outfit!

John: Mika, just tell me why you're wearing the chicken outfit.

Mika: Fine. Those two were getting it on, and they found it more of a turn on if I paraded around the bed, doing chicken movements and singing "I feel like chicken tonight."

John: I don't believe that for a second.

Mika: Oh come ON John I don't have to answer to you. Like you said, it's NONE of your business.

John: MIKA.

Mika: ALRIGHT! ....We were all in it together, but I wouldn't be able to get my clothes on quick enough so I pulled out the chicken suit. Ashley and Jerry weren't meant to be here so they hid under my bed.

John: *scrunches nose*

Mika: Don't give me that look, loads of people have threesomes.

John: I'm sure Ashley is an expert.

Ashley: *in a deep voice* actually I am.


John, Jerry and Mika look at her in shock horror.


Jerry: Wow, that's erm....that's a pretty masculine voice you have there.

Ashley: Hi, I'm Ashley Dupre, and I'm a transexual.

Jerry: You mean....those tits are fake?????

Ashley: Everything. I was born a man.


Mika and Jerry go very green.


John: haha, OWNED!

woohoo!! I'm online in time for a chapter:naughty: Now I don't have to go searching like mad:bleh:


though I can't find chaptr 13:blink:

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that poor whatever they are is gonna have SO many pms!!!:shocked::naughty:

I didn't send one, because it seems too unlikely to be him.


Shame of you...you didn't welcome a new fan just because he's not probably Mika?? :thumbdown:



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Chapter 16



John sat down happily at the kitchen table with some slices of toast, a cup of coffee and the newspaper. He wrapped his dressing gown around him more to block out the bitter coldness and continued to munch on the obviously-contains-heart-disease-times-ten-buttered toast. Mika playing the piano in his room was music to his ears (without the pun intended) and was starting to feel that things were finally going right. Jerry was also out of his hair and Jerry's mother had gone grocery shopping. He breathed in to smell the aroma of peacefulness, tranquilty, morning weather and the breakfast and his mind became blank of nasty thoughts.


He soon finished his toast and got up to put the plate in the dishwasher. He topped up his coffee, put on Jerry's mothers bunny slippers (his slippers were eradicated when Jerry and Mika had taken drugs), whisked up the newspaper and flopped on the couch in the living room. His right leg balanced on his left leg in a manly style and let utter happiness soak into his skin like a relaxing massage.


"Jerry Blair"


John: Hmm?




"Ashley Dupre"


John: What's this?


Unfortunately, John's well desevered and longingly pined for happiness was sucked out him like Big Girl sucking up Diet Coke in a straw. He spilt a bit of coffee on the newspaper, but the article was readable.


John: Jerry's managing some...some...porn star?! What is it with porn lately?!


John: Give me strength.


John: Grrrr. I wonder if Mika knows anything about this.


Armed with his half-a-cup of coffee, the newspaper, his thumping bunny slippers and a mean stare, John pushed open the door to Mika's Domain...which was welcomed with a shriek of horror.


Mika: Aaahh!!!



John sees Mika in a chicken suit at his piano.


John: Why on EARTH are you wearing THAT?!

Mika: ....It helps me concentrate.

John: Shut up.

Mika: No, it does. It makes my emotions at one with my memories of the gigs that I've done, and I can see my fans in my head, I can remember their comments and ... and ...

John: It makes you think of chicken.

Mika: .................yes.

John: MFC style.

Mika: .................yes.

John: Which is why you're singing about a prostitute.

Mika: .................yes.

John: Which is also maybe why you've stopped making new songs like the stuff I heard earlier?

Mika: .................yes.

John: Are animal suits a fetish of yours?

Mika: .................I'm not telling.

John: *rolls eyes* You seen Jerry today?

Mika: No I've um...hidden away in here all day today...in my chicken suit.

John: *eyes the room and notices Mika's clothes on the floor* You took your clothes off to get in the chicken suit?

Mika: *sucks on his lips*

John: *gets a big stick - not noticing Mika's eyes widening in horror - and picks up Mika's underwear* and you took off your underpants too?

Mika: :shocked:

John: *sees tassles at the end of the stick and drops it* aaahhhhh!!!! MIKA! Why do you have a whip?!!

Mika: ...I stole it from Jo Whiley's house.

John: Oh Mika.

Mika: what she doesn't know can't hurt her.


**Jo Whiley's house**


Jo's husband/boyfriend is downstairs, and he is calling up to her. Jo is dressed in a red g-string and a rest corset, holding red fluffy handcuffs and a black blindfold.


Jo's H/B: Come on Jo! I can't stay in this position all day!!

Jo: JUST A MINUTE!!!!!!!! ...Now where the hell is that whip....


**Back at the house**


John: You scare me sometimes.

Mika: It's what I do best.

John: Indeed. *pause* well...if you see Jerry at all...tell him to come find me, won't you?

Mika: Sure thing big man.

John: *nods stiffly and is tense in the room.* Right...well...I'll be off then...

Mika: Cool *stares at John and continues to*

John: stop staring.

Mika: i will when you go.

John: .....................................


John grabs the doorknob but hears a hiccup. John turns around.


Mika: ...er! ah..um..*hiccup!* *eyes roll around the room and smiles unconvincingly*


Another hiccup occurs which Mika didn't catch in time. John twigs.


He looks underneath the bed and sure enough, there's Jerry and Ashley Dupre.


John: For goodness sake man! Call yourself a manager!

Jerry: Oh shut up fool! Just cos you ain't getting any!

John: And you knew Mi - oh, oh I see what's gone on here.


Jerry and Ashley Dupre clamber out from underneath the bed covering themselves behind the duvet. John sees a cluster of clothes piled and crumbled behind Mika's piano.


John: Been having a bit of fun have we?

Mika+Jerry+Ashley: :fisch:

John: don't pull that face at me, you lot. I don't care what you do in the bedroom, whether it be hetero or homo, traditional or kinky, animal fetish or not, but I DO care that you, JERRY, are manager of this porn star!!!

Jerry: She's not a porn star.

John: She is!

Jerry: No, she's a model.

John: F**k off Jerry she's a GLAMOUR Model who likes to get her tits out and experiment with the birds and the bees.

Mika: :shocked: *looks at Ashley* You have an animal fetish too???

John: Mika! This is not the place nor the time!

Mika: But you said -

John: NO! Shut up and let me talk! This behaviour and choice is completely unacceptable! Sleeping with a client...what were you thinking???

Jerry: Singers marry their backing dancers or people in their industry. Like J-Lo and that bizarre looking hubby of hers.

Mika: Christina Aguilera and music producer husband.

Jerry: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

John: Britney Spears and Kevin Federline.

Jerry: Yeah! .... oh...

John: Exactly. This is NOT good. Now, sorry Ashley, but you'll have to leave.

Jerry: How many times do I have to tell you, she's not a porn star. Her agency rang me yesterday -

John: And who is her agency?

Jerry: a MODELLING agency.

John: And their name?

Jerry: ........................Bouncing Biggun's LTD.

John: And that didn't give anything away?

Jerry: :tears:

John: You can tell she's a porn star anyway because she can't even speak or defend herself. Just standing there like an Ann Summers/Victoria's Secret blow up sex doll.

Jerry: *to Ashley* is that why you were quiet?

John: Maybe you were just crap.

Jerry: *drones* Nooooo! She was probably just afraid of getting caught!

John: Porn stars don't care about that. You obviously haven't watched a lot of porn films.

Mika: And you have?

John: .........That's none of your concern.


They all stare at John.


John: Look! This is nothing to do with me! Mika, what part did you play in this ridiculous display?

Mika: I was the chicken.

John: Don't be absurd.

Mika: I was! Look! I'm even wearing the outfit!

John: Mika, just tell me why you're wearing the chicken outfit.

Mika: Fine. Those two were getting it on, and they found it more of a turn on if I paraded around the bed, doing chicken movements and singing "I feel like chicken tonight."

John: I don't believe that for a second.

Mika: Oh come ON John I don't have to answer to you. Like you said, it's NONE of your business.

John: MIKA.

Mika: ALRIGHT! ....We were all in it together, but I wouldn't be able to get my clothes on quick enough so I pulled out the chicken suit. Ashley and Jerry weren't meant to be here so they hid under my bed.

John: *scrunches nose*

Mika: Don't give me that look, loads of people have threesomes.

John: I'm sure Ashley is an expert.

Ashley: *in a deep voice* actually I am.


John, Jerry and Mika look at her in shock horror.


Jerry: Wow, that's erm....that's a pretty masculine voice you have there.

Ashley: Hi, I'm Ashley Dupre, and I'm a transexual.

Jerry: You mean....those tits are fake?????

Ashley: Everything. I was born a man.


Mika and Jerry go very green.


John: haha, OWNED!


hahahaah OMFG...Caz...that chicken suit is Martin's xD lol...he wears it mostly LOL....yuck.... heheheh go Ashley :roftl:

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a treesome like that!!!


Actually i'll be intrigued to share some lurve with Mika & the misterious punky lad..and bring it on with accessories, why not?!:das:


you're italian, you're meant to be Catholic, right? :mf_rosetinted::mf_popeanim::italia:

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woohoo!! I'm online in time for a chapter:naughty: Now I don't have to go searching like mad:bleh:


though I can't find chaptr 13:blink:


really? it's in here somewhere LOL.... just search "chapter 13"....hopefully it will come up?

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Shame of you...you didn't welcome a new fan just because he's not probably Mika?? :thumbdown:



:naughty: no I welcome the newbies but not in pms, only in posts usually.

But this newbie in paricular will probably be hounded by "welcomes in pm's" so I say I stay away:naughty:

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