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Introducing the MFC script writer: ME!


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could you imagine the horror?


me: hey Mika...I worked really hard on this and erm....it started out as just a sentence but people found it funny and gradually the adventures grew into full fledged chapters....gained a thread of it's own and some of your fans are also my fans -

Mika: Ohhhh I know you. You're CazGirl.

me: *smiles weakly* er yes, yes I am..

Mika: *tries to smile*

me: well yeah....there's no malice behind this story at all....it's all in the name of fun and is definitely not intended to hurt anyone's feelings and so I apologise right now if this book does any of that, I don't know how to make it up to you if you're in any way, shape or form offended...but the fanclub members found it very funny and i hope you will too....

Mika: *receives the book, hands slightly shaking* hmm...

me: :confused:

Mika: yes well...i've read some of your scripts...

me: oh really?

Mika: um yeah...

me: what did you think?

danika: *whispering* caz!! pssst! caaaz!!!

me: mm? *looks at danika, then looks at the company behind Mika who are the SWAT team equipped with loaded guns*




Ach, and I happen to be the person who just has to be involved don't I? I'd prob get shot if I was hanging around you :naughty:

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Ach, and I happen to be the person who just has to be involved don't I? I'd prob get shot if I was hanging around you :naughty:


:shocked: how rude. you're my accomplice, you know it, and you're stuck with me. if a bullet is aimed at me, YOU have to save my life i.e jump in front of it for me. Think about it; you'll be declared a hero! :biggrin2:

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:shocked: how rude. you're my accomplice, you know it, and you're stuck with me. if a bullet is aimed at me, YOU have to save my life i.e jump in front of it for me. Think about it; you'll be declared a hero! :biggrin2:


Yeah, a dead hero, ppfft... anyway, I'm pretty slow, I have a delayed reaction, so if you want someone to save your life I think I'm the wrong person for the job :roftl:

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Yeah, a dead hero, ppfft... anyway, I'm pretty slow, I have a delayed reaction, so if you want someone to save your life I think I'm the wrong person for the job :roftl:




Mika: get her, men!!!!

me: AACK!! Danika, DANIKA!!!!

danika: *keeps munching on pocky sticks*

SWAT team: *they fire the guns* *booooofffsshhh*

me: aaahh!!!! Down!! I'm going down!!!!


*caz falls on the floor with a thud*


me: I'm down! Danika you bitch!

Danika: *looks* Oh God! I like, totally missed it! Can we do it again?

me: :shocked:

Danika: No I'm not kidding! Get up!! I'll get the bullet this time!

Mika+SWAT team: :blink:

Danika: Right, GO!!

me: *dead*

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Mika: get her, men!!!!

me: AACK!! Danika, DANIKA!!!!

danika: *keeps munching on pocky sticks*

SWAT team: *they fire the guns* *booooofffsshhh*

me: aaahh!!!! Down!! I'm going down!!!!


*caz falls on the floor with a thud*


me: I'm down! Danika you bitch!

Danika: *looks* Oh God! I like, totally missed it! Can we do it again?

me: :shocked:

Danika: No I'm not kidding! Get up!! I'll get the bullet this time!

Mika+SWAT team: :blink:

Danika: Right, GO!!

me: *dead*


I hope those were strawberry flavoured pocky :mf_rosetinted:


I can like totally see that happening, like, omg! :fisch:

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Pocky instead of Mikado?!:sneaky2:


you deserve to die:mf_rosetinted:







btw why don't you add some toyz to the story..

ok I know what you're thinking!

NOT those from Jo Whiley's sexy shop!!!{well if really you fancy those..}:naughty:

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Pocky instead of Mikado?!


you deserve to die:mf_rosetinted: FIRE!


:shocked: Now that's just harsh :mf_rosetinted: no sleeping for you tonight!


Cow. :mf_rosetinted:




you tell her greta! :roftl:


Well I definitely can't protect you now if I die :roftl:

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who wanna sleep tonite?:glasses3:


btw you're too fast..Caz go back reading my edited post please :D


You will, I'm gonna make sure you'll be scared when you're awake mwahahah *rubs hands evily*

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Pocky instead of Mikado?!:sneaky2:


you deserve to die:mf_rosetinted:







btw why don't you add some toyz to the story..

ok I know what you're thinking!

NOT those from Jo Whiley's sexy shop!!!{well if really you fancy those..}:naughty:


hahahahaha :roftl:

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Ooooohhh, a little more to the left, higher, lower, aahhhhh!!!! :roftl::roftl::roftl:


Good day to my fellow MFC nutters - have a good one!!! :thumb_yello:


great pun! :roftl: hello to you too!


LOVE the animation lmao!

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no no, i thought they sucked? *could be taken in more than one way hahahaha*


True. Mika does have a thing about biting people's faces, though, doesn't he? Plus the "we bite each other" lyric.....:naughty:

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