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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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OK. When is the event happening? Cos there are lollies and cookies that I could post if you needed them and there was enough time! But we wouldn't want the Australian table to be full of just lollies, cookies and desserts now, would we?

It takes place May 22nd.

Are you sure? It's not really necessary for you to go through any trouble, but thank you very much for the offer.

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It takes place May 22nd.

Are you sure? It's not really necessary for you to go through any trouble, but thank you very much for the offer.


Well, would you like them? If you'd rather the table wasn't covered in sugar and fat laden "treat" food, I'm sure we can come up with something more sensible... Or Jolene might have sent you some good ideas...


P.S. In case I wasn't clear, I'm willing to post them if you want them.

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Lol, I forgot about it until quater past, I got distracted by my last friend getting her acceptance to the Costa Rica program, so we were organising that. Tomorrow we are all going to send our deposits in

Chris is not being very funny at all. Who is that other guy?


Typical, I go to the trouble of letting you know and you forget!....the other guy is Mark Watson. Yay Costa Rica!!!!


No....his Steve Irwin jokes went down really well didn't they!


The cameras in the bedroom wouldn't bother me as much... go ahead watch me sleep it's pretty boring... it's not like I'd have a Big Brother romance like some do.


My fingers go faster than my brain allll the time.


So our professor TRIED to change a couple of songs around on us the day of the concert. We fought against it though because when we did it his way we messed up... soo hopefully everything goes well tonight. I'm so nervous about it and I wish I wasn't. I don't want to spend my birthday with an upset stomach. Maybe I'm just hungry right now. *waits for a phone call*

Haha ironically enough the phone rang after I typed that.


Never say never :naughty:


Only trouble is my mouth goes faster than my brain as well and gets me into even more trouble!


Boo to your professor. Is it your birthday or am I reading that incorrectly? You'll be sensational and steal the show!


Just in case...coz I am a bit dim sometimes!

:toot:HAPPY BIRTDAY :toot:

:yay: !! YES !!


*SHOCKED* GNW is back on ???!!!


What bracelets ??!!


Hahaha ... my little mind went there straight away !!


Heya HK :huglove:


Thanks for the confirmation :roftl:


GNW has been back on for about a month....Mikey is back but Julie isn't, although she was on last night as a guest!


Will post photos later tonight when I get home from work.


*looks angelic* the girls on the aussie thread do not have dirty minds or impure thoughts....nearly choked on my sandwich as I was typing that!


Well she shouldn't leave it parked outside the bar. She was asking for it


- probaby even more now


Thanks....and at least we always know where to find her plane :wink2:


Hmmm... MFC


Must Float Candles

Many Fingers Counting

Might Fail Completely

Might Find Chicken!

Montypythons Flying Circus


Number three may apply to Em and OD!

....and you were the closest with number 4!


you know, the MFC friendship bracelets!

Tan and I were partners


Yay!...I'll put the pics up tonight



*exits atop Sparkles*


Have a great day, everyone


Howdy....long time no see!


Hello Australia!


Every year my school does this thing called International Festival where students celebrate their cultural pride. There's an assembly where students do dances in the morning, and then outside there are food and display tables for each country, accompanied by an area where a DJ puts on songs from different cultures.

I'm running a food table for Australia. Do you have any suggestions on some good Australian dishes?


Leave it with us!


I need to get the kids off to daycare so will PM you some ideas when I am at work


How good a cook are you? None of these hare hard, but I am thinking lamingtons, pavlova, etc


Good suggestions Jols!...gotta have lamingtons!


How about:

Tim Tams - Can send them

vegemite sandwiches

Kangaroo????....rather eat dirt myself but I think it's quite big in the U.S.

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Well, would you like them? If you'd rather the table wasn't covered in sugar and fat laden "treat" food, I'm sure we can come up with something more sensible... Or Jolene might have sent you some good ideas...


P.S. In case I wasn't clear, I'm willing to post them if you want them.


Hi CD *waves*

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This thing is inside the actual case which then has cellophane over it. And no, I didn't steal it! *blows raspberry at OKD*




Since I gave it to hubby for Christmas and we're just now getting around to watching it, I don't have the reciept anymore. We got it open eventually and once it was open we found we could have done it with magnets instead of a knife. So thanks for your answers everyone, I just got them after we watched. Oh, and btw? It was Spinal Tap and I'd never seen it before.




Did you love it? Did you absolutely die laughing? Isn't it just the best film in the world?


Promise??? :tears:


Do I have to hit Nico over the head with a large crickey bat for being nasty pasty???


I believe you ..


Ohhh well I will try and bring love joy and happiness to the world


Well joy , not so much happiness


BARCELONAAAAAAAAAAAAAA its was the first time that we met .......


<sings very loud to Freddie M in hotel room>:punk:


*sings along*


trying every kind of food aren't ya? ahah


It's raining there? LUCKY! It's sooo hot right now, in the 90's I think:thumbdown:


Are. You. F*cking. Kidding.

Switch. Now.

Believe me, you would not be saying that after...*counts* Lessee...well, it's been over a year now since we've had sun that lasted over a week.


I'm not exaggerating.


Last March, we had a relatively hot and sunny period...and that was it. We got no summer.


Id take that!! :shocked:


Sunbathing all day .. blisssssssss


It pisses down all the time in the UK and Oregan has been all week


Sighhhh .. in the heat with a beer ... :wub2:


Just heat would be nice...I'm sitting here with a blanket because it's so bloody cold...and my hands are FROZEN because they're out in the open...


Well I guess you'd like it since it always rains in the UK, but it's way too hot for me. Please come and take it haha


I wish it rained everyday here:wub2:


No. No you don't.



*stops bitching*



I'd do a proper MQ but I'm too tired/don't have time/can't be arsed. I read back, though.

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Are. You. F*cking. Kidding.

Switch. Now.

Believe me, you would not be saying that after...*counts* Lessee...well, it's been over a year now since we've had sun that lasted over a week.


I'm not exaggerating.


Last March, we had a relatively hot and sunny period...and that was it. We got no summer.




No. No you don't.




I would gladly switch in a heartbeat :wink2: But seeing as life doesn't work that way, we are screwed.:thumb_yello:

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Did you love it? Did you absolutely die laughing? Isn't it just the best film in the world?



Actually, I did love it. I don't know about the best film in the world but hubby and I definitely killed ourselves laughing over it. I remember it came out when I was a kid and there were these ads for Rock and Rolls (a filled hot roll thing) and I saw these ads and didn't get the whole Spinal Tap thing which kind of put me off wanting to watch it. But hubby asked for it and so I bought it for him, still with no real desire to watch it, but someone on a different thread posted that bit about "Lick My ......." and I thought that was hilarious and it completely made me want to watch it. And then when I saw it and there were all these actors in it that I now as an adult know from other stuff, it just made it so much more enjoyable.




On a completely different note... Looking at stuff on youtube and came across this interview. I never knew Mika was on Hamish and Andy!!



If you've all heard it before, well too bad. I wanted to share for those that haven't.

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Actually, I did love it. I don't know about the best film in the world but hubby and I definitely killed ourselves laughing over it. I remember it came out when I was a kid and there were these ads for Rock and Rolls (a filled hot roll thing) and I saw these ads and didn't get the whole Spinal Tap thing which kind of put me off wanting to watch it. But hubby asked for it and so I bought it for him, still with no real desire to watch it, but someone on a different thread posted that bit about "Lick My ......." and I thought that was hilarious and it completely made me want to watch it. And then when I saw it and there were all these actors in it that I now as an adult know from other stuff, it just made it so much more enjoyable.




On a completely different note... Looking at stuff on youtube and came across this interview. I never knew Mika was on Hamish and Andy!!



If you've all heard it before, well too bad. I wanted to share for those that haven't.


Hahahahahahahahahaaaaa...I could go around alll day quoting that film. But I won't. :biggrin2:


Oh yeah, I did see that before...but it was ages ago, and of course I don't mind watching it again...:wink2:

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Heya HK :huglove:


Thanks for the confirmation


GNW has been back on for about a month....Mikey is back but Julie isn't, although she was on last night as a guest!


Will post photos later tonight when I get home from work.


*looks angelic* the girls on the aussie thread do not have dirty minds or impure thoughts....nearly choked on my sandwich as I was typing that!




Number three may apply to Em and OD!

....and you were the closest with number 4!

Heya Tan !! :huglove:


Your welcome !! :biggrin2:


GNW sans Julie ???!!!


:lmfao: I almost choked on my red milo when I read that !!!!!


Number 4 .... thought that was pretty close .... :das:


Hahahahahahahahahaaaaa...I could go around alll day quoting that film. But I won't.


Oh yeah, I did see that before...but it was ages ago, and of course I don't mind watching it again...:wink2:

Hiya ER !!! I been quoting Spinal Tap for years too !!!! :lmao:

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*SHOCKED* GNW is back on ???!!!


For quite some time :wink2:


Hiya OKD !!! Yay for you going to Costa Rica !!! Are you going to capture a Walking Tree ??!!


Yes, yes, of course I will! I sent in the deposit today :punk:


That won't always work, you know (this is where I would put in a stern parental arms folded smiley if there was one)


Pshh, I'll be the judge of that.


For some reason this always makes me think of Ents




Hmmm... MFC


Must Float Candles

Many Fingers Counting

Might Fail Completely

Might Find Chicken!

Montypythons Flying Circus


LOl! The 4th is perfect, 5th is cheating :sneaky2:


Hello Australia!


Every year my school does this thing called International Festival where students celebrate their cultural pride. There's an assembly where students do dances in the morning, and then outside there are food and display tables for each country, accompanied by an area where a DJ puts on songs from different cultures.

I'm running a food table for Australia. Do you have any suggestions on some good Australian dishes?


Hmmm ... pavlova, lamingtons, vegemite, anzac cookies ... what the frick else?


It takes place May 22nd.

Are you sure? It's not really necessary for you to go through any trouble, but thank you very much for the offer.


You guys could do a Mika Mail :wink2:


Typical, I go to the trouble of letting you know and you forget!....the other guy is Mark Watson. Yay Costa Rica!!!!


No....his Steve Irwin jokes went down really well didn't they!


Just in case...coz I am a bit dim sometimes!


Number three may apply to Em and OD!




They never do :naughty:


You reckon?




On a completely different note... Looking at stuff on youtube and came across this interview. I never knew Mika was on Hamish and Andy!!



If you've all heard it before, well too bad. I wanted to share for those that haven't.


Yayaya, they play his [cut] jingle every week :wink2:


Mostly Female Carnivores
Me Fear Cannibals!


Mangy Feline Cats

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Hey RBSky! I'm glad to see you're still around. After what Robi wrote in SoA's goodbye thread I was having a panic that our world rep had left too and I'd missed it somehow! I think I've misinterpreted what she wrote somehow...


Hi Chickadee, how are you? Oh really? I actually haven't seen it... I'll go and check it out. I'm still here... I don't post regularly, but I always check the aussie forum and other parts to see how things are going and make sure everything's okay. Various things have led to my decision to not post much here anymore, but I am always around. I'm always here for people if they need me. :)

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I'd do a proper MQ but I'm too tired/don't have time/can't be arsed. I read back, though.


Not good enought Missy :wink2:


Mad Fearsome Creatures


Mostly Female Carnivores


Me Fear Cannibals!


My Favourite Cuisine !!


Me . Fan. Cancelled. .....


:lmao: Mostly Female Carnivores...that's us!


*smiles sweetly* My Favourite Club


You reckon?




Yayaya, they play his [cut] jingle every week


Mangy Feline Cats


*nose in air* I wasn't speaking to you :wink2:


Don't pssssht me....


I know, I love it...after Hamish and Andy and Rove in a dress he couldn't possibly have anything to fear from aussies!


That could also apply to us!


..i'm a bit slow..i've finally figured out what they thought MFC stood for..:naughty:


OMG Em!:lmao:


Woo hoo....I'm officially no longer the slowest.






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It's the Mad F*cking Crew :mf_rosetinted:


Well you got one right!:roftl:


*still hasn't* :naughty:


Now who is slow....oh, I know, you're only joking psssht!


well tan said it was too rude to mention here..so i was wondering, what starts with M, F, C :blink:..oooohh, i know..:sneaky2:


Better late than never :roftl:


I think I know too, but I'm not sure... I can think of three horribly crude things.

:shocked: lol


Which one is it, I wonder?


LOL...If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, all three!

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