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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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I hate life. It's a bitch, no if's and's or but's.







Tee hee, a group of fiddlers? *zhhz*

Busy weekend! :bleh:

*waits expectantly for cookie*


*msnslap* Yes.


*gives cookie*


:jawdrop: But-but ... HOW! THEY'RE TREES! :tears:

That would be way too creepy!


Well, it's not like they can outrun a cheeta or anything...

You can't actually see them moving, but they do move.



Hello :cheerful_h4h:


I saw it, but it is just such a ridiculous concept that my mind refuses to grasp it.


Hmm, can't find anything except some pictures

Eg. main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=7685&g2_serialNumber=2


But this is exceptionally humorous:







Yes!! That's exactly what they look like!!!




Noooo... of course they weren't.. they just wrote an album inspired by LSD and had no clue about what atually happens when people get high on drugs.. because they're upstanding citizens... *rolls eyes*




*awaits cookie*


*gives cookie as well*




That's f**king awesome!


I wish I knew someone famous...


Well, *I* don't know him...yet...





Good point... we have proof of that!




First of all, who said anything about our friendship? Just because I'm not fan girly about Mika right now has nothing to do with our friendship. All it means is that I don't like Mika. The world does not revolve around him, and I have every right to be interested in other artists other than him. These days, I'm not on here for Mika, I'm on here for my friends.


I also have every right to be annoyed with Mika, and to have you basically tell me that I'm not allowed to pisses me off, quite frankly. I was under the impression that we were allowed to share our differences of opinion on here, but obviously I was wrong.


If you don't mind, I will be taking my leave from MFC, and I don't know when I will be back, and frankly I don't care. I feel my opinion is unwanted.


If anyone feels it necessary to contact me, you can do so by going to AMF, MSN or MySpace.


Tegan, we do value your opinions. I'm sorry you felt otherwise.

I hope I'll see you around, in any case.

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Right now MIKA (#5 on the list) has 38% of the votes:

Gary Barlow (#25 on the list) has 62% of the votes!

!!! GET BUSY !!!


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Awwww.. sweet.. thanks for that..


I think he needs to undo a few buttons on his shirt. His hair needs to be more fringe-ish, framing his eyes.. And his knees need to point towards the camera, not away.. in a slightly crotch revealing fashion.

Then that would be a hot photo. :roftl:


May I complain that Patrick Wolf just said that he wouldnt even think about gigging again this year after this Sunday? And I feel bad for having these.. hm, do you have the term "Luxusproblem" or "luxury problem" or something? It means that people complain about a "problem" although they are privileged to actually be 'allowed' to have that problem. So I am complaining about Patrick not gigging because I MIGHT actually, finally make it to London from July to December and I thought that I could perhaps see him at the Lovebox-Festival this year in July (OH HECK! That guys plays the viola while singing while undressing at the same time! I'd die to see him live!!) while there are people who wouldn't even have the possibility to see him live.


It's the same with MIka. I have seen him live, I have enjoyed the show but I HATED (and I'm still complaining about) everything else, from queuing to other MFCers, from support acts to aftershowparties (if anyone cares about hearing me complaining about it). Düsseldorf was a desaster, London was cancelled and together with the next Londoner shows it all cost me a dear fortune (and a lot of nerves as well).


And I feel bad because I know that there are so many people around, lovely people I really really like!, that have never had the chance so far to meet Mika (I did not meet him as well. I saw him live, that's it. I never got even close to him.). It's already freaking me out to just read review-threads because there are always enough people that go on and on telling others how wonderful it was and what they experienced etc.pp. However, I know how ridiculous I behave because I am one of the more privileged ones as I have seen him live. And I feel bad about it, I really do. And I know that things will not be better if I say "Oh, I'm sorry guys. Sorry that Australia was cancelled, but *shrugs*" - believe me, I DO feel sorry and I feel bad when I post something gig-related because I'm sure there ar people who might think something like "Oh yes, SHE can say whatever she wants because SHE saw him. She should not complain! She has no idea how we are suffering [sorry, can't come up with another word right now] ".


I don't know why he cancelled (and I don't know whether it is always right to say that "he" did it himself), I'm sure there is a reason and I hope the reason was that he wanted to work on the album (and I hope he had a good other reason to go to China instead or to go to India or to fly around in a Yoga-position or whatever the tabloids said). It is, however, stupid, unfair and absolutely fricking THAT the Aussie-tour was cancelled. And you guys have every right in the world to be pretty darn pissed because of that. I am sorry, I am sorrysorrysorry that he gigged every city in the UK multiple times, I am sorry that even here, in the cultural hole of Europe (called Germany), we got to see him, I am sorry that not everybody was able to see him. I am sorry that he just came to Australia once and that he only came to Sydney .

Luxusproblem, "moaning about a privilege" Love it..:naughty:


You're in the right place (normally) for complaining about cancelled gigs/no hope, no love, no glory.. have a slappy ending..

Honestly, although I can't speak for everyone, I do believe we all love reading reviews of concerts. I don't think any of us actually have jealousy so bad that we don't want others to have a great time and talk about their experience.


And we all love seeing the Youtube clips people post.

It's only annoying when people tell us that getting to watch Mika perform on Youtube is the bright side.

For their information, No it's not. Youtube is compensation. It's living vicariously through others.

I want to touch, see, hear, breath, feel and absorb things on my own, thank ye very much!

Damn it. I'm a fan (apparently, according to myself). It's an entitlement.

*waits for someone to use the 'deserve' argument against me*

*has a fistful of retaliating replies for such an argument*


Anyway,, Don't feel bad on Mika's behalf that we got canceled..

The odds were against us anyway. We knew that, but secretly chose to ignore it in Blind Faith.

You have absolutely no reason to apologise to us!!


I'd hate to think, that because people have missed out, that others who even got a tiny slice feel bad for it.. I never intended to make it feel like that for you.

My (faded) bitterness is aimed at one person alone.

And he knows who he is. :naughty: Twat.

Whilst I'm on the subject of twat, (because he called Mika a twat) Patrick Wolf is just testing whether he's famous or not.. He'll perform more.. He's just being a drama queen trying to get publicity, Twat-Style.


And I would love it if he went to Australia again because the bootleg from Sydney was REEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAALLY good and I would hope that this very person who recorded it would do it again .

Ok, I should go to bed. Night!

hahah!! There's something in the Australian water that makes people gyrate..

Goodnight.. Sweet Dreams.

Oooh new album! That's great! So maybe that's why they haven't been touring either. I always check every once in a while... not like I'd be able to go because I'm sure their tickets are expensive.

*Looks around for mullet*

*comes back from garage with a mallet*

Ugh not close enough I suppose? :naughty:

They better do another album and tour!!

*shakes fist*

*looks at Bono*


*forgives easily*

*knows what it means to be a fangurl now*


errr.. A mallet will do.. so I can "tenderise" him easier.. I suppose..

*points to siggy*

*points out that the bump-tee-dee-bumping is all for the sole purpose of having to lick his wounds*

I hate life. It's a bitch, no if's and's or but's.




In my experience, people tend to say that when their heart's been kicked around..

Vent, girl, vent! :thumb_yello:





Right now MIKA (#5 on the list) has 38% of the votes:

Gary Barlow (#25 on the list) has 62% of the votes!

!!! GET BUSY !!!


Nice siggy..

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I think if we go now, the Aussie thread will fade away off to page 4 or 5..

I know it's been said that you, Bec and I are not here much, but seriously, neither is anyone else.. :blink:


I think its just more noticeable with us because we're such postwhores.


Interesting pronouncement about yourselves ...... personally speaking .... I feel hurt that I had you guys in my home ... & you can so flippantly speak in the way you do ..... IMO ... life is too short to waste our time being pissed off with Mika ...... I'm confused & had hoped that our friendship would be bigger than all of this ........ however,it seems that your anger against 'mika' has far out weighed (sp) your /our new friendships here .... :blink:


Okay firstly.... the way we feel about Mika has nothing to do with the friendship I have with any of you guys. I was under the impression that we no longer needed Mika as the necessary common factor, so in a way it kind of hurts for you to imply that the way I/we feel for Mika in any way affects the way I/we feel for the mikamites. I thought we'd moved past that.


Secondly... life is to short to pretend we're not pissed off at Mika, to short to act differently to please the masses . And in my case, I'm not. I've gotten to a stage where I'm practically over Mika (I know some people might shun me for that but its true.) He could tour the country tomorrow and if it wasn't for you guys going, I probably wouldn't care less. And anyone who suggests that I only feel this way because Mika hasn't toured, I will admit, that yes, that is part of it. But it's not all of it. I move on from artists, and at the moment, with no new stuff to hold my interest, I'm moving on from Mika.


And thirdly, if in any way this is related to the fact that I and others are spending less time here, well there are reasons for this. Firstly, I no longer come here for Mika worship. I mostly skip over any photos posted in here, and I avoid the chat about mika section. I come on here to talk to you guys, not to ooggle mika. Sure, I'm here less, but at the moment there is a lot going on in my life that means I have less time online. Plus, there is also another forum which is taking up some of my time.


I have placement, and work, and assignments at the moment and before that I was in Melbourne, and don't have time to deal with people make false assumptions about me. And no offence to you HK with any of this, but if you really felt this way, then wouldn't the appropiate course of action been to go through pm?


Anyways, you say your hurt, but it hurts me to know you feel that way, when I was secure in our friendships and thought Mika was no longer a deciding factor. Forgive me if I wrongly thought we no longer needed Mika to be friends. And forgive me if this in any way insults you. I don't intend to hurt/insult/offend you with this, I just want you to see how I feel on the matter.

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Okay firstly.... the way we feel about Mika has nothing to do with the friendship I have with any of you guys. I was under the impression that we no longer needed Mika as the necessary common factor, so in a way it kind of hurts for you to imply that the way I/we feel for Mika in any way affects the way I/we feel for the mikamites. I thought we'd moved past that.


Secondly... life is to short to pretend we're not pissed off at Mika, to short to act differently to please the masses . And in my case, I'm not. I've gotten to a stage where I'm practically over Mika (I know some people might shun me for that but its true.) He could tour the country tomorrow and if it wasn't for you guys going, I probably wouldn't care less. And anyone who suggests that I only feel this way because Mika hasn't toured, I will admit, that yes, that is part of it. But it's not all of it. I move on from artists, and at the moment, with no new stuff to hold my interest, I'm moving on from Mika.


And thirdly, if in any way this is related to the fact that I and others are spending less time here, well there are reasons for this. Firstly, I no longer come here for Mika worship. I mostly skip over any photos posted in here, and I avoid the chat about mika section. I come on here to talk to you guys, not to ooggle mika. Sure, I'm here less, but at the moment there is a lot going on in my life that means I have less time online. Plus, there is also another forum which is taking up some of my time.


I have placement, and work, and assignments at the moment and before that I was in Melbourne, and don't have time to deal with people make false assumptions about me. And no offence to you HK with any of this, but if you really felt this way, then wouldn't the appropiate course of action been to go through pm?


Anyways, you say your hurt, but it hurts me to know you feel that way, when I was secure in our friendships and thought Mika was no longer a deciding factor. Forgive me if I wrongly thought we no longer needed Mika to be friends. And forgive me if this in any way insults you. I don't intend to hurt/insult/offend you with this, I just want you to see how I feel on the matter.


Yeah alright... so I came back... so sue me.


I just had to reply to that... *huggles*


You summed it up perfectly! (so did Kelz, but I was too pissed off to reply last night... and she knows anyway)


*goes to U2 thread and locks door*

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I dunno.. about the most famous person I've met is Mika... and we all know how that went down...

*takes deep breath* OK .... I feel I have some explaining to do . Last night I wrongly quoted when I posted. I just clicked the wrong quote so yeah, that would have been confusing. It was the above quote that set off my OVER reaction ... !!




First of all, who said anything about our friendship? Just because I'm not fan girly about Mika right now has nothing to do with our friendship. All it means is that I don't like Mika. The world does not revolve around him, and I have every right to be interested in other artists other than him. These days, I'm not on here for Mika, I'm on here for my friends.


I also have every right to be annoyed with Mika, and to have you basically tell me that I'm not allowed to pisses me off, quite frankly. I was under the impression that we were allowed to share our differences of opinion on here, but obviously I was wrong.


If you don't mind, I will be taking my leave from MFC, and I don't know when I will be back, and frankly I don't care. I feel my opinion is unwanted.


If anyone feels it necessary to contact me, you can do so by going to AMF, MSN or MySpace.

Teegs, I think we both mis-understood each other & for that I'm sorry. I OVER reacted to the above quote 'cos I took it to mean that you were complaining about Sydney & Mika .... I 'thought' it implied that we didn't get enough from him etc. etc. ..... & that really was the 'straw that broke the camels back' for me after hearing months of bitching in this thread ! I want to make it very clear that I'm also not particularly happy with Team Mika/Jerry right now either .... I certainly don't think his **** don't stink .... & I can't be arsed defending him anyway! So when I said 'life's too short to be wasting it on being pissed off with Mika' ... I certainly didn't mean that you 'shouldn't' or that you 'can't' be pissy with Mika or express your opinions for or against him or anyone else for that matter ..... I just meant that all the relentless Mika bitching has filled this thread with a really sour taste !!Perhaps I was wrong to bring friendships into it but over the past while i have heard you make some snide remarks about your'fangirlishness' not being wanted here' & just some general putdowns about 'here' ..... & as I identify with being 'here' , I took it too personally .... which is nobody's fault but my own. I hope you read this & come back here soon . :wub2:

I don't get WTF that post *points up* that you quoted


has to do with that post *points down* that you wrote???????




Uhh, so If I wasn't a Mika fan you wouldn't have had me in your home..

Classy.. But far enough.. After all, I'm nobody worth knowing if it wasn't for my Mika worshiping.. :sneaky2:

I'm not going to leave because you just said something that's entirely untrue.. I don't know where you got this crap from..

But, your interpretation is wrong.

I've/we've been shunning Mika for months, and now suddenly, because myself, Teegs and Bec are on a U2 binge we are no longer classed in your acceptable category of Mika Fans??

Idle hands, Idle minds.

HK, I'm sure you know that saying.

I'm "Mika-bored" right now.. The excitement that would've held my interest was canceled.

But, who cares right?? Let's sh!t rainbows..


You did.. I didn't..

You quoted me, yet your opinions at me are invalid...


But anyway...

*Hugs you*


I'm just a temperamental bitch... and all of the above means nothing to me.

Goodnight lovelies.

Yes Kelz ..... as I said above , I wrongly clicked on your quote as that was the last one when really I was OVER reacting to the one at the top of this page as a result of months of bitching in this thread. It really doesn't matter to me WHO the bitching was about or really even WHO was doing the bitching ..... I just snapped ... & again, for that I am sorry.

OF COURSE having all of you at the verandah was great & amazing for me, regardless of whether it was Mika inspired or Joe Bloggs .... & I absolutely feel your worth knowing !! i don't have an 'acceptable catergory of Mika fandom' & you guys having a Bono thing is mighty fine by me .... how could it not be ??? Who am I to make judgements about that ?? Not my place to ... & I just don't anyway .

I dunno, as I said, I guess I just felt worn down by the sour taste that has pervaded this thread .... & not only that .... because Team Mika/Jerry have been so bloody UNFORTHCOMING with any kind of 'news' ... there are lots of upsets happening on the forum & in some instances the mods are copping it too .... when really & aint got anything to do with us !

I hope you guys can receive this explanation in the spirit that it is given & that we can move on with no hard feelings ..... :huglove: to you both from me. Big L, HK :wub2:

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I'm breaking my silence again.



Even though I don't feel the need to defend myself or what I have said in the past.



Oh well... I'll get over it.



But before I get into this... I need to say something. Why is it that whenever I saysomething, it often gets misinterpreted?




I really do want to know, it's not a rhetoric question...




I mean, really... it's not the first time this has happened.


Am I really that unclear when I comment on something? Or is it that people don't read what I say properly.



*takes deep breath* OK .... I feel I have some explaining to do . Last night I wrongly quoted when I posted. I just clicked the wrong quote so yeah, that would have been confusing. It was the above quote that set off my OVER reaction ... !!


You know for a fact that I got incredibly shy when Mika was standing right in front of me (to the stage of having to remind myself to breathe)... considering how shy I am, I'm damn proud that I even spoke to him... In a way I found him a wee bit intimidating.


Teegs, I think we both mis-understood each other & for that I'm sorry. I OVER reacted to the above quote 'cos I took it to mean that you were complaining about Sydney & Mika .... I 'thought' it implied that we didn't get enough from him etc. etc. ..... & that really was the 'straw that broke the camels back' for me after hearing months of bitching in this thread ! I want to make it very clear that I'm also not particularly happy with Team Mika/Jerry right now either .... I certainly don't think his **** don't stink .... & I can't be arsed defending him anyway! So when I said 'life's too short to be wasting it on being pissed off with Mika' ... I certainly didn't mean that you 'shouldn't' or that you 'can't' be pissy with Mika or express your opinions for or against him or anyone else for that matter ..... I just meant that all the relentless Mika bitching has filled this thread with a really sour taste !!Perhaps I was wrong to bring friendships into it but over the past while i have heard you make some snide remarks about your'fangirlishness' not being wanted here' & just some general putdowns about 'here' ..... & as I identify with being 'here' , I took it too personally .... which is nobody's fault but my own. I hope you read this & come back here soon . :wub2:


I didn't go to the concert expecting anything. It was my first concert, and if I met Mika then that was great. What we got was bloody awesome. I would be the first to say we got way more than what we deserved. We were damn lucky.


I'm sure you're aware that a lot of people on here don't like Bono the way Kelz, Bec and myself do. I also mentioned previously that I was referring to my Bono fangirlishness, not Mika or other fangirlishness. Other people mentioned it and I told them I meant Bono.


Also, how often do you think I put down 'here' (as in the forum)? Not often... it's usually related to when the site is down. Yes, I have bitched about Mika, but I think you'll find there are others who have bitched more than what I have... besides, we're not the only ones who bitch about something Mika does... or in the case of officialness, doesn't do. Whatever happens out there *points to the rest of the forum* is likely to pervade this thread, whether people like it or not.


If anything, I'm more upset than angry about him cancelling... I was getting close to tears when we read that he wasn't coming.


there are lots of upsets happening on the forum & in some instances the mods are copping it too .... when really & aint got anything to do with us !

I hope you guys can receive this explanation in the spirit that it is given & that we can move on with no hard feelings ..... :huglove: to you both from me. Big L, HK :wub2:


You know that I now what it's like. Some of the others do too, because I've used them as my shoulder to bitch on (for lack of another term or word).


I got the sh!ts because I felt like I was being targeted, and IMO I wasn't saying anything relly bad... unless drooling about Bono or Martin (in the case of before U23D) is...



If you're not sure of my intention when I post something, ask me to explain. I usually won't mind explaining what I meant, rather than assuming the meaning and jumping down my throat.


I'm sure you realise that by jumping down my throat you make me incredibly defensive (which I attribute to moving constanly when I was younger and having to deal with nosy and rude people).




*goes back to Bono thread*

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I think its just more noticeable with us because we're such postwhores.




Okay firstly.... the way we feel about Mika has nothing to do with the friendship I have with any of you guys. I was under the impression that we no longer needed Mika as the necessary common factor, so in a way it kind of hurts for you to imply that the way I/we feel for Mika in any way affects the way I/we feel for the mikamites. I thought we'd moved past that.


Secondly... life is to short to pretend we're not pissed off at Mika, to short to act differently to please the masses . And in my case, I'm not. I've gotten to a stage where I'm practically over Mika (I know some people might shun me for that but its true.) He could tour the country tomorrow and if it wasn't for you guys going, I probably wouldn't care less. And anyone who suggests that I only feel this way because Mika hasn't toured, I will admit, that yes, that is part of it. But it's not all of it. I move on from artists, and at the moment, with no new stuff to hold my interest, I'm moving on from Mika.


And thirdly, if in any way this is related to the fact that I and others are spending less time here, well there are reasons for this. Firstly, I no longer come here for Mika worship. I mostly skip over any photos posted in here, and I avoid the chat about mika section. I come on here to talk to you guys, not to ooggle mika. Sure, I'm here less, but at the moment there is a lot going on in my life that means I have less time online. Plus, there is also another forum which is taking up some of my time.


I have placement, and work, and assignments at the moment and before that I was in Melbourne, and don't have time to deal with people make false assumptions about me. And no offence to you HK with any of this, but if you really felt this way, then wouldn't the appropiate course of action been to go through pm?


Anyways, you say your hurt, but it hurts me to know you feel that way, when I was secure in our friendships and thought Mika was no longer a deciding factor. Forgive me if I wrongly thought we no longer needed Mika to be friends. And forgive me if this in any way insults you. I don't intend to hurt/insult/offend you with this, I just want you to see how I feel on the matter.

Thanks Soy ..... I spent a long time composing my last post & then posted before having a chance to read yours. Anyway , I hear what you are saying & DO appreciate it all & also that it summed it up for Teegs. Again, thank you !:wub2:

I don't feel insulted in any way & it was also not my intention to create insult towards anyone else .Regarding using PM ..... hhhhmmm ..... perhaps .... yet all that I am referring to above has been out in the open in this thread anyway ..... I dunno, I accept & take responsibility for OVER reacting & I'm hoping that perhaps posting this in the 'open' will clear things up for us all so .... I hope thats OK .... :wub2:

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I leave you alone for a while at part four or five and I come back and you're on PART 12?????

Blooming heck!

Good job hahahaha How is everything in Australialand tonight???


My aunty just got a job at a radio network called "Stripe" which is like sky tv BUT it's radio.

She's dying her hair 8 colours for the grand opening in June with all these big shot guests like John Farnan and coldplay.................... And she freaked out when I wanted to die my hair RED!

Hahahaha sorry for babling, this is my first post on MFC in some time ;)


Little bit of love,

Lyonesse xxx

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Hello everyone!


Without the intention of becoming involved or taking sides I just want to say something about the conflict taking place over the last few pages. I've read it all and from an outside perspective most of the arguments seem to be coming from misinterpretation and misunderstanding. It's clear that nobody had the intention to offend anybody. It just seems that some statements are being taken out of context.


That being said..


Friends will be friends

When you're in need of love they give you care and attention

Friends will be friends

When you're through with life and all hope is lost

Hold out your hands cos friends will be friends

Right till the end!


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Hello everyone!


Without the intention of becoming involved or taking sides I just want to say something about the conflict taking place over the last few pages. I've read it all and from an outside perspective most of the arguments seem to be coming from misinterpretation and misunderstanding. It's clear that nobody had the intention to offend anybody. It just seems that some statements are being taken out of context.


That being said..


Friends will be friends

When you're in need of love they give you care and attention

Friends will be friends

When you're through with life and all hope is lost

Hold out your hands cos friends will be friends

Right till the end!


Hey SD, nice comment ;)

*is reminded of that game "in my pants"*

Who are the people in your siggy?

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Hey SD, nice comment ;)

*is reminded of that game "in my pants"*

Who are the people in your siggy?


Hello Lolliepop-girl!! Nice to meet you! :biggrin2:


They are the four members of Queen, the greatest band of all time in my opinion! Their names are (in order from left to right) Roger Taylor, Brian May, Freddie Mercury and John Deacon.

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Hello Lolliepop-girl!! Nice to meet you! :biggrin2:


They are the four members of Queen, the greatest band of all time in my opinion! Their names are (in order from left to right) Roger Taylor, Brian May, Freddie Mercury and John Deacon.

Hey, it's a pleasure to meet you too :)

*bows and tips top hat*

Only I can't because of my perm I can't actually WEAR a hat but oh well :P


Ooooh yes, I know Queen, I think they're awesome too.

I knew Freddie and Brian but I didn't recognise the others and they look diff to how I know them...

Lol the Freddie I know is shirtless with braces, curly, short hair and tight leather pants and sings about how fat bottomed girls making the world go round :o

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I agree with Bec. I come here now for the friendships formed..

I think the fact we only have one real thread in our Chat about Mika section on the AMF and all the rest is in the non-Mika sections sums us up.. :roftl:



Heya Stalker Girl!! :plane:



HK, it makes a little bit more sense knowing that you quoted the wrong post.

But, I am still very confused about why you had an outburst. I can't actually see what provoked it.


Anyway, moving on..



The sour taste on MFC has been around the forum for quite some time. The fact it's only slightly in here is a good thing considering our kick in the teeth cancellation.

Yet, I have to say I'm unsure where it's been really sour in here. But I'm comparing this thread to one's I know have turned sour. Maybe my comparison is off.



Hey Lyonesse! How's Luke? :naughty:


6. finally

awwwww ... to SD's post...

But, honestly, maybe I need to go back and re-read this thread.. I'm lost as to where things got sour enough that it led to HK's post.

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I'm breaking my silence again.



Even though I don't feel the need to defend myself or what I have said in the past.



Oh well... I'll get over it.



But before I get into this... I need to say something. Why is it that whenever I saysomething, it often gets misinterpreted?




I really do want to know, it's not a rhetoric question...




I mean, really... it's not the first time this has happened.


Am I really that unclear when I comment on something? Or is it that people don't read what I say properly.





You know for a fact that I got incredibly shy when Mika was standing right in front of me (to the stage of having to remind myself to breathe)... considering how shy I am, I'm damn proud that I even spoke to him... In a way I found him a wee bit intimidating.




I didn't go to the concert expecting anything. It was my first concert, and if I met Mika then that was great. What we got was bloody awesome. I would be the first to say we got way more than what we deserved. We were damn lucky.


I'm sure you're aware that a lot of people on here don't like Bono the way Kelz, Bec and myself do. I also mentioned previously that I was referring to my Bono fangirlishness, not Mika or other fangirlishness. Other people mentioned it and I told them I meant Bono.


Also, how often do you think I put down 'here' (as in the forum)? Not often... it's usually related to when the site is down. Yes, I have bitched about Mika, but I think you'll find there are others who have bitched more than what I have... besides, we're not the only ones who bitch about something Mika does... or in the case of officialness, doesn't do. Whatever happens out there *points to the rest of the forum* is likely to pervade this thread, whether people like it or not.


If anything, I'm more upset than angry about him cancelling... I was getting close to tears when we read that he wasn't coming.




You know that I now what it's like. Some of the others do too, because I've used them as my shoulder to bitch on (for lack of another term or word).


I got the sh!ts because I felt like I was being targeted, and IMO I wasn't saying anything relly bad... unless drooling about Bono or Martin (in the case of before U23D) is...



If you're not sure of my intention when I post something, ask me to explain. I usually won't mind explaining what I meant, rather than assuming the meaning and jumping down my throat.


I'm sure you realise that by jumping down my throat you make me incredibly defensive (which I attribute to moving constanly when I was younger and having to deal with nosy and rude people).




*goes back to Bono thread*

OK Teegs .. thanks for all of that ... :wub2:

Speaking as I did was in no way meant to 'jump down your throat' .... :blink:

...again I OVER reacted .... I'm just pretty tired of bitching ... I grew up with enough bitching in my childhood .... as I'm sure most of us have ..... anyway ... as i said earlier ... I snapped ..... *rolls eyes re: childhood* .... anyway, I feel really good & clear with you ... :wub2:

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Hi guys. It's been an interesting couple of days of reading on this thread and I haven't really known what to say, so haven't said anything. I'm mostly just popping in to say I'm still around. I need to go take a look at the "other" forum sometime, but I've just spent a couple of hours dealing with my facebook account that I'd been ignoring for a couple of months so apologies to Teegs for all the things I sent your way in one big hit.:biggrin2:

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I agree with Bec. I come here now for the friendships formed..

I think the fact we only have one real thread in our Chat about Mika section on the AMF and all the rest is in the non-Mika sections sums us up.. :roftl:



Heya Stalker Girl!! :plane:



HK, it makes a little bit more sense knowing that you quoted the wrong post.

But, I am still very confused about why you had an outburst. I can't actually see what provoked it.


Anyway, moving on..



The sour taste on MFC has been around the forum for quite some time. The fact it's only slightly in here is a good thing considering our kick in the teeth cancellation.

Yet, I have to say I'm unsure where it's been really sour in here. But I'm comparing this thread to one's I know have turned sour. Maybe my comparison is off.



Hey Lyonesse! How's Luke? :naughty:


6. finally

awwwww ... to SD's post...

But, honestly, maybe I need to go back and re-read this thread.. I'm lost as to where things got sour enough that it led to HK's post.

Yeah Kelz .... just all threads since cancellation so .... don't bother ... :wink2:

.... anyway , i can see that a few of us have had a couple of bad days of late so .... I wanna wake up feeling better tomorrow ..... :huglove: Goodnight All ...... SWEET DREAMS !!!!!!!!!! :wub2::wink2:

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wow, looks like I have some catching to do- I go to Adelaide for a day and come back to some tension......... off to read a few pages (even though I am extremely tired and really should go to bed!)

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But before I get into this... I need to say something. Why is it that whenever I say something, it often gets misinterpreted?


I really do want to know, it's not a rhetoric question...


I mean, really... it's not the first time this has happened.


Am I really that unclear when I comment on something? Or is it that people don't read what I say properly.


It's not just you it happens to, as you can see around the forums.


Human beings are designed to add together both verbal and non-verbal clues in communicating. It's not just the words, it's intonation, facial expressions (not just obvious one like smiles and frowns, but fleeting expressions which are almost subliminal), gestures and reactions to other people. It's the non-verbal communication which tells us how to understand the meaning of the words that are being said.


On the internet we have to rely solely on the words. And they are tricky things. We tend to post the first thing we think of, not revise and hone our words until the meaning is crystal clear. I know there are smilies which we can use to give clues as to how we intend something to be interpreted, but I don't know :naughty: means the same to me as it does to you.


When you're thread-hopping you can see people misinterpreting comments all the time. If the participants were actually talking to each other face to face this wouldn't happen.


It's the medium, not the message (to misquote).


We all need to remember that what we hear in our minds as we post something is not necessarily how it it is received by someone reading the bare words.


:huglove: which I hope is an unambiguous smiley.

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It's not just you it happens to, as you can see around the forums.


Human beings are designed to add together both verbal and non-verbal clues in communicating. It's not just the words, it's intonation, facial expressions (not just obvious one like smiles and frowns, but fleeting expressions which are almost subliminal), gestures and reactions to other people. It's the non-verbal communication which tells us how to understand the meaning of the words that are being said.


On the internet we have to rely solely on the words. And they are tricky things. We tend to post the first thing we think of, not revise and hone our words until the meaning is crystal clear. I know there are smilies which we can use to give clues as to how we intend something to be interpreted, but I don't know :naughty: means the same to me as it does to you.


When you're thread-hopping you can see people misinterpreting comments all the time. If the participants were actually talking to each other face to face this wouldn't happen.


It's the medium, not the message (to misquote).


We all need to remember that what we hear in our minds as we post something is not necessarily how it it is received by someone reading the bare words.


:huglove: which I hope is an unambiguous smiley.


Good point... that's true,

it can definitely cause these misunderstandings.


I think that posting around the forum and getting a feeling for the way people communicate, helps to let me know when someone is kidding or being sarcastic or whatever....

The best we can do when something's misunderstood is to just ask the person what they meant and try to clear everything up without getting too freaked.


Just adding my two cents. :wink2:

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