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This One's For Us Girls! Hallelujah for Part 21


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Shocking I know


Hmm.. we shall see then. They're the type that don't like children to just watch tv for the whole day and not go out (my poor sister, I do feel very sorry for her, mwahaha :naughty:)

Aw that's a shame, what time do you finish?


OMG my grandparents are just the same!:naughty:next time you'll come to italy we'll go to have some fun together!:naughty:

I'll finish at 6.30 pm!:shocked:


Cool:roftl: He's awsome!:punk:


you know,I love W&G!:naughty:

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Yush :cool::naughty:


Lucky.. although.. technically, I was allowed to leave 30 mins ago, but I know I won't do any homework if I go home, so I'll stay here for another hour or so, to get things done.

Bye danika!:wub2: See you..erm.. tomorrow:naughty:

ok then...I was at my english lesson today and we were doing something about wedding traditions around the world.do you know if it's that true that in eastern europe,the bride wears a red dress and gets payed to dance with her guests?


I don't think so!:boxed: We have white dress for a bride and she don't need to pay anyone lol.. My sis got merried 2 years ago.. so.. she needed a bridesmaid (wich one was me:naughty: ) and my fiance too.. in the midnight bride need to take one of hers thing (for her it was a white brooch-butterfly)and she gave it to me.. and it's mean that bridemaid will be next bride. And there is bride's stolen too.. when some of relatives stole the bride (when her's new husband don't see) and later they are asking something to buy her back. But on the first- there are a ceremony in the church and later party in some nice place.(there are all those crazy things then)


OMG i don't know english so well so i hope that you understood something:boxed:

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I'm ok. My exam didn't go too well though so I'm a bit worried.


How are you?


okay! =) im fine too thanks!



aaww :no: i'm sure you did it okay! don't worry :no:

you can't change it anymore!




mark :no:

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