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Introducing the MFC script writer: ME!


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Shall I post the story?

If I can, when? And should I post just the link or the whole story on here?


i think it should be posted here... not a link...


that way caz won't see all the little conversations that went on.... she'll think we thought up the story magically!

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i think it should be posted here... not a link...


that way caz won't see all the little conversations that went on.... she'll think we thought up the story magically!


:roftl:What she wont get to see the panic!!


I think it should be posted here too, not just a link. Loads of people are waiting to read it.


(p.s can you post it asap not tomorrow casue im at work all day)

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:roftl:What she wont get to see the panic!!


I think it should be posted here too, not just a link. Loads of people are waiting to read it.


(p.s can you post it asap not tomorrow casue im at work all day)


i think it's coming!!!!

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Part 1: Written by IngievV


Mika was sitting in his tourbus. It was a hot, sunny day on the 8th of July and he made his way to Amsterdam. His tongue almost hit the ground because he was totally parched, and truth be told, he didn't want to perform that night. Over 80 MFCers! He thought. It was like suicide.


All of a sudden, John left his seat in front of the bus and stormed to Mika's bed at the end of it.


John: Mika Michael Micaela Moisturizer Holbrook Cupcake Curlhead Penniman Ismaili Junior! What the hell have you done!


Mika looked up, puppy eyes. He knew that he was in biiig trouble, but had no clue why.


Mika: ....


John: Answer me!


Mika: ...


John: Mika....


Mika: Hanz le plke zmogni


John: O.o


Mika: Ixhck tghsonk ysjhdre hdfjdnt


John: Mika! You never told me you knew Mongolian language!


Mika: It's Mikalish


John: What the phunk? I am 87,9872653498% Mongolian. You'd think I'd recognise the language! Mdfhdy Ldsfslle Suhdfdsie


Mika: O.o You scare me


John: *Cough* riiight let's get back to the point. A girl's been missing, Mikmik. It's in the papers everywhere, they say you have something to do with it.


John throws a new copy of The Sun on Mika's lap.


Mika the murderer?

Since yesterday, a girl from Essex, London, has gone missing. The 18 year old girl who is better known as CazGirl, left her London based house at 3 o'clock where she allegedly left to stalk popstar Mika Michael Micaela Moisturizer Holbrook Cupcake Curlhead Penniman Ismaili Jr, who is in the criminal circuit known as the Nutcracker. The Police has started an investigation to his involvement in this case...

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Par 2: Written by RAK1:


Mika looks confused.

Mika: Who ME! I couldn't hurt anybody.

John: What about your little run in with the poor penguin? Have you written that apology yet?

Mika (looking sheepish): Not yet, I've been busy trying to avoid the MFCers, 'cause I still haven't got around to posting the official post yet. So if I've been avoiding them, how could I have done anything to Caz?

John: You have a good point there, but you should do the apology, it would make you look good to the others, and might take the heat off you for the disappearance

Mika shrugs: Okay, what should I write>

John,raising his eyes skywards: I don't know, "I'm sorry Rose that I clobbered you, I was under the influence, and I promise I'll never do it again"

Mika: Okay, but what should I write.

John, through gritted teeth: Give me strength.

Mika, giggling: You're going a funny colour.

John: If you don't get that apology done, so will you.

Mika: OOHHH! Stressy!

John: I've got an idea, maybe if you can get her onside, perhaps Rose could help you track Caz down, and get some of the other MFCers to help.

Mika: Brilliant, I start grovelling right now!

Mika starts writing..

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Part 3: Written by guylainem123:


"raed esor, m'i os yrros rof gnittih uoy no eht daeh, tub uoy ees, i saw rednu eht ecneulfne fo ragus oot ynam popillol! " oh dear... i have such a hard time writing.. i need help! oh maybe i should just check and see if rak is on line on mfc, it would be so much easier to type her a pm. oh wait a minute... i think the sneaky penguin left me her phone number a while back... in case i needed courrier services ... let me see let me see.... ah! voila! here it is... hopefully she will answer. ok.. here we go... 555-736-4846 (hey.. that spells penguin.... funny girl!)

Mika: huh hello, may i speak to Rose please?

Rose: this is she... who is this?

Mika: oh hi Rose, it’s Mika

Rose: (silence)

Mika: Are you there?

Rose: I don’t believe you... is this a joke? I don't think you are funny one bit.

Mika: No it’s not a joke... it really is me.

Rose: Proove it

Mika: Ok... how can i prove it... oh i know... what if i sing on the phone... would you recognise me?

Rose: I would

Mika: Ok... How much do you love me, how much you care? How much do you ... oh... look a squirrel!

Rose: (jumping up and down with excitement) Oh dear God, it is you!! It is! It is! How are you? Hey wait a minute, how did you get my number? Are you stalking me?

Mika: No, not really, you gave it to me... Rose, i’m calling you for 2 reasons... First of all, I just want to personally apoligize for hitting you on the head... i really didn’t mean to, i would never ever hurt anyone, well, maybe john, or jerry, but they deserve it most of the time, you have to believe me rose.

Rose: Oh it was nothing... the doctor said the damage will go away, within 5 or 10 years. i know you wouldn’t have done it on purpose... but it did hurt you know, you are so strong!

Mika: oh thank you! Rose, i’ll make it up to you next time we meet, i promise, but Rose, i really need your help. Are you familiar with a girl name Caz on MFC? She is the one who keeps talking about winning a contest and she was suppose to meet me, but then it didn’t work out, and she is still talking about it... does that sound familiar?

Rose: Well, yes, i do know Caz... lovely girl, Why?

Mika: I think she is in trouble Rose. She has gone missing. I need you to help me. Are you willing?

Rose: Mika... anything for you... oh that poor girl... that’s why she hasn’t been writing stories lately...

Mika: Stories? Oh nevermind... no time for chitchat right now Rose... I have a plan... i often look at the MFC and i noticed that you guys have some kind of FBI way of finding everything out about me. Some of you are google whores, some are just plain nosy. I bet some of you even sleep under my window! Do you think you could get them together and help me solve this? The authorities think i may have done it... please?

Rose: Mika, i will help you, but on one condition....

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Part 4: Written by IngievV


Mika: What is it then?


Rose: You must find and bring me the holy grail


Mika: Wtf? Is this the Da Vinci code or something?


Rose: No Mika, not that Holy Grail! The Holy Grail of Pop music!


Mika: Are you messing with my head now?


Rose: You're the only one messing with heads...


Mika: I told you I was sorry! Now, where is this grail supposed to be?


Rose: How should I know, geez if I knew that I wouldn't ask you to find it riiiight?


Mika: Fair enough! Now, first find Caz and then that Grail. Are you coming with me?

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Part 5: Written by Rak1


Rose: Okay, I'll help you, but I'm not sure we can do this alone. We're gonna need Danika, she'll have a fair idea where Caz may be.


Mika: Right, where would she be then?


Rose: I can pm her on MFC.


Mika: Why can't we just do that with Caz?


Rose: Because she's missing, and nobody has seen her on the forum since it happened. Doh!


Mika: Oh yeah (giggles)


Rose (mumbles to herself): And I'M the one who got hit on the head! (To Mika) Right, I'll need to pm Danika now and some of the others. It's okay I won't tell them I'm helping you just yet, some of them might be a bit jittery, as your name is plastered all over the papers. So you hang tight. Call me back in a few hours and I'll let you know how I'm getting on. Are you alright with that?


Mika: Yes, what can I do while I'm waiting?



Rose: Think about where you would find the Holy Grail of Pop, remember? Please Mika try to focus.


Mika: Yes, sorry.


Rose: Think about what a humble pop star would drink out of.


Mika: OOh, okay.


Rose: Okay, I'm off now, hang up.


Mika: No you hang up.


Rose: No, you hang up, you fool.


Mika(giggling hysterically) No YOU hang up. *click* Rose, Rose are you there?

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Part 6: Written by xlindee


About a few hours later, Mika and his band were having lunch outside next to the tourbus, after Mika got really mad about the sandwiches, because they had the wrong butter on it.

He finally got calm and was eating happily, when there suddenly fell a letter, right out of the sky, right on one of his sandwiches.


Mika: WTF is that?

Martin: It looks like a letter to me..

Mika: Thanks Martin! I know what a f*cking letter is! Let's see for who it is.

M..W...Waki? Eh no..that isn't it...err...

Mikey: Mika!

Mika: What?

Mikey: No, it's for you, fool! M-I-K-A!

Mika: Yeah, I know how to spell, thank you very much! Well, let's read it...

Mika opened the letter and began struggeling with the words. It didn't go very well. The words were made of letters cut out of newspapers

Martin: Shall I read it for you?

Mika: No!

Martin: Oh, gimme that letter damnit! *Grabs letter out of Mika's hands and begins to read*



Dear Mika,

I know who you are...

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Part 7: Written by MegPL


I know what you did last summer....

Luke: What is this? a cheesy movie quiz?

Mika: I don't like that game... :blink:

Mikey: You know...it's weird...why anyone send sth like this to you?

Mika: Well... how the f*ck I should know?....why everybody's starring at me like that? what? WHAT?

Everybody was looking at Mika

Luke: well... you are struggling a squirrel....

Mika: SO?????? she was trying to steel my peanut butter sandwich...

Saranayde: Would you let her go!?

Mika: NO!

Cherisse: Let her go!!

Mika: NO! I want to see what colour she change to! Just like Smurf! when you struggle him, what colour would he turn up to?

Martin: Oh cut the cr*p, would ya?! *takes the poor squirrel out of Mika's hands and let her go...*

Mikey: what's up with you this days Mika? huh?

Mika: well...I think you all need to know... media think that I've got sth to do with CazGirl's disappearance! You know...the one from MFC...she was stalking me...

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Part 8: Written by xlindee:


At that moment John walked towards them, with this week's Sun in his hands. His face was red of anger. Steam was coming out of his ears. Mika knew he came for him, and ran away to hide somewhere


John: WHERE IS HE????!!!

Luke: Depends on who he is. I mean, do you mean Mikey, Martin, or me?


Luke: Oh Mika. I don't know.

John's face went blue, he began to scream hysterically.

Mikey (giggeling): Hehe, you look like a Smurf

John: SHUT YOUR FUC......

At that moment they all sudden heard a loud noise coming out of one of the nearest trees. A squirrel jumped out of the tree. A few seconds later Mika fell out of the tree.


John (still very very angry): WTF are you think you're doing? WTF do you think you are?

Mika (giggling nervously): Well, I was hiding in the tree, because I was very scared of you, and then I saw a squirrel, but he wanted my nuts, so I told him he was a bad squirrel, but he didn't listen, and he was very mean to me, and then..



John (screaming angry and hysterically): SHUT YOUR MOUTH! PLEASE! OR SOME VERY BAD STUFF WILL HAPPEN!

Mika: Okay, because you ask it so nice. By the way, what kind of bad stuff? *giggles*

John (still mad, still steam coming out of his ears): Oh boy, you don't want to know that..

John walked towards Mika, with the Sun. His face looked even more angry. Mika had a very weird look on his face. John began to read out loud what was written in the Sun...

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Part 9: written by Stephaniedy2k1:


John: Mika’s sinister side!


Mika: Uh oh…(Hides face behind hands) You cant see me….


John: I can see you Mika , listen this is serious.

(John carries on reading) We all used to think of Mika (or his real name previously kept hidden until exposed by a group of private detectives only know as the MFC-ers, Mika Michael Micaela Moisturizer Holbrook Cupcake Curlhead Penniman Ismaili Junior) as the flamboyant british popstar who loved his fans, however a recent source has given us information that leads us to believe that Mika (who is currently in hiding after the recent speculation over his involvement in the kidnap of a young fan)…


Mika: (slowly retreating backwards) Uh oh…. I could be hurtful…… I could be purple….


John: (Carries on reading) is infact a squirrel obsessed…


Mika: I could be anything you like…… Gotta be green……Gotta be mean


John: MIKA! (Carries on reading)

narcotic taking…


Mika: Gotta be everything more….Why don't you like me?… (Continuing to retreat backwards)


John: (A photograph of the man in question has recently come to light showing him dancing around in a local woods with two anonymous men, whilst allegedly wearing twigs and leaves)……


Mika: Why don't you like me? …. (Now running away) …..Why don't you walk out the door!


A little later Mika stopped running as he had got cramp.


Mika: Im all alone…. No ones here…..what do I do…..do do do do...


(Suddenly a distant ringing of a phone can be heard…..Everybody’s gonna love today, love todaaay….)


Mika realises after some time that the noise was infact his phone and is coming from his pocket, he picks up the phone, looks at it, then answers it.


Mika: Hellooo!

Rose: ..........

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Part 10: Written by guylainem123:


Rose: Mika, it's Rose... we have to talk. Can you meet me?

Mika: Sure... Where?

Rose: Let's meet where Caz works. It's a movie theater... oh by the way, the movie "what happened in Vegas" is playing there.

Mika: Is it really? huh i should check it out. Apparently there is a really nice song at the beginning of it. It's called Grace Kelly...

Rose: huh Mika, that's your song!

Mika: ohhhhhh right! no wonder it sounded so familiar!!! Here i thought they had found a new Freddy Mercury song in his archieves. Ok, i'll meet you there in 2 hours.


Rose arrives on time, buys this huge popcorn bucket and of course a diet coke to wash it down. she sits at the back of the theater. Of course, Mika walks in late with the excuse that one of his three watches stopped working. He is accompanied by Andy, his camera and that fluffy thing at the end. He recognises Rose, even if she isn't wearing her penguin outfit.


Mika: ok Rose.... where is the penguin costume?

Rose: Mika, i hate to break it to you, but i don't wear the costume all the time, just at your gigs. you DO realise that i don't go around dressed like this all the time right? hey what is Andy doing here?

Mika: ohh i asked him to come along, in case i need extra footage for my new dvd. And of course when he heard i was coming to meet with you, he couldn't resist and he absolutely wanted to come along. So what have you found out?

Rose: Well, MFC FBI have been working really hard Mika. So far this is what we found out:

Xlindee has been reading all the threads that Caz was posting before her disappearance... trust me that is quite the task, that Caz talks alot!! did you know she has 13103 posts???? Anyways, she found a post where Caz mentions "getting a real life" and doing some salsa dancing.

Mika: Interesting..... but what does that have to do with me? Does she want to join me on stage?

Rose: I dont know!!! Focus Mika! Focus! Then Hotdlp started lurking around Caz myspace and found out in a blog that Caz has been thinking of going on a cruise around the world.

Mika: A cruise around the world? What on earth for? I'm not touring or anything!

Rose: Mika!! people do travel even when you are not touring you know!!

Mike: Oh, i didn't know that. So what now???

Rose: Well.....

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Part 11: Written by xlindee:


Rose: Well, now we gotta find the Holy Grail!

Mika: Can anyone tell me please what that f*cking thing is?

Rose: You have to find out yourself..

Andy, who hasn't said anything yet, began to speak: Maybe the MFC-ers know what the Holy Grail is and where it is...

Mika: Let's go then!

Rose: NO YOU FOOL! YOU'RE WANTED! We have to dress you up or something, so no one will recognize you. And I, I have the perfect idea...


Half an hour later, Mika, Rose and Andy were walking at the place where the gig was held, Westerpark. Rose wore a different suit, this time it was a peacock. Mika was dressed as a hooker. He wore a blonde wig, a short red glittery top, hotpants, and really high heels. He also wore a lot of make-up. Rose saw the MFC-ers, and recognized xlindee, hotdlp, guylainem123, greta, IngievV, Stephaniedy2k1, and a few others


Rose: Hi guys!

MFC-ers: Hi Rose! Who's your friend?

Mika, shocked they didn't recognized them: DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM???

IngievV: Haha Mika, ofcourse we know it's you

Mika: Damnit!

xlindee: She was only joking So, who are you? Are you on of the girls who went dressed as a wh*re?

Mika: Ehm..yeah.

Rose: Listen, do you girls know what the Holy Grail is?

Hotdlp: You mean, that thing that has something to do with King Arthur or so?

Rose: No! The Holy rail of Pop!

Greta, took a laptop out of her backpack and said: Let's ask google!


At that moment a letter flew out of the air.

Rose grabbed it and saw it was for all of the MFC-ers. She read it...


Dear MFC-ers,

we have CazGirl.

We let her go on one condition: We want global domination...



All MFC-ers: QUIET!!!!


So, you MFC-ers will soon notice what's going to happen.


The Caznappers


Guylainem123: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Stephaniedy2k1: I don't know, but we can't let them take over the world.

Mika: Oh, I gotta go!

xlindee: There's just something not right about that wh*re...


It was 8 o clock. All the fans were waiting for Mika to perform, but first the support act came. Suddenly there came squirrels from all directions. Everyone began to scream. The squirrels were very violent. Then everyone was gone. They all escaped. There only were a few MFC-ers + squirrels left.


Rose: I know you have Caz! Let her go!

One of the squirrels, a very fat one, with one red eye, and teeth like a shark, stepped forwards.

The fat squirrel: We don't let her go.

Rose, very desperate sounding: WHY NOT?

The squirrel: She made fun of us in her weird stories. We were just the stupid animals where the characters in her stories messed with. But we are done with that! We want revenge!

Greta, who searched something on google about squirrels said: Squirrels are smart, but they are very slow, so girls, RUUUUUUUN!

xlindee: Where are we going to?

Greta: We need Mika's help!

The squirrel laughed: We are slow, but not stupid, go and get your Mika

In the meanwhile, Mika was making himself ready for the gig. He was getting the wh*rish make-up of his face. And he thought by himself:

Stupid MFC-ers, do I really have to do this? And I still don't know what the Holy Grail is. Oh look, a squirrel!

Suddenly more squirrels came in, and Mika got a bit scared. And before he knew what the squirrels were doing...they had taken him hostage, and were taking him with them....

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Shall I post the story?

If I can, when? And should I post just the link or the whole story on here?


excellent news! I'm going to the beach tomorrow and then work, and I'd like it to be posted when everyone knows when it will be posted. which is tomorrow. so I'd like it to be posted tomorrow EVENING, 10:30pm UK time!


spread the word!



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Part 12: written by Guylainem123:


then Mika remembered something his mommy always said to him: Mika, you never know what will happened in life, but remember this... if ever you need to get away from squirrels, the only way out is to hypnotize them. The trick is to hang a nut on the string and swing it back and forth back and forth... Oddly enough, he had a nut and a string in his pocket. pretty soon, he noticed that all squirrels were following the dangling object with glassy eyes.


Meanwhile, the MFCers were screaming MIKA MIKA MIKA MIKA constantly. Rose started to worry because the concert was already 30 min. late and no sign of Mika and the band. She decided to sneak backstage to see what the problem was. Rose walks in the room, she feels like a big balloon, her costume is much larger then her usual penguin one. She sees Mika swinging the nut back and forth.


Mika: Oh Rose! thank god you are here! my wrist is killing me but i'm afraid if i stop swinging this, the squirrels will wake up!

Rose: Here, give it to me, i'll swing the nut for a while.

Mika: Rose, do you suppose that while they are hypnoptized, we could ask them questions?

Rose: Let's try, we have nothing to lose, now do we?

Mika: I suppose we don't. Hello squirrels, how was your breakfast?

Rose: MIKA!! Ask them questions about Caz and the Holy Grail of Pop Music! Not about their breakfast!

Mika: Rose, my mom told me i should always be polite... so i am!

Rose: Mika honey, we don't have time to be polite!!!! Get to the point! You have a gig to do!!!!

Mika: oh yeah... but there is only MFCers left!

Rose: But those are the ones you want to please, trust me, they can get rather nasty!!!

Mika: I suppose i should talk to the ugly squirrel, he looks rather mean though. Chief squirrel, on the count of three, you will tell me everything. 1, 2, 2 1/2, 2 3/4... 3! Are you and your friend responsible for Caz's disapperance?

Chief squirrel: Yes, we are. But it's all her fault. She makes fun of us.

Mika: Is that why you kidnapped her? Really? Mika turns to Rose and adds: Cuz she makes fun of me too sometimes, but that doesn't mean she doesn't love me! In fact, i KNOW she loves me, she keeps talking about how bad she wants to meet me!

Rose: Mika!! Focus!!!

Mika: Squirrel, before we go any further, let it be known, that although there is many of you, my troops are bigger then yours, you'll never stand my fight!

Rose: *rolls her eyes to the sky* oh Mika! give it a rest!!! what about the Holy Grail of Pop Music? Ask him!!!

Mika: Tell me about the Holy Grail of Pop Music.

Chief Squirrel: Oh hahahaha, that's something we made up just to fool the MFC FBI. It's actually Cherisse's washboard. It really has nothing to do with pop music, but we like to use it to sharpen our teeth and our claws. You are the only pop star at the moment with a washboard. That's why we hang around you and your band.

Mika and Rose in unison: Cherisse's washboard?

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And the final piece, written by Guylainem123:


Chief Squirrel: Yes, we need it.

Rose: Mika... my wrist is getting sore... hurry up already!

Mika: ok ok, Chief Squirrel, i have a suggestion... perhaps an offer.

Chief Squirrel: I'm listening...

Mika: I am willing to trade the Holy Grail of Pop Music (aka washboard) for Caz. Does that sound interesting to you?

Chief Squirrel starts laughing and says: HAHAHAHA man oh man, you are getting the low end of the bargain. That girl can sure talk your ears off! After a few days, we figured out she is no use to us! She can't even break the shells off the nuts properly! And she keeps dancing! The whole house shakes all the time! We are getting seasick!

Mika: Where is she? I want her back.

Chief Squirrel: Give me the Holy Grail of Pop Music first, then we'll talk.

Mika: Rose, can you give me the washboard?

Rose: Huh Mika... i'm busy swinging the stupid nut!

Mika: Fine... why do i always have to do everything around here!

Mika hands in the washboard to the squirrel, who starts to hug it and kiss it.

Mika: Now tell me where she is!

Chief Squirrel: The girl? Oh yeah... remember the tree that Yasmine drew on your DVD, the one that says "i heart no more" ?

Mika: Yeah...

Chief Squirrel: That's where you'll find her. at the top of the tree, there is a treehouse. We hid her there. Be my guest... go get her! I've got what I wanted!

Like a mad fool Mika takes off running! he ran so fast that none of the MFCers saw him go by. He forgot all about Rose and the 1000s of squirrels. He makes it to the tree and screams: Caroline!!!! Caz????

Caz: Yes?

Mika: Caz, it's Mika! Come down! I'm here to save you!

Caz: No.

Mika: What?????? Why not?

Caz: Not until you promise me something.

Mika: Oh dear lord.... what now?

Caz: Do you know WHO i am?

Mika: You are Caz!

Caz: Yes, but who am i really? I'll tell you who i am!! I'm the girl who got stood up! I won a contest and NEVER got to meet you! So unless you make it up to me, i'm staying up here!

Mika: Oh dear lord.. no wonder the squirrels were laughing at me! I had no problem with that washboard! OK OK OK.. Caz, if i promise you that I'll let you dance on stage with me during an entire concert... would that be good enough?

Caz: i'm thinking.... well, yes, but i don't think there should be more...

Mika: Like what???

Caz: How about... you take me on a date?

Mika: A proper date? as in wine and dine?

Mika now sees Caz coming down the ladder and helps her down.

Caz: Yes, you pick me up at home, you meet my parents and then you take me out on a date! I feel like chicken. Let's have chicken! And without Andy following us around for extra footage!

Mika: Chicken? What an odd thing to request! OK! but we have to go! i'm suppose to be on stage now!

Caz: On stage? oh i forgot all about that concert! Now i'm going to be at the back of the line cuz i didn't get there early to queue and i won't see anything!

Mika gets on one knee and says: Caz! I'm asking you to be my dancer tonight! Will you accept?

Caz blushes and answers: Yes Yes Yes i accept! Oh Mika you are my hero!




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