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Yes or No (Part 3)

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Do you like Harry Potterbooks?


um..no..i don't know..:boxed:

it's not that i have a thing against it, but i've actually never read any, instead, i just watch the films :biggrin2:



have you seen mika in concert?

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um..no..i don't know..:boxed:

it's not that i have a thing against it, but i've actually never read any, instead, i just watch the films :biggrin2:



have you seen mika in concert?


I have the dvd but I haven't been to a concert (JULY 8 will be my first mikaconcert!!!)


Do you like swimming?

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I have the dvd but I haven't been to a concert (JULY 8 will be my first mikaconcert!!!)


Do you like swimming?



first mika concert..you're so lucky..australia is still awaiting a visit/concert :sneaky2:

so in the mean time i just put the mika dvd on, and pretend that i'm in the crowd :thumb_yello:


sometimes..mostly no though :naughty:


have you ever been to any other concerts? (besides mika)

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first mika concert..you're so lucky..australia is still awaiting a visit/concert :sneaky2:

so in the mean time i just put the mika dvd on, and pretend that i'm in the crowd :thumb_yello:


sometimes..mostly no though :naughty:


have you ever been to any other concerts? (besides mika)



Yes, last year to Clouseau (that's a belgian group and they're very popular here)


Have you ever been to any other concerts?

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Yes, last year to Clouseau (that's a belgian group and they're very popular here)


Have you ever been to any other concerts?


yes i have.

the last time i went to a concert was 2 years ago :naughty:



can you play any mika songs on the piano? :thumb_yello:

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yes i have.

the last time i went to a concert was 2 years ago :naughty:



can you play any mika songs on the piano? :thumb_yello:


No, I can't play the piano :(


Can you???

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aww, i'll teach you..:naughty:


yes i can play a few songs..like love today, my interpretation, ring ring and stuck in the middle :thumb_yello:



do you learn an instrument?


wauw! (jealous :) )

no, but I can play the recorder :mf_rosetinted:

I learned that at school


Do you like tennis?

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wauw! (jealous :) )

no, but I can play the recorder :mf_rosetinted:

I learned that at school


Do you like tennis?


Yes I do. (I don't play really well, but it fun. I also watch tennis occasionally.)





Do you ever gone kayaking/white water rafting? (I haven't....random)

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Yes I do. (I don't play really well, but it fun. I also watch tennis occasionally.)





Do you ever gone kayaking/white water rafting? (I haven't....random)



Yep, Ive been kayaking great fun!


Have you ever been scuba diving?

(Its great ive been doing it for 5 years)

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Yes I do. (I don't play really well, but it fun. I also watch tennis occasionally.)





Do you ever gone kayaking/white water rafting? (I haven't....random)


Yes, I have already kayaked 2 times, and last time was funny 'cause we just left and we immediately fell into the water lol It was really funny but cold :naughty:


Have you ever been to Paris?

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yea, but i don't usually- i get cold easily!


do you have a younger brother or sister?

Yes I do- I have 2 younger brothers: one is going to turn 10 on May 11th and the other will be turning one (he loves Mika very much) on May 16th.


Have you ever forgotten an important date?

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i used to be able to, maybe i still can....don't want to try right now lol...


do you like cheerios?

Not the plain ones but the Honey Nut ones are delicious.


Did you ever collect those Pokemon cards?

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I think I had a few of them, not many though..maybe five or six......or less :naughty:


Do you think German is the most beautiful language in the world?


no! :naughty: though it's my mother tongue...


have you ever been high on love?

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