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Introducing the MFC script writer: ME!


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Just stay anonymous Miss Rose :cool: noone needs to know who you are (I'd feel sorry for them if they did know you) :biggrin2::fisch:


could you imagine the horror?


me: hey Mika...I worked really hard on this and erm....it started out as just a sentence but people found it funny and gradually the adventures grew into full fledged chapters....gained a thread of it's own and some of your fans are also my fans -

Mika: Ohhhh I know you. You're CazGirl.

me: *smiles weakly* er yes, yes I am..

Mika: *tries to smile*

me: well yeah....there's no malice behind this story at all....it's all in the name of fun and is definitely not intended to hurt anyone's feelings and so I apologise right now if this book does any of that, I don't know how to make it up to you if you're in any way, shape or form offended...but the fanclub members found it very funny and i hope you will too....

Mika: *receives the book, hands slightly shaking* hmm...

me: :confused:

Mika: yes well...i've read some of your scripts...

me: oh really?

Mika: um yeah...

me: what did you think?

danika: *whispering* caz!! pssst! caaaz!!!

me: mm? *looks at danika, then looks at the company behind Mika who are the SWAT team equipped with loaded guns*

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I'm confused!

Why are you calling Caz by my name?

I couldn't possibily take credit for such a talent.

BTW, Caz you have destroyed the wholesome image of my hero. I don't know I could possibily listen to them anymore without thinking of them dressed in that outfit!

Not the mighty Whiley!!!!LOL!


oh because I said that if I were to release a book it would be under the name Serena Rose LOL :roftl: bless you! such a talent....bless you again! (gosh you sneeze a lot!)

Oh and I apologise about the Whiley lol :lmfao:

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could you imagine the horror?


me: hey Mika...I worked really hard on this and erm....it started out as just a sentence but people found it funny and gradually the adventures grew into full fledged chapters....gained a thread of it's own and some of your fans are also my fans -

Mika: Ohhhh I know you. You're CazGirl.

me: *smiles weakly* er yes, yes I am..

Mika: *tries to smile*

me: well yeah....there's no malice behind this story at all....it's all in the name of fun and is definitely not intended to hurt anyone's feelings and so I apologise right now if this book does any of that, I don't know how to make it up to you if you're in any way, shape or form offended...but the fanclub members found it very funny and i hope you will too....

Mika: *receives the book, hands slightly shaking* hmm...

me: :confused:

Mika: yes well...i've read some of your scripts...

me: oh really?

Mika: um yeah...

me: what did you think?

danika: *whispering* caz!! pssst! caaaz!!!

me: mm? *looks at danika, then looks at the company behind Mika who are the SWAT team equipped with loaded guns*




*tryes to recovered her breath*


the chapter 16 was so hilarius!! hahhaahha :lmao::lmao::lmao:


you're the best Caz

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oh because I said that if I were to release a book it would be under the name Serena Rose LOL :roftl: bless you! such a talent....bless you again! (gosh you sneeze a lot!)

Oh and I apologise about the Whiley lol :lmfao:


AH, I see.

How did you know I'd been sneezing a lot lately, my word, you have psychic powers too!LOL!

So any hints on the next script?

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How about: "his first post on MFC"? :naughty:


*falls off chair in shock*


Hello and welcome to mfc. C'mon just tell me , is it really you ? I wont tell anyone your secrets safe with me. (and 10,000 others):mf_lustslow:

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Caz ur amazing!! I just finished a long night at work, and came home to find new chapter.What a scream, i could actually mentaly picture all this in my head (more nightmares for me then lol) Each one just gets better, cant wait for next installment. Luvin your work:punk:

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I'm around! I was reading the FAQ that got put up at the end of Feb when I was moving house and I missed it. I've only just realised "Ooh, i should probably read that." And it was LONG. And really interesting!

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Oh! Remember chapter 11? the one where Mika poses in underwear on the piano?


well, i've pretty much decided to turn it into a story book if/when i give this to Mika, and I drew up a rough initial idea of what Mika will look like on a certain page, on top of a piano in underwear. Now, it's all pretty much out of proportion lmao, and I giggled like a naughty school girl drawing his nipples and I felt so guilty drawing it, but hey.




Mika, if you're watching, i am SOOO INCREDIBLY SORRY.

Eggsadurated his stamoch muscles much?


Hahahahahaha it's great :P

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it would go like this:


Dear CazGirl/Caz/Caroline/Crazy Lollipop Girl wannabe,


beware of spelling mistakes, I am dyslexik.


I have heard about your script writing skills through other threads on the MFC and decided to check them out myself. While I am impressed and happy that you're keeping the other forum members occupied, entertained and amused, I can honestly say that I am appalled at the portrayl of myself, John, Jerry and his mother. You have no right to condemn us to such idiotic and simple behaviour. I don't find it funny whatsoever and I think you're sick. Please remember, like it's been told in NUMEROUS threads, that our personal lives have nothing to do with you and while you are free to speculate, you cannot say it as if it's a fact, i.e. John being a homosexual. Andy does not make porn films, I do not take drugs, Jerry CAN spell, and we do not have an obsession with squirrels. I have NOT forgotten Australia I just don't want to go there.


Please do not make any more chapters to the scripts, otherwise I shall have to take legal action...somehow.


I also don't take too kindly on the jabs towards the MFC Officiality. Yes, we are still currently working on it, and news should arrive in the near distant future.


I hope you understand.


M x


PS: Stop following me around.

Nah, I bet Mika's sitting aomewhere at a computer laughing thinking that we're all crazy and Caz the crazy jenious leader :D


Maybe it's Mika just trying to keep us speculating about the new user so we forget about the officialty to buy them some more time :P

Near distant future he says... Pfft! :o


EDIT: Oh, mystery's solved :(

Damn :P

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OMGGGGGGG. I thought you were going to be one of those silent fans!!! :shocked:


erm..well....welcome, really! whoever you are....:blink:


btw you never replied to my PM...never mind...it's okay...


and you guys are totally and utterly mental.




but i love it and encourage it :wub2:


Does this count as a reply?

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AH, I see.

How did you know I'd been sneezing a lot lately, my word, you have psychic powers too!LOL!

So any hints on the next script?


I'm special Rose, I'm very, very special :roftl:


hint: wheels. :mf_rosetinted:


i honestly you guys give me far too much credit for all these scripts LOL, but thank you so much! *blush*

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