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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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haha, I started screaming like a teenager and cranked up the radio and the kids came running and we were all dancing and I just knew that in the other room my hubby was gonna be sitting there shaking his head over me being all fangurly.


Hahaha, hilarious.

*will most likely be the last person to hear it on the radio again*


Is it just me, or is Relax going the opposite to Big Girl? Like,

BG - millions of release dates, then release, then no publicity, no playing on radio.

Relax - no release dates, no release, publicity and playing on radio :blink::blink:

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Is it just me, or is Relax going the opposite to Big Girl? Like,BG - millions of release dates, then release, then no publicity, no playing on radio.

Relax - no release dates, no release, publicity and playing on radio :blink::blink:


It's Mika's highly professional management team in action again. :mf_rosetinted:

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Hahaha, hilarious.

*will most likely be the last person to hear it on the radio again*


Is it just me, or is Relax going the opposite to Big Girl? Like,

BG - millions of release dates, then release, then no publicity, no playing on radio.

Relax - no release dates, no release, publicity and playing on radio :blink::blink:


Well, fingers crossed it does the opposite of BG and makes it higher than 27 in the charts as well! Actually I have been hearing BG on the radio heaps lately- the other weekend I heard it 4 times on the one station between 7am and 1pm!

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I was so excited last week when I saw the Relax video on MusicMaxs new music show! And a bit stunned, as every other single has had released dates anticipated for weeks before (by us), and this was just out of the blue! I was so happy!


And also,-


I didn't quite make it within a year, but I have finally reached 200 posts! Yippee!

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Hahaha, hilarious.

*will most likely be the last person to hear it on the radio again*


Is it just me, or is Relax going the opposite to Big Girl? Like,

BG - millions of release dates, then release, then no publicity, no playing on radio.

Relax - no release dates, no release, publicity and playing on radio :blink::blink:


Strangely enough I hear BG on the radio all the time! At least once every couple of days, if not daily. I couldn't speak about the amount of publicity for it though, cos I'm oblivous to most of that.


Well, fingers crossed it does the opposite of BG and makes it higher than 27 in the charts as well! Actually I have been hearing BG on the radio heaps lately- the other weekend I heard it 4 times on the one station between 7am and 1pm!


I think BG was 19 on Take 40 last night and the previous weekend it was 13 on one of the other charts. I was quite impressed actually, as I didn't think it had done even that well and it took a little while to make a dent in the charts.


I was so excited last week when I saw the Relax video on MusicMaxs new music show! And a bit stunned, as every other single has had released dates anticipated for weeks before (by us), and this was just out of the blue! I was so happy!


And also,-


I didn't quite make it within a year, but I have finally reached 200 posts! Yippee!


Woohoo Mouselle!! Well done!


Oh and I meant to write about this last week but... Driving to school to pick up my son last week and listening to the radio where they have a quick segment called the SMS 3 at 3. And the first song they played (ie third place) was BG! Now I've always assumed that they do a tally of the song requests sent in by SMS and play the three most requested ones. So if that's the case, then there must have been a whole bunch of other people in Canberra sending in requests for BG, cos it certainly wasn't me and I doubt Mouselle did it all by herself, if she participated at all. What I'm getting at is, other people in Canberra like the song enough to request it and may also be Mika fans... Mouselle and I (and the silent MFCer who had dinner with us recently) may not be the only lonely ones. Which it certainly feels like sometimes... I wonder if there are any Canberran's over on Mikasounds...

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I MQed everything and then my computer died, and I'm not going to do it again now, so I'll just try and reply to what I can remember ...


All the things you want to send would surely be fine, especially vegemite. Your cousin is a dimwit, Tanya. I've brought vegemite into the US on a plane and they never said anything Unless they're now trying to keep it out simply because it's that revolting they don't want it in their country...


HA HA....lazy one!


I know that, I'm related to her :wink2:


Or dream about Mika




Keep 'em coming!


did you study?!



for my exam..um..it was the lowest mark i've ever gotten for accounting..

it was an 8 out of 10

oh well.


EDIT: so...almost forgot to ask you..

are you going to tell us what RBC stands for?


Of course she didn't!


*nose in air* No comment


We don't need her anymore, we've got Kelz to tell us:naughty:


That made me laugh


Heya Everyone. It's May And this is my 6000th post.

I wanted to make it special, but I can't be bothered..


Just Kidding..


Mini report on Tuesday's 3 Musketeers Melbourne Trip:

Vline, Bec's flat phone, Jelly Bellies, Train station ft. Scut, Trams, Pancake Parlour, Crappy table, Waiting for dessert, Stealing food from Bec and Scut, Warped Mirror, Cowboy Hunting, Caffeine withdrawals, Finding both = Success, Bono Moaning mp3 ft uncontrollable laughter, Sugar, Sugar and more Sugar, free Bus, Acting like Tourists, Carlton Gardens ft drunken behaviour, Invading school kids queue, nearly losing Scut in queue, worshiping U23D poster, Hearing Love Today on the overhead speakers, needing 2 pairs of 3D glasses , sock photos, snappy old grannys in seats in front of us, moving away from cranky grannys, *Insert multiple Bonogasms here*, Filming parts of U23D for Teegs, Calling Teegs, Leaving a message for Teegs, tramming ft fangurl behaviour, planning next trip..


Anyhow, Hope you are all good.. I'll be back in June




Sounds like you had a ball!


I've passed 2000 somewhere along the way and completely missed it! And I was hoping to do it in the Aussie thread too


YAY Congratulations 2000 Posts


My phone went for a swim tonight.

I dropped it in the gutter out the front of my house.

Normally it wouldn't matter,, but the fact I'm saying it went swimming is a Miracle!!!


You're lucky...mine went for a swim at the beach and never recovered....but on the plus side, I've got a better one now.


Can we watch


Pervert....not that there is anything wrong with that!:wink2:


we're getting closer to knowing the name!


I am extremely disappointed that you still haven't solved it!


Phew! I finally got a moment...I haven't been on here since...Wednesday? I didn't miss it much tbh...


*sniffs* Your dirty mind corner smells sluspiciously like cat pee...

Yeah, we know.


I think 'cock' is altogether a more essential body part than a blood clot.


Sure you didn't


I wouldn't be sniffing any corners on this thread :roftl:


Very true:roftl:





*wonders what on earth this word means*

*takes it as a compliment*


Bianca's Fantastic Frank Woodley Report (resctricted to reduce whining)


(He had his hands a little bit like this in my brother's photo, which my friend pointed out to him, so he did it on purpose in mine. And I was reaaally not ready for the photo)


Too lazy to double-upload the rest, you can see them here: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=30005128&albumId=1094766 (accompanied by caption-story)


It was absolutely FANTASTIC. Frank Woodley is simply made of pure genius. It was a one man show, he was all the characters, and the basic story line was that he gets possessed by this Irish girl ghost and falls in love with her. Here's some videos: http://www.frankwoodley.com.au/videos.html (but only the first one works for me ... stupid computer)


Hmm, I'd have to say the one funniest/best thing that happened (in my eyes, anyway) was when these three girls walked in like 20 minutes late, and he stopped mid-sentence in the middle of a dramatic scene where he is trying to figure out who the ghost is to start harrassing the three late comers for like 10 minutes .. "Don't anyone be distracted by these three late people, don't look at them, those people walking down the aisle there ... those ones that are trying to be subtle, walking over people to get to their seats, and of course they're sitting right at the front, and in the middle..." *insert funny acting out of the subtle trying to get to seats* "... Don't know why they bothered even coming, no seriously, thanks for coming though.. etc etc etc etc" Then he finally gets back into the thing and goes back to the dramatic "Ohh, but who are you? Where did you-" *stops and turns to the three people* "Oh, by the way, I'm being possessed by this ghost" The whole time the three late girls are dieing of embarrassment/the extreme excellence of what is happening to them, and one of their's brother and his friend, sitting next to them, but who were on time, are dieing of laughing too much.

... I dunno if I need to spell it out to you or something, but WE were the late girls.


I could pretty much retell the entire show (er.. from where we started watching ) but people will probably whine again. Perhaps I'll write a blog or something...


You would take it as a compliment!


Reduced reports are not acceptable here.


Cool pics!


Serves 'em right for being late!

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It's Mika's highly professional management team in action again. :mf_rosetinted:



We don't need her anymore, we've got Kelz to tell us:naughty:

Apparently, I was wrong though.. :sneaky2:


Must be some kind of random OD talk that doesn't even make sense then...




Sounds like you had a ball!

Thanks! And we did!!

You're lucky...mine went for a swim at the beach and never recovered....but on the plus side, I've got a better one now.

Well done! :roftl:

Pervert....not that there is anything wrong with that!:wink2:

Anyone who says they aren't a perv is a liar..


On that note.. Hey Pervs!! :punk:

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Well, fingers crossed it does the opposite of BG and makes it higher than 27 in the charts as well! Actually I have been hearing BG on the radio heaps lately- the other weekend I heard it 4 times on the one station between 7am and 1pm!


Yay! Me too, I hear it quite often now :cheerful_h4h:


I was so excited last week when I saw the Relax video on MusicMaxs new music show! And a bit stunned, as every other single has had released dates anticipated for weeks before (by us), and this was just out of the blue! I was so happy!


And also,-


I didn't quite make it within a year, but I have finally reached 200 posts! Yippee!


Exactly what I was saying!




Oh and I meant to write about this last week but... Driving to school to pick up my son last week and listening to the radio where they have a quick segment called the SMS 3 at 3. And the first song they played (ie third place) was BG! Now I've always assumed that they do a tally of the song requests sent in by SMS and play the three most requested ones. So if that's the case, then there must have been a whole bunch of other people in Canberra sending in requests for BG, cos it certainly wasn't me and I doubt Mouselle did it all by herself, if she participated at all. What I'm getting at is, other people in Canberra like the song enough to request it and may also be Mika fans... Mouselle and I (and the silent MFCer who had dinner with us recently) may not be the only lonely ones. Which it certainly feels like sometimes... I wonder if there are any Canberran's over on Mikasounds...




I know that, I'm related to her




Reduced reports are not acceptable here.


Well darn it.


Serves 'em right for being late!




Apparently, I was wrong though..


Yup, no one's got it yet. Not a single one of the words.


Must be some kind of random OD talk that doesn't even make sense then... [/colour]




On that note.. Hey Pervs!!



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Right, so I got the physio exam back. Looks like the exam gods didn't appreciate my blood sacrifice. I got 38% :naughty:

And I did ****ty on my exam today as well.


I think (:shocked::shocked::shocked:) I may try and stay away from MFC for the most part until the holidays ... or at least try and study every day and stuff. I'm not saying I'm leaving or anything, just that I'm not going to spend 8 hours on MFC every day, obsessively refreshing my 'User CP' page looking for replies :naughty:

... if I fail any one class I get kicked out :boxed:

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I was so excited last week when I saw the Relax video on MusicMaxs new music show! And a bit stunned, as every other single has had released dates anticipated for weeks before (by us), and this was just out of the blue! I was so happy!


And also,-


I didn't quite make it within a year, but I have finally reached 200 posts! Yippee!

CONGRATS. MOUSELLE ON 200 POSTS !!!! YAY !!!! :flowers2::woot_jump:


Heya fellow PERVS !!! :lmfao::naughty:

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Apparently, I was wrong though..


Must be some kind of random OD talk that doesn't even make sense then...


Well done!


Anyone who says they aren't a perv is a liar..



Love the smiley!


Since when does anything she ever says make snse:fisch:


I'm impressive, I know it! Oh, and I already lost my new phone at Telstra Dome on Sunday...we checked every toilet on the level (that's where I thought I'd lost it)...I rang and had the sim card blocked....kept trying the phone all night and when we got back to the car we're driving along Flinders Street and I could hear Mika's laugh in the distance.....this went on for about 15 minutes before we realised my phone was on the outside of the car caught between the windscreen wiper and the windscreen...no wonder we we're getting weird looks, especially when we stoped the car so I could get out and get it *is now sorry she changed her ring tone*


I am proud to be a perv and I practice as often as I can:naughty:


Yup, no one's got it yet. Not a single one of the words.


Damn....I guess we do need you after all....

Em and I have missed you so much OD :wub2:


Right, so I got the physio exam back. Looks like the exam gods didn't appreciate my blood sacrifice. I got 38%

And I did ****ty on my exam today as well.


I think (:shocked:) I may try and stay away from MFC for the most part until the holidays ... or at least try and study every day and stuff. I'm not saying I'm leaving or anything, just that I'm not going to spend 8 hours on MFC every day, obsessively refreshing my 'User CP' page looking for replies

... if I fail any one class I get kicked out


:shocked: OMG OD, that's awful...I'm sorry....but don't panic yet, you might not have done as badly on today's exam as you think. Don't cut yourself off from MFC altogether, you still need study breaks.


Good luck...you know what to do if you need any help...within reason considering you know who dim I am:wink2:


I haven't been that nice for a long time....I think I need a lie down to recover.

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CONGRATS. MOUSELLE ON 200 POSTS !!!! YAY !!!! :flowers2::woot_jump:


Heya fellow PERVS !!! :lmfao::naughty:


Hi HK:wub2:...yet another proud perv:naughty:


I missed that one....how rude! Congratulations on 200 posts Mouselle

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Since when does anything she ever says make snse:fisch:


I could hear Mika's laugh in the distance.....this went on for about 15 minutes before we realised my phone was on the outside of the car caught between the windscreen wiper and the windscreen...no wonder we we're getting weird looks, especially when we stoped the car so I could get out and get it *is now sorry she changed her ring tone*


:roftl::thumb_yello: Impressive. How the hell did you get it there?


:shocked: OMG OD, that's awful...I'm sorry....but don't panic yet, you might not have done as badly on today's exam as you think. Don't cut yourself off from MFC altogether, you still need study breaks.


Good luck...you know what to do if you need any help...within reason considering you know who dim I am


I haven't been that nice for a long time....I think I need a lie down to recover.


Don't kid yourself, you think I would've started studying yet? Pshhh. I've been adding things to my facebook instead :insane:

Dammit. It's just that I skip practically all my lectures, so then when I get exams all I can do is skim over the lecture notes/slides the day before, and then if I don't get through it all I don't even have a clue. Stupid really. So I want to catch up on all my lectures properly by my final exams, and that's in three weeks. And I have a good ... *uses calculator* 144 hours of lectures to listen to. Which means ... actually spending time doing school stuff at home. :insane:

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Hey, could you guys do me a huge favour? :wub2: (yeah, still not studying)




Me and my friends are going to order some of these to sell through the year to fundraise for Costa Rica. But it's kind of hard to pick which ones to order, because it's just going by our own tastes, and one of us doesn't even eat chocolate :naughty: So yeah, could you tell me which ones you would buy yourself? Or which ones you think would sell the best?



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Hi HK:wub2:...yet another proud perv:naughty:


I missed that one....how rude! Congratulations on 200 posts Mouselle

Hey Tan !! :huglove: .... Proud Perv ... :lmfao: .... PP !!!! :naughty:

Impressive. How the hell did you get it there?




Don't kid yourself, you think I would've started studying yet? Pshhh. I've been adding things to my facebook instead

Dammit. It's just that I skip practically all my lectures, so then when I get exams all I can do is skim over the lecture notes/slides the day before, and then if I don't get through it all I don't even have a clue. Stupid really. So I want to catch up on all my lectures properly by my final exams, and that's in three weeks. And I have a good ... *uses calculator* 144 hours of lectures to listen to. Which means ... actually spending time doing school stuff at home. :insane:

WOW OKD ..... did you have a break before entering uni/college ??? I've heard that getting into vet studies requires a higher pass score than (human) medicine ..... maybe you are just burnt out & need to defer for a year ... ??? :blink:

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HK has a good point there....maybe you should defer and have some you time!


:roftl::thumb_yello: Impressive. How the hell did you get it there?


Don't kid yourself, you think I would've started studying yet? Pshhh. I've been adding things to my facebook instead :insane:

Dammit. It's just that I skip practically all my lectures, so then when I get exams all I can do is skim over the lecture notes/slides the day before, and then if I don't get through it all I don't even have a clue. Stupid really. So I want to catch up on all my lectures properly by my final exams, and that's in three weeks. And I have a good ... *uses calculator* 144 hours of lectures to listen to. Which means ... actually spending time doing school stuff at home. :insane:


We're still trying to figure that out...I reckon I must have put it down while I put my jacket on...although it was on the drivers side and I wasn't driving!!!!....and how come nobody heard it when they were walking to the stadium????


I was giving you the benefit of the doubt coz I'm always on your back:wink2:


Hey, could you guys do me a huge favour? :wub2: (yeah, still not studying)




Me and my friends are going to order some of these to sell through the year to fundraise for Costa Rica. But it's kind of hard to pick which ones to order, because it's just going by our own tastes, and one of us doesn't even eat chocolate :naughty: So yeah, could you tell me which ones you would buy yourself? Or which ones you think would sell the best?


Oh, I can answer this...we do this at work.....The $2.00 items, picnics and summer rolls. Summer Rolls usually sell out first and within the first day. I think it's because people fool themselves into thinking they're better for them!

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Hey, could you guys do me a huge favour? :wub2: (yeah, still not studying)




Me and my friends are going to order some of these to sell through the year to fundraise for Costa Rica. But it's kind of hard to pick which ones to order, because it's just going by our own tastes, and one of us doesn't even eat chocolate :naughty: So yeah, could you tell me which ones you would buy yourself? Or which ones you think would sell the best?




I'd go these from $1 lot:

Freddo® Dairy Milk® milk chocolate 38g frog

Caramello Koala® 40g

Freddo® Twin Peppermint 40g frog

Crunchie® 30g bar

Picnic® 35g bar

Europe® Summer Roll® 40g bar


And these from the $2 lot:

Dairy Milk® milk chocolate 85g block

Dairy Milk® Fruit and Nut 85g bloc

Dairy Milk® Top Deck® 85g block

The Natural Confectionery Co.® Natural Snakes 130g bag

The Natural Confectionery Co.® Mixed Jellies 130g bag


From the $3 Easter lot:

Cadbury® Mini eggs 100g bag

Cadbury® Crème Egg® minis 100g bag


And definitely the Cadbury Favourites


Want me to delete more off the list?

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WOW OKD ..... did you have a break before entering uni/college ??? I've heard that getting into vet studies requires a higher pass score than (human) medicine ..... maybe you are just burnt out & need to defer for a year ... ???


HK has a good point there....maybe you should defer and have some you time!


Nope, can't defer vet school, you have to do it all straight in a row or your degree doesn't count. So you have to pass everything too :original:

I just have to catch up on this semester. Then I have 7 weeks off. :bleh:


OKD ... I don't eat that much chocolate either .... however, I would have thought that some kind multi- variety pack would sell the most !!


Yeah, I was thinkign the mroe variety the more people would buy, so we have to buy a bunch of them and mix them together. Well, we have to buy at least $300 worth to order them anyway.


We're still trying to figure that out...I reckon I must have put it down while I put my jacket on...although it was on the drivers side and I wasn't driving!!!!....and how come nobody heard it when they were walking to the stadium????




I was giving you the benefit of the doubt coz I'm always on your back


Nuh-uh! I said it here so you would get on my back when I sit here refreshing all night. Like now. :naughty:


Oh, I can answer this...we do this at work.....The $2.00 items, picnics and summer rolls. Summer Rolls usually sell out first and within the first day. I think it's because people fool themselves into thinking they're better for them!


I'd go these from $1 lot:

Freddo® Dairy Milk® milk chocolate 38g frog

Caramello Koala® 40g

Freddo® Twin Peppermint 40g frog

Crunchie® 30g bar

Picnic® 35g bar

Europe® Summer Roll® 40g bar


And these from the $2 lot:

Dairy Milk® milk chocolate 85g block

Dairy Milk® Fruit and Nut 85g block

Dairy Milk® Top Deck® 85g block

The Natural Confectionery Co.® Natural Snakes 130g bag

The Natural Confectionery Co.® Mixed Jellies 130g bag


From the $3 Easter lot:

Cadbury® Mini eggs 100g bag

Cadbury® Crème Egg® minis 100g bag


And definitely the Cadbury Favourites


Want me to delete more off the list?


Really? Summer rolls? That was like the first thing we agreed on, that they wouldn't sell :P I guess I'm going by .. like high school. I guess we'll predominantly be trying to sell them at uni, do you think uni students are more healthy? And at work I spose ... Kmart, and possibly our parents' work :P

Easter eggs - would a lot of people buy them, do you think? Especially at ... not easter?

And we're not sure about the gummis, like .. we don't eat them ... I dunno, do a lot of people buy them do you think?

(I really do want your opinions/experience :wink2::biggrin2:)


Arj Barker on GNW now :-D But too late for you guys I guess.

Did anyone watch that hwo to look good naked show?

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You could easily just get the following and sell out:

Freddo® Dairy Milk® milk chocolate 38g frog

Caramello Koala® 40g

Freddo® Twin Peppermint 40g frog

Crunchie® 30g bar

Picnic® 35g bar

Europe® Summer Roll® 40g bar

Dairy Milk® milk chocolate 85g block

Dairy Milk® Fruit and Nut 85g block

The Natural Confectionery Co.® Natural Snakes 130g bag

Cadbury Favourites


Anything else was just for variety reasons..

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You could easily just get the following and sell out:

Freddo® Dairy Milk® milk chocolate 38g frog

Caramello Koala® 40g

Freddo® Twin Peppermint 40g frog

Crunchie® 30g bar

Picnic® 35g bar

Europe® Summer Roll® 40g bar

Dairy Milk® milk chocolate 85g block

Dairy Milk® Fruit and Nut 85g block

The Natural Confectionery Co.® Natural Snakes 130g bag

Cadbury Favourites


Anything else was just for variety reasons..


Yup Kelz !:thumb_yello: Mind you .. i must say I don't mind the odd bit of 'Time Out' or 'Cherry Ripe' also !! :biggrin2:


Thanks guys. It's good to get different opinions. I personally hate mint-chocolate :naughty: and would never concider buyign a summer roll :bleh:


Has anyone else been watchign GNW? I only just near the end realised I shoudl ahve been writing down the citizenship questions for asking new honoraries, so I've only gotten a few that I could remember:


Our land is girt by: a)sea, b)eh? or c) bees.


What did the swagman put in his tuckerbag at the billabong: a) a jumbuck, b) a coolabah tree, c) a pokemon.


Pharlap was: a) a condition caused by too many lap dances, b) a horse, or c) phar kew’s brother.


What is a wombat? A) a marsupial, b) an implement for playing wom, or c) i can't remember the third option


The animals on Australian coat of arms are: a) a kangaroo and emu, b) fornicating, or c) available in smaller pieces in the gift shop.

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