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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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Yeah, for me and OkD it is 730pm, everyone else it is 930pm.


I am babysitting a friends kids on my birthday :shocked: (it's all good- I had nothing on anyway :naughty:!)


:shocked:Do you think you're a fit person to babysit if you have nothing on?:naughty:

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:shocked:Do you think you're a fit person to babysit if you have nothing on?:naughty:




That made me laugh! I think a 3 and 4yo would prob find it entertaining (although very strange!) if I had nothing on! No, I am dressed very repectively watching a Scooby Doo video- what has my life come to? :blink:

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HOLYYY MACAROLE, YOU GUYS! TWO days without MFC? How does she do it? Oh right, does today count as two days? It's technically 1am, so it's tomorrow. Yep, 2 days without MFC.


Because yesterday I went to see Luke and Wyatt (the musical comedians whose live recording I went to a while ago), and today I went to Frank Woodley :biggrin2:


I'm being a bit random here.


OD - if you want to know more about my avatar, google "ouroboros"



Yes, hmm "It has been used to represent many things over the ages, but it most generally symbolizes ideas of cyclicality, unity, or infinity. "


And somebody asked about Ents (that might have been OD too). They were the tree shepherds from Lord of The Rings, and had grown to look like trees themselves. That's what the Walking Trees of Costa Rica reminded me of.




Murderer Faces Capture

Must Flee Country


Oh god, we're making poems of them now?





Okay so I found out something very exciting and I'm going to sound lame for this but...


Our school has this Spring Day where it's from noon-4 with different things going on. It's great because it's around finals time so we need a break. Well... last year I got to do human jousting and sumo wrestling where you where the big sumo suits. I've wanted to try sumo wrestling before and I got to. It was great fun. This year..... they have some bouncy boxing AND.... get this..... a mechanical bull! Yeah way! I've wanted to try one for a while now and I get to! They also have some money machine where I guess you step inside a glass box and money blows all around and you have to try to grab as much as you can. Later on we have some bands play and the drag ball that I probably won't be attending this year.


But a mechanical bull! I'm going to fail miserably and I'm going to have pictures of it hahaha!


Haha Awesome! We have stuff like that on O-day before the year starts :P


well, my friend got 10 out of 10..

it's probably a B+


B? That's sucky! 75 was an A for me in HS?






And OD didn't tell me, I just know these things from experience

She was talking about Physiology at the time


Ahhh, but I said it's NOT red blood cells, if it WAS red blood count, oh, well that would be booorriiiiing.


R--------- B-- C---


You will probably need jols' help for one of the words :naughty:


Multiple Feasible Combinations


Hahaaaaaaaaaaaa! PERFECT!


Misfits From Computerland


ALSO perfect!


Oooh, funny story. My grandmother, who lives in England, sent me and my brother advent calendars in separate packages. My little brother got his, but mine didn't arrive with it, so I was a bit annoyed cause I thought she'd forgotten about me. She called a few days later, and said she'd sent me one...this was in late November...I assumed it had just gotten lost in the mail.

However, come February, what should arrive in the post but an advent calendar...with a pamphlet inside saying 'Your package has been inspected by the Australian quarantine whatever-thingy because we thought there was something dangerous inside but we were wrong.' Or something along those lines.

WTF?? My grandma sent it from England to Canada--how the hell does it end up in Australia for 3 months?


Because we are crazy about quarantine here.

(So crazy that we worry about other country's quarantine, obviously :roftl:)


Ewwwwwww to Twinkies...but I love Reeces more than I love Mika.



Talent, OD.


Both get an eww vote from me :-) and - thanks!


80% is an A for you??! Arg! Here it's 86%! Which is the most ANNOYING THING IN THE WORLD because if you get 8.5/10 on anything it means it's still a B...


In uni 80% is an A (Well, the highest grade you can get - HD, it's called), and in highschool, for me, 75% was an A...

Sucks to be you.


GAH! How old was she?!


Hmmm, I can't actually remember... I wouldn't quote me on this (don't why you would :naughty: .. it's an expression okay? I can't use a saying when I feel like it? Jeez!), but I think 15 and 17 ... but it might have been 16 and 17 - either way = :insane:


Oh joy!!! I heard Relax on the radio this afternoon!!


You can vote for it on the hot hits at http://www.thehothits.com.au (don't know where on the site you vote? They just said you could?)


I'm a little excited


Woah - awesome!!


Yeah, for me and OkD it is 730pm, everyone else it is 930pm.


I am babysitting a friends kids on my birthday (it's all good- I had nothing on anyway!)


Ah, at 7.30 I was sitting on a stopped delayed train panicking and looking at my watch saying "OMFG! IT'S STARTED! IT'S STARTED! OMFG!". You should have gone to see Frank Woodley for your birthday, last show is tomorrow, and I'm 99% sure it's nto sold out :das:


and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (for an hour and 14 minutes ago)


Right, and I have an awesome story to tell about Frank Woodley, but I have to go to bed because I have to go to work tomorrow. Soooo, toodle-oo's!


((And btw, I did the lazy "PM-style quote-splitting technique", of just typing [ quote] instea dof copy and pasting, but you're clever people, you can figure out it's the same person talking :P))

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOLS !!!!!!!!!!! :flowers2:










I performed a solo this evening :biggrin2: It was only for about 10 seconds, but still. And again tomorrow...


Thanks guys!


Are we still on page 91- it feels like forever that this has been the last page :shocked::naughty:

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Congrats on the solo ER, and so what if it was only 10 seconds, so long as it was a brilliant 10 seconds, hey?



I actually managed to catch the beginning of Take 40 tonight and they were playing snippets of new stuff from various people but they announced that Relax was new for Mika and they played the whole thing! And they kept using the soundbite of him saying "Hi, this is Mika". I must have heard that about half a dozen times and got excited each time before my brain kicked in and realised what it was lol. And they had him "talking", but I was on the phone at the time and I'm pretty sure it was just a bit from the interview with Andrew G last year, where he was talking about his music being a bit like emo. Soooo, maybe it won't be too long till we have Relax in the stores... I'm hoping they show the clip for Lollipop as well as for Relax. Cos I LOVE that clip!

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I performed a solo this evening :biggrin2: It was only for about 10 seconds, but still. And again tomorrow...


Awesome! Wooo! A solo in what?


Are we still on page 91- it feels like forever that this has been the last page :shocked::naughty:


I know :tears: What gives?


I slept through the whole afternoon today ... like 12-6 :blink:


The time I'd designated to studying for tomorrow's exam :sneaky2:

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Awesome! Wooo! A solo in what?




I know :tears: What gives?


I slept through the whole afternoon today ... like 12-6 :blink:


The time I'd designated to studying for tomorrow's exam :sneaky2:


*stern voice* You are incorrigible, young lady. Did you know that?

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Congrats on the solo ER, and so what if it was only 10 seconds, so long as it was a brilliant 10 seconds, hey?



I actually managed to catch the beginning of Take 40 tonight and they were playing snippets of new stuff from various people but they announced that Relax was new for Mika and they played the whole thing! And they kept using the soundbite of him saying "Hi, this is Mika". I must have heard that about half a dozen times and got excited each time before my brain kicked in and realised what it was lol. And they had him "talking", but I was on the phone at the time and I'm pretty sure it was just a bit from the interview with Andrew G last year, where he was talking about his music being a bit like emo. Soooo, maybe it won't be too long till we have Relax in the stores... I'm hoping they show the clip for Lollipop as well as for Relax. Cos I LOVE that clip!



I heard that this morning! I missed the intro but my ears pricked up when I heard Relax start! The kids got ****ty with me cause they were trying to talk to me while I danced around the kitchen like a mad cow! :naughty:


*stern voice* You are incorrigible, young lady. Did you know that?




(am jealous cos I could never get away with sleeping in the middle of the day like that no matter how I tried!) I actually had a pretty good nights sleep last night for the first time in about 5 years! The double Bailey's put me to sleep and kept me that way until 7 hours later! Yay!

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I actually managed to catch the beginning of Take 40 tonight and they were playing snippets of new stuff from various people but they announced that Relax was new for Mika and they played the whole thing! And they kept using the soundbite of him saying "Hi, this is Mika". I must have heard that about half a dozen times and got excited each time before my brain kicked in and realised what it was lol. And they had him "talking", but I was on the phone at the time and I'm pretty sure it was just a bit from the interview with Andrew G last year, where he was talking about his music being a bit like emo. Soooo, maybe it won't be too long till we have Relax in the stores... I'm hoping they show the clip for Lollipop as well as for Relax. Cos I LOVE that clip!




*stern voice* You are incorrigible, young lady. Did you know that?


*wonders what on earth this word means*

*takes it as a compliment*


I heard that this morning! I missed the intro but my ears pricked up when I heard Relax start! The kids got ****ty with me cause they were trying to talk to me while I danced around the kitchen like a mad cow!




(am jealous cos I could never get away with sleeping in the middle of the day like that no matter how I tried!) I actually had a pretty good nights sleep last night for the first time in about 5 years! The double Bailey's put me to sleep and kept me that way until 7 hours later! Yay!


Sucked in :P :P


Bianca's Fantastic Frank Woodley Report (resctricted to reduce whining)




(He had his hands a little bit like this in my brother's photo, which my friend pointed out to him, so he did it on purpose in mine. And I was reaaally not ready for the photo)



(Token arty picture of the theatre)




Too lazy to double-upload the rest, you can see them here: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=30005128&albumId=1094766 (accompanied by caption-story)


It was absolutely FANTASTIC. Frank Woodley is simply made of pure genius. It was a one man show, he was all the characters, and the basic story line was that he gets possessed by this Irish girl ghost and falls in love with her. Here's some videos: http://www.frankwoodley.com.au/videos.html (but only the first one works for me :tears: ... stupid computer)


Hmm, I'd have to say the one funniest/best thing that happened (in my eyes, anyway) was when these three girls walked in like 20 minutes late, and he stopped mid-sentence in the middle of a dramatic scene where he is trying to figure out who the ghost is to start harrassing the three late comers for like 10 minutes .. "Don't anyone be distracted by these three late people, don't look at them, those people walking down the aisle there ... those ones that are trying to be subtle, walking over people to get to their seats, and of course they're sitting right at the front, and in the middle..." *insert funny acting out of the subtle trying to get to seats* "... Don't know why they bothered even coming, no seriously, thanks for coming though.. etc etc etc etc" Then he finally gets back into the thing and goes back to the dramatic "Ohh, but who are you? Where did you-" *stops and turns to the three people* "Oh, by the way, I'm being possessed by this ghost" :lmfao: The whole time the three late girls are dieing of embarrassment/the extreme excellence of what is happening to them, and one of their's brother and his friend, sitting next to them, but who were on time, are dieing of laughing too much.

... I dunno if I need to spell it out to you or something, but WE were the late girls.


I could pretty much retell the entire show (er.. from where we started watching :naughty:) but people will probably whine again. Perhaps I'll write a blog or something...

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Haha! sounds brilliant!


Reminds me of when I was living in Sydney and a couple of girls from school came down from Brisbane and I took them to the Albury (famous for its drag queen shows) We were standing right at the front and got paid out during the entire show for being 3 straight young girls at a drag show!:naughty::naughty:

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Haha! sounds brilliant!


Reminds me of when I was living in Sydney and a couple of girls from school came down from Brisbane and I took them to the Albury (famous for its drag queen shows) We were standing right at the front and got paid out during the entire show for being 3 straight young girls at a drag show!:naughty::naughty:




That would've been awesome!

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Reminds me of when I was living in Sydney and a couple of girls from school came down from Brisbane and I took them to the Albury (famous for its drag queen shows) We were standing right at the front and got paid out during the entire show for being 3 straight young girls at a drag show!:naughty:


Haha! Fantastic!


Frank Woodley's Hilarious! :punk:


Hey everyone.


Hey :original:


Here's an interview about the show, it's best I could find, you are so not allowed to record in there :naughty: It's got a few clips in it .. well, it looks like him practicing a few clips, but whatever:


Aaaand, I can't resist telling at least one scene from it. Because I'm like that. Sorry. But this one is even a little bit mikamite-relevant at the beginning. :P


There's a little snippet in that video of him dressed as an old sailor guy, and their fricking talking over it, but this sailor guy talks in a STUPID whispy/croaky voice that's hardly a voice at all. No idea how he does it, or for so long, but it's very hilarious, so imagine this whispy voice for this entire scene :P


Frank's trying to help the ghost remember stuff so he can help her, and this model has just sparked her memory, so it cuts to a different scene, and a screen comes down and starts playing a cartoon and Frank comes out dressed as this sailor. Before he comes out he's singing "What can we do with a drunken sailor", and then he says (in the stupid whispy voice) "We had an intervention, tried to put him in rehab, but he said no-no-no!" Then he starts telling the story about the girl - "Pheobe and her sister were really poor, when they opened their purses it was just like 'flit-flit-flit' with moths flying out" *acting out the moths flying out of the purse accompanies the flit-flit sound* "Actually, no, they were so poor that they didn't have purses, it was just the moths going 'flit-flit-flit'. They had them trained up, and the followed them around and flew out when they needed to show how poor they were. It's really quite difficult to train moths, they had to do it from when they're little babies. They had to exert dominance over them, with a big stick 'whack'" *insert acting out whacking the moths and training it, etc* "Okay, no, I'm lieing, they didn't train moths ... - but I do. Yes, there's lots of steps to training moths. First you have to gain their trust .. by living like a moth for 6 months, then you have to gain the dominance - with the whacking stick" *insert a good five minutes of talking crap about how you train moths, still in the ridiculous whispy voice* "This guy at the front has been looking up at me this whole time like" *insert a 'wtf is this' face* "But, this is an extra bit, this isn't part of what your paying for, your getting this for free. You don't really have a right to complain about something that your getting extra for free. Well, I guess you might. Like, say you went into a shop and bought a Mars bar, and it said on the packet '10% extra free' you would think 'oh wow, awesome!', but then when you opened it and bit into it, it turned out that it was just a bit of poo on the end of the Mars bar, you would probably be pretty pissed off. I would complain to the shop keeper and be like 'what is this? Why is there poo on my Mars bar? Will you please explain why there is poo on my Mars bar? Why would you do that? Who does that? Poo on a mars bar? I'm not leaving until you explain to me why there is poo on my Mars bar!'" This goes on for quite some time, still in the stupid whispy voice, and then he finally ends it with "Yeah, so I guess you have a right to be a bit pissed off with the crap-ness of this scene" .. and then he actually goes back to talking about the poor sisters :lmfao:


Sorry. I think it goes without saying I again take no blame for any whining resulting from people having read that.

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I heard that this morning! I missed the intro but my ears pricked up when I heard Relax start! The kids got ****ty with me cause they were trying to talk to me while I danced around the kitchen like a mad cow! :naughty:






(am jealous cos I could never get away with sleeping in the middle of the day like that no matter how I tried!) I actually had a pretty good nights sleep last night for the first time in about 5 years! The double Bailey's put me to sleep and kept me that way until 7 hours later! Yay!


haha, I started screaming like a teenager and cranked up the radio and the kids came running and we were all dancing and I just knew that in the other room my hubby was gonna be sitting there shaking his head over me being all fangurly.

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