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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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compared to me, you have heaps of posts.


Yeah, it just means I don't have a life and I talk a lot of crap!


hahah Thanks! And well done for making it to 2000!! :punk:That's a good effort!

BTW, Your next post will be 2008..

Make it a prediction :wink2:


My phone went for a swim tonight.

I dropped it in the gutter out the front of my house.

Normally it wouldn't matter,, but the fact I'm saying it went swimming is a Miracle!!!

Yes - that means :shocked: WE HAD RAIN HERE TODAY!!!!!!

So, Silver, you really know how to raindance.. Hi-Ho!

And I love it when it rains.. It's so relaxing.. and confusing because the sky's dark and I thought it was still early morning when I woke up at about 2:30pm ooopps..

btw, my phone is working again after being thawed out in front of the heater for an hour.


And weirdest of weirds: Bumped into my highschool best friend that I haven't seen for 4 years at the supermarket tonight.. She has 2 kids.. and is married.. :shocked:

We were always doing things at the same time.. But now she's outdone me threefold..


I really am a non-conformist.. :roftl: Wooo!


Oh, dear. I was in another thread when I made 2008 and hadn't seen your post. No prediction:thumbdown: What a shame. I could have said something like "Mika will come to Australia this year!"


Woohoo for rain! And for your phone surviving.


Some things happen to people that they don't expect either. I could never picture myself married with kids and hey, I'm coming up to my 12th wedding anniversary this month and have two kids!

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Oh, dear. I was in another thread when I made 2008 and hadn't seen your post. No prediction:thumbdown: What a shame. I could have said something like "Mika will come to Australia this year!"

Oh well,, The odds were against you anyway :roftl:

Woohoo for rain! And for your phone surviving.


Some things happen to people that they don't expect either. I could never picture myself married with kids and hey, I'm coming up to my 12th wedding anniversary this month and have two kids!

woohoo for phone.. I'd be lost without it..

It's scary to think that I'll (most probably) be saying the same thing you just said one day.. :boxed:

Good news is I'm catching up with my friend sometime soon.

Yay - an excuse for more social eating and general misbehaving :naughty:

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Fear not - a blood sacrifice to the exam gods may pay off




Actually, I've really got no interest in mikamail. Sorry. I'm just helping Jess out. As I said before, I really don't need to develop a passion for foreign sweets that's just going to bug me when I can't get my hands on them!




Oh, and I laughed really hard when I read that you stabbed your gum... Does that make me a horrible person?


Yes :wink2:


you had an exam?!

what was it on?!

you didn't tell me!

did you study?!


Oh yes, it was on Physiology :naughty: And no, I was on here talking about RBC :naughty: I did some cramming the morning-of.


for my exam..um..it was the lowest mark i've ever gotten for accounting..

it was an 8 out of 10

oh well.


8 out of 10? An A? Oh you should be ASHAMED of yourself! :roftl:


EDIT: so...almost forgot to ask you..

are you going to tell us what RBC stands for?


*insert lip-zipping smilie*


*quotes, because one can never see this pic too many times*


too true.


Mini report on Tuesday's 3 Musketeers Melbourne Trip:

Vline, Bec's flat phone, Jelly Bellies, Train station ft. Scut, Trams, Pancake Parlour, Crappy table, Waiting for dessert, Stealing food from Bec and Scut, Warped Mirror, Cowboy Hunting, Caffeine withdrawals, Finding both = Success, Bono Moaning mp3 ft uncontrollable laughter, Sugar, Sugar and more Sugar, free Bus, Acting like Tourists, Carlton Gardens ft drunken behaviour, Invading school kids queue, nearly losing Scut in queue, worshiping U23D poster, Hearing Love Today on the overhead speakers, needing 2 pairs of 3D glasses , sock photos, snappy old grannys in seats in front of us, moving away from cranky grannys, *Insert multiple Bonogasms here*, Filming parts of U23D for Teegs, Calling Teegs, Leaving a message for Teegs, tramming ft fangurl behaviour, planning next trip..


LOL! It sounds like an absolutely hilarious/fun trip :roftl:


Congrats :P


I've passed 2000 somewhere along the way and completely missed it! And I was hoping to do it in the Aussie thread too




I started writing this about 4 hours ago, but MFC is so slow that I doubt much will have been said...


And yay! Sam won!


AND - OMG! I'M OFFICIALLY GOING TO COSTA RICA! 4th of December to 4th of January!

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My phone went for a swim tonight.

I dropped it in the gutter out the front of my house.

Normally it wouldn't matter,, but the fact I'm saying it went swimming is a Miracle!!!

Yes - that means :shocked: WE HAD RAIN HERE TODAY!!!!!!

So, Silver, you really know how to raindance.. Hi-Ho!

And I love it when it rains.. It's so relaxing.. and confusing because the sky's dark and I thought it was still early morning when I woke up at about 2:30pm ooopps..

btw, my phone is working again after being thawed out in front of the heater for an hour.



And weirdest of weirds: Bumped into my highschool best friend that I haven't seen for 4 years at the supermarket tonight.. She has 2 kids.. and is married..

We were always doing things at the same time.. But now she's outdone me threefold..


I really am a non-conformist.. Wooo!


Well I'll tell you what's the weirdest of weirds: I found one of my best friends from primary school on myspace a while ago and SHE had 2 kids ... and was in the year below me :blink:


ALSO, I can't believe I forgot to mention - those people who come to the uni for half a week or something once a year and sell posters (not sure if other places get that, actually) were here this week, and I was having a casual gander and found .. a massive Mika poster! :wub2:

And then I get home and it turns out Petra was going to send me the exact same one! :tears::huglove:

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LOL! It sounds like an absolutely hilarious/fun trip :roftl:

It was!! :punk:

So was the one we did last fortnight!!

I started writing this about 4 hours ago, but MFC is so slow that I doubt much will have been said...

Amazingly slow.. :blink:

AND - OMG! I'M OFFICIALLY GOING TO COSTA RICA! 4th of December to 4th of January!

Wow!! that's great!

Well I'll tell you what's the weirdest of weirds: I found one of my best friends from primary school on myspace a while ago and SHE had 2 kids ... and was in the year below me :blink:

That's weird.. but whats THE weirdest of weirds about my Best Friend from highschool getting married is that she was quite 'the slut' last time we were friends and that was the reason I stopped talking to her.. :naughty:


ALSO, I can't believe I forgot to mention - those people who come to the uni for half a week or something once a year and sell posters (not sure if other places get that, actually) were here this week, and I was having a casual gander and found .. a massive Mika poster!

And then I get home and it turns out Petra was going to send me the exact same one!

awwwww Lucky you.. :thumb_yello:

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And yay! Sam won!


AND - OMG! I'M OFFICIALLY GOING TO COSTA RICA! 4th of December to 4th of January!



Congrats- that's fantastic!


Right, I am going to bed now. Well, actually, I am in bed already but now I am going to stop doing work and go to sleep.


Sweet Dreams!

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Hi Jols, bye Jols. :huglove:

I should go too.. *zhhz*

Have to format and reload windows XP on a friends computer tomorrow..

Always a joy :naughty:

*bangs head against desk*

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It was!! :punk:

So was the one we did last fortnight!!


Two? :blink:


That's weird.. but whats THE weirdest of weirds about my Best Friend from highschool getting married is that she was quite 'the slut' last time we were friends and that was the reason I stopped talking to her..


:naughty: Ah that type :naughty:


awwwww Lucky you..




Congrats- that's fantastic!




Right, I am going to bed now. Well, actually, I am in bed already but now I am going to stop doing work and go to sleep.


Sweet Dreams!


Lol, sweet dreams!


I was up waaay too late last night ... I should go to bed early tonight ... but I'd really rather make a music player for my myspace :naughty:

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Two? :blink:

yeah, technically.. When Teegs and Zoe were down in Melbourne.. :wink2:

Ah that type :naughty:

Yeah, Good to see she's wisened (wizened??) up... maybe.. :naughty:

She is a really nice person. She just used to confuse an act with a feeling..

and I got sick of picking up the pieces..

kelzyyyyyy :crybaby:

HOT BLONDE!!!!!! :stretcher:

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yeah, technically.. When Teegs and Zoe were down in Melbourne.. :wink2:


Yeah, Good to see she's wisened (wizened??) up... maybe.. :naughty:

She is a really nice person. She just used to confuse an act with a feeling..

and I got sick of picking up the pieces..


HOT BLONDE!!!!!! :stretcher:

im home sick *sniffle* again. ive been home all week because i have the flu.

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Yup !! We got 'some' rain ... not right now tho' .... *clinks milos* :naughty:


hahah *clinks*

I'm going to grab a Milo now..

hmmm.. But the Baileys is right beside it.. *Feels indecisive* :naughty:

The rain was nice today. Hope it keeps going through the weekend.. probably won't though.

im home sick *sniffle* again. ive been home all week because i have the flu.

Ohh schnookums *hugs*

errr.. I don't want your flu germs

*pushes you away and runs off to sterilise self*

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hahah *clinks*

I'm going to grab a Milo now..

hmmm.. But the Baileys is right beside it.. *Feels indecisive* :naughty:

The rain was nice today. Hope it keeps going through the weekend.. probably won't though.


Ohh schnookums *hugs*

errr.. I don't want your flu germs

*pushes you away and runs off to sterilise self*

*sits in corner covered in her own germs waiting for kelzy to return* Guess what??? Artsy named her cat after me :roftl:

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*sits in corner covered in her own germs waiting for kelzy to return* Guess what??? Artsy named her cat after me :roftl:

*returns with chicken noodle soup and cucumbers*

Awww, that's so sweet.. I haven't heard from that daughtahhh of mine for some time.. :sneaky2: She must be having a real life = *zhhz*

im going to go grabe angel and force her to cuddle me. bye everyone


I have 2 cats on my bed atm, and 1 on my keyboard chair.. :naughty:

I'd cuddle one, but the rest would get jealous.

anyway, bye hun!! mwa! get some rest :huglove:

*sips Milo*

*sees time*


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Hi Jols, bye Jols. :huglove:

I should go too.. *zhhz*

Have to format and reload windows XP on a friends computer tomorrow..

Always a joy

*bangs head against desk*


Oooh, fun :wink2:


yeah, technically.. When Teegs and Zoe were down in Melbourne.. :wink2:


Yeah, Good to see she's wisened (wizened??) up... maybe.. :naughty:

She is a really nice person. She just used to confuse an act with a feeling..

and I got sick of picking up the pieces..




Nighty night :wink2:

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Yes - that means :shocked: WE HAD RAIN HERE TODAY!!!!!!

So, Silver, you really know how to raindance.. :thumb_yello: Hi-Ho!

And I love it when it rains.. It's so relaxing.. and confusing because the sky's dark and I thought it was still early morning when I woke up


I've overdone it here though, my fishpond is overflowing and the grass is really squelchy. :badmood:


That sounds quite biblical - and lo! his fishpond overfloweth:naughty:

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I'm being a bit random here.


OD - if you want to know more about my avatar, google "ouroboros":wink2:


And somebody asked about Ents (that might have been OD too). They were the tree shepherds from Lord of The Rings, and had grown to look like trees themselves. That's what the Walking Trees of Costa Rica reminded me of.


Murderer Faces Capture

Must Flee Country



I'm quite mad, you know.



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