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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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Can't believe I'm copying OD and doing my MQ in parts....I tried to do one but I couldn't remember what I was doing when I went to reply!!!!


Michael has flown over this morning for the game- at the start of the year he became a Collingwood member just so he could get tickets to this game! I now put endless ****e on him for being a Magpies supporter!! Hope it's a great game! Go the bombers!


Bah...I hate football! At least Michael would have been happy or maybe not considering they should have won by more. Don't know why I go because I only embarrass myself by crying during the last post every year!


Ouuuch. You're not as bad as my music teacher, though; he was standing by a bonfire and took a stick with a glowing end and started waving it around or something mature like that...a little burning bit flew off and landed in his eye. He had to take a week off and has been wearing sunglasses inside since he got back.


What, Lord Voldemort? *shrug smiley*




Funny girl....anyways I'm more of a Professor Snape girl myself:wink2:


i got a jean paul perfume off my boy, took me out for tea, mum and dad are gunna be visiting in a few wks so will get the ones from them then, its mum bday today so she has to wait for hers 2. It was a very good bday, i have lotsa issues with anzac day and how drunk the AJs get, so once i got out and was drinkin with my friend he made a comment bout needing to go home early coz of today and that wrecked the nite, (but to be honest i was waiting for him to make a comment)


Its coz its the day of the yr that means the most to him and it doesnt involve me, i went and drank with them last yr, but felt outta pl.


but ive had my coffee and my cranky pants are off and ill suck it up and say " it was a real good bday, definitely the best meal ive had since i moved here"


Happy Belated Birthday!!!!


Happy Birthday for Yesterday PO!

Sorry to hear your BF needs his 'beauty sleep' for ANZAC day.


I am currently temporary custodian of my grandfathers medals.

My cousin marched with them this morning.



Hey Kelz...cool medals!


Not forgetting... prob won't watch it though...


Come on... it totally is...


You're not the only one... let's see, Martin, Bruce Campbell, Bono...


You didn't miss much!


Nuh-uh....poor John


*Hi 5's for older men* Paul Stanley, Johnny Depp, Keanu Reeves, Professor Snape, Colin Firth, Liam Neeson and Jon Bon Jovi (for Kelz)....just off the top off my head of course!


Well... I'm moving to Walgett (which is a very small town in North Western NSW)... doing casual work for a few weeks till they know there's no more applicants, then should go onto permanent for the rest of the time they need me!


So as I said before, I might be on... might not be... depends on what the situation is re: internet... If I can, I'll try and get on... but I'll be working...


Hope it's better job and more money for you!


*wonders how old tanya is*


Yes, great stalkery-detail-probing minds think alike :-)


*doesn't even know who Garry Barlow is*

It's because Mika isn't an option on that poll. :das;




Tanya doesn't do ages or photos so keep wondering bug-a-lugs!

*considers whether to tell her age and thinks naaaahhhh*

Well, let me see, I act like I'm 15 and I'm close to Kelzy in age and that's as much as you get :wink2:


*proud of stalkery-detail-probing mind*


Barlow is a twat from Take That....that rhymed....I made a funny!


Bite me pee wee!


I'd imagine he'd laugh because your boyfriend needs to go to bed early for Anzac day ("He'd never have survived the trenches") And grin and shake his head because he would've drank these little boys under the table.. ("They just don't make men like they used to") and still walk a straight line..

But, my grandpa was awesome and friendly to everyone. But he was a right sh!t-stirrer also.. And that's exactly where I get it from.. Miss him :tears:


*huggles Kelz*...don't be sad!

Just think, if he was a right sh!t stirer then how proud would he be of you carrying on his work :wink2:


and btw I'm not stalking you, I'm trying to catch up with you *looks round in vain for out of breath smiley*


C'mon....you're one of us, be proud of being a stalker!


I could tell you ........ but then I'd have to kill you:cool:


It was only a matter of time before someone threatened to kill OD....funny, I thought it would be me!

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Thank god I'm not the only sane one.




You've got to be joking, who told you were sane!


Just as well ER solved it because my friend finally got back to me and said "good question, I have absolutely no idea"...and you wondered how I was so forum and everything else challenged!!


Oh, we missed out on seeing Relax on Rage this morning... but at least more places are starting to release it!


I set my alarm for it after I saw it on the play list...how sad is that!


Hello everyone,

My hands are starting to go gross from too much bleach exposure.

And my cat has been MIA for a week and a day, time to start putting up posters


:tears:.....don't be sad, kitty will come back!



Hi HK, I'm not really here, just got lured into voting some more for Mika (well he was just off 145,000 votes.. only needed a few more ....)


Must not ... get sucked any further ... into the Mikaverse...


Reverse thrusters!


Warp 6






*no damn spaceship smiley either*


Um-aah you stole Ashley's plane!




oh and HI EVERYONE!! :biggrin2:


Hey Em *waves*


delta goodrem


I nearly fell off the chair when they read her name out. I actually like Delta but I fail to see how she out polled The Foofighters, Fergie and 50!!!!


OH WTF!!! :yikes:


I knew we had poisonous snakes in Australia, but I had no idea we had 5m dog-eating snakes :shocked: :shocked:



Why not, we've got everything else here!


I have to concede with you Kelz .... why did Mika's myspace NOT give a **** about the Aussie MTV awards ... ??


Hi HK :wub2:


*agrees* it would've been good if they had included the awards on his Myspace....would've generated a heap more votes! Oh well, we'll get 'em next time

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Catch you all later... I'm out (for now)


Aw :tears:


Wow - awesome awesome awesome! :biggrin2:

Go buy a lotto ticket - NOW!


Haha yeah I didn't go buy a lotto ticket. :bleh:


Something odd going on with the server again, taking ages to search or post.


PS If you hadn't realised it, the "Account" tab is now called "User CP"


Hmm I didn't notice that it was changed to User CP. Good thing I read that or else I would have gotten lost next time I wanted to change something. :naughty:



Sooo I think I'm ready for the concert. I practiced today with two other people which was good because I song I stumbled on finally made sense. :thumb_yello: The audience is safe because I'm NOT singing. :naughty:

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Anyway, this week has been up and down but the past few days have been interesting. I won an award Thursday night. Friday I won a shirt... I think I should go out and by a lottery ticket today?


Earlier I got invited along to go out to eat for lunch since I didn't have breakfast yet so three of us went to eat and then we sat around the schools rinky dink fountain talking. I found out one of the guys suitemates thinks I'm cute but he's talking to some other girl right now which is fine because I don't think he's my type... it just feels good to know that someone out there thinks I'm cute haha. Tonight a group of us are going to the schools play... tomorrow I get to be a nerd and watch the ending of Big Brother with a friend and then Monday my parents are taking me out for lunch and I finally get to have a legal drink (not sure what to have but I've been researching haha) buuut then sadly I have to play in a concert... Tuesday our group from Europe is getting together for dinner thanks to me for planning it haha. It feels great to have friends again and it's mainly because I went on that Europe trip. Sorry for not writing that better... I'm all over the place right now. : P


Yay for your award:thumb_yello:!...definitely buy a lottery ticket girl!


OMG you reminded me...Big Brother starts tonight woo hoo...even if it means having to watch Kyle and Jackie O instead of Grets


Baileys... *Drools*

It's 3pm.. Is it too early to have one yet??


Do you even have to ask that?....is never too early for Bailey's!


*pops in to say* Hiya everyone !! Wow... I know we had some downtime with regards tech. issues ..... but the whole MFC is quiet ...... :blink: .......


Well, I'm here now that I can get back in. I actually sent Mana a thankyou on myspace for the maintenance msg. It was much nicer to see that and know what was going on then just not be able to get in to the site and have no clue.


Hi girls :huglove:


I am back from the zoo- the kids and I had so much fun!


This little critter behind Bailey scared the absolute CRAP out of us- its parents were down on the other side of the enclosure and when they saw us they slowly started coming closer. This little fella decided he would run from nowhere and do a spiderman splat up against the window- scared the **** out of Kenzie (and Bailey and I, but Kenzie was pressed up against the glass :roftl:) I so wish I had have had the camera on!



And this is the tiger which never moves- except for us today! I got a good photo with both of the kids in different locations- it was like he was posing for us! And cause it was raining a little bit there was hardly anyone there. Good times!


Hi Jols...great pics. I love the zoo!!!!


I go back to school again tomorrow

And I have an exam on Wednesday


....so I guess that means you have two days before you start studying:naughty:


OMG!!! MFC HAS GAMES! *goes to play games*


OMG even I knew that!

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Yay for your award:thumb_yello:!...definitely buy a lottery ticket girl!


OMG you reminded me...Big Brother starts tonight woo hoo...even if it means having to watch Kyle and Jackie O instead of Grets




Big Brother just ended for us. We weren't even supposed to have it right now but because of the writers strike they needed something... I'm upset with the person who won though because of what the guy said in like the first episode. I seriously believe he should not have won the money and he doesn't deserve it. This is the first time I've ever been angry with someone winning.

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Haha yeah I didn't go buy a lotto ticket. :bleh:


Sooo I think I'm ready for the concert. I practiced today with two other people which was good because I song I stumbled on finally made sense. :thumb_yello: The audience is safe because I'm NOT singing. :naughty:


How rude...you sqeezed in between my MQ's!!!!


I'm sure you'll be brilliant and I think you should sing too!:wink2:

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How rude...you sqeezed in between my MQ's!!!!


I'm sure you'll be brilliant and I think you should sing too!:wink2:


Psh : P I looked to see what you had MQed and it said you were offline.


Eww no. The only way I can sing is if I'm in the car and the music is loud. I tried singing for that game Rock Band yesterday and I was horrible at it. I'm definitely not a singer. : P

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Big Brother just ended for us. We weren't even supposed to have it right now but because of the writers strike they needed something... I'm upset with the person who won though because of what the guy said in like the first episode. I seriously believe he should not have won the money and he doesn't deserve it. This is the first time I've ever been angry with someone winning.


*strains brain to remember past winners* I think I've only liked two of our winners....if this years teasers are anything to go by, the housemates are going to annoy the crap out of everyone :naughty:


:blink: we have well over 500 what does that say about us? :bleh::naughty:


It says that we're all lovely friendly people who love to chat.....alot:wink2:

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*strains brain to remember past winners* I think I've only liked two of our winners....if this years teasers are anything to go by, the housemates are going to annoy the crap out of everyone :naughty:




It says that we're all lovely friendly people who love to chat.....alot:wink2:


I can't really remember past winners. Once in a while someone will stick out to me but other than that I forget them over time. I wish I could watch your Big Brother! I want to see what other countries Big Brothers are like.


Haha right. :naughty:

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I can't really remember past winners. Once in a while someone will stick out to me but other than that I forget them over time. I wish I could watch your Big Brother! I want to see what other countries Big Brothers are like.


Haha right. :naughty:


The best housemate we ever had was in season 1. Sara-Marie, she was a big girl and had the whole country wearing bunny ears and doing the bum dance!!!!


What...I was being serious:angel_not:

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The best housemate we ever had was in season 1. Sara-Marie, she was a big girl and had the whole country wearing bunny ears and doing the bum dance!!!!


What...I was being serious:angel_not:




I couldn't imagine being on that show and having a camera follow my every move even in the bathroom. How awkward. I'd end up on tv with them showing a funny clip of me in the bathroom trying to cover the camera in there with toilet paper. :lmfao:

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Can't believe I'm copying OD and doing my MQ in parts....I tried to do one but I couldn't remember what I was doing when I went to reply!!!!




Tanya doesn't do ages or photos so keep wondering bug-a-lugs!

*considers whether to tell her age and thinks naaaahhhh*

Well, let me see, I act like I'm 15 and I'm close to Kelzy in age and that's as much as you get




Barlow is a twat from Take That....that rhymed....I made a funny!


Yes, hilarious.


Bite me pee wee!


*bites you*


It was only a matter of time before someone threatened to kill OD....funny, I thought it would be me!




Haha yeah I didn't go buy a lotto ticket.




Sooo I think I'm ready for the concert. I practiced today with two other people which was good because I song I stumbled on finally made sense. The audience is safe because I'm NOT singing.


What song? Will it be youtubed?


OMG you reminded me...Big Brother starts tonight woo hoo...even if it means having to watch Kyle and Jackie O instead of Grets


Urgh Big Brother is revolting :-)


....so I guess that means you have two days before you start studying


Yep. I passed the last exam for this class when i didn't start studying until the day of the exam :naughty:


I just made 500 posts....OMG you people are a bad influence on me!




Big Brother just ended for us. We weren't even supposed to have it right now but because of the writers strike they needed something... I'm upset with the person who won though because of what the guy said in like the first episode. I seriously believe he should not have won the money and he doesn't deserve it. This is the first time I've ever been angry with someone winning.


*Doesn't care about big brother, but can't resist, blames detail probing mind*


What did he say ont he first episode?


Eww no. The only way I can sing is if I'm in the car and the music is loud. I tried singing for that game Rock Band yesterday and I was horrible at it. I'm definitely not a singer. : P


Haha me too. But I wouldn't even be stupid enough to try playing one of those games :naughty:


I wish I could watch your Big Brother! I want to see what other countries Big Brothers are like.


It's all over youtube. I saw it when I was looking for biggest loser videos :naughty: Which btw, does anyone know who got into the finals, I missed the last episode? I want Sam to win :-)

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What song? Will it be youtubed?




Urgh Big Brother is revolting :-)


*Doesn't care about big brother, but can't resist, blames detail probing mind*


What did he say ont he first episode?


Haha me too. But I wouldn't even be stupid enough to try playing one of those games :naughty:


It's all over youtube. I saw it when I was looking for biggest loser videos :naughty: Which btw, does anyone know who got into the finals, I missed the last episode? I want Sam to win :-)


America the Beautiful... and no it's not going to be youtubed. How can it be if I'm playing? :blink:


Hey, I like Big Brother. : P

The guy said that all people (or maybe it was kids) with Autism are retarded. After he said it sponsors for the show pulled out and now I guess he has to donate $100,000 of his $500,000 towards and Austism charity. After he said that I lost all respect for him because you just don't say that about anyone. It's cruel and hurtful.


I'll have to look around on youtube. I generally tend to stay away from youtube because our connection here sucks so badly.


I guess we had someone from the Biggest Loser come to our campus last week.


I LOVE your pictures from Europe btw, fantastic :biggrin2::wub2:


Thanks :naughty: I'm still resizing pics. I can't wait for it to be over haha.

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I couldn't imagine being on that show and having a camera follow my every move even in the bathroom. How awkward. I'd end up on tv with them showing a funny clip of me in the bathroom trying to cover the camera in there with toilet paper.



I'd be trying to cover everything I could and would end up showing more than I should!




*bites you*


Urgh Big Brother is revolting :-)


Lunch time is it? :naughty:


Don't you look at me like that! Fancy asking a lady her age.....shut up in advance:wink2:


*slaps OD so hard her teeth rattle then runs off to get tetanus (spelling?) shot*


I know it's revolting and disgusting and degrading and everything else, but I can't help myself! I don't normally watch reality TV except for TBL!


It's all over youtube. I saw it when I was looking for biggest loser videos Which btw, does anyone know who got into the finals, I missed the last episode? I want Sam to win :-)


Yay.....me too, I love Sam he's so sweet and such a cutie! It's an all blue final we got rid of Gary last night.


2500 posts!



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America the Beautiful... and no it's not going to be youtubed. How can it be if I'm playing? :blink:


Hey, I like Big Brother. : P

The guy said that all people (or maybe it was kids) with Autism are retarded. After he said it sponsors for the show pulled out and now I guess he has to donate $100,000 of his $500,000 towards and Austism charity. After he said that I lost all respect for him because you just don't say that about anyone. It's cruel and hurtful.




F***ing animal! He shouldn't get any prize money:thumbdown:



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America the Beautiful... and no it's not going to be youtubed. How can it be if I'm playing?


*slaps* Get someone else to tape it :sneaky2:

*hasn't heard of song*


Hey, I like Big Brother. : P

The guy said that all people (or maybe it was kids) with Autism are retarded. After he said it sponsors for the show pulled out and now I guess he has to donate $100,000 of his $500,000 towards and Austism charity. After he said that I lost all respect for him because you just don't say that about anyone. It's cruel and hurtful.


What a creep. Did they force him to donate the money? Should've been the lot :sneaky2:

We have sneek peek type adverts on TV atm, where some of the contestants talk abotu themselves, one of them says they are all for Pauline Hansen (aka, racist). *Doesn't care, because she doesn't care about this stupid show. They choose stupid people like that on purpose*


I guess we had someone from the Biggest Loser come to our campus last week.


Cool, like a contestant?

Apparently (NOT THAT I CARE) One of the people on BB a few years ago was from my highschool :P


Thanks I'm still resizing pics. I can't wait for it to be over haha.


Haha, STILL? I've just realised my laziness in not getting aroudn to looking at your myspace is obvious ... seeing as I'm not even your friend so I CAN'T have seen them all yet :naughty:

But I do love this one in your avatar and the leaning tower one :naughty:


Lunch time is it?


Don't you look at me like that! Fancy asking a lady her age.....shut up in advance


*slaps OD so hard her teeth rattle then runs off to get tetanus (spelling?) shot*




Yay.....me too, I love Sam he's so sweet and such a cutie! It's an all blue final we got rid of Gary last night.


Yay! That's good, didn't particularly care for him. Only started watching the latest few weeks. But I watched RSPCA or whatever other animal show was on last night instead :boxed:



Chaser's APEC Stunt Charges Dropped

"Today nine innocent people are feeling very relieved, and so are Chas and Julian" :naughty:

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Nope, I was working today :naughty:

But that is really good

Who else HATES the new "User CP" instead of "Account". I guess HATE is a strong word, but I still haven't adapted yet and it's confusing every time I want to go to account :naughty:


REALLY? Brisbane? Perth has something Brisbane doesn't have? Woah. :shocked:

But Taronga zoo like, sh*ts on Perth zoo And Melbourne has than plains one.


I'm such an idiot. I was looking for account and couldn't find it, but because i have the control panel cached at the top of the list in my address bar that's where I tend to start anyway so it's not like I was actually missing it lol!



I just made 500 posts:shocked:....OMG you people are a bad influence on me!


*wonders if that means she has no life anymore*


Yep! You have no life!


2500 posts! :yay::naughty:


OD!!:shocked: Well, I have to say congratulations, but you joined after me and you've surpassed me! Mind you, I did have that not-self-enforced absence from the MFC for a month or so.... I'm gonna have to pick up the pace though, obviously!


Hey, I like Big Brother. : P

The guy said that all people (or maybe it was kids) with Autism are retarded. After he said it sponsors for the show pulled out and now I guess he has to donate $100,000 of his $500,000 towards and Austism charity. After he said that I lost all respect for him because you just don't say that about anyone. It's cruel and hurtful.


And completely untrue! My son has a form of autism. He is far from retarded. He's 11 and has a reading age of about 14 and a spelling age of about 13. I will say here and now for the books that I absolutely hate Big Brother, but to each his own...

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I'm such an idiot. I was looking for account and couldn't find it, but because i have the control panel cached at the top of the list in my address bar that's where I tend to start anyway so it's not like I was actually missing it lol!




OD!!:shocked: Well, I have to say congratulations, but you joined after me and you've surpassed me! Mind you, I did have that not-self-enforced absence from the MFC for a month or so.... I'm gonna have to pick up the pace though, obviously!




And completely untrue! My son has a form of autism. He is far from retarded. He's 11 and has a reading age of about 14 and a spelling age of about 13. I will say here and now for the books that I absolutely hate Big Brother, but to each his own...


Uh-huh, exactly :sneaky2:

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