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This One's For Us Girls! Hallelujah for Part 21


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Sorry I wasn't here to speak to you Kav, can't wait til 2-3 weeks time though But I'll prob be revising for exams :tears:


Hello gals




Yeah after i came i realized u left :tears:

Oh well that would suck....when would ur exams finish?? they come first anyway.


I can't get enough of those pics!! at first i was all omg he cut it etc but now after watching them for the kazillionth time i realize it's not that much...the top's still pretty big, he just cut off the sides and back (and not that much). and now thanks to Caz i always :lmfao: when i see this particular pic...i always see the ostrich :naughty: so thank you Caz for that :bleh:

oh btw mika if u come t'dad we can cut ur hair...4 free:naughty: ...my parents r hairdressers and they r really good...and i'm not just saying that cause they r my parents, but some big company in england self wanted my dad to join them in doing hair shows etc but he's not into all that "fame" thing

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hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =)

How are you? :das:

im good thanx how are you?




hiiiiiiiii how are you?

hehe i love green day 2


Hey!!! I'm fineee :)And you?

They are awsome! You know this pic is taken just few days ago:wub2:

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awww me2! i love when september ends! and Boulervoud of broken dreams

When i turned 18 (now im 19) my sis gave me a huge gift! All Green day's 10 albums:mf_lustslow: I really love american idiot's all songs but my fave are- scattered, Basket case, She, Redundant,Church on sunday:wub2: (you have heard them?)

I'm fineee! :das:

you? :original:



hahaahahah lol :lol3:

it was ok =)

how was ur weekend? =)


I'm fine too! I'm eating ice cream and drinking champagne:lmao:

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When i turned 18 (now im 19) my sis gave me a huge gift! All Green day's 10 albums:mf_lustslow: I really love american idiot's all songs but my fave are- scattered, Basket case, She, Redundant,Church on sunday:wub2: (you have heard them?)


mmm i dont think so... but i think i should go buy previous albums lol my fav band is Linkin Park tho



what i did this weekend?

or what I'm up to right now?


lol what you did this weekend sorry

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