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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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My friend and my mum are saying they don't think the entertainment book sare a good idea because we wont be able to sell them? :blink: Do you think we would be able to sell them?


Look, I have not really ever done any fundraising so I can't really comment, but I know traditionally it's larger organisations that use it to fundraise, and then they prob sell 300-500 minimum, so it may not be the best way to go. If anyone else has any great fundraising ideas let us know!

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Look, I have not really ever done any fundraising so I can't really comment, but I know traditionally it's larger organisations that use it to fundraise, and then they prob sell 300-500 minimum, so it may not be the best way to go. If anyone else has any great fundraising ideas let us know!


:original: Hmm, yeah. I think so...



btw, I bought the Mika piano book today! :punk:

I just saw it, and I've been looking for so long, I just spazzed out and bought it. For $40, even though I know you can get it online for under $30 :bleh:

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Ahh awesome!


they sound awesome!



Awesome! :punk:


WTF? Am I a broken record or something? Awesome! :insane:


Hello!!!! I just realized that I have never been in this thread! So, I wanted to say HELLO!!!!!! :bleh:


HELLO! :bleh::yay:


I'm going to bed now :bleh:

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So, I'm finally done with classes but not class work. :thumbdown:


I picked up our school newspaper that comes out every Friday and as I turned the page I ended up on our Spring Day pictures... guess who has the biggest picture on the page right in the middle?


That's right... it's me riding the mechanical bull. :shocked:


My exact words when I saw it, "oh... my.... god.... oh dear." :jawdrop:

I guess the photographer didn't go to Spring Day until the last hour like I did. I'm surprised she even caught a picture of me sitting on it. :naughty:

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Just watched your video jen :punk::biggrin2::wub2:




So jealous! And you wrote the music at the end? Awesome! :punk:


I'm going to try to go to the lab and put all my video clips together even though I have a looot of them.


Yup I made the music at the end with a program that's on my computer. I have I think two other songs that I made but that's the first one I clicked on. I like how right as the music changes the Eiffel Tower sparkling shows up on that exact beat.

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Now just a quick hello to Teegs, nice to see you around(ish) again.


P.J. what is the name of the music program you use on your comp?


OD, sorry if the Entertainment Gold books is not a good idea, it just jumped into my head at the time...


And hello to all the other Aussies and visitors. I never seem to see anyone anymore.... :tears:

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Now just a quick hello to Teegs, nice to see you around(ish) again.


P.J. what is the name of the music program you use on your comp?


OD, sorry if the Entertainment Gold books is not a good idea, it just jumped into my head at the time...


And hello to all the other Aussies and visitors. I never seem to see anyone anymore.... :tears:




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OMG! I never noticed the drool smiley...:drool:

It's so fitting for this forum! I'm amazed there wasn't one before...I mean, how many times do you see someone saying *drools* when surfing MFC? Now it can be replaced with that little guy...:drool:

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OMG! I never noticed the drool smiley...:drool:

It's so fitting for this forum! I'm amazed there wasn't one before...I mean, how many times do you see someone saying *drools* when surfing MFC? Now it can be replaced with that little guy...:drool:



i love it



Good Afternoon fellow Mikamites !! :biggrin2:


HIYA HK!! :biggrin2:

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it is officially my favorite smiley!


i didn't know about it until minutes ago..:drool:

:roftl: There are a few new smileys ... Standard Toaster put them in for us !! :drool:

I used GarageBand. It came with my mac except for some reason I didn't get all of the music files that come with it.

Hiya Peej !! I have a Mac too !! :biggrin2::drool:

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